That night Anna couldn't get to sleep. What had happened was not at all in her estimation... After they had made love, they were left to cuddle in their room. Then when she left, Ana invited her to stay for dinner. It wasn't a problem since her parents had gone to the theater and she had to dine alone. So she accepted with pleasure, but the surprises of the day were not over.
It must have been the wine, the chili pepper put in the empanadas, the warm atmosphere of South American music, the fact is that just like in the movie "The Postman Always Knocks Twice", the kitchen table, semi-cleared from the leftovers of the dinner, was witness and spectator of another love performance between the two friends.
Now she had already been in bed for over an hour and was not sleeping. She turned and turned. The way she touched the pillow after 5 minutes she slept.
"What's happening to me?" she wondered. She who had never thought it possible to make love to another woman. And she thought about all the times she masturbated thinking about her brother-in-law's brother-in-law, or her favorite actor.
And inevitably the thought went to her relationships with men.
Sandro her first boyfriend was passionate, but too much, too possessive and jealous. Bruno was the exact opposite. Not very passionate, and also very careless.
Here comes Ana now. She thought about the intensity of her kisses. Her attention, her dedication to giving pleasure, her ability to look inside you.
She was confused. She looked at her watch: 2:40. She got up, went to the kitchen and had a glass of water.
She went back to bed, but her thoughts returned. Finally at about 3:50, Morpheus pitifully took her in his arms.
"Good morning, sleepyhead, it's 9:30. It's about time you got up," said his mother as she opened the door to his room. "But Mama, today is Sunday." "So what? Isn't that enough? When we got home you were already in bed. I'd just gone to bed, but I fell asleep very late. Breakfast is ready. I'm coming.
She put on her pajamas and went to the kitchen. He said goodbye to his father.
"So how did it go at the theater?" "It was fun fortunately, and how did it go for you?" "Well, it was a very interesting visit." "But didn't you eat anything last night?" asked his mother. "No, I ate at her place."
Father and mother began a little interrogation, from which she disengaged herself under the pretext of going to the toilet.
She was supposed to study that Sunday, but she finished very little. In the early afternoon she recovered some sleep, then tried to study, but as in the night just gone by, her mind wandered, unable to concentrate. She was alone in the house.
Suddenly she got up from her desk, took off her pajama shorts and lay on the bed. She closed her eyes, took one hand to her vagina and began to caress herself as she stroked her breast with the other hand. With his eyes closed he saw Ana's face and lips. A little clitoris massage was enough to make her orgasm explode.
She felt relatively paid and returned to the studio. But what she thought was a parenthesis soon turned out to be an illness. She often found herself thinking about Ana. While studying or doing chores, even
when he was watching TV, his mind went blank.
Until the following Wednesday, while he was at the academy, he received a phone call from Ana. "Hi, how are you?" "Very well, you?" he replied, "Me too, thanks. You know, I've been thinking about you." "Me too," replied Anna, bewitched by Ana's voice, by that Italian of hers with a strong Spanish influence. "Telepathy?" Ana said. They both replied, then Ana said, "I'd like to see you again." "Me too, shall we have dinner tonight?" "Muy bien, shall we have dinner together?" "Yes".
In the middle of the afternoon, when her mother came home from work, she got ready and told her she was going to dinner at Ana's house. "How come?" asked her mother, "She's very knowledgeable in art history and can help me with my studies," cut her daughter short.
As she got off the bus and walked to the gate, her heart began to beat faster. She came up, rang the bell, opened the door. "Hi Anna" "Hi" "What are you doing not coming in?". By the time they closed the door behind them, they were glued together by the lips. Then caresses and hugs. Slowly, almost holding their lips together, they moved into the bedroom. And here was a battle of the senses.
Then came the quiet after the storm that found them lying on top of each other. Ana gently caressing her face, her eyebrows, her Italian friend's mouth.
"I feel very good when I'm with you. You give meaning to the passing of the days, to my life." He expected Anna to say something too, but she didn't open her mouth. "What about you?" Ana urged. "Yes... I'm fine too." "But?" Ana asked, not feeling convinced. "I'm not sure. I don't know what I feel, what's happening to me." "Hey? Look, I just asked if you're okay. Which is what's most important when we're together. For the rest, just leave it to time. As you say in Italy, "if they are roses, they will bloom. The important thing is that you live your life, be what you feel you are and don't give up your dreams."
They got up and went to the kitchen to prepare a frugal dinner of cheese and salads, accompanied by a Barbera.
After dinner they went to have coffee sitting on the sofa in the living room, and flipping through the erotic photo album a certain warmth began to meander inside Anna. Ana's slightly hoarse and masculine voice, commenting on the photos with that Spanish cadence only increased the excitement and erotic tension. At a certain point Anna blocked Ana's hand, removed the album with firm determination and placed it on the small table. Then she looked into her eyes for a moment, then she threw herself at her, her mouths searched and her tongues fought.
Then in an unusual fury he pulled up her dress, got down on his knees and sank his face between Ana's thighs. "My little one, you drive me crazy" were the words that Ana managed to say after a while among the forest of spasms and moans.
She came home around midnight. "Why at this hour?" her mother told her as soon as she came in.
"At this hour? It's not even midnight! We stayed and chatted," replied her annoyed daughter.
She went to bed, and this time, unlike the other evenings, she fell asleep earlier. Not right away, because the confrontations between Ana and the men started again, but that day she had paid a lot of money for her senses. So within an hour she fell asleep.
On Tuesday afternoon she had been invited by Antonio, a friend of hers from the academy who was courting her and she did not mind, to his home.
The usual ritual: shower, light make-up, dressing and perfume. This time she wore a jeans miniskirt and a simple T-shirt. Medium heeled shoes.
She took the subway and at the exit she found Antonio waiting for her as her house was badly served by buses. They arrived at the house and sat down in the living room.
"What can I offer you? Iced tea, beer, Tropical, fruit juice?" "Will you make the tropical?" "Of course." "Then go for the tropical."
Antonio went into the kitchen and soon returned with two glasses of the same drink. He put the glasses on the coffee table, went to the hi-fi and put some music on. Then he sat down on the sofa next to Anna and took his glass and touched his friend's glass and toasted to their health. Without speaking, he started to caress her hair, finally he put his glass down, approached her and started kissing her passionately.
Anna did not let him pray and answered with desire to the advances of the boy whose hands were taking care of her body. One went from face to breast, the other insisted on sneaking into her vagina.
Then taken by passion, they began to undress each other and when Anna began to pull off his pants, she noticed the bulge under Antonio's boxer shorts. The friend, already in full excitement, lowered his panties with his thumb showing his penis in total erection. He took Anna's head in his hands and approached her centre of gravity. After a bit of fellatio, he pushed her away, laid her down on the couch and reciprocated by plunging his head between Anna's thighs.
She closed her eyes and strangely enough the thought went to Ana. Her mind wasn't there. It was only present with the body. She tried not to think about it and concentrate on Antonio. But her nipples and clitoris weren't numbed like when she copulated with Ana.
Evidently something was wrong. Evidently the boy was not fully satisfying her, because Ana's image, her mouth, her voice, her tongue, came back to Anna's mind.
Although they changed positions several times, the coitus didn't last long. Anna reached orgasm, but it was not beautiful, intense, strong, like those experienced with Ana. She didn't get as wet as she did with Ana.
She returned home, but both during the journey and later in the evening, and when she went to bed, she was head in the clouds. She was unsatisfied, bitter, confused.
"Vruum, vruum, vruum. Anna looked at the mobile phone to which she had left the vibrato function. It was Ana, but at that moment she couldn't answer because she was busy in class at the Academy.
As soon as she could, she left the classroom and called her back.
"Hi, how are you? If I don't call you, I won't hear from you," Ana said when she answered. "You're right, I'm unforgivable." "No, you're not unforgivable, you're adorable, maybe I'm obsessive, but you know, when I like someone, I like to hear them. Even to say a couple of stupid things, have a couple of laughs." "You're not wrong at all, I like to hear the voice of people I like too. It's just that it's a hot day, like I said, I'm really busy." "Do you think we can see each other one of these days?" "I don't know. I'll let you know." "All right, then I won't call you. I don't like to be pushy and put pressure on. Whenever you want, I'll be very happy to. Even if we can't see each other, I just need to hear from you. Bye." "Bye, Ana." She closed the call and immediately felt upset, but with a sense of fullness. Why, when she heard or saw Ana, did she feel confused, but satisfied, relaxed, almost happy?
After lunch she washed the dishes and began to study. But after a while her mind began to wander and think about Ana. When she got back to her mother's house, she got ready to go out. "Where are you going?" her mother asked.
"I have to stop by the bookstore, I don't know how long it'll take, bye."
He took the bus and when he got off near Ana's house, his heart began to beat faster.
The closer it got, the faster the heart beat. It rang. Luckily he was in the house and opened them
He came running to the piano and found her waiting with the door open. "What's going on? I wasn't expecting you at all," Ana said. She took a breath, then smiled and said, "Ana, I love you." "I love you too, my love."
Her lips tightened and the door closed behind them.
It must have been the wine, the chili pepper put in the empanadas, the warm atmosphere of South American music, the fact is that just like in the movie "The Postman Always Knocks Twice", the kitchen table, semi-cleared from the leftovers of the dinner, was witness and spectator of another love performance between the two friends.
Now she had already been in bed for over an hour and was not sleeping. She turned and turned. The way she touched the pillow after 5 minutes she slept.
"What's happening to me?" she wondered. She who had never thought it possible to make love to another woman. And she thought about all the times she masturbated thinking about her brother-in-law's brother-in-law, or her favorite actor.
And inevitably the thought went to her relationships with men.
Sandro her first boyfriend was passionate, but too much, too possessive and jealous. Bruno was the exact opposite. Not very passionate, and also very careless.
Here comes Ana now. She thought about the intensity of her kisses. Her attention, her dedication to giving pleasure, her ability to look inside you.
She was confused. She looked at her watch: 2:40. She got up, went to the kitchen and had a glass of water.
She went back to bed, but her thoughts returned. Finally at about 3:50, Morpheus pitifully took her in his arms.
"Good morning, sleepyhead, it's 9:30. It's about time you got up," said his mother as she opened the door to his room. "But Mama, today is Sunday." "So what? Isn't that enough? When we got home you were already in bed. I'd just gone to bed, but I fell asleep very late. Breakfast is ready. I'm coming.
She put on her pajamas and went to the kitchen. He said goodbye to his father.
"So how did it go at the theater?" "It was fun fortunately, and how did it go for you?" "Well, it was a very interesting visit." "But didn't you eat anything last night?" asked his mother. "No, I ate at her place."
Father and mother began a little interrogation, from which she disengaged herself under the pretext of going to the toilet.
She was supposed to study that Sunday, but she finished very little. In the early afternoon she recovered some sleep, then tried to study, but as in the night just gone by, her mind wandered, unable to concentrate. She was alone in the house.
Suddenly she got up from her desk, took off her pajama shorts and lay on the bed. She closed her eyes, took one hand to her vagina and began to caress herself as she stroked her breast with the other hand. With his eyes closed he saw Ana's face and lips. A little clitoris massage was enough to make her orgasm explode.
She felt relatively paid and returned to the studio. But what she thought was a parenthesis soon turned out to be an illness. She often found herself thinking about Ana. While studying or doing chores, even
when he was watching TV, his mind went blank.
Until the following Wednesday, while he was at the academy, he received a phone call from Ana. "Hi, how are you?" "Very well, you?" he replied, "Me too, thanks. You know, I've been thinking about you." "Me too," replied Anna, bewitched by Ana's voice, by that Italian of hers with a strong Spanish influence. "Telepathy?" Ana said. They both replied, then Ana said, "I'd like to see you again." "Me too, shall we have dinner tonight?" "Muy bien, shall we have dinner together?" "Yes".
In the middle of the afternoon, when her mother came home from work, she got ready and told her she was going to dinner at Ana's house. "How come?" asked her mother, "She's very knowledgeable in art history and can help me with my studies," cut her daughter short.
As she got off the bus and walked to the gate, her heart began to beat faster. She came up, rang the bell, opened the door. "Hi Anna" "Hi" "What are you doing not coming in?". By the time they closed the door behind them, they were glued together by the lips. Then caresses and hugs. Slowly, almost holding their lips together, they moved into the bedroom. And here was a battle of the senses.
Then came the quiet after the storm that found them lying on top of each other. Ana gently caressing her face, her eyebrows, her Italian friend's mouth.
"I feel very good when I'm with you. You give meaning to the passing of the days, to my life." He expected Anna to say something too, but she didn't open her mouth. "What about you?" Ana urged. "Yes... I'm fine too." "But?" Ana asked, not feeling convinced. "I'm not sure. I don't know what I feel, what's happening to me." "Hey? Look, I just asked if you're okay. Which is what's most important when we're together. For the rest, just leave it to time. As you say in Italy, "if they are roses, they will bloom. The important thing is that you live your life, be what you feel you are and don't give up your dreams."
They got up and went to the kitchen to prepare a frugal dinner of cheese and salads, accompanied by a Barbera.
After dinner they went to have coffee sitting on the sofa in the living room, and flipping through the erotic photo album a certain warmth began to meander inside Anna. Ana's slightly hoarse and masculine voice, commenting on the photos with that Spanish cadence only increased the excitement and erotic tension. At a certain point Anna blocked Ana's hand, removed the album with firm determination and placed it on the small table. Then she looked into her eyes for a moment, then she threw herself at her, her mouths searched and her tongues fought.
Then in an unusual fury he pulled up her dress, got down on his knees and sank his face between Ana's thighs. "My little one, you drive me crazy" were the words that Ana managed to say after a while among the forest of spasms and moans.
She came home around midnight. "Why at this hour?" her mother told her as soon as she came in.
"At this hour? It's not even midnight! We stayed and chatted," replied her annoyed daughter.
She went to bed, and this time, unlike the other evenings, she fell asleep earlier. Not right away, because the confrontations between Ana and the men started again, but that day she had paid a lot of money for her senses. So within an hour she fell asleep.
On Tuesday afternoon she had been invited by Antonio, a friend of hers from the academy who was courting her and she did not mind, to his home.
The usual ritual: shower, light make-up, dressing and perfume. This time she wore a jeans miniskirt and a simple T-shirt. Medium heeled shoes.
She took the subway and at the exit she found Antonio waiting for her as her house was badly served by buses. They arrived at the house and sat down in the living room.
"What can I offer you? Iced tea, beer, Tropical, fruit juice?" "Will you make the tropical?" "Of course." "Then go for the tropical."
Antonio went into the kitchen and soon returned with two glasses of the same drink. He put the glasses on the coffee table, went to the hi-fi and put some music on. Then he sat down on the sofa next to Anna and took his glass and touched his friend's glass and toasted to their health. Without speaking, he started to caress her hair, finally he put his glass down, approached her and started kissing her passionately.
Anna did not let him pray and answered with desire to the advances of the boy whose hands were taking care of her body. One went from face to breast, the other insisted on sneaking into her vagina.
Then taken by passion, they began to undress each other and when Anna began to pull off his pants, she noticed the bulge under Antonio's boxer shorts. The friend, already in full excitement, lowered his panties with his thumb showing his penis in total erection. He took Anna's head in his hands and approached her centre of gravity. After a bit of fellatio, he pushed her away, laid her down on the couch and reciprocated by plunging his head between Anna's thighs.
She closed her eyes and strangely enough the thought went to Ana. Her mind wasn't there. It was only present with the body. She tried not to think about it and concentrate on Antonio. But her nipples and clitoris weren't numbed like when she copulated with Ana.
Evidently something was wrong. Evidently the boy was not fully satisfying her, because Ana's image, her mouth, her voice, her tongue, came back to Anna's mind.
Although they changed positions several times, the coitus didn't last long. Anna reached orgasm, but it was not beautiful, intense, strong, like those experienced with Ana. She didn't get as wet as she did with Ana.
She returned home, but both during the journey and later in the evening, and when she went to bed, she was head in the clouds. She was unsatisfied, bitter, confused.
"Vruum, vruum, vruum. Anna looked at the mobile phone to which she had left the vibrato function. It was Ana, but at that moment she couldn't answer because she was busy in class at the Academy.
As soon as she could, she left the classroom and called her back.
"Hi, how are you? If I don't call you, I won't hear from you," Ana said when she answered. "You're right, I'm unforgivable." "No, you're not unforgivable, you're adorable, maybe I'm obsessive, but you know, when I like someone, I like to hear them. Even to say a couple of stupid things, have a couple of laughs." "You're not wrong at all, I like to hear the voice of people I like too. It's just that it's a hot day, like I said, I'm really busy." "Do you think we can see each other one of these days?" "I don't know. I'll let you know." "All right, then I won't call you. I don't like to be pushy and put pressure on. Whenever you want, I'll be very happy to. Even if we can't see each other, I just need to hear from you. Bye." "Bye, Ana." She closed the call and immediately felt upset, but with a sense of fullness. Why, when she heard or saw Ana, did she feel confused, but satisfied, relaxed, almost happy?
After lunch she washed the dishes and began to study. But after a while her mind began to wander and think about Ana. When she got back to her mother's house, she got ready to go out. "Where are you going?" her mother asked.
"I have to stop by the bookstore, I don't know how long it'll take, bye."
He took the bus and when he got off near Ana's house, his heart began to beat faster.
The closer it got, the faster the heart beat. It rang. Luckily he was in the house and opened them
He came running to the piano and found her waiting with the door open. "What's going on? I wasn't expecting you at all," Ana said. She took a breath, then smiled and said, "Ana, I love you." "I love you too, my love."
Her lips tightened and the door closed behind them.
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