Hey, everybody, we've reached chapter 28 of my story. We're nearing the end, although there's still some more to tell you. Let's make a brief summary: at this very moment, we are in the Autumn of 2018, I am about to turn 19 and I've been engaged for a few months to the guy I was madly in love with for a long time. Nevertheless, my balance is not yet such that I can live the story 100%.
First, I had to deal with Alberto and Leo. They are two boys two years older than me, who at the age of 15 "bullied" me in the football locker room, taking advantage of my body and my naivety and desire to experiment. Although their manners were never really praiseworthy, it never bothered me to lend myself to their games. After a period in which they played elsewhere and, as a result, our relationship was interrupted, Alberto and Leo returned to my club and we played together in the first team.
Although they grew up 3 years old and had been engaged to two girls for a long time, they didn't lose their old habits and I soon returned to being the object of their desire. After a first phase, characterized by a kind of rivalry between the two to grab my preferences, they settled their differences and we started having fun together.
Our relationship solidified and, even if at times they went too far with teasing and joking in front of our comrades and friends, I became very fond of them. Especially with Alberto a special feeling was born. I love him so much that, recently, I confided to him that I was engaged and happy with my man. Alberto also defended me and brought me back on the right path as soon as he realized that, taken by my usual mood swings, I was getting a bit carried away with vices that are usually not mine: drinking and smoking reeds.
Unfortunately, however, in recent times I have noticed that Alberto is no longer the same. He still loves me very much, but it's as if having known that I'm engaged and in love, has extinguished something in him from a sexual point of view towards me. He often avoids me when it comes to organizing our intimate moments. On the rare occasions when we see each other, together with Leo and my ex-boyfriend Vesim, he seems more into the latter than into me.
In any case I decided, after the many messages you sent me to tell me that he is your favourite character, to dedicate a whole chapter to him, which will be the next one. Inserting his story here, too, would have made everything too fleeting, he deserves more attention!
Meanwhile, what I had hoped for a long time ago happened at school. Lorenzo, a former friend of mine, with whom I had totally disintegrated all relationships of trust, "abused" me. Yes, because I am fully aware that it was an abuse, aimed only to vent his sexual instincts and without any kind of sentimental component or anything else. Nevertheless, I am perfectly fine with that.
Just having been able to clarify what my reasons were, has put me in a position to overwhelm myself with his thoughts. I have cleared my conscience and I don't care if he wants to greet me in front of others, if on the train some days he talks to me and some days he doesn't.
Do you want me to suck his cock? No problem, I do it because I feel like it. Because he has the most beautiful cock I've ever seen, long, wide, juicy and I want it to be mine. That's Lorenzo, he's selfish, and that's how he acts on this occasion. He's interested in emptying his balls and, not having a girlfriend, he's found a beautiful mouth, skilled and willing, ready to satisfy him.
This mouth is mine and our meetings, squalid and fleeting, almost always take place in the school bathrooms. The modus operandi is always the same: he sends me a message, usually giving me an appointment after a few minutes. If the teacher lets me out, I reach him and empty it as soon as possible. There are no kisses, there are no conversations, there is nothing but my kneeling down and taking that huge thing in his mouth.
I've also understood, within a couple of times, how he loves to be sucked, the crazy rhythm that he expects me to give, the desire to dominate me by holding my head and pushing it all in and I'm getting used to it. Sometimes I can get him to come even in less than 5 minutes, he hands me a handkerchief and rants me behind a quick "hello" before going out and back to class.
After the first few times, perhaps suspicious and frightened by a couple of knocks on the toilet door during our quick relationship, Lorenzo also found other seats. We are new to this school and as the days went by, we got to know the building better. There are rooms that, at certain times, are perfect for our meetings. One of them, our favorite, is the art workshop. Getting in is not complicated, just as it is easy to know if the classroom will be occupied by someone or not. Even the conformity of the classroom itself, as a form, allows us to find a fairly hidden place to put ourselves.
I have noticed that, in fact, when we see each other here, at times when the classroom is free and Lorenzo feels like it, he is more relaxed, calmer and enjoys it more. In the bathroom it's a very quick relationship, here, on the other hand, it allows me to taste his huge cock better, to touch it, to feel him and lick his balls, to salivate them well throughout the whole auction.
Sometimes, when maybe he has less important lessons or is just back from a question and therefore is not in a big hurry to go back to listen to the verbal checks of his companions, he also stops to have a cigarette and talk a little bit.
I, if I have to say it all, find it more and more beautiful, more and more sexy. I have said it before in my stories: Lorenzo may not be the most perfect in his features, as Alberto is, but he is the one who comes closest to my ideal as a boy, despite his sexting age.
I hardly like guys younger than me, in fact I often raise my level of satisfaction when it comes to thirty-year-olds. He manages to drive me crazy, despite the fact that he's just turned 17.
I'm tall enough, physically fit, quite hairy and bewitching in character. He has black hair, keeps it shaved to the sides and a little longer on top, almost like a sort of crest. Then he has earrings, both on one side and the other, and they give him a lot.
One morning he gets on the train, it's a nice day and neither of them wants to go to school. We can tell with just one look.
"Do you want to jerk off?" he asks me. I don't know why he's asking me that. He could have sent a message to any of his new classmates, but that's how he decides. I nod, knowing I promised my parents and the boy I'd avoid certain choices. I ask him where we can go and he asks me to come down shortly afterwards, to a seaside resort.
After a walk, we approach the promenade, have breakfast in a bar, talk a bit and then Lorenzo makes me understand that he wants to smoke a few joints. I promised Alberto that I wouldn't touch anything again and I try to tell him that I don't feel like it but Lorenzo insists and I tell him I'll just shoot two shots. He's the one who's going to smoke a lot.
We are perched like two wrecks on a skate, near the sea. We talk, we deal with many issues, mostly focused on him, since he is a unique egocentric. He tells me that he stopped playing football this year because he had a fight with the coach of his team, who asked him to train more frequently. I, knowing of his enormous footballing skills, try to tell him if he wants to come and play with us, but he tells me that he doesn't want to make sacrifices anymore. At a certain moment of silence, Lorenzo looks at me. He has the same expression as that morning he wanted to ask me for a blowjob. He smiles in an evil way but doesn't tell me anything, as if with that look he was judging me.
"Do you want a blowjob?" I ask him, anticipating him with detachment.
"I wanted something else..." he says, lowering his voice.
"What do you mean?"
"You're giving me my ass?" I end it, then I shrug my shoulders and just say, "okay."
Besides, I knew he'd ask me eventually. We're talking about a real animal, one that has a mad need to empty and that, since he's 12 years old, has started to put him everywhere: pussies, mouths and asses. Lorenzo doesn't care about anything, he just wants to enjoy it and this morning, knowing that we have time and we are alone, it occurred to him to ask me something more.
I ask him where we can put us, he beckons me to follow him. We start walking around the various chalets, looking for some open cabin doors. The first few attempts are all in vain, then we arrive in front of a door that looks a bit shabby.
I immediately understand that he has Lorenzo in mind and I tell him not to do it but he orders me to get on the road and be a lookout. I run, nobody passes by and give him a sign. He, with a strong and intense kick, manages to force the door.
I get closer, inside there isn't a great smell, let's say it's not the best but it's the only place we found. I get inside, Lorenzo tries to fix the door in the best possible way, even if it stays ajar.
As he did the first time, he tells me that he doesn't want kisses and no hint of romance. I tell him I don't give a shit and I just want him to fuck me.
I take off my shoes, my pants and my underwear, staying in my glasses, my socks and my shirt. He just pulls down his pants and panties to his ankles, not before he takes a condom out of his wallet. He's gonna make it clear right now that I'm a fag and he wants to avoid diseases. I tell him that I don't have any disease but that I agree with his choice and he, in response, tells me to think about sucking a little. His dick's already in gear, it's huge.
I kneel down, there's a bit of sand that creates friction on my knees but it's bearable. I jerk his big dick off a little bit, then I take it in my mouth and suck it for a while.
Lorenzo spreads his thighs and starts to come forward a little bit to the rhythm, his breath is a little more wheezy, as if knowing that no one can see us, let him go even more. He runs his hand through my hair and invites me to suck on it again, calling me a slut.
I pay little attention to it, I don't care about anything. Then, he unwraps the condom, makes me walk away slightly and puts it on. I get up, he makes me stand against a wall.
I'm holding my palms, Lorenzo gets behind me. I already know he's not gonna go easy. I know him too well.
"Did you wipe your ass?" he asks me, I confirm.
He spits on his hand, he hands it to me on the hole. He seems accustomed to the procedure and fingers me with his little finger, which he adds a second later.
"You're pretty wide, what a bitch," he says. I invite him to move around and talk less.
Evidently, however, he doesn't like my answer very much, because he points his dick at me in the back and with a quick blow he penetrates me. I open my eyes for the pain and Lorenzo begins to push like an obsessive.
His cock is really huge and he has no hesitation in throwing it all inside me.
At the moment, I feel the pungent pain of the torn anal walls, Lorenzo puts his hand around my mouth and starts to give me dry shots.
After a dozen or so blows, violently assaulted, my ass is getting used to it and I finally start to enjoy it. Lorenzo realizes that I am squirming with pleasure, he takes his hand out of my mouth and leaves me free to pant. I am a mask of pleasure, I am with my eyes half-closed and my mouth open, screaming my excitement.
I take my hand on my cock and, despite his presence behind me, I start furiously sawing myself off. Lorenzo, meanwhile, starts to wheeze, I understand he's coming, he puts his hand on my chest and makes me raise my torso, then he leans on my shoulder and fills all the condom. He stays still for a few moments. He's out of breath. Then, without saying anything, he gets off my ass, takes off the condom and throws it at my feet, and then he pulls up his pants and underwear and comes out.
I'm alone and my dick's still hard, so I start sawing myself off again. The orgasm comes to me almost immediately, he threw a couple of screams and smeared the wall on which I was leaning my sperm. I calmly pull myself together and then I reach Lorenzo, who is smoking a cigarette sitting on a wall about 50 meters away.
We don't deal with the subject for the rest of the morning, on the contrary, we both have an air of total indifference. That's the way he is, he's the most unsympathetic person in this world. If he saw a dying man on the ground, he wouldn't even look at him and he'd pull straight ahead. I, on the other hand, don't care much about what he felt. We have debunked another taboo between us, there is little else to add.
And, of course, having taken this other step in our sexual relationship, makes Lorenzo penetrate me in the following days at school as well. It doesn't happen often, because we don't always have the time, so he often has to "settle for" a quick blowjob.
When, however, it happens that maybe there is an assembly or downtime and we manage to isolate ourselves for a few more minutes, he doesn't miss an opportunity to put on a condom and fuck me in the ass without any particular transport. Our relationships are like this, of a unique sordidness and always leave us with the usual wake of indifference.
However, even in this short and insignificant affair, the exception happens. We are about mid-November 2018, just back from a boring school morning. Today, unlike usual, Lorenzo has never asked to see me during class hours. Not bad, I do not care much. I must say that, sometimes, it even occurred to me to ask him to do something, when my ass was recriminating that huge and wonderful cock. It also happened to me at home, horny and with my boyfriend who couldn't come, to think about it, whether to try to write to him and make him come. But I've always decided to avoid it: take away those fleeting encounters, I don't want him in my life and, above all, I don't want him in my house.
When we meet at the station, I immediately notice that he's stoned. I know Lorenzo's been using substances frequently since he was a sexting. He used to do it when we were dating, when he was only 14. These days it's increasing a lot, probably because the more time he spends in the new school, the more he makes friends with bad people.
I often see him making strange movements during class hours. It's highly probable that if you go out to go to the toilet or pick something up at the petrol station, you'll find him hanging around with people a bit like that. Today I see him in really bad condition and I think that's probably why he never called me. He's so high that, while we're waiting for the train, he almost falls asleep on the bench with a beer in his hand and I have to hold him to prevent him from falling.
He looks at me, looking like a complete idiot, and laughs. I help him get on the train, realizing right away that he probably hasn't hired just pot. He's way too stoned.
During the journey, he often seems to fall asleep and I try to keep him awake, talking and asking him questions. I immediately understand that he is not able to go home alone, because when we are close to his stop, he tries to get up to get close to the doors but he falls down immediately.
I decide to get off with him, even though he deserves to be there alone because he is an asshole and unconscious. Hanging on my shoulder, with great effort, I manage to carry him all the way down to the house.
I greet him, telling him to go to bed and rest but he asks me to take him up because he can't make it up the stairs. I sigh, I'm quite annoyed, but I help him. Fortunately, he lives on the first floor, so we don't have to go too far.
As soon as we go in, there's only the older brother in the house. It's the first time I've seen him, he's about 26 and he's really cute. He's a less skiddy, more perfect version of Lorenzo, he gives me sex right away. If you're wondering: no, I haven't fucked him, not that day or ever!!!!
The brother takes it right away, wondering what happened. I don't want to put him in trouble and tell him he's been drinking and that I found him like this on his way out of school. He thanks me for taking him home, but Lorenzo asks me to stay.
At this point, in enormous difficulty, I warn my boyfriend that I would not return at all, explaining the situation to him by message. I'm having Lorenzo eat something, hoping the food will help him recover a bit. Then his brother says he has to go out on business and asks me to look after Lorenzo, if possible.
I'm in enormous difficulty, I decide to take him into the bedroom, help him take off his shoes, pants and shirt, leaving him in his underwear, and then put him under the covers of a nice double bed.
Lorenzo asks me to stand next to him, to be near him. I perform, I in turn take off my shoes and lie by his side. It comes naturally to me to start stroking his hair, I cuddle him, he likes it and shortly afterwards he falls asleep.
I don't even have a way to get home, since I told my boyfriend that he could go to work and knowing that the next train is waiting, I take advantage of it too. I take off my jeans and glasses and put myself under the covers to rest.
We fall asleep, about a couple of hours pass when I hear a hand clutching me from behind.
I wake up but I stay still, turned my back. Lorenzo starts to massage my belly, after lifting my shirt up. I let him do it, then I realize that he got very close and pointed his flap at my ass.
My dick is very hard in turn, the situation is very exciting. Lorenzo gets more enterprising and, in addition to starting a bit 'to rub on my ass, he comes down with his hand and touches my dick from the outside. It's the first time he does that, I feel like I'm going crazy.
Without thinking about it too much, he pulls the rubber band off, slowly puts it down and grabs it. He starts sawing it off, I slowly turn my face the other way so he knows I'm awake.
"I want you," he says to me, in a trembling voice. He's definitely more lucid, so he's doing it with knowledge. I turn to his side, we're inches away.
In turn, I pull down his panties and grab his huge cock. We're sawing each other off with confidence. Lorenzo approaches me, our mouths are inches apart.
"Don't tell anyone," he orders me, almost.
"And who should I tell?" I ask. He feels reassured by my somewhat arrogant answer and fills in the short distance between the two mouths.
We kiss for the first time. There's no feeling, maybe not even that much passion. It's a slightly mechanical kiss, the result of that moment of excitement but I'm fine with it. His tongue is warm and it moves well inside my mouth, stimulating my palate as well. His breath tastes like cigarettes and alcohol, but I don't care. While we're making out, we finish naked: he takes off my shirt and I take off his tank top, then we take off our underwear completely, staying only with our socks.
I finally have his whole body. His chest has been shaved recently, there is a very small regrowth, too bad I would have liked it to be hairy. I start caressing him anyway, then I get down on his belly and quickly reach his huge cock, which is very hard.
Without stopping kissing, we're sawing each other's cocks off and I'm enjoying it like a pig. As soon as we get away from each other, I start coming down with my tongue down. I lick his chest and linger on his nipples. Lorenzo lets me do it and I think he likes it. I'm gonna salivate them right off him, then I'm gonna bite them off. They soon become hard, swollen. I continue my descent, I kiss his whole belly, where the abs are well hinted at, and then I get to the huge penis.
By now I've sucked it several times, but when I take it in my mouth it always seems to be the first one, because that bird is fantastic. I start sucking the way he likes it, very violently, almost keeping it glued to the mattress. He signals me to turn my ass to him, I obey and continue my work.
I offer him my whole ass, he spits on it and starts working it with his fingers. He doesn't lick it, but I had no doubt about it. I get shivers of pleasure every time he goes down with both fingers.
"Let's fuck now," he says.
I ask him about the condom, which we usually use all the time but he doesn't seem to be looking for one so we do it without it. I turn to him and climb on top of him, stab my dick and put my hands on his chest.
I move, I get a good rhythm right away, I look at him and I pant. Every once in a while I turn my head backwards, it's beautiful. Lorenzo isn't the type who stands still and makes me do everything, he's a war machine and accompanies my movement giving devastating blows upwards every time I come towards him. I can feel his giant cock go almost to my stomach.
At the beginning, the first times, it hurt me, now I'm getting used to it and it's a fantastic feeling.
While I keep leaning on his chest, Lorenzo grabs me by the hips and fucks me at two thousand, taking a hellish pace. Every time he comes up with his pelvis, the sound of his balls banging on my ass rumbles in the room. Sometimes he slaps my ass hard with his right hand.
After several minutes in that position, he turns me down on my stomach, lifts my legs and carries them up to the back of my head, then points his feet at my mattress and clings to my ankles.
It's the first time I fuck in this position, it's not very comfortable but it allows me to feel his whole cock inside. Lorenzo doesn't go absolutely light on it, he shoves powerful strokes, pushing it all into me, I'm losing control, my eyes are completely grainy and I pant like a little bitch.
I feel my dick throbbing, I don't even need to touch it, I suddenly explode like a fountain. I start splashing out loud, I have a killer orgasm and I get my face all smeared too.
Lorenzo doesn't get upset in the slightest, he keeps fucking me without restraint and, after a while, he decides for a third change of position, making me stand on my side and putting himself behind me.
He holds his right hand on my chest, makes me raise my leg a bit and starts fucking me like an animal again. He grunts, breathes deep, he's wild. I turn my face towards him, he immediately slaps his tongue in my mouth and I respond firmly to his kiss. After five minutes, I feel his dick swell up, his breath gets labored, he tries to choke the sound of pleasure but a sort of meow comes out and then he empties into my ass.
We are exhausted, I lie on my stomach, I look at the ceiling without saying anything, Lorenzo stands next to me for a few moments, then he gets up and goes for a cigarette.
"Maybe you'd better go now," he says to me, in a non-aggressive way.
I get dressed, calmly, he thanks me for helping him in painful conditions and reminds me that I don't have to say anything about what happened today.
I walk to the station and stay there for at least half an hour, waiting for my train. I have a total indifference for what I did with Lorenzo.
The episode will be repeated twice more, about 4-5 days apart, with Lorenzo explicitly asking me to follow him home after class to fuck me in a much more complete way in his bed, complete with kisses. At school, on the other hand, he fucks me frequently, on the days when he is present.
A couple of times we even risk getting caught. The last meeting of a sexual nature, with him, takes place on a December morning at school. It's freezing cold and I, cold by nature, am glued to the radiator. I am not very interested in the lesson, I listen to something from time to time, sometimes I manoeuvre with the phone, more often I get lost in my thoughts, looking out the window. It's the fourth hour and I count the minutes until the end. I can't wait to go home today, I feel like getting warm and relaxing.
I hear the phone vibrate, I wait for the teacher to turn to the blackboard and take out my cell phone. It's Lorenzo, he tells me to meet him in the art room. I accept, even if I don't particularly want to, but it is certainly more intriguing than pretending to listen.
I raise my arm and ask if I can go out. The professor spreads his arms, as if to say that my requests are continuous but in the end he tells me to go, which was as if I wasn't in the classroom because of my lack of attention and participation.
I quickly get to the art room, I look around several times both on the way and before entering. There is no one there, so I do the last few months and reach Lorenzo.
I immediately see him quite strange but I don't care about anything, I don't even ask him why.
Without making a fuss, I unbutton my pants and lean against a banquet. From where we are, even if someone came in, he couldn't see us and I'd have time to retire on the whole thing.
I put on my ninety, Lorenzo puts on a condom and, after a very quick preparation of my ass, penetrates me. He's as aloof as ever. I stand there, without even so much transport, I try to enjoy his cock, which enters me tiredly for about 5 minutes. Then Lorenzo has a little moan and empties into the condom. He doesn't say anything, gets dressed and goes away, leaving me there with my pants down and my dick very hard.
For a few days to come, Lorenzo avoids me. He has a very strange behavior. Besides not wanting to have sex, he doesn't even trust me on the train. So, after a few days of endurance, I confront him.
"What else is your problem with me?"
He got engaged, finally found a girl after a dry spell he wasn't used to. Therefore, he no longer needs to empty his balls with me. I don't have any particular reaction, I listen to him, then I shrug my shoulders and say "OK".
The relationship between Lorenzo and me is going to be volatile all year round, with him, moody as never before, only sometimes worthy of his word and attention. I continued to live it all in a very detached way, and then I decided to give a damn. We never fucked again, so our last time was sleazy and fast, worn out in our school's art room. And anyway yes, Lorenzo is definitely one of the most assholes I've met on my way but I was well aware of that. For this reason, after all, I didn't even suffer from it, in fact I consider myself lucky to have tried such a dick, among the absolute best of those who have penetrated me in recent years.
In the next chapter, I will focus particularly, as already mentioned, on the character of Alberto, defined by many of you as your favorite. I will reveal how the story ended with him and prepare the way for the last part of my story.
First, I had to deal with Alberto and Leo. They are two boys two years older than me, who at the age of 15 "bullied" me in the football locker room, taking advantage of my body and my naivety and desire to experiment. Although their manners were never really praiseworthy, it never bothered me to lend myself to their games. After a period in which they played elsewhere and, as a result, our relationship was interrupted, Alberto and Leo returned to my club and we played together in the first team.
Although they grew up 3 years old and had been engaged to two girls for a long time, they didn't lose their old habits and I soon returned to being the object of their desire. After a first phase, characterized by a kind of rivalry between the two to grab my preferences, they settled their differences and we started having fun together.
Our relationship solidified and, even if at times they went too far with teasing and joking in front of our comrades and friends, I became very fond of them. Especially with Alberto a special feeling was born. I love him so much that, recently, I confided to him that I was engaged and happy with my man. Alberto also defended me and brought me back on the right path as soon as he realized that, taken by my usual mood swings, I was getting a bit carried away with vices that are usually not mine: drinking and smoking reeds.
Unfortunately, however, in recent times I have noticed that Alberto is no longer the same. He still loves me very much, but it's as if having known that I'm engaged and in love, has extinguished something in him from a sexual point of view towards me. He often avoids me when it comes to organizing our intimate moments. On the rare occasions when we see each other, together with Leo and my ex-boyfriend Vesim, he seems more into the latter than into me.
In any case I decided, after the many messages you sent me to tell me that he is your favourite character, to dedicate a whole chapter to him, which will be the next one. Inserting his story here, too, would have made everything too fleeting, he deserves more attention!
Meanwhile, what I had hoped for a long time ago happened at school. Lorenzo, a former friend of mine, with whom I had totally disintegrated all relationships of trust, "abused" me. Yes, because I am fully aware that it was an abuse, aimed only to vent his sexual instincts and without any kind of sentimental component or anything else. Nevertheless, I am perfectly fine with that.
Just having been able to clarify what my reasons were, has put me in a position to overwhelm myself with his thoughts. I have cleared my conscience and I don't care if he wants to greet me in front of others, if on the train some days he talks to me and some days he doesn't.
Do you want me to suck his cock? No problem, I do it because I feel like it. Because he has the most beautiful cock I've ever seen, long, wide, juicy and I want it to be mine. That's Lorenzo, he's selfish, and that's how he acts on this occasion. He's interested in emptying his balls and, not having a girlfriend, he's found a beautiful mouth, skilled and willing, ready to satisfy him.
This mouth is mine and our meetings, squalid and fleeting, almost always take place in the school bathrooms. The modus operandi is always the same: he sends me a message, usually giving me an appointment after a few minutes. If the teacher lets me out, I reach him and empty it as soon as possible. There are no kisses, there are no conversations, there is nothing but my kneeling down and taking that huge thing in his mouth.
I've also understood, within a couple of times, how he loves to be sucked, the crazy rhythm that he expects me to give, the desire to dominate me by holding my head and pushing it all in and I'm getting used to it. Sometimes I can get him to come even in less than 5 minutes, he hands me a handkerchief and rants me behind a quick "hello" before going out and back to class.
After the first few times, perhaps suspicious and frightened by a couple of knocks on the toilet door during our quick relationship, Lorenzo also found other seats. We are new to this school and as the days went by, we got to know the building better. There are rooms that, at certain times, are perfect for our meetings. One of them, our favorite, is the art workshop. Getting in is not complicated, just as it is easy to know if the classroom will be occupied by someone or not. Even the conformity of the classroom itself, as a form, allows us to find a fairly hidden place to put ourselves.
I have noticed that, in fact, when we see each other here, at times when the classroom is free and Lorenzo feels like it, he is more relaxed, calmer and enjoys it more. In the bathroom it's a very quick relationship, here, on the other hand, it allows me to taste his huge cock better, to touch it, to feel him and lick his balls, to salivate them well throughout the whole auction.
Sometimes, when maybe he has less important lessons or is just back from a question and therefore is not in a big hurry to go back to listen to the verbal checks of his companions, he also stops to have a cigarette and talk a little bit.
I, if I have to say it all, find it more and more beautiful, more and more sexy. I have said it before in my stories: Lorenzo may not be the most perfect in his features, as Alberto is, but he is the one who comes closest to my ideal as a boy, despite his sexting age.
I hardly like guys younger than me, in fact I often raise my level of satisfaction when it comes to thirty-year-olds. He manages to drive me crazy, despite the fact that he's just turned 17.
I'm tall enough, physically fit, quite hairy and bewitching in character. He has black hair, keeps it shaved to the sides and a little longer on top, almost like a sort of crest. Then he has earrings, both on one side and the other, and they give him a lot.
One morning he gets on the train, it's a nice day and neither of them wants to go to school. We can tell with just one look.
"Do you want to jerk off?" he asks me. I don't know why he's asking me that. He could have sent a message to any of his new classmates, but that's how he decides. I nod, knowing I promised my parents and the boy I'd avoid certain choices. I ask him where we can go and he asks me to come down shortly afterwards, to a seaside resort.
After a walk, we approach the promenade, have breakfast in a bar, talk a bit and then Lorenzo makes me understand that he wants to smoke a few joints. I promised Alberto that I wouldn't touch anything again and I try to tell him that I don't feel like it but Lorenzo insists and I tell him I'll just shoot two shots. He's the one who's going to smoke a lot.
We are perched like two wrecks on a skate, near the sea. We talk, we deal with many issues, mostly focused on him, since he is a unique egocentric. He tells me that he stopped playing football this year because he had a fight with the coach of his team, who asked him to train more frequently. I, knowing of his enormous footballing skills, try to tell him if he wants to come and play with us, but he tells me that he doesn't want to make sacrifices anymore. At a certain moment of silence, Lorenzo looks at me. He has the same expression as that morning he wanted to ask me for a blowjob. He smiles in an evil way but doesn't tell me anything, as if with that look he was judging me.
"Do you want a blowjob?" I ask him, anticipating him with detachment.
"I wanted something else..." he says, lowering his voice.
"What do you mean?"
"You're giving me my ass?" I end it, then I shrug my shoulders and just say, "okay."
Besides, I knew he'd ask me eventually. We're talking about a real animal, one that has a mad need to empty and that, since he's 12 years old, has started to put him everywhere: pussies, mouths and asses. Lorenzo doesn't care about anything, he just wants to enjoy it and this morning, knowing that we have time and we are alone, it occurred to him to ask me something more.
I ask him where we can put us, he beckons me to follow him. We start walking around the various chalets, looking for some open cabin doors. The first few attempts are all in vain, then we arrive in front of a door that looks a bit shabby.
I immediately understand that he has Lorenzo in mind and I tell him not to do it but he orders me to get on the road and be a lookout. I run, nobody passes by and give him a sign. He, with a strong and intense kick, manages to force the door.
I get closer, inside there isn't a great smell, let's say it's not the best but it's the only place we found. I get inside, Lorenzo tries to fix the door in the best possible way, even if it stays ajar.
As he did the first time, he tells me that he doesn't want kisses and no hint of romance. I tell him I don't give a shit and I just want him to fuck me.
I take off my shoes, my pants and my underwear, staying in my glasses, my socks and my shirt. He just pulls down his pants and panties to his ankles, not before he takes a condom out of his wallet. He's gonna make it clear right now that I'm a fag and he wants to avoid diseases. I tell him that I don't have any disease but that I agree with his choice and he, in response, tells me to think about sucking a little. His dick's already in gear, it's huge.
I kneel down, there's a bit of sand that creates friction on my knees but it's bearable. I jerk his big dick off a little bit, then I take it in my mouth and suck it for a while.
Lorenzo spreads his thighs and starts to come forward a little bit to the rhythm, his breath is a little more wheezy, as if knowing that no one can see us, let him go even more. He runs his hand through my hair and invites me to suck on it again, calling me a slut.
I pay little attention to it, I don't care about anything. Then, he unwraps the condom, makes me walk away slightly and puts it on. I get up, he makes me stand against a wall.
I'm holding my palms, Lorenzo gets behind me. I already know he's not gonna go easy. I know him too well.
"Did you wipe your ass?" he asks me, I confirm.
He spits on his hand, he hands it to me on the hole. He seems accustomed to the procedure and fingers me with his little finger, which he adds a second later.
"You're pretty wide, what a bitch," he says. I invite him to move around and talk less.
Evidently, however, he doesn't like my answer very much, because he points his dick at me in the back and with a quick blow he penetrates me. I open my eyes for the pain and Lorenzo begins to push like an obsessive.
His cock is really huge and he has no hesitation in throwing it all inside me.
At the moment, I feel the pungent pain of the torn anal walls, Lorenzo puts his hand around my mouth and starts to give me dry shots.
After a dozen or so blows, violently assaulted, my ass is getting used to it and I finally start to enjoy it. Lorenzo realizes that I am squirming with pleasure, he takes his hand out of my mouth and leaves me free to pant. I am a mask of pleasure, I am with my eyes half-closed and my mouth open, screaming my excitement.
I take my hand on my cock and, despite his presence behind me, I start furiously sawing myself off. Lorenzo, meanwhile, starts to wheeze, I understand he's coming, he puts his hand on my chest and makes me raise my torso, then he leans on my shoulder and fills all the condom. He stays still for a few moments. He's out of breath. Then, without saying anything, he gets off my ass, takes off the condom and throws it at my feet, and then he pulls up his pants and underwear and comes out.
I'm alone and my dick's still hard, so I start sawing myself off again. The orgasm comes to me almost immediately, he threw a couple of screams and smeared the wall on which I was leaning my sperm. I calmly pull myself together and then I reach Lorenzo, who is smoking a cigarette sitting on a wall about 50 meters away.
We don't deal with the subject for the rest of the morning, on the contrary, we both have an air of total indifference. That's the way he is, he's the most unsympathetic person in this world. If he saw a dying man on the ground, he wouldn't even look at him and he'd pull straight ahead. I, on the other hand, don't care much about what he felt. We have debunked another taboo between us, there is little else to add.
And, of course, having taken this other step in our sexual relationship, makes Lorenzo penetrate me in the following days at school as well. It doesn't happen often, because we don't always have the time, so he often has to "settle for" a quick blowjob.
When, however, it happens that maybe there is an assembly or downtime and we manage to isolate ourselves for a few more minutes, he doesn't miss an opportunity to put on a condom and fuck me in the ass without any particular transport. Our relationships are like this, of a unique sordidness and always leave us with the usual wake of indifference.
However, even in this short and insignificant affair, the exception happens. We are about mid-November 2018, just back from a boring school morning. Today, unlike usual, Lorenzo has never asked to see me during class hours. Not bad, I do not care much. I must say that, sometimes, it even occurred to me to ask him to do something, when my ass was recriminating that huge and wonderful cock. It also happened to me at home, horny and with my boyfriend who couldn't come, to think about it, whether to try to write to him and make him come. But I've always decided to avoid it: take away those fleeting encounters, I don't want him in my life and, above all, I don't want him in my house.
When we meet at the station, I immediately notice that he's stoned. I know Lorenzo's been using substances frequently since he was a sexting. He used to do it when we were dating, when he was only 14. These days it's increasing a lot, probably because the more time he spends in the new school, the more he makes friends with bad people.
I often see him making strange movements during class hours. It's highly probable that if you go out to go to the toilet or pick something up at the petrol station, you'll find him hanging around with people a bit like that. Today I see him in really bad condition and I think that's probably why he never called me. He's so high that, while we're waiting for the train, he almost falls asleep on the bench with a beer in his hand and I have to hold him to prevent him from falling.
He looks at me, looking like a complete idiot, and laughs. I help him get on the train, realizing right away that he probably hasn't hired just pot. He's way too stoned.
During the journey, he often seems to fall asleep and I try to keep him awake, talking and asking him questions. I immediately understand that he is not able to go home alone, because when we are close to his stop, he tries to get up to get close to the doors but he falls down immediately.
I decide to get off with him, even though he deserves to be there alone because he is an asshole and unconscious. Hanging on my shoulder, with great effort, I manage to carry him all the way down to the house.
I greet him, telling him to go to bed and rest but he asks me to take him up because he can't make it up the stairs. I sigh, I'm quite annoyed, but I help him. Fortunately, he lives on the first floor, so we don't have to go too far.
As soon as we go in, there's only the older brother in the house. It's the first time I've seen him, he's about 26 and he's really cute. He's a less skiddy, more perfect version of Lorenzo, he gives me sex right away. If you're wondering: no, I haven't fucked him, not that day or ever!!!!
The brother takes it right away, wondering what happened. I don't want to put him in trouble and tell him he's been drinking and that I found him like this on his way out of school. He thanks me for taking him home, but Lorenzo asks me to stay.
At this point, in enormous difficulty, I warn my boyfriend that I would not return at all, explaining the situation to him by message. I'm having Lorenzo eat something, hoping the food will help him recover a bit. Then his brother says he has to go out on business and asks me to look after Lorenzo, if possible.
I'm in enormous difficulty, I decide to take him into the bedroom, help him take off his shoes, pants and shirt, leaving him in his underwear, and then put him under the covers of a nice double bed.
Lorenzo asks me to stand next to him, to be near him. I perform, I in turn take off my shoes and lie by his side. It comes naturally to me to start stroking his hair, I cuddle him, he likes it and shortly afterwards he falls asleep.
I don't even have a way to get home, since I told my boyfriend that he could go to work and knowing that the next train is waiting, I take advantage of it too. I take off my jeans and glasses and put myself under the covers to rest.
We fall asleep, about a couple of hours pass when I hear a hand clutching me from behind.
I wake up but I stay still, turned my back. Lorenzo starts to massage my belly, after lifting my shirt up. I let him do it, then I realize that he got very close and pointed his flap at my ass.
My dick is very hard in turn, the situation is very exciting. Lorenzo gets more enterprising and, in addition to starting a bit 'to rub on my ass, he comes down with his hand and touches my dick from the outside. It's the first time he does that, I feel like I'm going crazy.
Without thinking about it too much, he pulls the rubber band off, slowly puts it down and grabs it. He starts sawing it off, I slowly turn my face the other way so he knows I'm awake.
"I want you," he says to me, in a trembling voice. He's definitely more lucid, so he's doing it with knowledge. I turn to his side, we're inches away.
In turn, I pull down his panties and grab his huge cock. We're sawing each other off with confidence. Lorenzo approaches me, our mouths are inches apart.
"Don't tell anyone," he orders me, almost.
"And who should I tell?" I ask. He feels reassured by my somewhat arrogant answer and fills in the short distance between the two mouths.
We kiss for the first time. There's no feeling, maybe not even that much passion. It's a slightly mechanical kiss, the result of that moment of excitement but I'm fine with it. His tongue is warm and it moves well inside my mouth, stimulating my palate as well. His breath tastes like cigarettes and alcohol, but I don't care. While we're making out, we finish naked: he takes off my shirt and I take off his tank top, then we take off our underwear completely, staying only with our socks.
I finally have his whole body. His chest has been shaved recently, there is a very small regrowth, too bad I would have liked it to be hairy. I start caressing him anyway, then I get down on his belly and quickly reach his huge cock, which is very hard.
Without stopping kissing, we're sawing each other's cocks off and I'm enjoying it like a pig. As soon as we get away from each other, I start coming down with my tongue down. I lick his chest and linger on his nipples. Lorenzo lets me do it and I think he likes it. I'm gonna salivate them right off him, then I'm gonna bite them off. They soon become hard, swollen. I continue my descent, I kiss his whole belly, where the abs are well hinted at, and then I get to the huge penis.
By now I've sucked it several times, but when I take it in my mouth it always seems to be the first one, because that bird is fantastic. I start sucking the way he likes it, very violently, almost keeping it glued to the mattress. He signals me to turn my ass to him, I obey and continue my work.
I offer him my whole ass, he spits on it and starts working it with his fingers. He doesn't lick it, but I had no doubt about it. I get shivers of pleasure every time he goes down with both fingers.
"Let's fuck now," he says.
I ask him about the condom, which we usually use all the time but he doesn't seem to be looking for one so we do it without it. I turn to him and climb on top of him, stab my dick and put my hands on his chest.
I move, I get a good rhythm right away, I look at him and I pant. Every once in a while I turn my head backwards, it's beautiful. Lorenzo isn't the type who stands still and makes me do everything, he's a war machine and accompanies my movement giving devastating blows upwards every time I come towards him. I can feel his giant cock go almost to my stomach.
At the beginning, the first times, it hurt me, now I'm getting used to it and it's a fantastic feeling.
While I keep leaning on his chest, Lorenzo grabs me by the hips and fucks me at two thousand, taking a hellish pace. Every time he comes up with his pelvis, the sound of his balls banging on my ass rumbles in the room. Sometimes he slaps my ass hard with his right hand.
After several minutes in that position, he turns me down on my stomach, lifts my legs and carries them up to the back of my head, then points his feet at my mattress and clings to my ankles.
It's the first time I fuck in this position, it's not very comfortable but it allows me to feel his whole cock inside. Lorenzo doesn't go absolutely light on it, he shoves powerful strokes, pushing it all into me, I'm losing control, my eyes are completely grainy and I pant like a little bitch.
I feel my dick throbbing, I don't even need to touch it, I suddenly explode like a fountain. I start splashing out loud, I have a killer orgasm and I get my face all smeared too.
Lorenzo doesn't get upset in the slightest, he keeps fucking me without restraint and, after a while, he decides for a third change of position, making me stand on my side and putting himself behind me.
He holds his right hand on my chest, makes me raise my leg a bit and starts fucking me like an animal again. He grunts, breathes deep, he's wild. I turn my face towards him, he immediately slaps his tongue in my mouth and I respond firmly to his kiss. After five minutes, I feel his dick swell up, his breath gets labored, he tries to choke the sound of pleasure but a sort of meow comes out and then he empties into my ass.
We are exhausted, I lie on my stomach, I look at the ceiling without saying anything, Lorenzo stands next to me for a few moments, then he gets up and goes for a cigarette.
"Maybe you'd better go now," he says to me, in a non-aggressive way.
I get dressed, calmly, he thanks me for helping him in painful conditions and reminds me that I don't have to say anything about what happened today.
I walk to the station and stay there for at least half an hour, waiting for my train. I have a total indifference for what I did with Lorenzo.
The episode will be repeated twice more, about 4-5 days apart, with Lorenzo explicitly asking me to follow him home after class to fuck me in a much more complete way in his bed, complete with kisses. At school, on the other hand, he fucks me frequently, on the days when he is present.
A couple of times we even risk getting caught. The last meeting of a sexual nature, with him, takes place on a December morning at school. It's freezing cold and I, cold by nature, am glued to the radiator. I am not very interested in the lesson, I listen to something from time to time, sometimes I manoeuvre with the phone, more often I get lost in my thoughts, looking out the window. It's the fourth hour and I count the minutes until the end. I can't wait to go home today, I feel like getting warm and relaxing.
I hear the phone vibrate, I wait for the teacher to turn to the blackboard and take out my cell phone. It's Lorenzo, he tells me to meet him in the art room. I accept, even if I don't particularly want to, but it is certainly more intriguing than pretending to listen.
I raise my arm and ask if I can go out. The professor spreads his arms, as if to say that my requests are continuous but in the end he tells me to go, which was as if I wasn't in the classroom because of my lack of attention and participation.
I quickly get to the art room, I look around several times both on the way and before entering. There is no one there, so I do the last few months and reach Lorenzo.
I immediately see him quite strange but I don't care about anything, I don't even ask him why.
Without making a fuss, I unbutton my pants and lean against a banquet. From where we are, even if someone came in, he couldn't see us and I'd have time to retire on the whole thing.
I put on my ninety, Lorenzo puts on a condom and, after a very quick preparation of my ass, penetrates me. He's as aloof as ever. I stand there, without even so much transport, I try to enjoy his cock, which enters me tiredly for about 5 minutes. Then Lorenzo has a little moan and empties into the condom. He doesn't say anything, gets dressed and goes away, leaving me there with my pants down and my dick very hard.
For a few days to come, Lorenzo avoids me. He has a very strange behavior. Besides not wanting to have sex, he doesn't even trust me on the train. So, after a few days of endurance, I confront him.
"What else is your problem with me?"
He got engaged, finally found a girl after a dry spell he wasn't used to. Therefore, he no longer needs to empty his balls with me. I don't have any particular reaction, I listen to him, then I shrug my shoulders and say "OK".
The relationship between Lorenzo and me is going to be volatile all year round, with him, moody as never before, only sometimes worthy of his word and attention. I continued to live it all in a very detached way, and then I decided to give a damn. We never fucked again, so our last time was sleazy and fast, worn out in our school's art room. And anyway yes, Lorenzo is definitely one of the most assholes I've met on my way but I was well aware of that. For this reason, after all, I didn't even suffer from it, in fact I consider myself lucky to have tried such a dick, among the absolute best of those who have penetrated me in recent years.
In the next chapter, I will focus particularly, as already mentioned, on the character of Alberto, defined by many of you as your favorite. I will reveal how the story ended with him and prepare the way for the last part of my story.
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