Saturday afternoon. We are snooping around an autumn festival, when by chance we come across a couple selling fresh chestnuts. We know them. We have already played with him (Luigi), some time ago in a wood, where we were looking for mushrooms. While his wife (Elena) we met her, having been at a "normal" dinner in their cabin.
Greetings. Hugs. Short chat, and we accept the invitation to go together to taste the fabulous Porchetta of our friend (Giacomo).
It's still early for dinner. We decide to leave our friends to their work, and go and browse the stalls of the "Sagra di porcini e castagne".
On the way back the couple is closing the counter, and loading the unsold goods onto the van.
We gladly offer our help. And it's just as gladly accepted. Elena gets into the van, I follow her, and I take the heavy sacks, and canned goods, taken out by Luigi, help her to put them in the cargo area.
Between one movement and another, Elena bends over, showing off her fat ass, wrapped in her tight jeans.
A spectacle to be observed, left cuddled up. She notices my interest and slaps me, and reprimands me with an easygoing slap:
"Now is not the time to look at my ass! Maybe later!"
I get weirded out. Thinking Elena is unaware of our escapade with her husband. You want to see that Luigi told him about our meeting in the "seccou". Well, we'll see what will happen. And without replying, I'll pick up and drop sacks.
Looking down, I discover Laura gloating with Luigi's "involuntary" ass-kicking. Blessed are they who work having fun, I'm content to toil and see.
Finally we are sitting at the table, in the tavern of my friend the innkeeper (Giacomo). Who kindly offers to "do him", both for the menu and the wine.
We also meet his charming wife (Milena), who comes with an excellent bottle of black Canina.
The "antidietetic" dinner slips away cheerfully, helped by the bottles of wine that quickly empty, and supported by two-way jokes of the big Giacomo, backed by Milena. Who, serving me several times, rests her big tits on my shoulders.
And Elena, too, is supported, always "involuntary", by Giacomo's "package",
While our guests do little to hide the fast but eloquent, touches to the smiling hosts.
Time passes, the patrons leave emptying the tavern. Giacomo says goodbye to the last latecomer of the family, and closes the front door.
The innkeeper, bringing a bottle of excellent grappa, produced by them, sits down with us.
I find myself between Elena and Milena. While Laura is in front of me, between Luigi and Giacomo, and the two men have the other's woman in front of them.
The toasts begin. The compliments to the three women are wasted. The allusions become more and more explicit, the laughter of approval multiplies.
The powders are lit, who's going to blow them up?
I feel the heat of Milena's thigh against mine. I look at her, and she's friendly, and by chance she lifts up her wide skirt, discovering her thigh wrapped in veiled light hazelnut-coloured stockings.
It goes as she wants, I'm already a little tipsy, I try, and I support distractedly, and gently, one hand on the velvety thigh. And nothing happens, and I just stand there.
The jokes continue about the loveliness and sexuality of the three women, who, in approving them, argue with cheerful wisdom, all feminine.
I notice Laura's arms moving under the tablecloth.
What are you looking for? Or that she's already found? From her face and the satisfied grimace of Luigi and Giacomo she has already found what she was looking for.
Very well, you're enjoying yourself, and what about me?
I throw myself, and I start to caress Milena's velvety thigh. She looks at me and nods. I take courage and try to put my other hand on Elena's thigh.
Suddenly a silence of approval surrounds everyone. Without asking, without words, but with eloquent looks. Everyone agrees on how to continue the evening.
My hand goes up on her silky thigh, until I find a sudden feeling of soft nudity. Is Milena wearing stockings? No! I almost immediately notice the sexual garter belts. I go on caressing, looking and approving Laura, even though I don't know what she has on her hands, but I imagine it. And we both understand and approve, where and with whom, we're intruding.
Elena takes my hand and moves it over the zipper of her pants. Wink at her and asks her to open it. I'd love to get busy, but I can't.
She moves my hand, and as she gets up, she tinkers slightly, and the tight jeans slide down a little. In the meantime I take advantage of it for another sip of grappa, and with the other hand I keep discovering and caressing Milena's inner thighs. With her head tilted, she shows everyone she approves of my not too sneaky caresses.
Laura, later, told me that without touching each other I find my thong flooded, because of those two magnificent cocks. And that she would never leave the situation unresolved. And she didn't!
After putting down the glass, I return to look for Elena's intimate warmth, with a mixture of certainty and desire not to find rough jeans but thin panties, which protect the soft treasure. And in fact, with great pleasure I find under my fingertips the light and silky wet fabric.
In a confused interweaving of arms, first one woman and then the other, they go in search of my zipper. They find it, and with quick skill they open the opening, just enough to put their hands in it.
They grab "mine" already stressed by the desire to be freed and caressed. One of them holds it still and the other one stretches the panties to release it. In the mess of warm hands they can't get it right. And I gladly have to help them, lifting myself up and sliding down to the middle of my thigh, jeans and briefs.
With my dick hard and my pants down, I feel ridiculous. Feeling that disappears quickly, seeing the mouths of the two women, approaching and conquering each the desired position, and starting to lick it, to suck it with consummate experience, for my and their pleasure.
For those who had never done it, he lost a lot. I recommend this experience to everyone. It's simply a delirium, or high. To survive this erotic, sexual torture, you need a strong, healthy heart. Let's get back to what's going on in the tavern.
Laura is without pants, and sweater, it doesn't matter if she or someone else took them off.
Her body, still tanned, is fabulously horny to me. And judging by the way they caress her, kiss her, and the two men contend for her, she's a magnificent and willing prey for them too, all to be enjoyed and made to enjoy.
I don't know who laid her on her stomach on the billiard table, or who ripped off her thong, but I recognise Luigi's semi-shaved head, who shamelessly slips between Laura's legs. Starting to lick it noisily. She appreciates and I hear her whimpering with pleasure, while she opens her thighs to the maximum to offer and receive more and more deeply in her pussy the nasty and fast tongue of the swallowed man.
Giacomo does not want to stay behind. He undresses quickly, and flaunting the big and long cock kneels down on the billiard table, offering it to my woman's willing mouth. Who welcomes him with a few licks at full auction, and then sucks it, as far as he can, into his mouth. Laura is in ecstasy at the double lick.
The two torturarticians, while they are soliciting with "mine", with difficulty take off the other's clothes. At last they abandon me. They get up, and finish undressing each other. They fly away pants, skirt, sweater, blouse between long caresses and sexual tongue dances.
An unexpected little sapphic spectacle, all of their own. I happen to be there, and I'm ignored.
The situation has precipitated. I decide to undress completely. I look at the two situations:
Laura between the two men is whimpering, as far as the cock in her mouth will allow it.
The two women, now naked, hug each other, caress potatoes, kiss each other in the mouth.
I have a very hard cock, I watch, I enjoy for them, avoiding to touch me, I would have come right away.
The environment, the participants are too naturally erotic in their pleasant giving sex.
After a time that I can not assess, Milena wearing only stockings, supported by the white bra, grabs me by the hand and slams me on the pool table, next to Laura and the two busy men.
Luigi, lifting himself from Laura's pussy, kisses her with tasty intertwined tongues. And then back to Laura's pussy.
Lust is at its maximum and a little more.
While Milena regains possession of my cock with long, sexual licks, alternating with sucking sucks, giving me a sense of painful enjoyment.
I notice Elena only when I see her potato slowly descending on my face. Her pussy is very open, pale pink in color, it's wet, enhanced by soft short hairs.
I stretch my tongue waiting for contact with her warm taste. Arrived, it tastes good, it's soft and craving, the clitoris is very hard. I don't make myself pray to the lick all, I go inside it as much as I can, feeling it moan of pleasure.
Suddenly a hand grabs her... I can't see down there, but I recognize the grip. It's Laura who, even under the "cares" of Giacomo and Luigi, wants to show me her love. And all it takes is a sweet squeeze of mine, to reciprocate, silently shouting my immense love for her, and how much I consider her unique and true woman.
Milena stops playing "mine". Get on the billiard table. A condom pops out, which skillfully wraps around my hard-on. Milena wisely snuggles up to her wet, open pussy and slowly welcomes my dick inside her pussy, without losing a millimeter of her enjoyable knowledge.
I let it go, I let it go, and I couldn't be otherwise, I'm blocked by Elena's big potato, which shakes on my mouth.
I'm finally all inside Milena. She's savouring it with slow, slow ups and downs. I try not to come immediately I resist but with every up and down is more and more difficult. Milena realizes it, she lets it all in and stops. Elena stops too, with the potato smeared on my mouth.
What's going on? Did I do something not welcome? Everything's quiet. I can tell from the female moans, that women are crossing their lips, looking for in the duel of their tongues the prolongation of their enjoyment.
I can't stand it any longer! With a liberating scream I come into Milena's warm pussy. Who feels my warmth and comes, with a long, sonorous sigh. Followed by Elena who enjoys screaming.
The storm of the senses subsides. We tangle, finding ourselves lying down, embraced, unmade, satisfied and happy.
In the pile of sweaty bodies, Laura also arrives, who with tasty kisses shows me how satisfied she is to have enjoyed with the two men.
Later she confirmed to me that she had taken both men inside, and that she alternated them one in the mouth and the other in the pussy. Leaving her ass dry, but being good people she promises to do so on the next occasion.
And I confirmed her impressions, naturally to the two women.
Promising each other we'd go back to that tavern for dinner.
And it happened!.
Greetings. Hugs. Short chat, and we accept the invitation to go together to taste the fabulous Porchetta of our friend (Giacomo).
It's still early for dinner. We decide to leave our friends to their work, and go and browse the stalls of the "Sagra di porcini e castagne".
On the way back the couple is closing the counter, and loading the unsold goods onto the van.
We gladly offer our help. And it's just as gladly accepted. Elena gets into the van, I follow her, and I take the heavy sacks, and canned goods, taken out by Luigi, help her to put them in the cargo area.
Between one movement and another, Elena bends over, showing off her fat ass, wrapped in her tight jeans.
A spectacle to be observed, left cuddled up. She notices my interest and slaps me, and reprimands me with an easygoing slap:
"Now is not the time to look at my ass! Maybe later!"
I get weirded out. Thinking Elena is unaware of our escapade with her husband. You want to see that Luigi told him about our meeting in the "seccou". Well, we'll see what will happen. And without replying, I'll pick up and drop sacks.
Looking down, I discover Laura gloating with Luigi's "involuntary" ass-kicking. Blessed are they who work having fun, I'm content to toil and see.
Finally we are sitting at the table, in the tavern of my friend the innkeeper (Giacomo). Who kindly offers to "do him", both for the menu and the wine.
We also meet his charming wife (Milena), who comes with an excellent bottle of black Canina.
The "antidietetic" dinner slips away cheerfully, helped by the bottles of wine that quickly empty, and supported by two-way jokes of the big Giacomo, backed by Milena. Who, serving me several times, rests her big tits on my shoulders.
And Elena, too, is supported, always "involuntary", by Giacomo's "package",
While our guests do little to hide the fast but eloquent, touches to the smiling hosts.
Time passes, the patrons leave emptying the tavern. Giacomo says goodbye to the last latecomer of the family, and closes the front door.
The innkeeper, bringing a bottle of excellent grappa, produced by them, sits down with us.
I find myself between Elena and Milena. While Laura is in front of me, between Luigi and Giacomo, and the two men have the other's woman in front of them.
The toasts begin. The compliments to the three women are wasted. The allusions become more and more explicit, the laughter of approval multiplies.
The powders are lit, who's going to blow them up?
I feel the heat of Milena's thigh against mine. I look at her, and she's friendly, and by chance she lifts up her wide skirt, discovering her thigh wrapped in veiled light hazelnut-coloured stockings.
It goes as she wants, I'm already a little tipsy, I try, and I support distractedly, and gently, one hand on the velvety thigh. And nothing happens, and I just stand there.
The jokes continue about the loveliness and sexuality of the three women, who, in approving them, argue with cheerful wisdom, all feminine.
I notice Laura's arms moving under the tablecloth.
What are you looking for? Or that she's already found? From her face and the satisfied grimace of Luigi and Giacomo she has already found what she was looking for.
Very well, you're enjoying yourself, and what about me?
I throw myself, and I start to caress Milena's velvety thigh. She looks at me and nods. I take courage and try to put my other hand on Elena's thigh.
Suddenly a silence of approval surrounds everyone. Without asking, without words, but with eloquent looks. Everyone agrees on how to continue the evening.
My hand goes up on her silky thigh, until I find a sudden feeling of soft nudity. Is Milena wearing stockings? No! I almost immediately notice the sexual garter belts. I go on caressing, looking and approving Laura, even though I don't know what she has on her hands, but I imagine it. And we both understand and approve, where and with whom, we're intruding.
Elena takes my hand and moves it over the zipper of her pants. Wink at her and asks her to open it. I'd love to get busy, but I can't.
She moves my hand, and as she gets up, she tinkers slightly, and the tight jeans slide down a little. In the meantime I take advantage of it for another sip of grappa, and with the other hand I keep discovering and caressing Milena's inner thighs. With her head tilted, she shows everyone she approves of my not too sneaky caresses.
Laura, later, told me that without touching each other I find my thong flooded, because of those two magnificent cocks. And that she would never leave the situation unresolved. And she didn't!
After putting down the glass, I return to look for Elena's intimate warmth, with a mixture of certainty and desire not to find rough jeans but thin panties, which protect the soft treasure. And in fact, with great pleasure I find under my fingertips the light and silky wet fabric.
In a confused interweaving of arms, first one woman and then the other, they go in search of my zipper. They find it, and with quick skill they open the opening, just enough to put their hands in it.
They grab "mine" already stressed by the desire to be freed and caressed. One of them holds it still and the other one stretches the panties to release it. In the mess of warm hands they can't get it right. And I gladly have to help them, lifting myself up and sliding down to the middle of my thigh, jeans and briefs.
With my dick hard and my pants down, I feel ridiculous. Feeling that disappears quickly, seeing the mouths of the two women, approaching and conquering each the desired position, and starting to lick it, to suck it with consummate experience, for my and their pleasure.
For those who had never done it, he lost a lot. I recommend this experience to everyone. It's simply a delirium, or high. To survive this erotic, sexual torture, you need a strong, healthy heart. Let's get back to what's going on in the tavern.
Laura is without pants, and sweater, it doesn't matter if she or someone else took them off.
Her body, still tanned, is fabulously horny to me. And judging by the way they caress her, kiss her, and the two men contend for her, she's a magnificent and willing prey for them too, all to be enjoyed and made to enjoy.
I don't know who laid her on her stomach on the billiard table, or who ripped off her thong, but I recognise Luigi's semi-shaved head, who shamelessly slips between Laura's legs. Starting to lick it noisily. She appreciates and I hear her whimpering with pleasure, while she opens her thighs to the maximum to offer and receive more and more deeply in her pussy the nasty and fast tongue of the swallowed man.
Giacomo does not want to stay behind. He undresses quickly, and flaunting the big and long cock kneels down on the billiard table, offering it to my woman's willing mouth. Who welcomes him with a few licks at full auction, and then sucks it, as far as he can, into his mouth. Laura is in ecstasy at the double lick.
The two torturarticians, while they are soliciting with "mine", with difficulty take off the other's clothes. At last they abandon me. They get up, and finish undressing each other. They fly away pants, skirt, sweater, blouse between long caresses and sexual tongue dances.
An unexpected little sapphic spectacle, all of their own. I happen to be there, and I'm ignored.
The situation has precipitated. I decide to undress completely. I look at the two situations:
Laura between the two men is whimpering, as far as the cock in her mouth will allow it.
The two women, now naked, hug each other, caress potatoes, kiss each other in the mouth.
I have a very hard cock, I watch, I enjoy for them, avoiding to touch me, I would have come right away.
The environment, the participants are too naturally erotic in their pleasant giving sex.
After a time that I can not assess, Milena wearing only stockings, supported by the white bra, grabs me by the hand and slams me on the pool table, next to Laura and the two busy men.
Luigi, lifting himself from Laura's pussy, kisses her with tasty intertwined tongues. And then back to Laura's pussy.
Lust is at its maximum and a little more.
While Milena regains possession of my cock with long, sexual licks, alternating with sucking sucks, giving me a sense of painful enjoyment.
I notice Elena only when I see her potato slowly descending on my face. Her pussy is very open, pale pink in color, it's wet, enhanced by soft short hairs.
I stretch my tongue waiting for contact with her warm taste. Arrived, it tastes good, it's soft and craving, the clitoris is very hard. I don't make myself pray to the lick all, I go inside it as much as I can, feeling it moan of pleasure.
Suddenly a hand grabs her... I can't see down there, but I recognize the grip. It's Laura who, even under the "cares" of Giacomo and Luigi, wants to show me her love. And all it takes is a sweet squeeze of mine, to reciprocate, silently shouting my immense love for her, and how much I consider her unique and true woman.
Milena stops playing "mine". Get on the billiard table. A condom pops out, which skillfully wraps around my hard-on. Milena wisely snuggles up to her wet, open pussy and slowly welcomes my dick inside her pussy, without losing a millimeter of her enjoyable knowledge.
I let it go, I let it go, and I couldn't be otherwise, I'm blocked by Elena's big potato, which shakes on my mouth.
I'm finally all inside Milena. She's savouring it with slow, slow ups and downs. I try not to come immediately I resist but with every up and down is more and more difficult. Milena realizes it, she lets it all in and stops. Elena stops too, with the potato smeared on my mouth.
What's going on? Did I do something not welcome? Everything's quiet. I can tell from the female moans, that women are crossing their lips, looking for in the duel of their tongues the prolongation of their enjoyment.
I can't stand it any longer! With a liberating scream I come into Milena's warm pussy. Who feels my warmth and comes, with a long, sonorous sigh. Followed by Elena who enjoys screaming.
The storm of the senses subsides. We tangle, finding ourselves lying down, embraced, unmade, satisfied and happy.
In the pile of sweaty bodies, Laura also arrives, who with tasty kisses shows me how satisfied she is to have enjoyed with the two men.
Later she confirmed to me that she had taken both men inside, and that she alternated them one in the mouth and the other in the pussy. Leaving her ass dry, but being good people she promises to do so on the next occasion.
And I confirmed her impressions, naturally to the two women.
Promising each other we'd go back to that tavern for dinner.
And it happened!.
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