The succession of small waves of pleasure sends sweet sensations to my five senses on alert. I listen to moans, taste and smell effluvities and Afrori, palpitate warm female bodies, caress breasts, crepe orifices, wet pussy. Expert women's mouths are working on me, slimy tongues caress me in my armpits and on my swollen nipples, others slalom between my toes, suck my toes; a ravenous little girl whips my clit, her twin lick my anus gently, trying to explore the delicate inside. The wave of sublime pleasure begins to overwhelm me, Paola, who has organized this Sapphic orgy for me, has not stopped kissing me for a moment, a privilege exclusively hers, she knows every nervous terminal, every erogenous zone of my body, It loosens our tangled tongues and, in the instant that I prop up my heels and bow, offering pussy and ass to the voraciousness of the twins, I open my mouth wide that receiving the stream of saliva that makes us drip, thus begins the saraband of the supreme orgasm. I'm enjoying it to the utmost, I'd like to beg for mercy, I can't bear beyond the wonderful torment, I'm at their mercy, the pleasure, reached the point of no return, is about to turn into unbearable suffering. I lose control of my bladder, the four fingers that fuck me, are flooded by the hot liquid, the same girl who is whipping my clitoris, pulls them out of my vagina and with her mouth she ventures into the hole of the urethra, to gobble all that her mouth can contain, the rest flows towards the ass and the intoxicating urine is channeled into the throat of the other.
We were left alone, the saffolettes disappeared in silence, I have the adoring look in my eyes, of Paola whispering: "Happy birthday Luisa, my love". Then she starts kissing me again with her plagiarizing tongue.
I am Luisa, I am thirty-one years old and I sit in the waiting room of Enza, the lesbian gynaecologist, who has always cured and delighted my pussy since puberty and I delighted hers. The patient who has just entered, she warned me that her visit would be long and meticulous, so I leaf through a magazine distractedly, thinking about what had just happened to me on the bus, and here the protagonist of my erotic echo, materializes. It had happened that the two of us were the only travelers on the way to the terminus and Paola, as she is called, had traveled the entire length of the bus to sit in front of me. She had stared at me, smiled, and suddenly, with the tip of her tongue, she had laxly lapped her nose, causing me an unexpected orgasm. She then discovered her mood-soaked pussy, surrounded by coppery hair like her hair, had picked up sticky slime on the tip of her finger and then sucked it obscenely, while I, transported to that incredible sexual reality, felt a new orgasm. I had come down from the middle giving one last, frightened look at her beautiful smiling and promising face and now, in that waiting room, I had her tongue in my mouth that was driving me crazy, we were collecting the slimy moods from our dripping pussy, then licking each other's fingers in an exacerbated enjoyment. The doctor came to us, sucked deeply with her nose, smiled at us in a promising way and then I asked her if Paola could attend my visit. "She can even take part in it, in fact I'll make one free for her and you - she turned to me - will be the assistant." "We'll all be doctors, assistants and patients." Said Paola and did the bus gesture again, with the tongue that this time, reached halfway down the septum. "Fuck, I enjoyed it! Where did you find this pig?" Enza exclaimed, furious.
I'm lying on my back on the couch, my legs on the stirrups, the doctor, sixty years old juno and masculine, sitting in front of me, licking my anus, Paola, who's put herself on top of me at sixty-nine, playing with my clitoris, while I'm inebriated with her penetrating natural red Afrori, walking her from the apex of her pussy to the anal hole. I enjoy and arch my back, Enza penetrates my ass with her rigid tongue, Paola absorbs the trigger inside my mouth, giving me the impression of wanting to eradicate it, instead she begins to circumnavigate it quickly with her tongue endowed with her own life. My and Paola's orgasms last an eternity, in the end I remain disarticulated like a rag doll: my body, not used to these pressing erotic rhythms, needs to reset and stands by.
Enza stripped herself: "Girls, when are you going to let me enjoy it too?" "You just signed your death sentence." My new lover tells her seriously, and the pores of the gynaecologist's body ripple, moan and start masturbating, Paola kneels between her legs, with her tongue she takes her hand out of the dripping niche and while licking it with her supernatural organ, she stretches her arm, takes a nipple between her thumb and index finger, and in the very moment she enjoys it, she cruelly squeezes it, Enza's face expresses pleasure and suffering, she resists until the end of her endurance, then she asks her to stop, Paola continues undaunted to torment her, then the doctor's hand slaps her with a resounding slap: "I told you to stop, you bitch! » Paola laughs insolently, while moods and saliva drip from the corners of her mouth.
Enza told us that she was too old and big to have sex on the gynaecological bed, so Paola suggested we go to her. She lives in an open space furnished with extraordinary extravagance, as an architect, as an interior designer. Enza went to the jukebox, read the titles, then she threw "Sailing" by Rod Stewart and while we were listening to her, she said: "Now, girls, my pussy is dripping, and you Paola made me a promise and keep it! She laughed, moved the mobile part of the bookcase that separated the living area from the night and we found ourselves in a room with a huge bed. We undressed Enza, her heavy body that had almost lost its waist, the veins on her belly, her big tits thinned at the humerus attachments, her nipples swollen for the excitement, gave us the right erotic charge. She was left with only a bra and her panties spotted on the front; none of us had washed and there was a dizzying heat of pussy in the room. We began with synchronized movements, licking her sweaty armpits, then we took off her soaked panties and smelled the intoxicating acrid smell. Paola kneeling in front took care of the pussy, not to lick it, but to fuck it with her tongue rolled up and stiff, mind I, from behind I was licking the hole now devoid of fists, while I made her a thimble holding her buttocks pressed against my face so, when she dilated the anus, I slipped my tongue inside. Enza enjoyed it so much that her legs gave way and bent over her knees; Paola squeezed her nipples to provoke a reaction that was not there, she no longer even had the strength to slap her as she had already done, unlike the tears that came down her cheeks: we had destroyed her. We helped her to lie down on the bed, she dozed off and when she woke up, she put me astride her face, to prevent her from seeing the disturbingly large strap-on that Paola was buckling into her waist. With her candid pink haloed breasts and nipples upright on her statuesque body, she was shamelessly obscene with her huge cock soaring, hiding her vagina. Paola knelt down at the base of her ass and began to slowly penetrate it. Enza was greedily licking my clit and ass and from the vehemence with which she did it, I understood that she was enjoying the huge object that was fucking her. As a final act and in order to keep her promise, Paola pulled it out of her pussy, causing a long queefing, I saw the big latex chapel feeding it and the anus dilating, with Enza taking deep and continuous breaths to facilitate the penetration, then resumed licking my pussy and ass with lascivious libido. The strap-on advanced slowly in her rectum and when it was all inside, Paola began the inevitable comings and goings. She and I lost track of the time she took from each other, she played tenderly with my nipples, in contrast to the vehemence with which she buggered the doctor, I reciprocated with only one hand, because with the other I fingered my gynaecologist friend. We kissed and I couldn't get enough of her magic tongue, we were completely estranged, aware only of the magnificent feeling that had just blossomed between us.
In a glimmer of lucidity I realized that Enza's tongue was no longer moving on my sex, I threw myself from her face and we were frightened to see her inanimate, yet she was breathing calmly, with a blissful expression on her face. We made her smell the vinegar, she came to her senses, and her first words were, "If I could choose the best way to die, I would prefer this one. She didn't even notice the huge dildo she still had stuck up her ass.
We were left alone, the saffolettes disappeared in silence, I have the adoring look in my eyes, of Paola whispering: "Happy birthday Luisa, my love". Then she starts kissing me again with her plagiarizing tongue.
I am Luisa, I am thirty-one years old and I sit in the waiting room of Enza, the lesbian gynaecologist, who has always cured and delighted my pussy since puberty and I delighted hers. The patient who has just entered, she warned me that her visit would be long and meticulous, so I leaf through a magazine distractedly, thinking about what had just happened to me on the bus, and here the protagonist of my erotic echo, materializes. It had happened that the two of us were the only travelers on the way to the terminus and Paola, as she is called, had traveled the entire length of the bus to sit in front of me. She had stared at me, smiled, and suddenly, with the tip of her tongue, she had laxly lapped her nose, causing me an unexpected orgasm. She then discovered her mood-soaked pussy, surrounded by coppery hair like her hair, had picked up sticky slime on the tip of her finger and then sucked it obscenely, while I, transported to that incredible sexual reality, felt a new orgasm. I had come down from the middle giving one last, frightened look at her beautiful smiling and promising face and now, in that waiting room, I had her tongue in my mouth that was driving me crazy, we were collecting the slimy moods from our dripping pussy, then licking each other's fingers in an exacerbated enjoyment. The doctor came to us, sucked deeply with her nose, smiled at us in a promising way and then I asked her if Paola could attend my visit. "She can even take part in it, in fact I'll make one free for her and you - she turned to me - will be the assistant." "We'll all be doctors, assistants and patients." Said Paola and did the bus gesture again, with the tongue that this time, reached halfway down the septum. "Fuck, I enjoyed it! Where did you find this pig?" Enza exclaimed, furious.
I'm lying on my back on the couch, my legs on the stirrups, the doctor, sixty years old juno and masculine, sitting in front of me, licking my anus, Paola, who's put herself on top of me at sixty-nine, playing with my clitoris, while I'm inebriated with her penetrating natural red Afrori, walking her from the apex of her pussy to the anal hole. I enjoy and arch my back, Enza penetrates my ass with her rigid tongue, Paola absorbs the trigger inside my mouth, giving me the impression of wanting to eradicate it, instead she begins to circumnavigate it quickly with her tongue endowed with her own life. My and Paola's orgasms last an eternity, in the end I remain disarticulated like a rag doll: my body, not used to these pressing erotic rhythms, needs to reset and stands by.
Enza stripped herself: "Girls, when are you going to let me enjoy it too?" "You just signed your death sentence." My new lover tells her seriously, and the pores of the gynaecologist's body ripple, moan and start masturbating, Paola kneels between her legs, with her tongue she takes her hand out of the dripping niche and while licking it with her supernatural organ, she stretches her arm, takes a nipple between her thumb and index finger, and in the very moment she enjoys it, she cruelly squeezes it, Enza's face expresses pleasure and suffering, she resists until the end of her endurance, then she asks her to stop, Paola continues undaunted to torment her, then the doctor's hand slaps her with a resounding slap: "I told you to stop, you bitch! » Paola laughs insolently, while moods and saliva drip from the corners of her mouth.
Enza told us that she was too old and big to have sex on the gynaecological bed, so Paola suggested we go to her. She lives in an open space furnished with extraordinary extravagance, as an architect, as an interior designer. Enza went to the jukebox, read the titles, then she threw "Sailing" by Rod Stewart and while we were listening to her, she said: "Now, girls, my pussy is dripping, and you Paola made me a promise and keep it! She laughed, moved the mobile part of the bookcase that separated the living area from the night and we found ourselves in a room with a huge bed. We undressed Enza, her heavy body that had almost lost its waist, the veins on her belly, her big tits thinned at the humerus attachments, her nipples swollen for the excitement, gave us the right erotic charge. She was left with only a bra and her panties spotted on the front; none of us had washed and there was a dizzying heat of pussy in the room. We began with synchronized movements, licking her sweaty armpits, then we took off her soaked panties and smelled the intoxicating acrid smell. Paola kneeling in front took care of the pussy, not to lick it, but to fuck it with her tongue rolled up and stiff, mind I, from behind I was licking the hole now devoid of fists, while I made her a thimble holding her buttocks pressed against my face so, when she dilated the anus, I slipped my tongue inside. Enza enjoyed it so much that her legs gave way and bent over her knees; Paola squeezed her nipples to provoke a reaction that was not there, she no longer even had the strength to slap her as she had already done, unlike the tears that came down her cheeks: we had destroyed her. We helped her to lie down on the bed, she dozed off and when she woke up, she put me astride her face, to prevent her from seeing the disturbingly large strap-on that Paola was buckling into her waist. With her candid pink haloed breasts and nipples upright on her statuesque body, she was shamelessly obscene with her huge cock soaring, hiding her vagina. Paola knelt down at the base of her ass and began to slowly penetrate it. Enza was greedily licking my clit and ass and from the vehemence with which she did it, I understood that she was enjoying the huge object that was fucking her. As a final act and in order to keep her promise, Paola pulled it out of her pussy, causing a long queefing, I saw the big latex chapel feeding it and the anus dilating, with Enza taking deep and continuous breaths to facilitate the penetration, then resumed licking my pussy and ass with lascivious libido. The strap-on advanced slowly in her rectum and when it was all inside, Paola began the inevitable comings and goings. She and I lost track of the time she took from each other, she played tenderly with my nipples, in contrast to the vehemence with which she buggered the doctor, I reciprocated with only one hand, because with the other I fingered my gynaecologist friend. We kissed and I couldn't get enough of her magic tongue, we were completely estranged, aware only of the magnificent feeling that had just blossomed between us.
In a glimmer of lucidity I realized that Enza's tongue was no longer moving on my sex, I threw myself from her face and we were frightened to see her inanimate, yet she was breathing calmly, with a blissful expression on her face. We made her smell the vinegar, she came to her senses, and her first words were, "If I could choose the best way to die, I would prefer this one. She didn't even notice the huge dildo she still had stuck up her ass.
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