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Staff member
My life has taken on a very different aspect from what I imagined, the crisis of occupations has forced me to work disguised as a waitress, then I became marketing manager and now I am the private secretary of Diego, the majority partner of the company.
Very private, I live in his villa, I take care of his various interests, I advise him on the use of the computer and I keep him company especially at night.
My room adjoins my study, a room equipped with the best current technology; in this study I connect with the world for any reason, from investment planning to the search for tourist destinations, from the study of the classics to high-tech chat, up to medicine applied to the extension of life; summarizing in one word: Internet.
In this room, there is a door leading to the so-called archive, behind a shelf of which there is a sliding door leading to a dressing room equipped with a walk-in closet and a bathroom. Another sliding door communicates with the walk-in closet of my manager's room.
Thanks to careful study only by examining in detail the topographical maps of the villa you can see that in fact there is a room three meters by three, and the room is so well soundproofed that you can't hear anything at all from the outside.
These precautions were necessary in order to conceal from the staff of the house and possible guests that aspect of private life that a public person cannot show; in fact, while during the day I took care of the public relations aspects, at night I transformed myself into Eva the unscrupulous mistress.
No one had ever suspected what might happen, also because in the villa social gatherings were more an exception than a rule and our behavior in public was always based on the utmost professional seriousness.
One day, the manager received a letter of invitation to hold a series of meetings in an African country; they were practically training seminars that he tried to avoid but was then forced, politically, to accept.
The program called for an absence of about twenty days and, since it was paid for by a ministry in a country with a visa that was difficult to obtain, only for him; so we had to resign ourselves to being separated for that amount of time.
Obviously in his absence I would also have to follow his other activities and various communications.
Shortly before leaving, he received a phone call from his nephew Fabio, an apprentice in a law firm in London, informing him of his intention to return to Italy for a short stay; he was so happy to be able to spend some time with one of his very rare relatives that he forgot about the trip. When he realized this, he didn't have the courage to reveal his mistake, so he decided that I should communicate the news of his departure only when his nephew arrived, using any excuse.
Fabio arrived on time and I apologized to him explaining, half truthfully, that his uncle had been summoned abroad by a ministry only a few days before.
The boy, who was twenty-five years old, did not seem particularly displeased and decided that he would stay only a few days and would return as soon as his uncle had finished his trip; the housekeeper accompanied him to his room and gave him a tour of the villa so that he could familiarize himself.
It must be said that he was a discreet person, you could hardly see him around, he had no special needs at the table and possessed a wide general culture; in a short time we established a confidential relationship and we became friendly.
He was very curious and I often found him wandering around the house, not that it bothered me, in fact the only room he did not have access to was my study and he had never asked to enter.
For my part, life proceeded regularly, during the day I carried out all the normal tasks and in the evening I returned to transform myself into Eva; I didn't see why the absence of my man should interrupt my normal rhythms.
One Saturday evening, after having dismissed the staff of the house, Fabio told me that he would go to bed early and left me earlier than usual; after the necessary greetings I went to the studio and got dressed. I liked to stay dressed a little sexier before going to bed, so I opted for a black blouse, my usual padded bra and a fairly short gray wrap skirt. I put on a pair of flesh-colored stockings held in place by a garter belt, a pair of rhinestone sandals and seven-inch heels and a coppery wig.
A glance in the mirror confirmed that despite my forty-seven years I looked like a lady still comely; I was so intent on observing myself when I heard a knock on the window. I was on the second floor and the only way to get to that height was a ladder, and a long one at that; so without thinking I turned around and saw Fabio poised on the windowsill.
I couldn't hide and all the lights were on so I approached the window and opened the glass.
- So I was right, every night walking in the park I saw a silhouette of a woman.
Her voice was quiet and trying to appear normal I replied:
- Congratulations, a beautiful view, but how did you get up here?
- I didn't climb up, I came down from the sky, or more prosaically I slipped from the solarium on the roof along the lightning conductor cable.
- A very dangerous act, why did you do it?
A beaming smile and a wink accompanied the answer.
- To meet my aunt...
The boy had proved to be extremely smart and resourceful, but I didn't know how to behave, in fact no one had forbidden him access to the house, but his intrusion into my private life disturbed the delicate balance we had achieved.
- After all, we are both alone in this big house - he continued - and I see nothing wrong in spending a little time in company.
I decided to play along with him and see what he wanted, so I offered him a drink.
- Would you like a drink?
- Why not, do you have an iced vodka?
Of course, the minibar was fully stocked, so I poured two shots and we drank them all in one go. Chatting and drinking, the atmosphere had relaxed and we began to tell each other about our lives, I didn't say much about my past and on the other hand I learned that the guy didn't have many relationships with the opposite sex; in London Italians were not seen as reliable people so he was practically always alone.
Probably he had reached that phase that in drinking coincides with a certain sadness and he leaned on my shoulder feeling sorry for himself; it was spontaneous for me to stroke his hair and try to console him. I had dimmed the lights and the room was warm and cozy, maybe a little too much since the guy put his hand on my thigh and began to climb.
- I don't think so, the absence of your uncle doesn't allow you to take advantage like that.
- But aunt I have a great desire and you are a real woman not like those English icicles.
It was a great compliment for someone like me, but I shouldn't have let myself be flattered.
- Dear, I too have a desire, your uncle's absence weighs on me.
- So why do you resist after all we are alone and no one will ever know.
We were sitting on the edge of the bed so with one push he dropped me on my back on the sheets and began to grope me all over, he seemed to have ten hands and in an attempt to stop at least one, I took my hands off his chest and found him on me.
He kissed my lips and his tongue slipped between my teeth, I couldn't resist and I reciprocated his kiss. I really wanted to have a healthy fuck and he had the physique and the impetuosity typical of sexting people; in exchanging the kiss we had tipped over so I took the opportunity to undress him completely. He had a big cock but not very long and he had a great desire to use it; I managed to resist and I stood up, I put myself in front of the mirror of the room and improvised a mini striptease. I began by walking around a bit 'shaking on stiletto heels, then I began to unbutton my blouse, slowly button by button, I slipped off watching his face become increasingly red. I went back to him and swaying, I pulled off the ribbons that closed the skirt that fell at my feet; it was too much for him, he took me by the hips and threw me back on the bed, with clumsy hands he reached the elastic band of my slippers and pulled them off. I must say that my dick had also grown but it didn't bother him at all, he bent over me and before I could say anything he took it in his mouth; I turned on the bed going to look for his sex and we started a fantastic sixty-nine.
He wasn't very experienced but his good will was nice; we continued for a while but it wasn't what he wanted.
Suddenly he stopped sucking me, turned around and came on top of me.
- Wait a minute it's better not to risk it, and then with such a big thing if we don't grease it a little you will destroy me.
I took a condom and gel from the bedside table, I went back to him and slowly prepared him, very slowly, then I lay down on my back and I greased my ass for good, even slipping two fingers inside; he was excited and it was clear that he would not stay long.
So I finished the preparations and, getting on my knees, I turned to put the gel on the bedside table; I had done it without thinking and the sight of my buttocks so raised had made him explode.
With one leap he was behind me, he took me by the hips and began to push his cock on my little hole; at first I could not get it in, also because taken unawares I had stiffened my muscles, then I relaxed just as he gave a little stronger tap.
He entered me all of a sudden and I felt myself bursting so fast, he stayed still for a while 'then began to move a little at a time, extracting only an inch before re-infiltrating it, it was a pain to feel such a movement, but I still felt a deep pleasure.
He managed to dominate the classic haste of sexting people and began to come out a little more and a little more very slowly; when finally the head came almost out he did not pull it out completely but began to accelerate the pace.
It was wonderful and irresistible, I was completely abandoned and in his hands and the mirror in the room only amplified my sensations; I saw a male fucking a female in heat and that female was me.
At a certain point I realized that he was very close to orgasm so I leaned forward making him enter even more, at the same time I stretched a hand between our legs until I reached his balls. Just a light contact was enough to feel a stronger thrust and his cock became bigger while pulses ran along his shaft; it lasted a long time and it seemed to me that it would never end then with a soft moan he fell on the bed.
We spent the whole night together and we fell asleep only at dawn after a night of wild passion, in the afternoon I accompanied him to the station where he was waiting for a train to Perugia where he would spend a period of tourism and I tore the promise that I would go to London to see him.

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