The time of the interview was a long way from the time it aired.
Television studios on the outskirts of Rome, pleasantries, makeup and hair. The usual.
But the decision to participate in the frivolous talk show had been painful and thoughtful.
The occasion, however, was greedy to try to make it likeable to a wider and simpler audience.
In the dressing room, the arrival of B was that of a diva, much more than the role of prima donna of the TV that she certainly had, so much "court" of assistants and authors had accompanied her and a trail of perfume so powerful as to leave you breathless.
At that moment V was reminded of the night with ME a few days before and a surprising redness appeared on her face. Is it possible that a woman's perfume now had that effect on her?
She looked at B coming out of the dressing room with the look of those who follow the curves, the ankles on the high heels of that not-so-sexting star, yet so deliberately sexting.
The interview was very positive. V didn't feel uncomfortable and his credibility benefited.
Before leaving between escort B and V they found themselves in the back-stage for a few seconds for a greeting and a comment. They were smiles and appreciations.
At that moment, surprisingly, V dared: "If you feel like it, call me privately and come see me one night at home, alone. I'd like to get to know you better and without cameras or annoyances. If you'd like." Smiles, a small kiss on the cheek and the feeling for V of a surprised reaction in B, remained almost speechless and nodded taking the business card with only V's first name, last name, address and mobile number. The sign of that wide, important and curious scent opened V's breath as he walked away.
After a few hours, at the end of the long day, a text message arrived, which was unusual on V's furniture: "Hi, I'm B. Thanks for today. Everything went great. When are you free? So we'll get organized and I'll come see you. A kiss."
"Bye. It was nice to see you too. Very nice. A success. It's time for women to respect each other, even in public! Tonight and tomorrow I have no plans and no one home. I'm keeping myself free. Let me know. There's something in the fridge. But I demand privacy. A kiss. V”.
"Well, I've finished recording and I'm a night owl, as you know... I'll just be half an hour. If you want to..."
"Sure. I'll wait for you. You have the address. Take care..."
"I am accompanied by the driver and no one else. And I don't tell him where I'm going. Don't worry. I'm coming!"
V didn't give up the black "La Perla" underwear, with a chaste but elegant dressing gown and sabots with small matching heels. He chose a perfume he loved very much. In short, she wanted to seduce. She was determined. The night with me had made her confident, determined and very curious.
B arrived and it was the same old volcano. A quarter of a century of age difference could not even be imagined. She brought a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne. The cream-coloured dress was elegant but incredibly sexy even though she didn't want to be. The shoes with the usual high heels, although classic décolleté, were the mark of the sweet scratch that B knew how to put in everything, public or private.
Their way of approaching things was so different. Yet V had an important, very important role and the need to be charismatic was growing every day.
V, so sexy, surprised B. prepared canapés, opened the champagne and started eating and drinking like old friends on the couch. B got rid of her shoes. V immediately imitated her. B looked at V's feet with a feminine curiosity and without fully understanding what was going on, but, as she sometimes did, her instinct, her Neapolitan versatility made her decide to let herself go and not to ask too many questions.
It was a long talk about the things in life, the roles, the men. They opened up, confessed some sins and some transgressions that had occurred in the professional sphere, but without naming names.
B confessed that she had an occasional but very important lover to whom she had been in a relationship for many years, almost like father and daughter. Then she broke up. "See V... Judge me. But I also sleep with her son who is younger than me and there I become the mother... And yet for me they are loves, both of them. Do you believe me?"
V blushed. "Yes... I believe you... in love one must not judge. "And even when it comes to sex, judgements must take into account weaknesses... We're human, it seems like an expression, but..." And he thought about ME, the caresses, the warm mouths, those repeated orgasms, ME's hair... How could he feel entitled to judge? She drove her coworkers, her clients, her husband crazy... That polite air of hers... And then ME... Unquestionable...
He approached B. "Can I smell your perfume well? It upset me today..." "I'll get it done. It "s unique. Mine. I "Il give you a bottle tomorrow. I want it to be yours too..."
B got close. She had a theatrical sense to sell and so she could act but now there, she wasn't acting, she was discovering the taste of a sexting and charming, emerging and powerful woman who showed her such obvious erotic attention... And she, B, had already had experiences with other women, not always very pleasant, but always exciting.
In an instant they kissed. B took charge of the situation, opened V's robe, crept in, kissed, licked. In an instant it was between his legs. Those feet, that erotic underwear... The V juice came out all over the place. Now he had learned. And he let himself go.
After that orgasm, so fast, B was naked in an instant.
She was small but had a perfect body. V had her stretched out and enjoyed it inch by inch. B made her do it. V went so far as to suck her toes and between her toes and then her hands greedily. She absorbed every scent. B was perfectly and completely shaved. The orgasm came after a while and it was beautiful, strong and convulsive.
They went to bed. Embracing each other, talking about how they felt. Kissing all the time.
B said to her. "But I'd like a boy to play with here... with you... you make me feel so catty and so slutty."
"Fine by me, I'm in the mood for anything... I'm gudorous and I want to enjoy it... but who?"
“V...” "No son of him no... Absolutely not!"
"You... you don't know what you're saying no to... And I'm Mommy to him... Will you let me?"
"Yes, but..." "But nothing. Mommy's in charge..."
"Hi. I'm disturbing. Are you in Rome? Are you in company? I'd like you to join me, I'm with a dear friend. Did I explain my puppy?"
"Sure, Mom. Give me the address. I'll be right there. I'm home alone. I'll get the car. No cab. All right?"
"You got it all figured out. Don't bring anything. Everything's already here..."
"Just hearing your voice and the way you... That's all... I'm dying to get there. Pants and a shirt and I'm coming..."
Like a bolt of lightning he feared in front. Handsome, not tall but well-groomed and extremely kind.
V appeared from the kitchen. PS startled him. "Hello. Welcome to my home. What a strange occasion..."
He grabbed her, squeezed her in front of Mummy's eyes. He kissed her on the neck, smelling Mommy's intense perfume, her B.
V, robe, sabot, sex led him straight to bed, holding her hand.
B was watching, and soon he was directing. And after a few minutes he took care of staring at his puppy's excitement. And he knew how to do it.
...his orgasm, PS, came a long time later. He resisted and resisted. It was so beautiful and exciting that he didn't want to come.
He exploded on both mouths filling them with juice, after the repeated orgasms of his two famous and beautiful lovers.
"I can't sleep here. I wish I could, but I can't. Tell me I'll see you again. Tell me we'll do it again. If you want to with others. If not, alone, the three of us..."
"Do you think I'd miss something like this again... If you swear not to tell your best friend, and I swear not to tell your best friend, yes, and for a long time..."
"I swear!" "I swear!"
B and V slept together. The alarm clock at 6.50 and B took a taxi, but on the corner and well disguised so as not to be recognized ...
Television studios on the outskirts of Rome, pleasantries, makeup and hair. The usual.
But the decision to participate in the frivolous talk show had been painful and thoughtful.
The occasion, however, was greedy to try to make it likeable to a wider and simpler audience.
In the dressing room, the arrival of B was that of a diva, much more than the role of prima donna of the TV that she certainly had, so much "court" of assistants and authors had accompanied her and a trail of perfume so powerful as to leave you breathless.
At that moment V was reminded of the night with ME a few days before and a surprising redness appeared on her face. Is it possible that a woman's perfume now had that effect on her?
She looked at B coming out of the dressing room with the look of those who follow the curves, the ankles on the high heels of that not-so-sexting star, yet so deliberately sexting.
The interview was very positive. V didn't feel uncomfortable and his credibility benefited.
Before leaving between escort B and V they found themselves in the back-stage for a few seconds for a greeting and a comment. They were smiles and appreciations.
At that moment, surprisingly, V dared: "If you feel like it, call me privately and come see me one night at home, alone. I'd like to get to know you better and without cameras or annoyances. If you'd like." Smiles, a small kiss on the cheek and the feeling for V of a surprised reaction in B, remained almost speechless and nodded taking the business card with only V's first name, last name, address and mobile number. The sign of that wide, important and curious scent opened V's breath as he walked away.
After a few hours, at the end of the long day, a text message arrived, which was unusual on V's furniture: "Hi, I'm B. Thanks for today. Everything went great. When are you free? So we'll get organized and I'll come see you. A kiss."
"Bye. It was nice to see you too. Very nice. A success. It's time for women to respect each other, even in public! Tonight and tomorrow I have no plans and no one home. I'm keeping myself free. Let me know. There's something in the fridge. But I demand privacy. A kiss. V”.
"Well, I've finished recording and I'm a night owl, as you know... I'll just be half an hour. If you want to..."
"Sure. I'll wait for you. You have the address. Take care..."
"I am accompanied by the driver and no one else. And I don't tell him where I'm going. Don't worry. I'm coming!"
V didn't give up the black "La Perla" underwear, with a chaste but elegant dressing gown and sabots with small matching heels. He chose a perfume he loved very much. In short, she wanted to seduce. She was determined. The night with me had made her confident, determined and very curious.
B arrived and it was the same old volcano. A quarter of a century of age difference could not even be imagined. She brought a box of chocolates and a bottle of champagne. The cream-coloured dress was elegant but incredibly sexy even though she didn't want to be. The shoes with the usual high heels, although classic décolleté, were the mark of the sweet scratch that B knew how to put in everything, public or private.
Their way of approaching things was so different. Yet V had an important, very important role and the need to be charismatic was growing every day.
V, so sexy, surprised B. prepared canapés, opened the champagne and started eating and drinking like old friends on the couch. B got rid of her shoes. V immediately imitated her. B looked at V's feet with a feminine curiosity and without fully understanding what was going on, but, as she sometimes did, her instinct, her Neapolitan versatility made her decide to let herself go and not to ask too many questions.
It was a long talk about the things in life, the roles, the men. They opened up, confessed some sins and some transgressions that had occurred in the professional sphere, but without naming names.
B confessed that she had an occasional but very important lover to whom she had been in a relationship for many years, almost like father and daughter. Then she broke up. "See V... Judge me. But I also sleep with her son who is younger than me and there I become the mother... And yet for me they are loves, both of them. Do you believe me?"
V blushed. "Yes... I believe you... in love one must not judge. "And even when it comes to sex, judgements must take into account weaknesses... We're human, it seems like an expression, but..." And he thought about ME, the caresses, the warm mouths, those repeated orgasms, ME's hair... How could he feel entitled to judge? She drove her coworkers, her clients, her husband crazy... That polite air of hers... And then ME... Unquestionable...
He approached B. "Can I smell your perfume well? It upset me today..." "I'll get it done. It "s unique. Mine. I "Il give you a bottle tomorrow. I want it to be yours too..."
B got close. She had a theatrical sense to sell and so she could act but now there, she wasn't acting, she was discovering the taste of a sexting and charming, emerging and powerful woman who showed her such obvious erotic attention... And she, B, had already had experiences with other women, not always very pleasant, but always exciting.
In an instant they kissed. B took charge of the situation, opened V's robe, crept in, kissed, licked. In an instant it was between his legs. Those feet, that erotic underwear... The V juice came out all over the place. Now he had learned. And he let himself go.
After that orgasm, so fast, B was naked in an instant.
She was small but had a perfect body. V had her stretched out and enjoyed it inch by inch. B made her do it. V went so far as to suck her toes and between her toes and then her hands greedily. She absorbed every scent. B was perfectly and completely shaved. The orgasm came after a while and it was beautiful, strong and convulsive.
They went to bed. Embracing each other, talking about how they felt. Kissing all the time.
B said to her. "But I'd like a boy to play with here... with you... you make me feel so catty and so slutty."
"Fine by me, I'm in the mood for anything... I'm gudorous and I want to enjoy it... but who?"
“V...” "No son of him no... Absolutely not!"
"You... you don't know what you're saying no to... And I'm Mommy to him... Will you let me?"
"Yes, but..." "But nothing. Mommy's in charge..."
"Hi. I'm disturbing. Are you in Rome? Are you in company? I'd like you to join me, I'm with a dear friend. Did I explain my puppy?"
"Sure, Mom. Give me the address. I'll be right there. I'm home alone. I'll get the car. No cab. All right?"
"You got it all figured out. Don't bring anything. Everything's already here..."
"Just hearing your voice and the way you... That's all... I'm dying to get there. Pants and a shirt and I'm coming..."
Like a bolt of lightning he feared in front. Handsome, not tall but well-groomed and extremely kind.
V appeared from the kitchen. PS startled him. "Hello. Welcome to my home. What a strange occasion..."
He grabbed her, squeezed her in front of Mummy's eyes. He kissed her on the neck, smelling Mommy's intense perfume, her B.
V, robe, sabot, sex led him straight to bed, holding her hand.
B was watching, and soon he was directing. And after a few minutes he took care of staring at his puppy's excitement. And he knew how to do it.
...his orgasm, PS, came a long time later. He resisted and resisted. It was so beautiful and exciting that he didn't want to come.
He exploded on both mouths filling them with juice, after the repeated orgasms of his two famous and beautiful lovers.
"I can't sleep here. I wish I could, but I can't. Tell me I'll see you again. Tell me we'll do it again. If you want to with others. If not, alone, the three of us..."
"Do you think I'd miss something like this again... If you swear not to tell your best friend, and I swear not to tell your best friend, yes, and for a long time..."
"I swear!" "I swear!"
B and V slept together. The alarm clock at 6.50 and B took a taxi, but on the corner and well disguised so as not to be recognized ...
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