I feel like I'm being watched by everyone and I have no trouble believing it, the way I'm dressed. It's Halloween night and I'm at a nightclub on the outskirts of town with some friends of mine, who I can't find right now. It was their idea to come to this themed night, where you had to wear masks and costumes.
As I walk around the dance floor looking for them, I feel my butt being felt repeatedly, and every time I turn around I don't see anyone. At a certain point I find myself in the middle of a group of guys, dancing around me. One of them stands in front of me, smiling, another one is behind me. They get closer and while the one in front tries to tell me something in my ear, the other one leans with his pubes on my butt. The situation is embarrassing and I try to leave without saying anything, but I can't since they hold me close to them. I try to kick them out, but every gesture I make amuses them more and more. The one behind me is practically drunk, while the others don't seem to be. They take turns touching my butt and saying things that I can't hear because the music is too loud. I don't know how to ask for help and suddenly scared, I start to cry with anger. They don't stop, in fact they seem to be having even more fun.
At one point a black boy sees the scene and approaches. He makes his way between the boys, moving them with force and stands in front of me. He takes me by the hand and leads me out of the dance floor. As we walk out he introduces himself and tells me to be quiet. As I'm about to reply that I'm not a transvestite, the three boys approach.
"Hey Thomas! Why don't you mind your own fucking business? " says one of them.
"Leo, take it easy... " he replies nervously
"Hey ... you're the one who came there to bother us ... We were playing .."
"Yes .., but with my woman! " he said looking at me.
I should have been the one to be surprised, but instead I wasn't the only one.
"You're with him?" he said smiling, but as he did he was hit by a punch.
"..her..get it?Pay her respect."
"Yeah..sorry.." he said blearily.
"And you guys have problems?"
"No..no..Thomas..we didn't know you were with ..her. Excuse us."
"You don't have to apologize to me, you have to apologize to her."
"yes..yes..of course... Sorry, we didn't know you were Thomas' girlfriend, we're sorry."
I embarrassed, I didn't know what to say..then I replied that it wasn't important.
"Hey Tom. You never introduced us to her. What's her name?"
"Steve, we just met, right Sissy?"
By now it felt like we were in another dimension...but I played along.
"Look at that...you're still scared.." Suddenly he approached me and took me in his arms, holding me.
He was incredibly strong in addition to being tall.
I, who was wearing extremely high heels, was only slightly shorter than him.
"Come on, let's go get a drink."
I followed him as long as I could get away from those people.
I leaned on his arm to walk easier because of my shoes. I told him that I had come with friends, that we dressed up as sexy witches and that I couldn't find them anymore.
"Don't worry, I'm here now."
"Are you still scared?"
"yes, a little. But look like I told you, I'm not a transvestite."
"No?mmhh..okay. You're in drag tonight though, right?" she said smiling.
"shhh..Sissy! Do you like that name by the way?"
"a sissy name, basically."
"Great. Sissy." And she smiled again
"Hey. You're not going to call me that?"
"Sure. Wait...Hey..Don' Give me a bottle of sparkling wine..huh? ok..thanks." He took from his bartender friend, a bottle and two glasses.
"This is for us! You were saying?" he asked, as we went to sit on the couch in the private room.
"I don't remember..."
"But congratulations on the dress.As a first time you have done well. They look great on you."
"ehmm.Thank you." Obviously, I was dressed very sexy and that was why the guys had teased me. On my feet I had black sandals with a high heel, thigh highs, and a little dress consisting of a black bust with pink lace that ended with a wide pink skirt also with lace. I had a blonde wig with braids and a pink witch hat. I wore a lot of makeup and a very strong and intense pink lipstick.
"Here's to our meeting..." He handed me the glasses and we toasted.
"You look beautiful, you know?" He said wading into my eyes.
"Thomas, you're embarrassing me, so.."
"And why is that? I mean it you also have beautiful eyes."
"Come on..." I smiled.
"...very sensual lips..." This was true "But no... It's the lipstick that makes them better" I said joking
"Maybe...but they're gorgeous.." then he took my hand
"hey. .what a beautiful feminine hand you have though.."
"Yeah...hey, you're not courting me, are you?" I said as I drank another glass of sparkling wine.
"mmhh..not yet.."
"ah no? I thought so," I said wryly.
"Shall we go dancing?"
"But you're crazy...I'm ashamed and then..with these heels.."
"..you are fabulous..come on, don't make me beg you".
As I tried to refuse, he stood up and dragged me off the couch.
"Where are we going?"
"To the track, honey.." He discarded the first one which was a salsa track and we went to one where there were slow
"Here ..this is perfect. Give me a hug, like this.." he took my arms and held them to himself to dance the slow dance
"That's good ..see you're doing good."
"But Thomas..I didn't mean to.."
"Shh..Sissy..we can talk and dance here..can't we?"
As we danced he told me he was a basketball player and came to the club often.
"you smell nice..Sissy"
"thanks.." every now and then he tried to touch my ass , but I held up my hands
"Hey ... what are you doing smart ...?"
"Stop it .." - I answered him amused. He was playing as if he wanted to flirt and he was doing it in a very spontaneous way. It was my first time dancing with a man, even a slow dance, then. But I felt very good, in his arms, to be honest. Maybe it was the drinks I had that made me think this way.
"That you're the one being smart!" - I added, smiling.
We danced for a while, then I said I was tired from my shoes and we went to sit at a table.
"Have you had fun so far?" she said with her confident manner.
"Yes...but I don't want you to talk to me in the feminine?" I said annoyed.
"Hey..mmhh..come on..does it bother you that much? What's wrong with that?"
"No..but.." - I tried to answer
"Come on..pretend it's a game. Tonight is a special night, right? You in, then?"
"Alright" - I answered
"good, in the meantime let's toast to our evening..". He handed me the glass for another toast.
"So...Sissy, you're my girl for tonight okay?"
"Yes...but I'm not giving it to you.... " I said laughing.
"Alright, honey. I'll suffer in silence.." he replied amused.
We got up and went for a walk around the terrace. We walked embracing each other and he filled me with attention as we discussed many things. Gradually without realizing it, not only did it no longer bother me that he used the feminine towards me, but I even used it myself by playing with it.
"I have to be honest... "I said as we looked at the moon - "...you have a way with women.... "
"Yes ... but you are not a normal woman" he answered slyly.
"Yeah, I know... I mean, the way..." - I was trying to give an explanation to my sentence before he continued "You are a special woman. Sissy." That compliment made me blush.
"Thank you.." I replied , red in the face, and with incredible confusion.
"Your femininity is so strong, it goes beyond just a dress."
"What do you mean?" I replied
"you see, they say that in every man there is a feminine part, and I believe that in you that part is very large" he said looking at me and suddenly we laughed together.
"Ah, well!...thank you then..." I replied with a fake pout, he smiled and continued
"You're welcome! You see, you have a woman trapped in your body and..." he paused for a moment, looked at me and said "..and I want to free her! " and as he finished his sentence he took me in his arms and spun me around several times.
"hey...stop it...you're making me dizzy..." and to keep from falling I put my arms around his neck and found myself laughing " ..come on...come on" then he stopped at a bench and sat down with me on his lap
"there..now is that ok, Sissy?"
"Yes..now it is" - it was getting better, even though I was on his lap and with my arms still on his neck "I have an incredible headache" I said and rested my head on his chest while he stroked my head.
"it must be from the drinks we had.." -
"Yeah..." - I replied tiredly - "...you made me drink all night long!" I added with a smile.
"You've made me thirsty again..shall we go get something else?" we got up and as we walked back inside the club he held my hand the whole way. I thought it was a very nice gesture and full of complicity. Once we arrived at the bar after having another drink, we were joined by some of Thomas' friends, who wanted to take us to another club. I refused, although he wanted to go. I noticed that their presence had affected Thomas's character, which while before was sweet now had become more vulgar.
"I don't understand why sometimes you have this passion for transvestites or transvestites" - a friend of his told him.
"They have their own charm," he said mischievously.
"Yes, but they have no pussy! " replied a friend, making everyone in the room laugh.
"They do have nice lips though..." she said, running a finger over mine. I turned red and got up with the excuse of going to the bathroom.
"And a nice ass.." he added, patting my ass once I stood up. The others continued to laugh and I walked away embarrassed and nervous.
I decided to call my friends to leave, but I had no money in my pocket nor a cell phone, but I managed to convince a guy who had been staring at me for a while, to lend it to me. The only one I managed to contact was Gianni, who told me that they had all left since they hadn't found me.
"What? What am I going to do now! Come and get me!"
"I can't, I don't have a car and Giorgio has been gone for a couple of hours."
"But I don't have any money, I don't have anything! They were in the car!"
"True! Fuck! I'm sorry! But how can I? I have to go to work in a couple of hours, you know!"
"Fuck you" and I hung up pissed.
I didn't understand anything anymore! I was just dressed as a woman, no money, no nothing, and my head was spinning.
"Hey, can I have my phone back?" said the guy.
"Yes ..yes ..sorry" and as I gave it to him he took me by the hand and said
"You're beautiful!" I didn't answer and walked away.
I could see he was following me and had called another friend of his and they were getting closer and closer. I didn't know what to do and I decided to go back to Thomas. But before I got there he caught up with me and continued to talk to me.
"Are you alone?" - I replied no, and that I was with my boyfriend. He didn't believe it and kept trying.
"And he leaves you sa alone..dressed like this?" - he pressed.
"I went to the bathroom...and now excuse me." I walked over to the small sofa of Thomas' friends and sat down beside him, while the two boys stopped to watch.
"Are you okay, Sissy?" he said looking at the two boys who followed me.
"Yes,yes..honey, thank you."
"We're going,Thom. What are you guys doing?" a friend of Thomas suddenly said.
"I don't know...Sissy, what do you want to do? I would love to.."
"I'm tired, Thomas, I'd like to go home," I replied.
"Thomas, come alone, Marika is there with her sister" - said Thomas' friend.
"Wow..great!" then she turned to me and said.
"Do you mind, if I go honey?"
I panicked, if she left me alone, I was at the mercy of those two who wouldn't stop looking at me, plus I was out of money.
"Yes...of course I'm sorry...I don't want you to leave"
"oohhh..what a touching little scene.." said a friend.
"But you said you're tired.." continued Thomas, who obviously didn't mind ending the evening with his two sisters.
"Yes..but I want to be with you" I said, as I looked into his eyes and brought my right leg over his and hugged him
"mmhh..honey" he immediately brought a hand under my skirt touching my ass. I shuddered at the contact and he noticed. And he suddenly kissed me. I opened my eyes wide in surprise as I found his tongue in my mouth, parting. I was surprised, embarrassed, and excited. He kissed me with an incredible passion, which I reciprocated by playing with his tongue.
When he pulled away I was shocked. And I hid my face on his chest. While he held me close to him.Massaging the outside of my thigh.
"It's ok..it's ok..we get it..we'll leave you alone" one of his friends said as they left. I said goodbye without looking at them, clutching Thomas from shame.
We were left alone as I asked him to leave and he wanted to make out on the couch. Every time I tried to talk, he would sink his tongue into my mouth. He put me on his lap always hugging me and stroking my legs. I wanted to leave, but I didn't know how, he was stronger than me, but he was very gentle and sensual. My thigh on his package and I could feel that he was hard. I had to convince him to go, by now we had been making out for half an hour.
"Do you like me?" I said.
"You're amazing..!" and I bit his earlobe, holding it between my lips then I whispered
"mmhh..thanks..but now I'm tired...I'd like to go.." he liked the gesture so much and kissed me again.
When he pulled away I stood up and pulled him to me. He stood up and continued to kiss me. I felt like I had him in my grasp. It was an incredible feeling! I felt beautiful.
We went out on the terrace, he wanted to walk a bit before driving. When he was ready we got into the car.
It was a black Porsche with smoked windows. Really beautiful.
"Wow...she's beautiful.."
"She's like you honey.." he said as he started up, and once on the road he immediately rested his hand on my leg.
"So I was right.."
"About what?"
"I released the woman inside of you." . We both smiled, then continued talking until we arrived at my house.
On the way he wanted to take pictures of me with his cell phone and I jokingly posed.
"I have to thank your friends...if they hadn't left, I wouldn't have met you now".
"Yeah..." I kissed him this time. I surprised myself in the very moment that I was doing it. It was the first kiss I had ever given on my own initiative. My head was spinning, I don't know if it was because of all the attention or because I was tipsy.
"I like you, I want you to be my girlfriend."
"mmhh..but I can't..Thomas..I have to get on with my life"
"No..I want you..you can't leave me.." Before he finished his sentence, I sat on him and replied
"Honey..you have to understand me..don't make that face.."
"Tell me you like me.." he said.
"Yes..I like you very much." We kissed and he put his hand under my skirt and touched my butt looking for something....
"..What are you doing...?" I said in a trembling voice.
"That sentence increased my excitement, while he lightly slipped a finger into my hole. I quivered. And while he played, I put my hand in his pants. But he stopped me...he removed his finger from my ass and said
"No! Wait..." For a moment I sank with shame. I went back to my seat. Embarrassed. I shouldn't have made that gesture.
"What's wrong? Sissy?"
"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to.."
"Hey..you didn't understand..trust me." He turned on the light in the car, put a CD in the player and said:
"It's the first time you see it is I want to create the right atmosphere.."
He unbuckled his belt, while with used his cell phone like a camera in his left hand. He asked me to kneel on my seat and ordered me to massage him. I mechanically performed. I felt it with my palm and felt how big it was.
In the meantime, with his right hand he slowly put a finger in my ass.
Instinctively, I tried to pull down the zipper. He slapped my hand.
"No..no.." He removed the first button on the zipper and stared at me. I was annoyed by his attitude.
"Do you want to see it?" I was too curious to say no
"yes..I do"
"well..first give him a kiss and pull down the zipper with your lips.." that decisive attitude of his drew me in. He did it this time too. I took it between my lips and pulled it down. He then pulled down his pants a little and remained in his briefs. They were white and you could see a huge piece of dark flesh all on one side. I could see the elastic struggling to hold it in place.
"Bite it..I want a picture of you biting it" I didn't let him tell me twice. I squeezed his brief wrapped penis and felt its hardness and next thing I knew I felt the flash of the picture.
"Now..pull the brief down with your teeth.." I turned my head to stare at him for a moment..he was smiling. I smiled back.
I stuck my nose under his shirt and grabbed the elastic of his brief with my teeth. I lifted it up and pulled it down.
And I was slapped for the first time in my life by a cock! It jumped out hitting me in the face.
"ouch..oohhh" I was stunned..I had never seen a cock so big and long. It was black, hard and pointed straight at me.
"It's huge..Thomas" I said quivering..I was hypnotized..
"And naughty too" he said, alluding to the slap and continuing to wave it in my face. He moved his pelvis and hit me repeatedly. I was amused until I grabbed him with my lips. He gasped. I had suddenly opened my mouth wide and captured him. It was the first time I had a cock in my mouth and I was so excited. I didn't realize that his finger was all the way up my ass. And I loved the way he was playing with it.
"You like that don't you?" he said as I lifted my gaze to him, dazzled by the flash of my cell phone.
With his cock still in my mouth I nodded yes, with my tongue I started playing with it, stroking the whole tip of it
"Ohhh...Sissy...you're great" I felt his penis spill some liquid. I pulled it out before he came. He pinned my head
"Ohh...that's it..Sissyy.." I could see him holding back, but I didn't understand why he wouldn't let go of my head.
"Hold on let me for a second.." Then he understood...he stuck another finger in my ass, I screamed in pain. My scream definitely excited him and he exploded several times. The first one hit my mouth, which was open from the scream. As I closed it, I swallowed his cum. He hit me in the face, then on the eyes that I had, fortunately closed and all over my face before my hand protected me from the last splash. I settled back in my seat, pulling my finger out of my ass from the movement. I brought my hands to my eyes, wiping the cum out of my eyes that I kept closed to keep them from burning.
"Fuck!..Look what you did to me."
"You're beautiful Sissy, beautiful" He took my hand that I had wiped my eyes with.
"Put your finger in your mouth, Sissy" . I was beside myself. Weak and shocked. Him forcing my hand by pressing my cum-stained index finger to my lips. I put it in my mouth. I licked it, imagining he was seeing me.
"Brava..lick it" I did so sucking my finger, then licking my lips.
"Brava..Brava..open your eyes now.." I opened them slowly, as they were sticky.
But what I saw still shocked me. Thomas was filming me with his cell phone. I tried to grab him right away.
But he pulled it to him and hid it to his left.
"Give it to me...give it to me.."
"There it is..Wasn't that enough for you?" he smilingly pointed to his cock. Suddenly I started crying in frustration.
"Let go..don't touch me."
"It's tissues, here..sorry" I wiped the tears and cum from my face. The tears wouldn't stop and that was good because it helped me clean myself better.
"Sorry..I didn't mean to be rude.."
"Delete the movie..Thomas."
"I don't want it!"
"Listen to me..you were wonderful..I was afraid that starting tomorrow we wouldn't see each other again and I wanted a memory of this wonderful evening.."
"Thomas..sniff..but the video..someone could see it."
"No..no one..I swear!"
"You don't trust me? After all we've done? Fine..I'll erase it."
"Are you sure?"
"Sure...I'll do it right now." I saw him fiddling with his phone.
"Look ... I clicked on delete all ... see?" I saw that he was pressing the delete button and I was calmer.
"You're so sweet, you're the girl of my dreams!"
"thank you" - I was dazed, but I liked his words.
"Now go, it's late... It'll be morning soon... And someone might see you, right? Weren't you afraid of that?"
"Yes..of course." I opened the door and he said
"Thanks, Sissy, I'll never forget you." I smiled and left.
Once home, I quickly stripped off my clothes and took a shower to finally clean myself of the smell of cum that I couldn't stop smelling on me. I felt filthy, drunk and dazed. I kept cleaning myself and telling myself that nothing had happened, that it was a nightmare. That it was all over. Once in bed, however, I couldn't get to sleep. I would see the image of that cock and my ultimate humiliation, then his sweetness, then the whole evening, until I collapsed in bed.
Once I woke up, I took another shower and felt better. I spent Sunday staying in bed, argued with my friends, but of course said nothing about the previous evening. I told them that I had met a friend of mine who lent me money for the taxi.
After a couple of days, after leaving work I was as usual at the streetcar stop. At a certain point a colleague of mine said
"Hey...look at that car..." I turned around. It was Thomas's car. How did he know where I worked? He must have followed me.
"I didn't know what to do, I was evaluating every possible answer and then he said
"hey..maybe it's Thomas..a friend of mine" - I went towards him. He opened the window and as I leaned out he said
"Hi, honey. Do you want a ride home?"
"No...but what did you do, follow me?" Meanwhile my colleague approached me and peeked through the window.
"He said all excited and called my other colleague.
"Sandra, come and have a look" They both walked to the car. Thomas got out and came towards us.
He was very tall and had an incredible physique and as he approached he smiled at me mischievously. He walked over to me and introduced himself. He asked me again if I wanted a ride and extended the invitation to my colleagues. Obviously both were enthusiastic.
We got into the car and I sat in the front seat. While Sandra and Mirko were asking for information, my mind was reviewing images of the last time he had been in that car. When all of a sudden Thomas said.
"Sissy, what are you thinking?" I snapped, glaring at him angrily
"Sissy?" immediately Sandra asked curiously. I pretended to laugh
"eh yes ..Thomas is always teasing me.." I had to look for an excuse "..because of the cartoons..first he called me Jenny the tennis player, then he switched to princess Sissy.."
"Jenny?" Thomas said, staring at me.
"You are very close friends" - Mirko added.
"Yes, we are very close" smiled Thomas.
"I understand the tennis player, but why then, princess Sissy?" added Sandra. And I hated her curiosity
"Because sometimes she is very feminine, especially when she dresses like a woman.." I felt myself freeze.And I had to resort to all my calm to answer
"Thomas...and you have to stop doping on the field" Fini laughed, and managed to change the subject about his work.
After of course the others were teasing me about the nickname too.
We accompanied them home. But first he invited them to a party and had them leave their phone numbers. Then we were alone.
"You're a fool! Are you crazy? What were you thinking?"
"Sorry.. We're playing.. I missed you."
"Stop playing, Thomas. Let go of me."
"Jenny... See, I was right. You had a girl's name."
"Thomas, I don't want to see you anymore. The other night we were drunk"
"You're my girl, don't forget that.
"Goodbye" I opened the door and left.
I went home angry, for what he had done. As I plopped down on the couch, I got a text message.
"Saturday night, I'll pick you up at 21. Wear thongs and hold-ups. I'll take care of the rest.
He was crazy! If he thinks he's telling me what to do, he's sadly mistaken. I'm not drunk and I don't want to see him.Then, I think about how he got my number. The party! That's why he invited my colleagues. What a bastard.Suddenly another message.
It was an MMS.Oh God! It was a picture of me dressed as a woman. I couldn't think about it. He hadn't deleted them. Another MMS. A picture of me clenching his cock in my teeth. More of me. My face awash in his cum. I was shocked. Then a text.
"Honey, you are beautiful. And I would not like to share our secret with Mirko. It was so nice of him to give me your number. You decide Saturday at 21″.
He was blackmailing me! He was going to send the photos to slander me. I had a crisis. I felt trapped, I tried several times to call him back, but to no avail. He always had his cell phone off. I didn't sleep at night. I didn't know if I should ignore him, maybe he wouldn't have sent them and it was just a joke. But what if it wasn't? It would have been the end of me. In the meantime the days passed and I realized I had no choice. On Saturday at 9 p.m. I was waiting for him in front of the house. I got in the car ready to go on a rant. As soon as I got in, I closed the door and saw him holding out a bouquet of pink roses to me.
"Hello love"
"Thomas..what has gotten into you? Do you realize what you've done?"
"You don't like roses?"
"What do I care about roses! You blackmailed me."
"I didn't blackmail you. I just encouraged you to come to me."
"I'm leaving and I want those pictures." I said screaming!
"You're wearing thigh highs and a thong."
"No! Fuck you!"
"ouch ouch..that's no good...like that" he smiled , while dialing a number.
"Oh..hi Sandra.." I froze to hear that name
"I'm Thomas, Sissy's friend."
"no..thomas.." I begged to hang up the phone.
"yes Jenny..excuse me for a moment Sandra" she put her hand on the receiver and told me.
"You didn't make the deal! Honey"
"No..No..look" I lowered the suit and saw the hold-ups and thongs
"Good..see..that's how I like you."
"Excuse me Sandra, I was talking to my girlfriend" I muttered without a word.
"I brought him some presents and he's trying them on..." then I stared and pointed to the back room.
There were some clothes and shoes. He motioned for me to put them on. I hesitated, nodding my head.
"Honey, put them on here don't worry, I'm talking to a friend, how do you want to greet her?"
"Thomas...stop it..." I continued to plead futilely.
"Get dressed" he ordered me. I carried out this one as well. I removed my sweatpants and put on a tight purple skirt. Then a pink blouse full of lace. While I was doing this he looked at me and talked to Sandra.
"I called you to invite you to the game tomorrow. If you'd like." meanwhile she pointed to the box under the seat. It contained red sandals with slave laces, and with a heel of at least 13 centimeters. They were beautiful, and I realized that instead of thinking about something else I had thought about how beautiful they were. Absurd. I put them on, frustrated, by the scene and by my thinking.
"Look in the glove box, love" - he continued then -"..sure Sandra, I'll play from the first minute.." I opened the dashboard and found another box, this time containing makeup and fake nail. I looked at it and refused, I couldn't wear makeup.
"Ah..Sandra I'd like to send you some pictures, I'm sure you'll like them" - I stared at him scared. I quickly grabbed my lipstick and put it on. Then I touched on the blush, eye shadow and finally applied the fake nails. One by one, it was an endless torment. In the meantime he took his time with Sandra, until I sent the pictures. Fortunately, he was satisfied with my behavior and sent the pictures of him going to the basket. Suddenly, he stopped in front of a dumpster and threw away my clothes! My shoes, sweatpants and sweatshirt. I suddenly screamed in anger and Sandra heard me.He greeted her and then looked at me.
"Wow..you just keep getting more and more beautiful."
"Asshole..my clothes..why did you do that?"
"You don't need that stuff..Now you have these.." As I tried to fight back he stopped the car.
"Where are we going?" I said nervously. I didn't know what to do anymore, I was practically kidnapped.
"It's a surprise. Don't worry" I didn't speak for the entire drive, and I could feel his repeated stares on me. Every once in a while he'd put his hand on my leg and I'd take it off, and he'd put it back on, handing me a little present. He gave me four rings, three bracelets, some flashy earrings, an anklet and finally a fabulous white gold necklace. Each time I calmed down more and more. That necklace even produced a smile.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
"Yes...very...it will cost a fortune!"
"Sure, but I don't care. Everything I gave you is yours! You won't have to give it back to me.." he smiled and I smiled back. This time I left his empty hand on my leg alone. That man really knew how to win a woman over, I thought.
We parked, he got out of the car and like a perfect knight he came to open the door for me. I got out, with extreme naturalness, forgetting how high my heels were and I almost stumbled. But Thomas caught me immediately.
He hugged me, and stared into my eyes.
"You are wonderful. You're the most beautiful woman in the world." He was crazy, I imagined. But he was irresistible. With those huge shoulders. And that perfect physique. She had on a tight white shirt, from which you could see the shape of her abs. And as I looked down, I saw his huge package.
"Thank you."
"Come on, let's go" I got under his arm and we walked into a club, where there were numerous people waiting in line at the entrance.
Thomas, knew the bouncer, or rather, it was the bouncer who was a fan of his, and they let us in right away. Everyone was looking at us, who because they recognized him , who was looking at me because of how I was dressed.
"How are you?" he said.
"I'm a little nervous" he stared at me mischievously. I had started talking to the female, without even realizing it.
"Why Jenny?"
"There are so many people. I'm afraid of being recognized."
"No. Don't worry, I don't think you know anyone. Besides, you're unrecognizable, trust me." In fact, it would have been hard to recognize me, at least I guess.
"There they are..." I pointed to one of the friends from last time.We said goodbye and started chatting a bit going into the solarium.
We sat at the edge of the pool and had a drink. There was Mike with Elena, Danny with Monica and Fabio with Marika. I found out that they were all teammates of Thomas while Monica and Elena were dancers and Marika was a model. Thomas said that I worked in a hot-line, and that I was performing online at a site. I was even more embarrassed, of course, but I had to play along with him. The guys were excited about the news and asked for information, while the girls were indifferent and frivolous. Their prima donna attitude was beginning to bother me more than the situation I was in.
"Are you sure this is the right job for you?" said Marika winking towards Monica who added
"You are so shy..." and then she smiled.
"Really? But I really like to excite the boys..." and then I added
"and I'm also very good at it...aren't I Thomas?"
"Of course you are, Jenny. The two girls were impressed by my answer, as I had been silent up to that point. We continued to catch each other for a little while longer, then they went off to have a dance with their boyfriends.
"Jenny, will you walk me to the bathroom" - Elena said. I looked at Thomas, hoping he would say something, but instead he remained silent and I had to go. It was the first time I had ever gone to a women's bathroom.
"Don't listen to them, they are geese, they are just jealous of you."
"How come? I didn't do anything."
"well..maybe because you're with Thomas?" she looked at me and we smiled. I liked her.
"What are you doing not going in?" she pointed me to go into the bathroom with her. I was so embarrassed.
"ce..sure.." She sat down in front of me and spoke quietly
"can I ask you something private?"
"s..yes, tell me"
"but have you had the operation yet?" What operation I thought at the time. Then, I understood.
"No.." then he stood up.
"mmhh..can you show me?" she smiled mischievously.
"no..come on..I'm embarrassed.."
"come on ! Please, I'm curious, I swear I won't tell Thomas. Just a second..come on" I can't explain why I couldn't say no to her. I pulled my skirt down a bit and lowered my thong.
"hey..how cute.." she quickly covered it up, and I raised my skirt. I was red as a bell pepper. Embarrassment had meant that it wasn't hard at all.So it looked even smaller, than it was.
"You're all red.Honey.Come on.." now I'll show you something too.
"Here." she showed me her boobs. They were big and hard.
"I got a boob job a couple months ago. Nice, right?"
"...yes...very." Now I was aroused, by that vision.
"You should get one too...you know how happy Thomas would be?" eh, yeah Thomas
"yeah! to die for!" we laughed again. once we left she fixed her makeup and decided that I needed some touch ups too. He helped me put on my makeup again. This time with an even better effect.
"There..you look beautiful..look at you?" I saw myself in the mirror. For the first time since I was dressed as a woman. I looked really pretty. Of course, you could tell I was a man. I'm tall and a bit stout, but with the makeup, the wig, those jewels, the clothes.Well..the dress makes it a bit of a monk, I thought.
"Yeah..." We went out arm in arm, chatting. I had calmed down, she was my first friend, in this new guise. We went back to the boys.
"Did you miss us?" said Elena
"so much.." said Thomas, then he looked at me and added
"Wow..you came back even more beautiful!"
"thank you...it's all thanks to Elena".
I lay down beside Thomas. And I looked at him. He was really handsome. And he had an athletic body. I rested my hand on his belly to feel his abs. I put my hand under his shirt and touched them. They were marble!
"Hey, baby..." he stared at me smiling. I found him irresistible.
"look I'm made of meat.."
"mmhh..yes..I know.." The other two couples came in.
"Hey..do you want to be alone?" I looked at them and wanted revenge.
"oh..no, don't bother at all.." and I kissed her abs.
"jenny..what's wrong?" replied Thomas.
"mmhh..nothing..can't I kiss my man?" I felt him stiffen, while a new light came on in his eyes.
"as many times as you want" I felt myself becoming aroused by his look and his body.
In the meantime, the others sat down and continued the conversation about my work. The two of them insisted that I was shy and that it wasn't true. At one point Thomas intervened.
"Well..girls, you have to believe it. If Jenny gives me permission, I have her latest video in my phone." oh, no that video!
"no..thomas..that's not the case" I answered
"if..if..you tried..what a couple!! I didn't expect it from you" Marika said.
I was unnerved by her air of superiority, she needed a lesson.
"Show him, Thomas.." I said, regretting it right after I said it.Obviously, she didn't make him repeat it twice. The video again showed my lips cupping Thomas' penis, then giving him a blowjob and licking the result. Everyone was shocked and excited. The women shocked, not sure if it was because of the size of Thomas' penis or because of me. While the men enjoyed it immensely.
"Wow..Jenny..you are legendary" said Danny.
"What a wonderful..slut" said Elena, with complicity. I smiled.
"not so shy...!"
"He filled you full of cum" said Monica.
"yeah! He didn't want to finish it anymore..." I said mischievously and touched Thomas' cock.
"He can be awful, when he's excited!"
"Oh god..I got hard" Danny joked, making Monica nervous.
"Don't worry it's my job" We laughed and there was an air of increased complicity between us.
Now the girls, saw me with more respect, maybe because they had seen the looks on their boys' faces.
Thomas, with could take it anymore, and suddenly said.
"well guys, I don't know about you, but I've got a hankering. We're leaving."
"Be careful," said Danny, "I can't see him right."
"Yeah, I don't know if I'd want to be in your shoes" said Elena.
"He won't do anything to me, don't worry, tomorrow is the game and it's already late" I answered
"Shit, I forgot!" The others laughed, seeing Thomas excited and me prodding him.
He in response put his hand on my butt and then the usual finger in my ass.
"Do you know you're a Slut? You went too far tonight," he said all excited.
"oh..yes..I know.." I answered putting my hand in his briefs and touching him..I went crazy...
I lifted the recliner and moved it a little more towards the corner, and then he sat down. He told me to sit on the floor too, in front of his feet. I obeyed. I wanted to see where she was going.
"Thomas..come on..what are you going to do.." said Marika.
"shh..Jenny show him how good you are. " She stared down at me from above and unzipped her pants.
I mechanically, was about to lower his briefs, but he slapped my hands again.
"Sissy..don't make the same mistakes.." I looked at him excitedly. With my lips I lowered my brief and was hit by his dick again.
"Fuck.." said Monica. I took it in my hand and told her.
"It's huge isn't it? And it's all mine." I didn't hear her answer and took it in my mouth.
"Tomorrow you have to play Thomas, said Mike.." But Elena sat him down and imitated me. Mike also gave up.
Monica and Marika walked away and left us alone. While Elena and I were doing the blowjob,the two of them were talking to each other.
"Come on Elena, show Jenny how much of a slut you are," said Mike.
"mmh..leave her, poor thing, she can never be.." replied Thomas.
Elena and I tried our best to suck those big cocks in our mouths.
As I walk around the dance floor looking for them, I feel my butt being felt repeatedly, and every time I turn around I don't see anyone. At a certain point I find myself in the middle of a group of guys, dancing around me. One of them stands in front of me, smiling, another one is behind me. They get closer and while the one in front tries to tell me something in my ear, the other one leans with his pubes on my butt. The situation is embarrassing and I try to leave without saying anything, but I can't since they hold me close to them. I try to kick them out, but every gesture I make amuses them more and more. The one behind me is practically drunk, while the others don't seem to be. They take turns touching my butt and saying things that I can't hear because the music is too loud. I don't know how to ask for help and suddenly scared, I start to cry with anger. They don't stop, in fact they seem to be having even more fun.
At one point a black boy sees the scene and approaches. He makes his way between the boys, moving them with force and stands in front of me. He takes me by the hand and leads me out of the dance floor. As we walk out he introduces himself and tells me to be quiet. As I'm about to reply that I'm not a transvestite, the three boys approach.
"Hey Thomas! Why don't you mind your own fucking business? " says one of them.
"Leo, take it easy... " he replies nervously
"Hey ... you're the one who came there to bother us ... We were playing .."
"Yes .., but with my woman! " he said looking at me.
I should have been the one to be surprised, but instead I wasn't the only one.
"You're with him?" he said smiling, but as he did he was hit by a punch.
"..her..get it?Pay her respect."
"Yeah..sorry.." he said blearily.
"And you guys have problems?"
"No..no..Thomas..we didn't know you were with ..her. Excuse us."
"You don't have to apologize to me, you have to apologize to her."
"yes..yes..of course... Sorry, we didn't know you were Thomas' girlfriend, we're sorry."
I embarrassed, I didn't know what to say..then I replied that it wasn't important.
"Hey Tom. You never introduced us to her. What's her name?"
"Steve, we just met, right Sissy?"
By now it felt like we were in another dimension...but I played along.
"Look at that...you're still scared.." Suddenly he approached me and took me in his arms, holding me.
He was incredibly strong in addition to being tall.
I, who was wearing extremely high heels, was only slightly shorter than him.
"Come on, let's go get a drink."
I followed him as long as I could get away from those people.
I leaned on his arm to walk easier because of my shoes. I told him that I had come with friends, that we dressed up as sexy witches and that I couldn't find them anymore.
"Don't worry, I'm here now."
"Are you still scared?"
"yes, a little. But look like I told you, I'm not a transvestite."
"No?mmhh..okay. You're in drag tonight though, right?" she said smiling.
"shhh..Sissy! Do you like that name by the way?"
"a sissy name, basically."
"Great. Sissy." And she smiled again
"Hey. You're not going to call me that?"
"Sure. Wait...Hey..Don' Give me a bottle of sparkling wine..huh? ok..thanks." He took from his bartender friend, a bottle and two glasses.
"This is for us! You were saying?" he asked, as we went to sit on the couch in the private room.
"I don't remember..."
"But congratulations on the dress.As a first time you have done well. They look great on you."
"ehmm.Thank you." Obviously, I was dressed very sexy and that was why the guys had teased me. On my feet I had black sandals with a high heel, thigh highs, and a little dress consisting of a black bust with pink lace that ended with a wide pink skirt also with lace. I had a blonde wig with braids and a pink witch hat. I wore a lot of makeup and a very strong and intense pink lipstick.
"Here's to our meeting..." He handed me the glasses and we toasted.
"You look beautiful, you know?" He said wading into my eyes.
"Thomas, you're embarrassing me, so.."
"And why is that? I mean it you also have beautiful eyes."
"Come on..." I smiled.
"...very sensual lips..." This was true "But no... It's the lipstick that makes them better" I said joking
"Maybe...but they're gorgeous.." then he took my hand
"hey. .what a beautiful feminine hand you have though.."
"Yeah...hey, you're not courting me, are you?" I said as I drank another glass of sparkling wine.
"mmhh..not yet.."
"ah no? I thought so," I said wryly.
"Shall we go dancing?"
"But you're crazy...I'm ashamed and then..with these heels.."
"..you are fabulous..come on, don't make me beg you".
As I tried to refuse, he stood up and dragged me off the couch.
"Where are we going?"
"To the track, honey.." He discarded the first one which was a salsa track and we went to one where there were slow
"Here ..this is perfect. Give me a hug, like this.." he took my arms and held them to himself to dance the slow dance
"That's good ..see you're doing good."
"But Thomas..I didn't mean to.."
"Shh..Sissy..we can talk and dance here..can't we?"
As we danced he told me he was a basketball player and came to the club often.
"you smell nice..Sissy"
"thanks.." every now and then he tried to touch my ass , but I held up my hands
"Hey ... what are you doing smart ...?"
"Stop it .." - I answered him amused. He was playing as if he wanted to flirt and he was doing it in a very spontaneous way. It was my first time dancing with a man, even a slow dance, then. But I felt very good, in his arms, to be honest. Maybe it was the drinks I had that made me think this way.
"That you're the one being smart!" - I added, smiling.
We danced for a while, then I said I was tired from my shoes and we went to sit at a table.
"Have you had fun so far?" she said with her confident manner.
"Yes...but I don't want you to talk to me in the feminine?" I said annoyed.
"Hey..mmhh..come on..does it bother you that much? What's wrong with that?"
"No..but.." - I tried to answer
"Come on..pretend it's a game. Tonight is a special night, right? You in, then?"
"Alright" - I answered
"good, in the meantime let's toast to our evening..". He handed me the glass for another toast.
"So...Sissy, you're my girl for tonight okay?"
"Yes...but I'm not giving it to you.... " I said laughing.
"Alright, honey. I'll suffer in silence.." he replied amused.
We got up and went for a walk around the terrace. We walked embracing each other and he filled me with attention as we discussed many things. Gradually without realizing it, not only did it no longer bother me that he used the feminine towards me, but I even used it myself by playing with it.
"I have to be honest... "I said as we looked at the moon - "...you have a way with women.... "
"Yes ... but you are not a normal woman" he answered slyly.
"Yeah, I know... I mean, the way..." - I was trying to give an explanation to my sentence before he continued "You are a special woman. Sissy." That compliment made me blush.
"Thank you.." I replied , red in the face, and with incredible confusion.
"Your femininity is so strong, it goes beyond just a dress."
"What do you mean?" I replied
"you see, they say that in every man there is a feminine part, and I believe that in you that part is very large" he said looking at me and suddenly we laughed together.
"Ah, well!...thank you then..." I replied with a fake pout, he smiled and continued
"You're welcome! You see, you have a woman trapped in your body and..." he paused for a moment, looked at me and said "..and I want to free her! " and as he finished his sentence he took me in his arms and spun me around several times.
"hey...stop it...you're making me dizzy..." and to keep from falling I put my arms around his neck and found myself laughing " ..come on...come on" then he stopped at a bench and sat down with me on his lap
"there..now is that ok, Sissy?"
"Yes..now it is" - it was getting better, even though I was on his lap and with my arms still on his neck "I have an incredible headache" I said and rested my head on his chest while he stroked my head.
"it must be from the drinks we had.." -
"Yeah..." - I replied tiredly - "...you made me drink all night long!" I added with a smile.
"You've made me thirsty again..shall we go get something else?" we got up and as we walked back inside the club he held my hand the whole way. I thought it was a very nice gesture and full of complicity. Once we arrived at the bar after having another drink, we were joined by some of Thomas' friends, who wanted to take us to another club. I refused, although he wanted to go. I noticed that their presence had affected Thomas's character, which while before was sweet now had become more vulgar.
"I don't understand why sometimes you have this passion for transvestites or transvestites" - a friend of his told him.
"They have their own charm," he said mischievously.
"Yes, but they have no pussy! " replied a friend, making everyone in the room laugh.
"They do have nice lips though..." she said, running a finger over mine. I turned red and got up with the excuse of going to the bathroom.
"And a nice ass.." he added, patting my ass once I stood up. The others continued to laugh and I walked away embarrassed and nervous.
I decided to call my friends to leave, but I had no money in my pocket nor a cell phone, but I managed to convince a guy who had been staring at me for a while, to lend it to me. The only one I managed to contact was Gianni, who told me that they had all left since they hadn't found me.
"What? What am I going to do now! Come and get me!"
"I can't, I don't have a car and Giorgio has been gone for a couple of hours."
"But I don't have any money, I don't have anything! They were in the car!"
"True! Fuck! I'm sorry! But how can I? I have to go to work in a couple of hours, you know!"
"Fuck you" and I hung up pissed.
I didn't understand anything anymore! I was just dressed as a woman, no money, no nothing, and my head was spinning.
"Hey, can I have my phone back?" said the guy.
"Yes ..yes ..sorry" and as I gave it to him he took me by the hand and said
"You're beautiful!" I didn't answer and walked away.
I could see he was following me and had called another friend of his and they were getting closer and closer. I didn't know what to do and I decided to go back to Thomas. But before I got there he caught up with me and continued to talk to me.
"Are you alone?" - I replied no, and that I was with my boyfriend. He didn't believe it and kept trying.
"And he leaves you sa alone..dressed like this?" - he pressed.
"I went to the bathroom...and now excuse me." I walked over to the small sofa of Thomas' friends and sat down beside him, while the two boys stopped to watch.
"Are you okay, Sissy?" he said looking at the two boys who followed me.
"Yes,yes..honey, thank you."
"We're going,Thom. What are you guys doing?" a friend of Thomas suddenly said.
"I don't know...Sissy, what do you want to do? I would love to.."
"I'm tired, Thomas, I'd like to go home," I replied.
"Thomas, come alone, Marika is there with her sister" - said Thomas' friend.
"Wow..great!" then she turned to me and said.
"Do you mind, if I go honey?"
I panicked, if she left me alone, I was at the mercy of those two who wouldn't stop looking at me, plus I was out of money.
"Yes...of course I'm sorry...I don't want you to leave"
"oohhh..what a touching little scene.." said a friend.
"But you said you're tired.." continued Thomas, who obviously didn't mind ending the evening with his two sisters.
"Yes..but I want to be with you" I said, as I looked into his eyes and brought my right leg over his and hugged him
"mmhh..honey" he immediately brought a hand under my skirt touching my ass. I shuddered at the contact and he noticed. And he suddenly kissed me. I opened my eyes wide in surprise as I found his tongue in my mouth, parting. I was surprised, embarrassed, and excited. He kissed me with an incredible passion, which I reciprocated by playing with his tongue.
When he pulled away I was shocked. And I hid my face on his chest. While he held me close to him.Massaging the outside of my thigh.
"It's ok..it's ok..we get it..we'll leave you alone" one of his friends said as they left. I said goodbye without looking at them, clutching Thomas from shame.
We were left alone as I asked him to leave and he wanted to make out on the couch. Every time I tried to talk, he would sink his tongue into my mouth. He put me on his lap always hugging me and stroking my legs. I wanted to leave, but I didn't know how, he was stronger than me, but he was very gentle and sensual. My thigh on his package and I could feel that he was hard. I had to convince him to go, by now we had been making out for half an hour.
"Do you like me?" I said.
"You're amazing..!" and I bit his earlobe, holding it between my lips then I whispered
"mmhh..thanks..but now I'm tired...I'd like to go.." he liked the gesture so much and kissed me again.
When he pulled away I stood up and pulled him to me. He stood up and continued to kiss me. I felt like I had him in my grasp. It was an incredible feeling! I felt beautiful.
We went out on the terrace, he wanted to walk a bit before driving. When he was ready we got into the car.
It was a black Porsche with smoked windows. Really beautiful.
"Wow...she's beautiful.."
"She's like you honey.." he said as he started up, and once on the road he immediately rested his hand on my leg.
"So I was right.."
"About what?"
"I released the woman inside of you." . We both smiled, then continued talking until we arrived at my house.
On the way he wanted to take pictures of me with his cell phone and I jokingly posed.
"I have to thank your friends...if they hadn't left, I wouldn't have met you now".
"Yeah..." I kissed him this time. I surprised myself in the very moment that I was doing it. It was the first kiss I had ever given on my own initiative. My head was spinning, I don't know if it was because of all the attention or because I was tipsy.
"I like you, I want you to be my girlfriend."
"mmhh..but I can't..Thomas..I have to get on with my life"
"No..I want you..you can't leave me.." Before he finished his sentence, I sat on him and replied
"Honey..you have to understand me..don't make that face.."
"Tell me you like me.." he said.
"Yes..I like you very much." We kissed and he put his hand under my skirt and touched my butt looking for something....
"..What are you doing...?" I said in a trembling voice.
"That sentence increased my excitement, while he lightly slipped a finger into my hole. I quivered. And while he played, I put my hand in his pants. But he stopped me...he removed his finger from my ass and said
"No! Wait..." For a moment I sank with shame. I went back to my seat. Embarrassed. I shouldn't have made that gesture.
"What's wrong? Sissy?"
"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to.."
"Hey..you didn't understand..trust me." He turned on the light in the car, put a CD in the player and said:
"It's the first time you see it is I want to create the right atmosphere.."
He unbuckled his belt, while with used his cell phone like a camera in his left hand. He asked me to kneel on my seat and ordered me to massage him. I mechanically performed. I felt it with my palm and felt how big it was.
In the meantime, with his right hand he slowly put a finger in my ass.
Instinctively, I tried to pull down the zipper. He slapped my hand.
"No..no.." He removed the first button on the zipper and stared at me. I was annoyed by his attitude.
"Do you want to see it?" I was too curious to say no
"yes..I do"
"well..first give him a kiss and pull down the zipper with your lips.." that decisive attitude of his drew me in. He did it this time too. I took it between my lips and pulled it down. He then pulled down his pants a little and remained in his briefs. They were white and you could see a huge piece of dark flesh all on one side. I could see the elastic struggling to hold it in place.
"Bite it..I want a picture of you biting it" I didn't let him tell me twice. I squeezed his brief wrapped penis and felt its hardness and next thing I knew I felt the flash of the picture.
"Now..pull the brief down with your teeth.." I turned my head to stare at him for a moment..he was smiling. I smiled back.
I stuck my nose under his shirt and grabbed the elastic of his brief with my teeth. I lifted it up and pulled it down.
And I was slapped for the first time in my life by a cock! It jumped out hitting me in the face.
"ouch..oohhh" I was stunned..I had never seen a cock so big and long. It was black, hard and pointed straight at me.
"It's huge..Thomas" I said quivering..I was hypnotized..
"And naughty too" he said, alluding to the slap and continuing to wave it in my face. He moved his pelvis and hit me repeatedly. I was amused until I grabbed him with my lips. He gasped. I had suddenly opened my mouth wide and captured him. It was the first time I had a cock in my mouth and I was so excited. I didn't realize that his finger was all the way up my ass. And I loved the way he was playing with it.
"You like that don't you?" he said as I lifted my gaze to him, dazzled by the flash of my cell phone.
With his cock still in my mouth I nodded yes, with my tongue I started playing with it, stroking the whole tip of it
"Ohhh...Sissy...you're great" I felt his penis spill some liquid. I pulled it out before he came. He pinned my head
"Ohh...that's it..Sissyy.." I could see him holding back, but I didn't understand why he wouldn't let go of my head.
"Hold on let me for a second.." Then he understood...he stuck another finger in my ass, I screamed in pain. My scream definitely excited him and he exploded several times. The first one hit my mouth, which was open from the scream. As I closed it, I swallowed his cum. He hit me in the face, then on the eyes that I had, fortunately closed and all over my face before my hand protected me from the last splash. I settled back in my seat, pulling my finger out of my ass from the movement. I brought my hands to my eyes, wiping the cum out of my eyes that I kept closed to keep them from burning.
"Fuck!..Look what you did to me."
"You're beautiful Sissy, beautiful" He took my hand that I had wiped my eyes with.
"Put your finger in your mouth, Sissy" . I was beside myself. Weak and shocked. Him forcing my hand by pressing my cum-stained index finger to my lips. I put it in my mouth. I licked it, imagining he was seeing me.
"Brava..lick it" I did so sucking my finger, then licking my lips.
"Brava..Brava..open your eyes now.." I opened them slowly, as they were sticky.
But what I saw still shocked me. Thomas was filming me with his cell phone. I tried to grab him right away.
But he pulled it to him and hid it to his left.
"Give it to me...give it to me.."
"There it is..Wasn't that enough for you?" he smilingly pointed to his cock. Suddenly I started crying in frustration.
"Let go..don't touch me."
"It's tissues, here..sorry" I wiped the tears and cum from my face. The tears wouldn't stop and that was good because it helped me clean myself better.
"Sorry..I didn't mean to be rude.."
"Delete the movie..Thomas."
"I don't want it!"
"Listen to me..you were wonderful..I was afraid that starting tomorrow we wouldn't see each other again and I wanted a memory of this wonderful evening.."
"Thomas..sniff..but the video..someone could see it."
"No..no one..I swear!"
"You don't trust me? After all we've done? Fine..I'll erase it."
"Are you sure?"
"Sure...I'll do it right now." I saw him fiddling with his phone.
"Look ... I clicked on delete all ... see?" I saw that he was pressing the delete button and I was calmer.
"You're so sweet, you're the girl of my dreams!"
"thank you" - I was dazed, but I liked his words.
"Now go, it's late... It'll be morning soon... And someone might see you, right? Weren't you afraid of that?"
"Yes..of course." I opened the door and he said
"Thanks, Sissy, I'll never forget you." I smiled and left.
Once home, I quickly stripped off my clothes and took a shower to finally clean myself of the smell of cum that I couldn't stop smelling on me. I felt filthy, drunk and dazed. I kept cleaning myself and telling myself that nothing had happened, that it was a nightmare. That it was all over. Once in bed, however, I couldn't get to sleep. I would see the image of that cock and my ultimate humiliation, then his sweetness, then the whole evening, until I collapsed in bed.
Once I woke up, I took another shower and felt better. I spent Sunday staying in bed, argued with my friends, but of course said nothing about the previous evening. I told them that I had met a friend of mine who lent me money for the taxi.
After a couple of days, after leaving work I was as usual at the streetcar stop. At a certain point a colleague of mine said
"Hey...look at that car..." I turned around. It was Thomas's car. How did he know where I worked? He must have followed me.
"I didn't know what to do, I was evaluating every possible answer and then he said
"hey..maybe it's Thomas..a friend of mine" - I went towards him. He opened the window and as I leaned out he said
"Hi, honey. Do you want a ride home?"
"No...but what did you do, follow me?" Meanwhile my colleague approached me and peeked through the window.
"He said all excited and called my other colleague.
"Sandra, come and have a look" They both walked to the car. Thomas got out and came towards us.
He was very tall and had an incredible physique and as he approached he smiled at me mischievously. He walked over to me and introduced himself. He asked me again if I wanted a ride and extended the invitation to my colleagues. Obviously both were enthusiastic.
We got into the car and I sat in the front seat. While Sandra and Mirko were asking for information, my mind was reviewing images of the last time he had been in that car. When all of a sudden Thomas said.
"Sissy, what are you thinking?" I snapped, glaring at him angrily
"Sissy?" immediately Sandra asked curiously. I pretended to laugh
"eh yes ..Thomas is always teasing me.." I had to look for an excuse "..because of the cartoons..first he called me Jenny the tennis player, then he switched to princess Sissy.."
"Jenny?" Thomas said, staring at me.
"You are very close friends" - Mirko added.
"Yes, we are very close" smiled Thomas.
"I understand the tennis player, but why then, princess Sissy?" added Sandra. And I hated her curiosity
"Because sometimes she is very feminine, especially when she dresses like a woman.." I felt myself freeze.And I had to resort to all my calm to answer
"Thomas...and you have to stop doping on the field" Fini laughed, and managed to change the subject about his work.
After of course the others were teasing me about the nickname too.
We accompanied them home. But first he invited them to a party and had them leave their phone numbers. Then we were alone.
"You're a fool! Are you crazy? What were you thinking?"
"Sorry.. We're playing.. I missed you."
"Stop playing, Thomas. Let go of me."
"Jenny... See, I was right. You had a girl's name."
"Thomas, I don't want to see you anymore. The other night we were drunk"
"You're my girl, don't forget that.
"Goodbye" I opened the door and left.
I went home angry, for what he had done. As I plopped down on the couch, I got a text message.
"Saturday night, I'll pick you up at 21. Wear thongs and hold-ups. I'll take care of the rest.
He was crazy! If he thinks he's telling me what to do, he's sadly mistaken. I'm not drunk and I don't want to see him.Then, I think about how he got my number. The party! That's why he invited my colleagues. What a bastard.Suddenly another message.
It was an MMS.Oh God! It was a picture of me dressed as a woman. I couldn't think about it. He hadn't deleted them. Another MMS. A picture of me clenching his cock in my teeth. More of me. My face awash in his cum. I was shocked. Then a text.
"Honey, you are beautiful. And I would not like to share our secret with Mirko. It was so nice of him to give me your number. You decide Saturday at 21″.
He was blackmailing me! He was going to send the photos to slander me. I had a crisis. I felt trapped, I tried several times to call him back, but to no avail. He always had his cell phone off. I didn't sleep at night. I didn't know if I should ignore him, maybe he wouldn't have sent them and it was just a joke. But what if it wasn't? It would have been the end of me. In the meantime the days passed and I realized I had no choice. On Saturday at 9 p.m. I was waiting for him in front of the house. I got in the car ready to go on a rant. As soon as I got in, I closed the door and saw him holding out a bouquet of pink roses to me.
"Hello love"
"Thomas..what has gotten into you? Do you realize what you've done?"
"You don't like roses?"
"What do I care about roses! You blackmailed me."
"I didn't blackmail you. I just encouraged you to come to me."
"I'm leaving and I want those pictures." I said screaming!
"You're wearing thigh highs and a thong."
"No! Fuck you!"
"ouch ouch..that's no good...like that" he smiled , while dialing a number.
"Oh..hi Sandra.." I froze to hear that name
"I'm Thomas, Sissy's friend."
"no..thomas.." I begged to hang up the phone.
"yes Jenny..excuse me for a moment Sandra" she put her hand on the receiver and told me.
"You didn't make the deal! Honey"
"No..No..look" I lowered the suit and saw the hold-ups and thongs
"Good..see..that's how I like you."
"Excuse me Sandra, I was talking to my girlfriend" I muttered without a word.
"I brought him some presents and he's trying them on..." then I stared and pointed to the back room.
There were some clothes and shoes. He motioned for me to put them on. I hesitated, nodding my head.
"Honey, put them on here don't worry, I'm talking to a friend, how do you want to greet her?"
"Thomas...stop it..." I continued to plead futilely.
"Get dressed" he ordered me. I carried out this one as well. I removed my sweatpants and put on a tight purple skirt. Then a pink blouse full of lace. While I was doing this he looked at me and talked to Sandra.
"I called you to invite you to the game tomorrow. If you'd like." meanwhile she pointed to the box under the seat. It contained red sandals with slave laces, and with a heel of at least 13 centimeters. They were beautiful, and I realized that instead of thinking about something else I had thought about how beautiful they were. Absurd. I put them on, frustrated, by the scene and by my thinking.
"Look in the glove box, love" - he continued then -"..sure Sandra, I'll play from the first minute.." I opened the dashboard and found another box, this time containing makeup and fake nail. I looked at it and refused, I couldn't wear makeup.
"Ah..Sandra I'd like to send you some pictures, I'm sure you'll like them" - I stared at him scared. I quickly grabbed my lipstick and put it on. Then I touched on the blush, eye shadow and finally applied the fake nails. One by one, it was an endless torment. In the meantime he took his time with Sandra, until I sent the pictures. Fortunately, he was satisfied with my behavior and sent the pictures of him going to the basket. Suddenly, he stopped in front of a dumpster and threw away my clothes! My shoes, sweatpants and sweatshirt. I suddenly screamed in anger and Sandra heard me.He greeted her and then looked at me.
"Wow..you just keep getting more and more beautiful."
"Asshole..my clothes..why did you do that?"
"You don't need that stuff..Now you have these.." As I tried to fight back he stopped the car.
"Where are we going?" I said nervously. I didn't know what to do anymore, I was practically kidnapped.
"It's a surprise. Don't worry" I didn't speak for the entire drive, and I could feel his repeated stares on me. Every once in a while he'd put his hand on my leg and I'd take it off, and he'd put it back on, handing me a little present. He gave me four rings, three bracelets, some flashy earrings, an anklet and finally a fabulous white gold necklace. Each time I calmed down more and more. That necklace even produced a smile.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
"Yes...very...it will cost a fortune!"
"Sure, but I don't care. Everything I gave you is yours! You won't have to give it back to me.." he smiled and I smiled back. This time I left his empty hand on my leg alone. That man really knew how to win a woman over, I thought.
We parked, he got out of the car and like a perfect knight he came to open the door for me. I got out, with extreme naturalness, forgetting how high my heels were and I almost stumbled. But Thomas caught me immediately.
He hugged me, and stared into my eyes.
"You are wonderful. You're the most beautiful woman in the world." He was crazy, I imagined. But he was irresistible. With those huge shoulders. And that perfect physique. She had on a tight white shirt, from which you could see the shape of her abs. And as I looked down, I saw his huge package.
"Thank you."
"Come on, let's go" I got under his arm and we walked into a club, where there were numerous people waiting in line at the entrance.
Thomas, knew the bouncer, or rather, it was the bouncer who was a fan of his, and they let us in right away. Everyone was looking at us, who because they recognized him , who was looking at me because of how I was dressed.
"How are you?" he said.
"I'm a little nervous" he stared at me mischievously. I had started talking to the female, without even realizing it.
"Why Jenny?"
"There are so many people. I'm afraid of being recognized."
"No. Don't worry, I don't think you know anyone. Besides, you're unrecognizable, trust me." In fact, it would have been hard to recognize me, at least I guess.
"There they are..." I pointed to one of the friends from last time.We said goodbye and started chatting a bit going into the solarium.
We sat at the edge of the pool and had a drink. There was Mike with Elena, Danny with Monica and Fabio with Marika. I found out that they were all teammates of Thomas while Monica and Elena were dancers and Marika was a model. Thomas said that I worked in a hot-line, and that I was performing online at a site. I was even more embarrassed, of course, but I had to play along with him. The guys were excited about the news and asked for information, while the girls were indifferent and frivolous. Their prima donna attitude was beginning to bother me more than the situation I was in.
"Are you sure this is the right job for you?" said Marika winking towards Monica who added
"You are so shy..." and then she smiled.
"Really? But I really like to excite the boys..." and then I added
"and I'm also very good at it...aren't I Thomas?"
"Of course you are, Jenny. The two girls were impressed by my answer, as I had been silent up to that point. We continued to catch each other for a little while longer, then they went off to have a dance with their boyfriends.
"Jenny, will you walk me to the bathroom" - Elena said. I looked at Thomas, hoping he would say something, but instead he remained silent and I had to go. It was the first time I had ever gone to a women's bathroom.
"Don't listen to them, they are geese, they are just jealous of you."
"How come? I didn't do anything."
"well..maybe because you're with Thomas?" she looked at me and we smiled. I liked her.
"What are you doing not going in?" she pointed me to go into the bathroom with her. I was so embarrassed.
"ce..sure.." She sat down in front of me and spoke quietly
"can I ask you something private?"
"s..yes, tell me"
"but have you had the operation yet?" What operation I thought at the time. Then, I understood.
"No.." then he stood up.
"mmhh..can you show me?" she smiled mischievously.
"no..come on..I'm embarrassed.."
"come on ! Please, I'm curious, I swear I won't tell Thomas. Just a second..come on" I can't explain why I couldn't say no to her. I pulled my skirt down a bit and lowered my thong.
"hey..how cute.." she quickly covered it up, and I raised my skirt. I was red as a bell pepper. Embarrassment had meant that it wasn't hard at all.So it looked even smaller, than it was.
"You're all red.Honey.Come on.." now I'll show you something too.
"Here." she showed me her boobs. They were big and hard.
"I got a boob job a couple months ago. Nice, right?"
"...yes...very." Now I was aroused, by that vision.
"You should get one too...you know how happy Thomas would be?" eh, yeah Thomas
"yeah! to die for!" we laughed again. once we left she fixed her makeup and decided that I needed some touch ups too. He helped me put on my makeup again. This time with an even better effect.
"There..you look beautiful..look at you?" I saw myself in the mirror. For the first time since I was dressed as a woman. I looked really pretty. Of course, you could tell I was a man. I'm tall and a bit stout, but with the makeup, the wig, those jewels, the clothes.Well..the dress makes it a bit of a monk, I thought.
"Yeah..." We went out arm in arm, chatting. I had calmed down, she was my first friend, in this new guise. We went back to the boys.
"Did you miss us?" said Elena
"so much.." said Thomas, then he looked at me and added
"Wow..you came back even more beautiful!"
"thank you...it's all thanks to Elena".
I lay down beside Thomas. And I looked at him. He was really handsome. And he had an athletic body. I rested my hand on his belly to feel his abs. I put my hand under his shirt and touched them. They were marble!
"Hey, baby..." he stared at me smiling. I found him irresistible.
"look I'm made of meat.."
"mmhh..yes..I know.." The other two couples came in.
"Hey..do you want to be alone?" I looked at them and wanted revenge.
"oh..no, don't bother at all.." and I kissed her abs.
"jenny..what's wrong?" replied Thomas.
"mmhh..nothing..can't I kiss my man?" I felt him stiffen, while a new light came on in his eyes.
"as many times as you want" I felt myself becoming aroused by his look and his body.
In the meantime, the others sat down and continued the conversation about my work. The two of them insisted that I was shy and that it wasn't true. At one point Thomas intervened.
"Well..girls, you have to believe it. If Jenny gives me permission, I have her latest video in my phone." oh, no that video!
"no..thomas..that's not the case" I answered
"if..if..you tried..what a couple!! I didn't expect it from you" Marika said.
I was unnerved by her air of superiority, she needed a lesson.
"Show him, Thomas.." I said, regretting it right after I said it.Obviously, she didn't make him repeat it twice. The video again showed my lips cupping Thomas' penis, then giving him a blowjob and licking the result. Everyone was shocked and excited. The women shocked, not sure if it was because of the size of Thomas' penis or because of me. While the men enjoyed it immensely.
"Wow..Jenny..you are legendary" said Danny.
"What a wonderful..slut" said Elena, with complicity. I smiled.
"not so shy...!"
"He filled you full of cum" said Monica.
"yeah! He didn't want to finish it anymore..." I said mischievously and touched Thomas' cock.
"He can be awful, when he's excited!"
"Oh god..I got hard" Danny joked, making Monica nervous.
"Don't worry it's my job" We laughed and there was an air of increased complicity between us.
Now the girls, saw me with more respect, maybe because they had seen the looks on their boys' faces.
Thomas, with could take it anymore, and suddenly said.
"well guys, I don't know about you, but I've got a hankering. We're leaving."
"Be careful," said Danny, "I can't see him right."
"Yeah, I don't know if I'd want to be in your shoes" said Elena.
"He won't do anything to me, don't worry, tomorrow is the game and it's already late" I answered
"Shit, I forgot!" The others laughed, seeing Thomas excited and me prodding him.
He in response put his hand on my butt and then the usual finger in my ass.
"Do you know you're a Slut? You went too far tonight," he said all excited.
"oh..yes..I know.." I answered putting my hand in his briefs and touching him..I went crazy...
I lifted the recliner and moved it a little more towards the corner, and then he sat down. He told me to sit on the floor too, in front of his feet. I obeyed. I wanted to see where she was going.
"Thomas..come on..what are you going to do.." said Marika.
"shh..Jenny show him how good you are. " She stared down at me from above and unzipped her pants.
I mechanically, was about to lower his briefs, but he slapped my hands again.
"Sissy..don't make the same mistakes.." I looked at him excitedly. With my lips I lowered my brief and was hit by his dick again.
"Fuck.." said Monica. I took it in my hand and told her.
"It's huge isn't it? And it's all mine." I didn't hear her answer and took it in my mouth.
"Tomorrow you have to play Thomas, said Mike.." But Elena sat him down and imitated me. Mike also gave up.
Monica and Marika walked away and left us alone. While Elena and I were doing the blowjob,the two of them were talking to each other.
"Come on Elena, show Jenny how much of a slut you are," said Mike.
"mmh..leave her, poor thing, she can never be.." replied Thomas.
Elena and I tried our best to suck those big cocks in our mouths.
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