Curiosity grows stronger and stronger as the days go by. I would really like to know from Alberto and Leonardo what they have planned for me, but I can't get anything from them. I also talk about it with my boyfriend, since we decided to be honest to the end. Obviously, he doesn't like this whole story very much and I see him explode from the inside with anger every time we talk about it. On the other hand, though, he can't clearly take it out on Leo or Alberto, since neither of them know about our story. He might take it out on me and that would be normal, but he's too much in love and makes me get over every vice and every desire I have. The only thing I can go into more detail about, during my now daily meetings with Alberto and Leo, is the story about Damiano. Years have passed, I haven't seen or heard from him anymore but I certainly can't forget that he was my first boyfriend.
My questions about him push them to open up, they also tell me their subsequent fears, their frustration for having hurt him. They talked about it often, especially the first period, then they decided not to deal with it anymore because they felt damn guilty. They reopen, after a while, with me. Damian broke through, in every possible and imaginable way. They used him as a doormat even though it was obvious that he didn't want to and felt uncomfortable about that situation. I trust him that we were engaged, Alberto knew something, Leo sensed it.
I tell them that Damiano, over the course of the weeks, had changed his attitude more and more until he became violent towards me, both verbally and physically. Hence my decision to end the story with him, definitively. They, on the other hand, told me that they had also kept some videos of when they were fucking him but then, out of remorse, they had erased all the material.
After the speech about Damiano, I try to get some new info about the gift, but without success! In the meantime the days go by, I arrive well beyond the week of time they had given me but I don't receive any signal. When I ask, they tell me to be patient. Meanwhile, for a while now, the month of August has ended and I have lived it with sadness.
My friends have left, I will see them again next year. Every time, I promise to visit them. They are scattered all over Italy, we have known each other for a long time and we are very close. I promise but then I never keep, although I'd like to have a nice holiday. I've travelled little in my life but it's not just up to me. Sometimes you ask me about my parents, some of you have thought they are a bit absent but in reality they are not. For work reasons, they are out practically all day long, often on Saturdays too, as is my sister.
It goes without saying that I spend my days always alone since I am about 14-15 years old. My closure in relationships with many people, including them, does not allow them to easily understand what goes on in my head. They see me don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs and don't go to whores, things that almost all my peers do. I do soccer training, I also periodically go to the gym, I hardly ever come back late in the evening except in August and on some rare occasions. I go out with what they think is my best friend but he's actually my boyfriend and they like him a lot, because he's really a golden person. That's why they tend to trust me.
Nevertheless, while they give me enough freedom, they don't allow me to travel alone. That's why I can never keep the promises I make to my summer friends.
I greet their departure with nostalgia and dive headlong into football, my boyfriend and my relationship with Alberto and Leonardo in the following days. All this until school starts.
As he told you, I changed schools after flunking out. Together with my boyfriend and my family, we chose a school a bit far away, about half an hour by train, which we all consider ideal for me, also because of the attention they give to the students. Just before classes start, my parents take me to see the new school and talk to the vice principal, who will also be one of my teachers. Just as I walk through the corridors, peeking into the various empty classrooms, I begin to reflect. My thoughts continue on the way back, while I am sitting in the back seat of my father's car, listening to music on the phone, totally alienated from the world.
Here, in this new school, nobody knows me. I can't think of any of my friends who attend this school, also because it is quite far away. That's why maybe I can finally be myself. It's only one year, I only have to do the fifth and I'm also used to jokes and teasing. On the other hand, if someone accepts me and will be my friend, I will be happy to continue the relationship with him even after school, otherwise fuck it, who will see them again. So I decide I'll be myself at school, I'll come out. I'm not going to reveal it necessarily, but if it comes out or someone asks me, I'll admit without any problem that I'm gay.
I talk about it with my boyfriend the same night and he seems very happy, he says it's a brave gesture and that it can help me so much to overcome my fears and the low esteem I have of myself as a person.
Until the night before classes start, I'm loaded to the brim. The professor added me to the class group, I introduced myself (obviously without saying anything about sexuality, it would have been a stretch) and they all welcomed me. I seem determined and confident, at least until the morning. As soon as the alarm clock rings, I have my classic anxiety crisis. My parents try to get me out of the room but there's no way. My boyfriend calls me but I'm unaccounted for, I lock the door and turn off my cell phone.
The thing repeats itself in the next two mornings, on the school group they try to ask me why I'm not going. At first I don't answer, then I feel sorry for them that, even though they don't know me, they are getting worried and I tell them that I haven't been well. On the third afternoon I talk well with my boyfriend and he promises me that the following morning he will pick me up and take me to the car so that I don't have to make the first trip alone.
So, after three days of absence, my new school adventure begins. Things are going quite well at first. My classmates are nice and soon discover that I'm gay. It happens like the second day, because a rather cheeky girlfriend of mine tells me I'm cute and asks me if I have a girlfriend. Thank you for the compliments, but I'm specifically telling her that I'm gay. Word travels fast, in a certain way they almost look at me with interest and I feel popular. I'm finally myself, at least in those five hours in the morning. The problem is that the idyll lasts very little. In fact, after a week of attendance, while I walk around the school corridor, during recess, I have a meeting that makes me come back with my feet on the ground. But that's another story and we'll talk about it in the next chapter.
Let's rewind the tape and go back three days from this episode. It's Sunday and we're playing the first championship game. We are a very sexting team and what we are asked and reach salvation as soon as possible. We draw 1-1 at home against a team that is much better equipped and more highly rated than us and we do it in a comeback. Our goal, by the way, is signed by my boyfriend.
After the match, he and I celebrate, in our own way, for a couple of hours at home, later I get a call from Alberto. I have just returned to my house, I am in my room playing on the computer, waiting for my mother to call me for dinner. Alberto tells me that he had tried to call me before but I hadn't answered. Then he asks me if the following evening, on Monday, I will be free, because finally it is time for the long-awaited surprise. I tell him yes, especially because of my great curiosity. I can't wait anymore. I ask him if he can pick me up, at first he makes a bit of a fuss, saying that it's complicated, then he realizes that it's not very nice to ask me to ride a bike and so he agrees to come by car.
The next day I'm tense, waiting impatiently for Alberto to pick me up, that is, right after dinner. My parents make a bit of a fuss, they know that I have school the next day and that I have to wake up early. Knowing about my propensity not to get up and stay asleep, they are legitimately worried but I promise them that, in any case, I will go to school.
When I get off, Alberto is waiting for me in the car, with his wonderful smile. He's beautiful, as always. I go up and say hello. I'd like to kiss him, he's so bright. He's wearing a green short-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of short jeans, which I'm wearing too, only that my T-shirt is white.
On the short journey, I try to find out something about what's going to happen. Alberto, initially, answers me with stupid jokes, without giving me any way to understand, then he decides to open up a little:
"O Fabio, I had to make you wait a few more days because I trust you and you know it. It's useless for me to make recommendations to you that what we are going to do must remain secret. It's the others I didn't trust very much."
"About the others?" I ask, even more puzzled.
"Can you hold on for two minutes? Now you see, trust me" he tells me in a very reassuring way but without, however, stopping my growing curiosity.
Alberto parks the car inside the gate of his house, then we go up to the attic. My heart is pounding, I have no idea what I am going to be facing. Everything goes through my mind. It even occurs to me that he could be my boyfriend, as many of you have speculated. But it's not him, don't worry! I don't even know how I'd react!
We arrive in front of the door, Alberto is sure of himself, as always. I envy him so much, I wish I had the boldness he always shows. He's handsome, he's nice, he's enterprising, he has a beautiful girl, lots of friends and he has that bravado that I've always dreamed of having. I see him even in this situation, I'm practically hidden behind him, my heart is pumping and I'd like to disappear suddenly and find myself in my bedroom. He, instead, with all the tranquillity of this world, slips the key into the door, turns and opens it.
He enters before me, then he pulls to the side and leaves me the space to enter. I take a sigh and walk that small distance that is missing. I go in and there are people in his house.
The first person I see, sitting in the armchair, is Enea. I don't know if you remember him, in case you don't remember and want to read something, he appears in one of the very first stories, exactly in the third one.
He is a historical friend of Leonardo and Alberto, he is one year older than them and, for a while, he also played football. He stopped playing football a long time ago and I know that he has been engaged to a girl for at least three years. He seems rather annoyed by the situation, at least that's my impression (and I'm not wrong). Enea is a guy I like: although very thin, he shows more than he has, he's dark, with a thick beard, hairy body, quite tall and, above all, he has a really long cock.
I came really close, three years ago, to losing my virginity to him. Just the fact that Alberto had ordered him not to fuck me, held him back, stopping even my attempt to get him to penetrate me. He's one of the first people present to greet me with a nod of a smile.
At his side, resting on the armrest of the armchair is Pietro. He is a local gay boy, declared and quite effeminate. He's a member of their group of friends, the same age as Alberto and Leo, and even the walls know that he gets fucked pretty easily, especially on Saturday nights if he drinks. I had no great doubt that Alberto and Leonardo had already fucked him and this confirms it. Pietro doesn't really appeal to me. Besides the fact that he's obviously passive, he doesn't inspire me much physically either. He's tall, about 1.85, very fair complexion, black hair, very well-groomed beard, a fairly pronounced nose, a fleshy mouth. Then the physique is of someone who doesn't play sports, with a few love handles and a few extra pounds. I've never seen him naked and, frankly, I've never thought I could have anything to do with him from a sexual point of view. He doesn't seem at all surprised to see me, evidently, as a good gay, he had already understood everything, or they had announced my arrival.
On the couch, instead, there is Leo who is smoking a cigarette and, at his side, perched next to him is the one who reveals to me the famous mystery of these first days of training. I immediately understand who Alberto and Leonardo were fucking before the sessions with the team and it's a presence that doesn't make me happy at all: Vesim. My ex-boyfriend looks at me with an air of challenge, as if to show that he has managed to win their favour. We've hated each other enough in the last few months.
Inside me, I know it's my fault because I was miserable with him and I continued to treat him badly even afterwards. At the camp I'm always the first one to make fun of him or answer him badly and he rightly resents me. He can't forget how I humiliated him until the last moment. Of all those present, he is the only one who is already partially naked, since he doesn't wear shoes and a shirt.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask, as soon as I focus on his figure.
"What do you want? What are you doing here," he answers with arrogance, then he smiles ironically, grabs Leo by the neck and puts his tongue in his mouth. They start making out furiously in front of me. Maybe Vesim thinks it bothers me, but I don't really give a damn, in all honesty.
Just like I don't give a damn about all this nonsense that Alberto and Leo put up. I'd like to leave, this situation not only embarrasses me, but it doesn't excite me at all.
I've been thinking for days what surprise they had done to me and, in light of the facts, the only thing in this room that comes close to a surprise is Enea. A guy who, in any case, I could have fucked quietly on my own, since I had already had him in the past. Of the other two, I don't really care about anything: one I don't like and the other one is an ex of mine and mostly passive.
"I'd say let's start," says Alberto, who then comes up to me and starts kissing my neck. The contact of his mouth and his tongue on my skin immediately take effect, I shudder with pleasure, close my eyes and pant, then I stretch my arm, put it around his neck, turn my face and kiss him in the mouth. We start to make out, while Vesim and Leo don't mention to detach themselves from a really passionate kiss. My ex-Albanian, in the meantime, has straddled the blond guy's legs and is rubbing himself on his package, like a real slut.
I must have really trained him well, because before I touched him, no one had ever touched his dick. In the other station, on the other hand, there's a lot more embarrassment. Pietro is trying to seduce Aeneas, who seems upset and in fact soon after he gets up.
"But does this have to be done?"
Alberto caught his eye and told him to stop, that they had agreed for a long time and to stay calm, that no one will talk because we have all been warned. At that point, Enea shrugs his shoulders and returns to the armchair, letting himself be overwhelmed by Pietro.
"Now let's get undressed, come on" orders again Alberto, who is the one who directs the traffic. We all start to put our clothes on the chairs. I'm a bit embarrassed at first and I'm the one who undresses more slowly. In a short time, however, I realize that no one is making trouble.
Vesim is already completely naked, Alberto and Leo almost. I turn around to look at Pietro, I have a great curiosity to peer at his cock, which I immediately notice to be of normal size, although still limp. Aeneas instead, he has the usual cobra between his legs and I can't wait for him to fuck me.
Alberto guides us to the bedroom, there is only one double mattress and so we will definitely need to squeeze and be uncomfortable.
Leo throws himself on the bed, followed immediately by Vesim who starts sucking his dick. I don't understand if we have to move in fixed pairs so I am designated to stay with Alberto or if everything is free. I'm hesitating when Enea takes care of it. He takes me to the opposite side of the bed from where Leo is.
He makes me lie on the edge of the mattress and climbs on top of it, starting kissing me. There isn't much passion in his kiss, I keep thinking that he is a bit forced to stay here but right now there is no point in thinking about it. Alberto, instead, is making out hard with Pietro, still standing.
While Enea and I are making out, he takes my hand and puts it on his cock, then whispers:
"Come on, let me see if you're even better than three years ago."
I grab it and start sawing off his dick as we start making out again. Having the cock stimulated, though not yet so hard, reinvigorates Enea's resourcefulness, who starts kissing me more emphatically. Meanwhile, I throw an eye to my side, where Vesim has just slipped between Leo's legs and is giving him a blowjob, in full taste. Leo stands with large thighs, allowing the Albanian to stand between his legs and suck it freely. Meanwhile, he looks at him satisfied and holds his hair in his grip, almost forcefully. He notices that I'm looking, he looks at me in turn, smiles at me and then tightens his lips as if making a gritty expression, accompanying it with some movements of the pelvis towards Vesim.
Standing, instead, right in front of me, I have Alberto's magnificent ass. Pietro is kneeling in front of him holding it by his ass and sucking it. Alberto goes back and forth slowly with his pelvis and mumbles slowly. The situation is getting hotter and hotter and right now I'm starting to like it. I decide to forget my thoughts, the disappointment for the surprise different from the one I wanted and the possible slutty challenges with Vesim. I just want to enjoy it, also because I don't have many alternatives.
I'm the only one who's not sucking his momentary partner's dick and I want to make it up to him right away. I tell Aeneas to lie on the other side of the mattress, practically where his feet would go. He spills on that side and I dive between his legs. I put my hand on his hairy chest and start sucking. A few inches away from me, I have Leo's feet.
I'm watching them, I'd like to lick them, but I don't know if I should, so I hold back a little. I concentrate on Aeneas's cock, as long as I remember it, although not as wide. His very long penis comes and goes in and out of my mouth, he stays with his eyes closed. He's obviously the least involved of all the people here and it clearly had to happen to me.
Aeneas, from what I will find out even later on, has interrupted gay relationships for a long time. It was just an experience, induced by Alberto's great oratory ability, which he tried during his adolescence. Since he had got engaged, he had realized that he didn't feel all this pleasure in homosexual encounters and had decided to stop them. In the eyes of Alberto and Leo, having convinced him, I don't know with what weapons, to participate in this orgy, was the great gift to give me. They wanted me to fully enjoy that long cock, which I had never hidden that I particularly loved.
While I suck Aeneas' cock, with my right hand I touch his hairy chest and look at him with my big eyes. Even if he doesn't look back, he's still appreciating it. He's probably imagining that it's his girlfriend who sucks him but not badly, I just enjoy the dick in my mouth and then in my ass.
After a few minutes of that, Leo proposes we switch. I get up and look into the disappointed eyes of Vesim, who evidently thought he was Leo's exclusive.
It's me, and I do it on purpose, to take his place. As I pass by the other side of the mattress, Vesim looks at me doggedly, I smile at him and start making out with Leo.
Aeneas, instead, finds himself with his cock in Peter's mouth. Vesim, finally, has become Alberto's property. The latter sits on the edge of the bed, right at our feet, makes Vesim crouch between his legs and puts it in his mouth.
Leo and I are the only ones who are kissing and we go on a little longer. He's sweeter with me than he was with Vesim just now. He puts his hands on my butt and starts stroking it, then he lets me slide on his neck. I start giving him a hickey, strong, vehemently. He's enjoying it a lot, he's panting and squeezing my ass harder.
Alberto, perhaps excited by the scene, has tightened Vesim's neck with his feet, holding him still while he gets a blowjob and is gasping with pleasure. Pietro, on the other hand, sucks Enea's huge dick with eagerness, who always remains with his eyes closed to imagine something else.
"Give me a blowjob" Leo whispers in my ear, while I'm literally massacring his neck with hickeys. I perform, I start kissing his chest, I enjoy his well pronounced pecs, then I slide to his abdomen, which in turn is visible and totally hairless.
Finally, I arrive at his shaved prick, nice and wide and juicy. I take it in my mouth and start one of my masterful blowjobs, made with all the taste and pleasure of the world. I'm arching my ass backwards while I'm sucking like a mangy one.
Alberto notices and starts putting a little finger inside me while he keeps getting a furious blowjob from Vesim. I go crazy, you can hear my meows while I'm sucking Leo's dick and Alberto fingers my ass.
A few minutes later, Alberto gets Vesim up. I'm not looking because it's behind me and I'm focused on Leo's dick. He whispers something to him and a few minutes later I hear someone sticking his tongue up my ass. I'm pervaded by pleasure, I take my dick out of my mouth for a moment and I pant, then I turn around and see that it's Vesim licking it, on Alberto's orders.
I'm not saying anything, I don't care. While my ex is kissing my ass, on the edge of the bed, behind him Alberto penetrates it and starts fucking him. Vesim goes crazy and starts licking even deeper inside my ass. I'm in total heaven and I vent, in turn, on Leonardo's cock, which I'm sucking at a dizzying pace. He's in ecstasy, he starts coming up with his pelvis, he's all red in the face, he looks like a bull.
"ODDIO, ODDIOO, ODDIOO, ODDIOO, ODIOOO" screams Leo and floods my mouth with cum. He had a devastating orgasm, without even being able to propose an exchange of positions to delay him, he was enjoying it so much. I hold his cock in my mouth until he loses vigor, taking every single drop inside my throat. Then, I get off his cock and enjoy Vesim's ass-licking. I start panting and I encourage him to lick me harder, he takes courage seeing me involved and not angry with him and licks like a fuck.
I pant, I'm still a few inches away from Leo's body, who's lying on the bed with a big breath. I jerk off my dick, I grab it and start moving my hand at three thousand, my face is a mask of pleasure.
"Madonna what a slut Fabio is, I didn't think so" comments Pietro, who in the meantime has detached himself from Aeneas's cock and is enjoying the scene.
"And you didn't see anything," answers Leo, who then nods to him to get closer.
Pietro executes and the two of them kiss, just a few inches away from me, then he shows him my face. Pietro approaches me and kisses me in turn. It's our first kiss, his breath smells like a cigarette but I don't care. I feel his warm tongue wrap around mine, I'm so excited I'd take pleasure in a kiss from anyone.
I suck his tongue vigorously, then he comes off and goes down, he gets on his side in the space between my dick and Leo's body and takes it in my mouth.
Peter with his mouth knows how to do it, on the other hand he must have a lot of experience since he has been declared for years and years and has the reputation of an easy one. He's sucking my cock with maniacal care and I'm in total madness for the pleasure. After two minutes I sketch out loud, I'm barely in time to warn him, Pietro moves (he doesn't want me to cum in his mouth) and my sketches start to go crazy on the mattress. Leo, meanwhile, got out of bed, went round the back and reached Enea. The two of them are making out and touching each other's cocks while watching the scene, with Leo's tool that seems to be back already close to full horny.
As soon as they see that Pietro and I are finished, they signal us to get closer to them. It's a shame to have to stop Vesim from that wonderful lick, but I'm forced. I'll pull my ass, dripping with pleasure, off his hot tongue and leave him in that position, fucked from behind by Alberto. Pietro takes me by the hand and accompanies me from the other side of the bed, passing behind Alberto and Vesim, to whom I cast an eye, just enough to see that my ex is in total ecstasy and has a spruce smile on his face, of pure pleasure, while Alberto continues to fuck him with animalistic fury. Leo shows us that we are standing on sheep-like edges, practically next to Vesim. Pietro gets in the way while I close the line, being the last one on the right side of the mattress.
Behind me, standing, Aeneas positions himself. At last I can completely test his cock. The twenty-one year old man points his long cock at me on the small hole and penetrates me dry, taking advantage of the fact that Vesim's long anal lick has perfectly prepared me for the impact. To my left, in the same position, Leo is fucking Peter. He's enjoying it like a pig, moaning with his effeminate voice, sometimes he looks me in the face, it's a mask of total enjoyment. He smiles at me, even winks at me a couple of times and then comes back to get his ass kicked, shouting his pleasure. I, too, clearly exterior my enjoyment, I pant relentlessly while Aeneas's huge cock is gutting my anal walls. I look at Pietro again, we approach each other's mouths and kiss with passion as we get fucked to death. Our three men, standing behind us, are fucking us relentlessly at a hellish pace.
After a few minutes, Alberto, who had already been fucking Vesim's ass for a long time, capitulates, starts snoring like a pig and empties everything into my ex-boyfriend's ass. He, after waiting for his asshole to get off him, rolls on the mattress until he gets in front of me and Pietro. He gets down on his knees and starts sawing himself a few inches from our faces, panting.
Pietro stretches out his hand, grabs his dick and approaches him, then takes it in his mouth. He begins to give Vesim an intense blowjob, which he cums almost immediately, screaming with pleasure and raising his eyes to the ceiling. Pietro, with his mouth still dirty of Vesim's hot cum, turns towards me and kisses me in the mouth. We exchange the tasty sperm of my ex-boyfriend, who in the meantime is lying on the mattress to catch his breath.
Alberto, in the meantime, goes out there to smoke a cigarette and refuse a little, because although he turned on the air conditioning from the beginning, it's still summer and it's still an attic. Meanwhile, behind me, Enea is continuing to fuck me to a thousand, clinging to my hips. I can hear him breathing more and more, he increases the rhythm and fucks me almost like a rabbit. His blows are well settled, I feel all the vigour of his long penis, then I feel it swelling further and then it all explodes in my ass. His splashes pervade my anal walls, he's out of breath, upset. He stays in that position for a few moments, then he gets off me and joins Alberto in the other room.
I stay a few seconds a sheep, with sperm coming out of my ass and ending up on the bed. Then I watch Vesim making out furiously with Pietro. In the back, Leo's still fucking him like a bull. He beckons me to come closer and starts kissing me like an obsessive.
I let him make out with me for a while, then I tell them I need air and leave them there to continue, joining Enea and Alberto in the living room. When I get there, I immediately notice that they have put on their underwear and are smoking on the balcony. Alberto, moreover, is wearing mine.
"But why did you wear my underwear?" I ask him.
"Because you make me too horny," he replies.
"What about me?"
"Come on, put mine on for a minute."
I go to the chair where he put his clothes and I take his underwear, which unlike mine, which are boxers, are simple briefs. I'm not used to wearing them and it's weird, but the idea that they are Alberto's turns me on. I join them on the balcony and they offer me a cigarette.
"Are you having fun?" Alberto asks me.
"Yes, very much", I answer, that I've definitely changed my mind since my arrival.
He pulls me by the arm and, despite Enea's presence, puts his tongue in my mouth. We start making out furiously, against the wall to the east of his balcony, the only one where we don't risk being seen by the neighbours.
"God, how it turns me on," he whispers, as soon as it comes out of my mouth.
"Funny, you still haven't fucked me tonight," I provoke him...
"You're right, now that we're going back inside, you're mine," he says.
"Mamma mia, you give us diabetes" Enea says, making us smile.
After a few minutes break, we take off our panties, put them back on the chairs. Alberto takes me by the hand and takes me back inside for the second round. Which I will tell in the next chapter!
PS: it's the first time I've ever described an orgy. I don't know if it sounds confusing, I tried to make it as simple and understandable as possible. I hope it excited you as much as it excited me to remember certain moments. I decided to split it into two parts because it's already so long. Thank you for the support you always give me, especially in private!
My questions about him push them to open up, they also tell me their subsequent fears, their frustration for having hurt him. They talked about it often, especially the first period, then they decided not to deal with it anymore because they felt damn guilty. They reopen, after a while, with me. Damian broke through, in every possible and imaginable way. They used him as a doormat even though it was obvious that he didn't want to and felt uncomfortable about that situation. I trust him that we were engaged, Alberto knew something, Leo sensed it.
I tell them that Damiano, over the course of the weeks, had changed his attitude more and more until he became violent towards me, both verbally and physically. Hence my decision to end the story with him, definitively. They, on the other hand, told me that they had also kept some videos of when they were fucking him but then, out of remorse, they had erased all the material.
After the speech about Damiano, I try to get some new info about the gift, but without success! In the meantime the days go by, I arrive well beyond the week of time they had given me but I don't receive any signal. When I ask, they tell me to be patient. Meanwhile, for a while now, the month of August has ended and I have lived it with sadness.
My friends have left, I will see them again next year. Every time, I promise to visit them. They are scattered all over Italy, we have known each other for a long time and we are very close. I promise but then I never keep, although I'd like to have a nice holiday. I've travelled little in my life but it's not just up to me. Sometimes you ask me about my parents, some of you have thought they are a bit absent but in reality they are not. For work reasons, they are out practically all day long, often on Saturdays too, as is my sister.
It goes without saying that I spend my days always alone since I am about 14-15 years old. My closure in relationships with many people, including them, does not allow them to easily understand what goes on in my head. They see me don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs and don't go to whores, things that almost all my peers do. I do soccer training, I also periodically go to the gym, I hardly ever come back late in the evening except in August and on some rare occasions. I go out with what they think is my best friend but he's actually my boyfriend and they like him a lot, because he's really a golden person. That's why they tend to trust me.
Nevertheless, while they give me enough freedom, they don't allow me to travel alone. That's why I can never keep the promises I make to my summer friends.
I greet their departure with nostalgia and dive headlong into football, my boyfriend and my relationship with Alberto and Leonardo in the following days. All this until school starts.
As he told you, I changed schools after flunking out. Together with my boyfriend and my family, we chose a school a bit far away, about half an hour by train, which we all consider ideal for me, also because of the attention they give to the students. Just before classes start, my parents take me to see the new school and talk to the vice principal, who will also be one of my teachers. Just as I walk through the corridors, peeking into the various empty classrooms, I begin to reflect. My thoughts continue on the way back, while I am sitting in the back seat of my father's car, listening to music on the phone, totally alienated from the world.
Here, in this new school, nobody knows me. I can't think of any of my friends who attend this school, also because it is quite far away. That's why maybe I can finally be myself. It's only one year, I only have to do the fifth and I'm also used to jokes and teasing. On the other hand, if someone accepts me and will be my friend, I will be happy to continue the relationship with him even after school, otherwise fuck it, who will see them again. So I decide I'll be myself at school, I'll come out. I'm not going to reveal it necessarily, but if it comes out or someone asks me, I'll admit without any problem that I'm gay.
I talk about it with my boyfriend the same night and he seems very happy, he says it's a brave gesture and that it can help me so much to overcome my fears and the low esteem I have of myself as a person.
Until the night before classes start, I'm loaded to the brim. The professor added me to the class group, I introduced myself (obviously without saying anything about sexuality, it would have been a stretch) and they all welcomed me. I seem determined and confident, at least until the morning. As soon as the alarm clock rings, I have my classic anxiety crisis. My parents try to get me out of the room but there's no way. My boyfriend calls me but I'm unaccounted for, I lock the door and turn off my cell phone.
The thing repeats itself in the next two mornings, on the school group they try to ask me why I'm not going. At first I don't answer, then I feel sorry for them that, even though they don't know me, they are getting worried and I tell them that I haven't been well. On the third afternoon I talk well with my boyfriend and he promises me that the following morning he will pick me up and take me to the car so that I don't have to make the first trip alone.
So, after three days of absence, my new school adventure begins. Things are going quite well at first. My classmates are nice and soon discover that I'm gay. It happens like the second day, because a rather cheeky girlfriend of mine tells me I'm cute and asks me if I have a girlfriend. Thank you for the compliments, but I'm specifically telling her that I'm gay. Word travels fast, in a certain way they almost look at me with interest and I feel popular. I'm finally myself, at least in those five hours in the morning. The problem is that the idyll lasts very little. In fact, after a week of attendance, while I walk around the school corridor, during recess, I have a meeting that makes me come back with my feet on the ground. But that's another story and we'll talk about it in the next chapter.
Let's rewind the tape and go back three days from this episode. It's Sunday and we're playing the first championship game. We are a very sexting team and what we are asked and reach salvation as soon as possible. We draw 1-1 at home against a team that is much better equipped and more highly rated than us and we do it in a comeback. Our goal, by the way, is signed by my boyfriend.
After the match, he and I celebrate, in our own way, for a couple of hours at home, later I get a call from Alberto. I have just returned to my house, I am in my room playing on the computer, waiting for my mother to call me for dinner. Alberto tells me that he had tried to call me before but I hadn't answered. Then he asks me if the following evening, on Monday, I will be free, because finally it is time for the long-awaited surprise. I tell him yes, especially because of my great curiosity. I can't wait anymore. I ask him if he can pick me up, at first he makes a bit of a fuss, saying that it's complicated, then he realizes that it's not very nice to ask me to ride a bike and so he agrees to come by car.
The next day I'm tense, waiting impatiently for Alberto to pick me up, that is, right after dinner. My parents make a bit of a fuss, they know that I have school the next day and that I have to wake up early. Knowing about my propensity not to get up and stay asleep, they are legitimately worried but I promise them that, in any case, I will go to school.
When I get off, Alberto is waiting for me in the car, with his wonderful smile. He's beautiful, as always. I go up and say hello. I'd like to kiss him, he's so bright. He's wearing a green short-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of short jeans, which I'm wearing too, only that my T-shirt is white.
On the short journey, I try to find out something about what's going to happen. Alberto, initially, answers me with stupid jokes, without giving me any way to understand, then he decides to open up a little:
"O Fabio, I had to make you wait a few more days because I trust you and you know it. It's useless for me to make recommendations to you that what we are going to do must remain secret. It's the others I didn't trust very much."
"About the others?" I ask, even more puzzled.
"Can you hold on for two minutes? Now you see, trust me" he tells me in a very reassuring way but without, however, stopping my growing curiosity.
Alberto parks the car inside the gate of his house, then we go up to the attic. My heart is pounding, I have no idea what I am going to be facing. Everything goes through my mind. It even occurs to me that he could be my boyfriend, as many of you have speculated. But it's not him, don't worry! I don't even know how I'd react!
We arrive in front of the door, Alberto is sure of himself, as always. I envy him so much, I wish I had the boldness he always shows. He's handsome, he's nice, he's enterprising, he has a beautiful girl, lots of friends and he has that bravado that I've always dreamed of having. I see him even in this situation, I'm practically hidden behind him, my heart is pumping and I'd like to disappear suddenly and find myself in my bedroom. He, instead, with all the tranquillity of this world, slips the key into the door, turns and opens it.
He enters before me, then he pulls to the side and leaves me the space to enter. I take a sigh and walk that small distance that is missing. I go in and there are people in his house.
The first person I see, sitting in the armchair, is Enea. I don't know if you remember him, in case you don't remember and want to read something, he appears in one of the very first stories, exactly in the third one.
He is a historical friend of Leonardo and Alberto, he is one year older than them and, for a while, he also played football. He stopped playing football a long time ago and I know that he has been engaged to a girl for at least three years. He seems rather annoyed by the situation, at least that's my impression (and I'm not wrong). Enea is a guy I like: although very thin, he shows more than he has, he's dark, with a thick beard, hairy body, quite tall and, above all, he has a really long cock.
I came really close, three years ago, to losing my virginity to him. Just the fact that Alberto had ordered him not to fuck me, held him back, stopping even my attempt to get him to penetrate me. He's one of the first people present to greet me with a nod of a smile.
At his side, resting on the armrest of the armchair is Pietro. He is a local gay boy, declared and quite effeminate. He's a member of their group of friends, the same age as Alberto and Leo, and even the walls know that he gets fucked pretty easily, especially on Saturday nights if he drinks. I had no great doubt that Alberto and Leonardo had already fucked him and this confirms it. Pietro doesn't really appeal to me. Besides the fact that he's obviously passive, he doesn't inspire me much physically either. He's tall, about 1.85, very fair complexion, black hair, very well-groomed beard, a fairly pronounced nose, a fleshy mouth. Then the physique is of someone who doesn't play sports, with a few love handles and a few extra pounds. I've never seen him naked and, frankly, I've never thought I could have anything to do with him from a sexual point of view. He doesn't seem at all surprised to see me, evidently, as a good gay, he had already understood everything, or they had announced my arrival.
On the couch, instead, there is Leo who is smoking a cigarette and, at his side, perched next to him is the one who reveals to me the famous mystery of these first days of training. I immediately understand who Alberto and Leonardo were fucking before the sessions with the team and it's a presence that doesn't make me happy at all: Vesim. My ex-boyfriend looks at me with an air of challenge, as if to show that he has managed to win their favour. We've hated each other enough in the last few months.
Inside me, I know it's my fault because I was miserable with him and I continued to treat him badly even afterwards. At the camp I'm always the first one to make fun of him or answer him badly and he rightly resents me. He can't forget how I humiliated him until the last moment. Of all those present, he is the only one who is already partially naked, since he doesn't wear shoes and a shirt.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I ask, as soon as I focus on his figure.
"What do you want? What are you doing here," he answers with arrogance, then he smiles ironically, grabs Leo by the neck and puts his tongue in his mouth. They start making out furiously in front of me. Maybe Vesim thinks it bothers me, but I don't really give a damn, in all honesty.
Just like I don't give a damn about all this nonsense that Alberto and Leo put up. I'd like to leave, this situation not only embarrasses me, but it doesn't excite me at all.
I've been thinking for days what surprise they had done to me and, in light of the facts, the only thing in this room that comes close to a surprise is Enea. A guy who, in any case, I could have fucked quietly on my own, since I had already had him in the past. Of the other two, I don't really care about anything: one I don't like and the other one is an ex of mine and mostly passive.
"I'd say let's start," says Alberto, who then comes up to me and starts kissing my neck. The contact of his mouth and his tongue on my skin immediately take effect, I shudder with pleasure, close my eyes and pant, then I stretch my arm, put it around his neck, turn my face and kiss him in the mouth. We start to make out, while Vesim and Leo don't mention to detach themselves from a really passionate kiss. My ex-Albanian, in the meantime, has straddled the blond guy's legs and is rubbing himself on his package, like a real slut.
I must have really trained him well, because before I touched him, no one had ever touched his dick. In the other station, on the other hand, there's a lot more embarrassment. Pietro is trying to seduce Aeneas, who seems upset and in fact soon after he gets up.
"But does this have to be done?"
Alberto caught his eye and told him to stop, that they had agreed for a long time and to stay calm, that no one will talk because we have all been warned. At that point, Enea shrugs his shoulders and returns to the armchair, letting himself be overwhelmed by Pietro.
"Now let's get undressed, come on" orders again Alberto, who is the one who directs the traffic. We all start to put our clothes on the chairs. I'm a bit embarrassed at first and I'm the one who undresses more slowly. In a short time, however, I realize that no one is making trouble.
Vesim is already completely naked, Alberto and Leo almost. I turn around to look at Pietro, I have a great curiosity to peer at his cock, which I immediately notice to be of normal size, although still limp. Aeneas instead, he has the usual cobra between his legs and I can't wait for him to fuck me.
Alberto guides us to the bedroom, there is only one double mattress and so we will definitely need to squeeze and be uncomfortable.
Leo throws himself on the bed, followed immediately by Vesim who starts sucking his dick. I don't understand if we have to move in fixed pairs so I am designated to stay with Alberto or if everything is free. I'm hesitating when Enea takes care of it. He takes me to the opposite side of the bed from where Leo is.
He makes me lie on the edge of the mattress and climbs on top of it, starting kissing me. There isn't much passion in his kiss, I keep thinking that he is a bit forced to stay here but right now there is no point in thinking about it. Alberto, instead, is making out hard with Pietro, still standing.
While Enea and I are making out, he takes my hand and puts it on his cock, then whispers:
"Come on, let me see if you're even better than three years ago."
I grab it and start sawing off his dick as we start making out again. Having the cock stimulated, though not yet so hard, reinvigorates Enea's resourcefulness, who starts kissing me more emphatically. Meanwhile, I throw an eye to my side, where Vesim has just slipped between Leo's legs and is giving him a blowjob, in full taste. Leo stands with large thighs, allowing the Albanian to stand between his legs and suck it freely. Meanwhile, he looks at him satisfied and holds his hair in his grip, almost forcefully. He notices that I'm looking, he looks at me in turn, smiles at me and then tightens his lips as if making a gritty expression, accompanying it with some movements of the pelvis towards Vesim.
Standing, instead, right in front of me, I have Alberto's magnificent ass. Pietro is kneeling in front of him holding it by his ass and sucking it. Alberto goes back and forth slowly with his pelvis and mumbles slowly. The situation is getting hotter and hotter and right now I'm starting to like it. I decide to forget my thoughts, the disappointment for the surprise different from the one I wanted and the possible slutty challenges with Vesim. I just want to enjoy it, also because I don't have many alternatives.
I'm the only one who's not sucking his momentary partner's dick and I want to make it up to him right away. I tell Aeneas to lie on the other side of the mattress, practically where his feet would go. He spills on that side and I dive between his legs. I put my hand on his hairy chest and start sucking. A few inches away from me, I have Leo's feet.
I'm watching them, I'd like to lick them, but I don't know if I should, so I hold back a little. I concentrate on Aeneas's cock, as long as I remember it, although not as wide. His very long penis comes and goes in and out of my mouth, he stays with his eyes closed. He's obviously the least involved of all the people here and it clearly had to happen to me.
Aeneas, from what I will find out even later on, has interrupted gay relationships for a long time. It was just an experience, induced by Alberto's great oratory ability, which he tried during his adolescence. Since he had got engaged, he had realized that he didn't feel all this pleasure in homosexual encounters and had decided to stop them. In the eyes of Alberto and Leo, having convinced him, I don't know with what weapons, to participate in this orgy, was the great gift to give me. They wanted me to fully enjoy that long cock, which I had never hidden that I particularly loved.
While I suck Aeneas' cock, with my right hand I touch his hairy chest and look at him with my big eyes. Even if he doesn't look back, he's still appreciating it. He's probably imagining that it's his girlfriend who sucks him but not badly, I just enjoy the dick in my mouth and then in my ass.
After a few minutes of that, Leo proposes we switch. I get up and look into the disappointed eyes of Vesim, who evidently thought he was Leo's exclusive.
It's me, and I do it on purpose, to take his place. As I pass by the other side of the mattress, Vesim looks at me doggedly, I smile at him and start making out with Leo.
Aeneas, instead, finds himself with his cock in Peter's mouth. Vesim, finally, has become Alberto's property. The latter sits on the edge of the bed, right at our feet, makes Vesim crouch between his legs and puts it in his mouth.
Leo and I are the only ones who are kissing and we go on a little longer. He's sweeter with me than he was with Vesim just now. He puts his hands on my butt and starts stroking it, then he lets me slide on his neck. I start giving him a hickey, strong, vehemently. He's enjoying it a lot, he's panting and squeezing my ass harder.
Alberto, perhaps excited by the scene, has tightened Vesim's neck with his feet, holding him still while he gets a blowjob and is gasping with pleasure. Pietro, on the other hand, sucks Enea's huge dick with eagerness, who always remains with his eyes closed to imagine something else.
"Give me a blowjob" Leo whispers in my ear, while I'm literally massacring his neck with hickeys. I perform, I start kissing his chest, I enjoy his well pronounced pecs, then I slide to his abdomen, which in turn is visible and totally hairless.
Finally, I arrive at his shaved prick, nice and wide and juicy. I take it in my mouth and start one of my masterful blowjobs, made with all the taste and pleasure of the world. I'm arching my ass backwards while I'm sucking like a mangy one.
Alberto notices and starts putting a little finger inside me while he keeps getting a furious blowjob from Vesim. I go crazy, you can hear my meows while I'm sucking Leo's dick and Alberto fingers my ass.
A few minutes later, Alberto gets Vesim up. I'm not looking because it's behind me and I'm focused on Leo's dick. He whispers something to him and a few minutes later I hear someone sticking his tongue up my ass. I'm pervaded by pleasure, I take my dick out of my mouth for a moment and I pant, then I turn around and see that it's Vesim licking it, on Alberto's orders.
I'm not saying anything, I don't care. While my ex is kissing my ass, on the edge of the bed, behind him Alberto penetrates it and starts fucking him. Vesim goes crazy and starts licking even deeper inside my ass. I'm in total heaven and I vent, in turn, on Leonardo's cock, which I'm sucking at a dizzying pace. He's in ecstasy, he starts coming up with his pelvis, he's all red in the face, he looks like a bull.
"ODDIO, ODDIOO, ODDIOO, ODDIOO, ODIOOO" screams Leo and floods my mouth with cum. He had a devastating orgasm, without even being able to propose an exchange of positions to delay him, he was enjoying it so much. I hold his cock in my mouth until he loses vigor, taking every single drop inside my throat. Then, I get off his cock and enjoy Vesim's ass-licking. I start panting and I encourage him to lick me harder, he takes courage seeing me involved and not angry with him and licks like a fuck.
I pant, I'm still a few inches away from Leo's body, who's lying on the bed with a big breath. I jerk off my dick, I grab it and start moving my hand at three thousand, my face is a mask of pleasure.
"Madonna what a slut Fabio is, I didn't think so" comments Pietro, who in the meantime has detached himself from Aeneas's cock and is enjoying the scene.
"And you didn't see anything," answers Leo, who then nods to him to get closer.
Pietro executes and the two of them kiss, just a few inches away from me, then he shows him my face. Pietro approaches me and kisses me in turn. It's our first kiss, his breath smells like a cigarette but I don't care. I feel his warm tongue wrap around mine, I'm so excited I'd take pleasure in a kiss from anyone.
I suck his tongue vigorously, then he comes off and goes down, he gets on his side in the space between my dick and Leo's body and takes it in my mouth.
Peter with his mouth knows how to do it, on the other hand he must have a lot of experience since he has been declared for years and years and has the reputation of an easy one. He's sucking my cock with maniacal care and I'm in total madness for the pleasure. After two minutes I sketch out loud, I'm barely in time to warn him, Pietro moves (he doesn't want me to cum in his mouth) and my sketches start to go crazy on the mattress. Leo, meanwhile, got out of bed, went round the back and reached Enea. The two of them are making out and touching each other's cocks while watching the scene, with Leo's tool that seems to be back already close to full horny.
As soon as they see that Pietro and I are finished, they signal us to get closer to them. It's a shame to have to stop Vesim from that wonderful lick, but I'm forced. I'll pull my ass, dripping with pleasure, off his hot tongue and leave him in that position, fucked from behind by Alberto. Pietro takes me by the hand and accompanies me from the other side of the bed, passing behind Alberto and Vesim, to whom I cast an eye, just enough to see that my ex is in total ecstasy and has a spruce smile on his face, of pure pleasure, while Alberto continues to fuck him with animalistic fury. Leo shows us that we are standing on sheep-like edges, practically next to Vesim. Pietro gets in the way while I close the line, being the last one on the right side of the mattress.
Behind me, standing, Aeneas positions himself. At last I can completely test his cock. The twenty-one year old man points his long cock at me on the small hole and penetrates me dry, taking advantage of the fact that Vesim's long anal lick has perfectly prepared me for the impact. To my left, in the same position, Leo is fucking Peter. He's enjoying it like a pig, moaning with his effeminate voice, sometimes he looks me in the face, it's a mask of total enjoyment. He smiles at me, even winks at me a couple of times and then comes back to get his ass kicked, shouting his pleasure. I, too, clearly exterior my enjoyment, I pant relentlessly while Aeneas's huge cock is gutting my anal walls. I look at Pietro again, we approach each other's mouths and kiss with passion as we get fucked to death. Our three men, standing behind us, are fucking us relentlessly at a hellish pace.
After a few minutes, Alberto, who had already been fucking Vesim's ass for a long time, capitulates, starts snoring like a pig and empties everything into my ex-boyfriend's ass. He, after waiting for his asshole to get off him, rolls on the mattress until he gets in front of me and Pietro. He gets down on his knees and starts sawing himself a few inches from our faces, panting.
Pietro stretches out his hand, grabs his dick and approaches him, then takes it in his mouth. He begins to give Vesim an intense blowjob, which he cums almost immediately, screaming with pleasure and raising his eyes to the ceiling. Pietro, with his mouth still dirty of Vesim's hot cum, turns towards me and kisses me in the mouth. We exchange the tasty sperm of my ex-boyfriend, who in the meantime is lying on the mattress to catch his breath.
Alberto, in the meantime, goes out there to smoke a cigarette and refuse a little, because although he turned on the air conditioning from the beginning, it's still summer and it's still an attic. Meanwhile, behind me, Enea is continuing to fuck me to a thousand, clinging to my hips. I can hear him breathing more and more, he increases the rhythm and fucks me almost like a rabbit. His blows are well settled, I feel all the vigour of his long penis, then I feel it swelling further and then it all explodes in my ass. His splashes pervade my anal walls, he's out of breath, upset. He stays in that position for a few moments, then he gets off me and joins Alberto in the other room.
I stay a few seconds a sheep, with sperm coming out of my ass and ending up on the bed. Then I watch Vesim making out furiously with Pietro. In the back, Leo's still fucking him like a bull. He beckons me to come closer and starts kissing me like an obsessive.
I let him make out with me for a while, then I tell them I need air and leave them there to continue, joining Enea and Alberto in the living room. When I get there, I immediately notice that they have put on their underwear and are smoking on the balcony. Alberto, moreover, is wearing mine.
"But why did you wear my underwear?" I ask him.
"Because you make me too horny," he replies.
"What about me?"
"Come on, put mine on for a minute."
I go to the chair where he put his clothes and I take his underwear, which unlike mine, which are boxers, are simple briefs. I'm not used to wearing them and it's weird, but the idea that they are Alberto's turns me on. I join them on the balcony and they offer me a cigarette.
"Are you having fun?" Alberto asks me.
"Yes, very much", I answer, that I've definitely changed my mind since my arrival.
He pulls me by the arm and, despite Enea's presence, puts his tongue in my mouth. We start making out furiously, against the wall to the east of his balcony, the only one where we don't risk being seen by the neighbours.
"God, how it turns me on," he whispers, as soon as it comes out of my mouth.
"Funny, you still haven't fucked me tonight," I provoke him...
"You're right, now that we're going back inside, you're mine," he says.
"Mamma mia, you give us diabetes" Enea says, making us smile.
After a few minutes break, we take off our panties, put them back on the chairs. Alberto takes me by the hand and takes me back inside for the second round. Which I will tell in the next chapter!
PS: it's the first time I've ever described an orgy. I don't know if it sounds confusing, I tried to make it as simple and understandable as possible. I hope it excited you as much as it excited me to remember certain moments. I decided to split it into two parts because it's already so long. Thank you for the support you always give me, especially in private!
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