- No, - replied Debora. - I'm not sleeping with you. But you keep asking me.
She closed the phone.
I was puzzled by such an ambiguous answer. Maybe being wooed made her feel interesting, maybe she liked me, maybe she didn't.
I hadn't got laid in over a month because I'd been diving headlong into work. Work comes first, so when I raised my head, I didn't know who to ask out. Not necessarily to fuck, but relationships have to be kept alive with a thousand little things. Or a few things and big ones. You can't just suddenly call up and ask a friend to stop everything and dedicate herself to you.
They had also given me (I'm just saying, since I was supposed to do a press service) four days cruise for two from Venice to the Greek islands, but I didn't really know who to ask to accompany me.
But, before the cruise, I had to figure out how to spend that Friday night, which was the first weekend off in a long time. And that apparently I was going to spend alone.
The phone suddenly rang.
- Hello Matteo, - began a voice I knew.
- Hi Rita, how are you doing?
I'd gone out three times with Rita and we'd only had sex once, the last night. Then that was it, we hadn't heard from each other again. I couldn't remember why it all ended there.
- Are you alone? - She asked me. - May I speak freely?
- Yes, you may. But we can meet if you want.
- In the meantime, listen to me, then we'll see if we should meet.
- Tell me.
- I'd like a woman...
I'd like one too, I thought... But I was forbidden. Did you like women? She was a lesbian and that's why it was so short? No, maybe she was bivalent... or something. Maybe she needed a housekeeper.
- A woman? - I said it again.
- I said it again.
- You mean... to sleep with you?
She kept quiet for a few seconds.
- Yes... - Then she admitted with an ill-concealed embarrassment.
I imagined how much it had to cost her to pick up the phone to ask me that. On a Friday night.
- Is there a reason you're asking me that? - I asked her puzzled.
Before she answered, she had to think about it.
- Well, the idea of calling you came to me in the first place. - She answered. - But there are so many regions.
I listened.
- The first is that you don't get shocked. The second is that you're a very private person. The third is that maybe you have a woman to share with me.
- Well, I said with a smile. At least we have some confidence. Tell me everything.
- I'm ready, - he answered. - But it's better that we talk about it verbally. Are you free tonight? I mean... it's Friday night and if you're busy, no problem...
- I told her, even though I was more than free...
- Where?
- Eight o'clock for dinner at Alessio's, is that okay?
- I'll be on time.
He hung up the phone.
Well, at least I could have dinner with you.
We were on time at the restaurant, which I chose because it was elegant and very private. We were hardly likely to be disturbed.
When I saw her come in, I got up, walked towards her and kissed her hand. She kissed me on the cheek, then we sat down.
After a brief update on our lives, I asked her to start talking. Having sex, even if only once, helped us a lot to overcome embarrassment of any kind and we hadn't broken up, we just hadn't called each other anymore.
- As you understood," she said, "by putting her hand on mine and looking down, I like women too.
- I like women, too, - I answered smiling to make it easier for her to confide in me.
- Don't joke, - resumed. - I sometimes need to sleep with a woman. And I called you because I'm going through withdrawal.
- So am I, - I confessed. - I've been working too hard lately and...
- I can sleep with you, - he added to indulge me. - But you must find me a woman...
- I appreciate your confidence - I answered, taking her hand, - especially at this moment. But I don't know where to start...
- I'll help you. - He continued. - I didn't call you at random.
So there was also a concrete reason. I stayed and listened to it with curious attention.
- Will you promise me the utmost discretion? - She said to me. - I know you're secretive, I told you, but nobody knows I need a friend now and then...
- Don't worry, I've done worse things and nobody ever knew about it.
- Have you ever slept with two women?
- Yes, even with three. And with couples, too. I like to fuck in multiple voices, as long as I'm running the show.
- Have you ever slept with Debora?
- Did you ask me for privacy and ask me about the intimacy of a mutual friend?
- It was a pro forma question. - He said it was a pro forma question. - I know you slept with Debora.
I didn't say anything. I'd never slept with Debora, and a couple of hours before she even told me "no, but keep asking me"...
Life is sometimes very strange.
- I'd like you to take Debora and me to bed.
- Well, it's not that easy. - I'm just banging away. Fuck, she just said no. - But why her?
- I like her. I want to fuck her.
- I like her too, - I was joking again. - She's got an ass...
- She has such an attractive face that...
- Don't you wade through women's asses? - I asked them.
- You guys look at the ass, - she answered smiling. - We women look for masculinity in the female face and... and imagine... pussy. There, I've told you everything and more.
- And what do you do with it when you sleep with it, you lick it?
- I hope the other way around. - He said it without embarrassment. - I'm not interested in a "dead" woman.
I thought about it a bit, you never stop learning...
- And what makes you think Debora's in?
- I think she likes the idea of being with a woman.
- Why don't you ask her?
- That's why I asked for your intervention. I don't have a chance to get close to her or hang out with her. And I can't be like you guys who don't mind making phone calls on Saturday nights, when you've had a shag with other women, see if there's one who's into it.
- Today is Friday.
- It doesn't change a bit.
He said it in a playful but extremely practical way. She got the point. Contrary to what Rita thought, I'd never slept with Debora. But... what if Rita was right? It struck me as an idea.
- Wait, - I told her to take out her cell phone. - It's 9:00, I can try calling her.
Rita said nothing, but that's what she expected from me.
I clicked Debora's number, and she answered after a while.
- Hi, Matteo! - She answered perplexed. - I didn't mean that you asked me again so soon!
- I have to talk to you, - I answered. - Am I disturbing you?
- No, I just had dinner, tell me.
She took care of herself.
- Do you like women? - I asked her with my hand over my mouth so she wouldn't read my lips.
On the other side of the phone, a terrible, super embarrassing silence broke out.
Then she answered.
- Can I have a backup question?
- Yes, - I answered calmly. - But I'll ask it tomorrow at cocktail hour.
- Why not at dinner?
- You're free for dinner too - I dared, - but first I'll tell you about it tomorrow at the City bar. Will you be there at noon?
- I'll be there at noon.
I locked my cell phone and looked at Rita.
- Did she take the bait? - She asked, almost anxiously, with a very masculine joke.
- I'll know tomorrow at noon, but I think she likes women. "Women too," I mean. Maybe you got it.
Rita felt a sense of intimate pleasure and shook my hand.
- I knew it. - She said she was satisfied. - I could tell she liked women.
- "Liked" women, too. - That's what I said.
- I'll pay you back, - she added. - You really are a friend. If we don't go out on a threesome tomorrow night, I'll still sleep with you.
- Tell me how you'd like the evening to go if Debora were there.
- Just get us into bed, - she said. - Then I'll take care of it.
- Do you want to be alone?
- No, please. - He added. - I like penis!
You never stop learning.
- Then explain it better.
- If she and I can play, you can put it anywhere you want.
The next day at noon I met Debora at the Bar Town. She was radiant and very elegant. I noticed she was wearing pants. Which was normal, but I wondered if her looks weren't as masculine as Rita liked. We sat down at a coffee table and ordered two spritzers.
- Come on, tell me all about it. - She blurted it out. - I was intrigued by your phone call last night.
- Do you like women?
- That doesn't count, you have to ask me the backup question! - He smiled.
- I'm sleeping with a friend tonight who also likes women.
She looked at me with an expression I'd never noticed.
- She asked me to make a mixed triangle - I added - and I...
- And why did you think of me?
- You asked me to.
- Do you know me? Do I know you?
- Yes, you do. If you accept, I'll tell you who she is.
- I may not like her.
- In which case it would all end there.
He stayed a while to think.
- I know you're reserved, - he began. - but I must ask you to keep what I'm about to tell you absolutely to yourself.
- You can count on it.
- I've never been with a woman, but I've dreamt more than once that if I slept with a man and another woman, I'd do anything. Even the woman.
- I think so too. - I commented.
- So, who is it?
- Rita, Rita Cortelletti.
She lowered her eyes, then raised them and looked at me.
- Are you sure she likes me?
- I told you.
- I'm surprised, because she looks very feminine.
- Does that mean you'd prefer her masculine?
- No, I'm the masculine one. Her femininity of intrigue. She's always intrigued me.
- She likes masculinity and you like femininity. Have you found each other?
- I don't know...
- I like her ass, - I said. - Do you?
- Are we in the mood for some pushy confidence?
- Yes, - smiles.
- I'd like to caress her thigh while she crosses her legs in thigh-highs...!
- Same tastes as mine... - I commented.
- Forgive me a question, - she added. - Why did she ask you to ask me that?
- She's convinced that you and I slept together.
- But we haven't.
- I know we haven't. - I answered. - But then she thought I was familiar with you. I weighed the situation and I didn't deny it.
- Why did you want to sleep with me?
- For the ass you have, - smiles. - Because of the eroticism you transmit and the intelligence you have.
- Since when does a man look for intelligence in a woman?
- I've fucked enough and now I want something more...
- This all bodes well.
- Shall I pick you up or shall we meet for dinner at Dal Bosco restaurant? - I asked before he reconsidered.
- I'll come by taxi. - He said get up. - Is 9:00 okay?
The taxi assumed he'd reconsider...
- Sure. - I answered.
- Make sure you lead the evening. - Churches. - This is gonna be a major embarrassment.
- You might not even get anywhere.
- It's always possible.
- If we go to bed," I added, "remember, I'm there too.
- I'm sure you'll remind me... ha ha!
I came home thinking about how a weekend that had been announced dull had evolved in a short time. But I also wondered how I would handle the evening because it was a whole new situation.
I called Rita.
- She said yes.
- What did she say? - She asked anxiously.
- You and Debora and I are having dinner.
I felt a certain awkward silence
- Diomio... - He said then. - What did you say to convince her?
- That you want to sleep with her and that I want to fuck you both.
- Come on!
- I swear. Maybe I didn't say that, but that's the gist of it.
- And she's really willing to play with me?
- I said yes, - I answered. - She likes you.
- She does? Tell me everything.
I brought her up to date.
- Obviously an evening like this is like a military operation. - Added.
- What's that?
- Nothing will go as planned.
It's off-limits.
- I'll pick you up at 8:00.
She didn't answer.
- Hey, did you hear me?
- What? Oh, yeah, sorry. Pick me up at 8:00.
- One more thing, - I begged her. - Wear light thigh-highs.
- Wow... You really want to have fun, huh? Well, you deserve it.
- Debora likes stockings.
- What?
Rita and I arrived at Dal Bosco restaurant a little earlier than we expected, but then we could work out some details, even though she was so upset she couldn't connect.
They'd put us in a booth.
- You have a beautiful polka-dot silk dress. - I said. - Did you wear thigh-highs too?
We were like accomplices. Besides, I'd never been with Debora and nothing was taken for granted.
Rita, in response, lifted her skirts and let herself look discreetly down to her panties.
- You look great! - I told her.
She winked at me and pulled herself together.
- If all goes well, I'll let you do what you want with me. I promise.
That's when Debora came and we both got up.
I kissed her hand and they kissed each other on the cheeks.
Debora was also dressed very elegantly, with loose pants and a short jacket. Soft make-up, she'd gathered her hair in a long ponytail.
We sat down and talked about trivia for a while, just to start the evening. I called the waiter, who brought the roses I'd ordered. I gave them to my friends, who were amazed. It must have been a piece they didn't get flowers, and I earned their goodwill even more.
Then they served dinner, and we dealt with many topics of general culture that seemed to lead nowhere. When dessert was coming I decided to break the ice.
- I'm lucky to be at the table with two beautiful women, - I began. - May I make you a proposition?
- Sure. - Rita answered.
- Let's hear it, - added Debora.
- Dinner lived up to our expectations. - I commented. - How about coming for a cognac at my place?
- We'll have coffee first. - That was Debora's affirmative answer.
Rita nodded smiling.
- When we get in my car - I told Debora then - we'll surprise you.
- You can't anticipate it, can you?
- No, - smiles. - And then you'll understand why.
After we paid the bill, the girls took the roses and we went out. The waiter went to get my car. I took the keys, tipped him, and then begged the two friends to sit in the back of both of them.
- You want to be our driver? - Debora jokingly asked.
- That's right. - I answered.
Debora sat in the back right, Rita in the back left.
I started the car in the direction of my house and when we were on the main road, I turned on the back light and turned to the girls.
- Now the surprise, - I said. - Rita, can you pick up your legs on the seat and lift your skirts? I want our friend to admire your underwear the way I admired it.
Of course, there was a moment of uncertainty, and Rita looked at me in the mirror. Debora instead got into position to look at the other one's thighs.
- Come on, - I told her. - We're among friends.
Then Rita gathered her legs towards Debora and slowly uncovered her thighs to show that she was wearing stockings.
- Wow...! - Debora exclaimed. - Stockings with thin blue silk garter belts! A masterpiece. Where did you find them?
Obviously female curiosity wanted to hide the intimate pleasure she felt in seeing her like that. I hadn't noticed she was wearing a garter belt, but all the better.
- At Manini's, - replied Rita. - Do you like them?
- They're beautiful," she exclaimed.
- Shall I give you a pair? - I asked.
- No thanks, - she answered. - I like to look at them, not wear them. I love pants too much.
And I saw that with his hand he caressed them as if to feel the effect of silk. Rita let go and lifted her skirts a little more.
- Wow! - She repeated. - You even have matching panties!
I saw those too.
They talked a bit like two friends who wanted to exchange shopping tips, while Debora kept stroking the silk and leather.
- Did you like the surprise? - I asked.
- Very much, - she answered. - But how did you come up with it?
Shameless... He he. She asked me.
- Just as I asked you to dress like a man - I improvised (it wasn't true), - I asked her to wear a lingerie that could seduce us.
- Well, she succeeded perfectly.
- Didn't she? - Added. - It drives me crazy to feel that part of skin between the end of the stocking and the panties. Try stroking it and tell me.
Rita played along and set out so her friend could caress her thigh the way a man in the same situation likes to do.
I turned the back light off, turned the radio on at a low volume and left her a little bit like this on the way home.
We went up in the house in the elevator. I opened the doors and let them into the living room.
- Make yourselves comfortable - I said, - but stay standing.
- Stand up?
- Yes, facing each other.
They obeyed with complicity. I took three glasses and poured whisky.
- Ice for you too?
They didn't answer.
- May I drink to our pleasure? - I asked.
They didn't answer, but touched the glasses to make them tinkle. So they took a sip. I took a sip, too, and then I took the glasses and put them on the coffee table. I went back to them and they were looking at each other with particular interest.
- Help me. - I told Debora.
I took Rita with me and I took her zipper. I lowered it down slowly and she let it go. Debora came over and spread her shoulders so that the dress wouldn't stick up. In an instant, with a fantastic rustle of silk, the dress fell to the floor. She was not wearing a bra and was only wearing the blue slob like the thin garter belt. She was a real morsel.
For a moment Rita brought her right arm to her breasts as if to cover herself, shrugged her buttocks for shame and joined her knees.
- Don't worry, - Debora reassured her, kissing her cheek. - It's all right.
And then she relaxed, ready to be caressed. I took me along and groped her tits and then I went down to her ass. Solid and supple. I didn't remember it like that. Obviously our only fuck had been pretty quick.
Debora put her face to her tits and kissed them. Then she knelt down and, with an all-female delicacy, slipped her hands under the edges of the slob. She widened them and lowered them slowly, making sure that the stockings and garters remained where they were.
Now Rita was no longer embarrassed but ready to let go of our hands. I looked greedily at her ass, while Debora couldn't take her eyes off her pubis. She put her face there too and rubbed her nose on her groin and then kissed her pubis.
I noticed that we were still dressed. I took Rita's hand naked and kissed it with gallantry.
- Follow me, - I told her holding her hand.
I walked her into the bedroom, followed by Debora. A short walk that excited us both to death.
I stopped her in front of the bed.
- Debora, undress, - I suggested to my friend.
Debora was red in the face from the excitement and took a while to understand, but then she naked in a flash. I did the same thing myself and then I looked at Debora who, it is good to remember, I had never fucked her. She was very beautiful, with an athletic physique and a male haircut. If she was an S&M girl, she would have been the dominant one. But even without S&M, she was the dominant one. It was like Rita was in the hands of two men.
Debora took a sneaky look at my erect cock. It looked like she didn't want to show interest, but I knew that look. If she liked women, she regretted not having a dick too. She liked mine anyway.
- Come and stand in front of Rita. - I told her.
Debora did it and I carried the other one until her dick was on her buttocks. She got a thrill, inviting her friend to do the same thing, hugging her from the front. We hugged her in a sandwich and I recognized that it was the first time I saw a woman hugging a friend with me. I mean, with a woman in the middle and not me.
The two of them moaned as if they were struggling to stop themselves from doing anything more, even though they might not know what to do.
I improvised.
- Come on, off to bed. - I clapped my hands.
They got up there and got in the way of me getting in the way. It was a logical move, but it wasn't what they had in mind.
- Rita, - I pointed out then. - You get in the way.
Rita got closer to Debora, who took her in her arms. So I stood next to Rita. My back was turned, which was in the logic of things. I got closer and put my dick back on her ass, which we both liked.
I didn't really understand what they were doing, but at one point they kissed and started making out. If one of them had a dick, they would have fucked great.
But I had it...!
- Debora, - I said. - Lie on the bed on your stomach.
She squeezed Rita a little more and then accepted the invitation, getting ready on the bed with her legs open. She understood what I wanted to do and showed me a shameless but elegant pussy. Rita was fascinated by the sight of the pussy maybe more than me and she preceded me, putting herself on the opposite side of Debora. Ready to do the 69 between woman and woman.
In that way, however, there was nothing within reach of my cock and I was puzzled. Yes, I liked the situation, but I was something more, something too much.
I decided not to force my hand and let them play without letting them know that I felt left out. I watched them play and envied them in many ways.
I have to say, they were a beautiful sight, but slowly the bird put herself in a resting position. I was like this the whole time, just enjoying the fact that the two of them were really enjoying themselves. Not only that, they even managed to come together, the bitches, at the same time. And what an orgasm! They were screaming, without stopping the oral activity, even if it was fragmented.
When they calmed down, they stood sideways, one belly up and one belly down.
Thinking it was my time, I made him stand up and took me to the bed, in the middle of the two. I stroked one first and then the other to see which one he wanted most.
- Not now, - said Rita.
- Wait, - added Debora. - We're blown away.
I stood there in the middle like a salami, realizing I was still in the way. And then after a while I got up and put on my clothes. I went into the living room, while I felt that the two of them had gone to the bathroom and slowly got dressed. Then they joined me and sat down on the sofa, as if to tell me they were ready to be taken home.
We got up and I walked them home.
First I accompanied Debora, hoping that Rita would keep her word: "If she's in, you can do what you want with me".
When Debora got out of the car, she came to give me a kiss.
- It was a beautiful evening. - She winked and said she was satisfied. - And you never stop asking me.
But as soon as we got to Rita's house, she jumped out of the car. She came over to kiss me in the window and kissed me goodbye, hopping away happy and blissful.
What do you want? That's the way things go some days. My weekend was destined to go without sex. Well, partially sexless, because the memory of them kept going through my head. And for cock.
But it wasn't going to be like that...
She closed the phone.
I was puzzled by such an ambiguous answer. Maybe being wooed made her feel interesting, maybe she liked me, maybe she didn't.
I hadn't got laid in over a month because I'd been diving headlong into work. Work comes first, so when I raised my head, I didn't know who to ask out. Not necessarily to fuck, but relationships have to be kept alive with a thousand little things. Or a few things and big ones. You can't just suddenly call up and ask a friend to stop everything and dedicate herself to you.
They had also given me (I'm just saying, since I was supposed to do a press service) four days cruise for two from Venice to the Greek islands, but I didn't really know who to ask to accompany me.
But, before the cruise, I had to figure out how to spend that Friday night, which was the first weekend off in a long time. And that apparently I was going to spend alone.
The phone suddenly rang.
- Hello Matteo, - began a voice I knew.
- Hi Rita, how are you doing?
I'd gone out three times with Rita and we'd only had sex once, the last night. Then that was it, we hadn't heard from each other again. I couldn't remember why it all ended there.
- Are you alone? - She asked me. - May I speak freely?
- Yes, you may. But we can meet if you want.
- In the meantime, listen to me, then we'll see if we should meet.
- Tell me.
- I'd like a woman...
I'd like one too, I thought... But I was forbidden. Did you like women? She was a lesbian and that's why it was so short? No, maybe she was bivalent... or something. Maybe she needed a housekeeper.
- A woman? - I said it again.
- I said it again.
- You mean... to sleep with you?
She kept quiet for a few seconds.
- Yes... - Then she admitted with an ill-concealed embarrassment.
I imagined how much it had to cost her to pick up the phone to ask me that. On a Friday night.
- Is there a reason you're asking me that? - I asked her puzzled.
Before she answered, she had to think about it.
- Well, the idea of calling you came to me in the first place. - She answered. - But there are so many regions.
I listened.
- The first is that you don't get shocked. The second is that you're a very private person. The third is that maybe you have a woman to share with me.
- Well, I said with a smile. At least we have some confidence. Tell me everything.
- I'm ready, - he answered. - But it's better that we talk about it verbally. Are you free tonight? I mean... it's Friday night and if you're busy, no problem...
- I told her, even though I was more than free...
- Where?
- Eight o'clock for dinner at Alessio's, is that okay?
- I'll be on time.
He hung up the phone.
Well, at least I could have dinner with you.
We were on time at the restaurant, which I chose because it was elegant and very private. We were hardly likely to be disturbed.
When I saw her come in, I got up, walked towards her and kissed her hand. She kissed me on the cheek, then we sat down.
After a brief update on our lives, I asked her to start talking. Having sex, even if only once, helped us a lot to overcome embarrassment of any kind and we hadn't broken up, we just hadn't called each other anymore.
- As you understood," she said, "by putting her hand on mine and looking down, I like women too.
- I like women, too, - I answered smiling to make it easier for her to confide in me.
- Don't joke, - resumed. - I sometimes need to sleep with a woman. And I called you because I'm going through withdrawal.
- So am I, - I confessed. - I've been working too hard lately and...
- I can sleep with you, - he added to indulge me. - But you must find me a woman...
- I appreciate your confidence - I answered, taking her hand, - especially at this moment. But I don't know where to start...
- I'll help you. - He continued. - I didn't call you at random.
So there was also a concrete reason. I stayed and listened to it with curious attention.
- Will you promise me the utmost discretion? - She said to me. - I know you're secretive, I told you, but nobody knows I need a friend now and then...
- Don't worry, I've done worse things and nobody ever knew about it.
- Have you ever slept with two women?
- Yes, even with three. And with couples, too. I like to fuck in multiple voices, as long as I'm running the show.
- Have you ever slept with Debora?
- Did you ask me for privacy and ask me about the intimacy of a mutual friend?
- It was a pro forma question. - He said it was a pro forma question. - I know you slept with Debora.
I didn't say anything. I'd never slept with Debora, and a couple of hours before she even told me "no, but keep asking me"...
Life is sometimes very strange.
- I'd like you to take Debora and me to bed.
- Well, it's not that easy. - I'm just banging away. Fuck, she just said no. - But why her?
- I like her. I want to fuck her.
- I like her too, - I was joking again. - She's got an ass...
- She has such an attractive face that...
- Don't you wade through women's asses? - I asked them.
- You guys look at the ass, - she answered smiling. - We women look for masculinity in the female face and... and imagine... pussy. There, I've told you everything and more.
- And what do you do with it when you sleep with it, you lick it?
- I hope the other way around. - He said it without embarrassment. - I'm not interested in a "dead" woman.
I thought about it a bit, you never stop learning...
- And what makes you think Debora's in?
- I think she likes the idea of being with a woman.
- Why don't you ask her?
- That's why I asked for your intervention. I don't have a chance to get close to her or hang out with her. And I can't be like you guys who don't mind making phone calls on Saturday nights, when you've had a shag with other women, see if there's one who's into it.
- Today is Friday.
- It doesn't change a bit.
He said it in a playful but extremely practical way. She got the point. Contrary to what Rita thought, I'd never slept with Debora. But... what if Rita was right? It struck me as an idea.
- Wait, - I told her to take out her cell phone. - It's 9:00, I can try calling her.
Rita said nothing, but that's what she expected from me.
I clicked Debora's number, and she answered after a while.
- Hi, Matteo! - She answered perplexed. - I didn't mean that you asked me again so soon!
- I have to talk to you, - I answered. - Am I disturbing you?
- No, I just had dinner, tell me.
She took care of herself.
- Do you like women? - I asked her with my hand over my mouth so she wouldn't read my lips.
On the other side of the phone, a terrible, super embarrassing silence broke out.
Then she answered.
- Can I have a backup question?
- Yes, - I answered calmly. - But I'll ask it tomorrow at cocktail hour.
- Why not at dinner?
- You're free for dinner too - I dared, - but first I'll tell you about it tomorrow at the City bar. Will you be there at noon?
- I'll be there at noon.
I locked my cell phone and looked at Rita.
- Did she take the bait? - She asked, almost anxiously, with a very masculine joke.
- I'll know tomorrow at noon, but I think she likes women. "Women too," I mean. Maybe you got it.
Rita felt a sense of intimate pleasure and shook my hand.
- I knew it. - She said she was satisfied. - I could tell she liked women.
- "Liked" women, too. - That's what I said.
- I'll pay you back, - she added. - You really are a friend. If we don't go out on a threesome tomorrow night, I'll still sleep with you.
- Tell me how you'd like the evening to go if Debora were there.
- Just get us into bed, - she said. - Then I'll take care of it.
- Do you want to be alone?
- No, please. - He added. - I like penis!
You never stop learning.
- Then explain it better.
- If she and I can play, you can put it anywhere you want.
The next day at noon I met Debora at the Bar Town. She was radiant and very elegant. I noticed she was wearing pants. Which was normal, but I wondered if her looks weren't as masculine as Rita liked. We sat down at a coffee table and ordered two spritzers.
- Come on, tell me all about it. - She blurted it out. - I was intrigued by your phone call last night.
- Do you like women?
- That doesn't count, you have to ask me the backup question! - He smiled.
- I'm sleeping with a friend tonight who also likes women.
She looked at me with an expression I'd never noticed.
- She asked me to make a mixed triangle - I added - and I...
- And why did you think of me?
- You asked me to.
- Do you know me? Do I know you?
- Yes, you do. If you accept, I'll tell you who she is.
- I may not like her.
- In which case it would all end there.
He stayed a while to think.
- I know you're reserved, - he began. - but I must ask you to keep what I'm about to tell you absolutely to yourself.
- You can count on it.
- I've never been with a woman, but I've dreamt more than once that if I slept with a man and another woman, I'd do anything. Even the woman.
- I think so too. - I commented.
- So, who is it?
- Rita, Rita Cortelletti.
She lowered her eyes, then raised them and looked at me.
- Are you sure she likes me?
- I told you.
- I'm surprised, because she looks very feminine.
- Does that mean you'd prefer her masculine?
- No, I'm the masculine one. Her femininity of intrigue. She's always intrigued me.
- She likes masculinity and you like femininity. Have you found each other?
- I don't know...
- I like her ass, - I said. - Do you?
- Are we in the mood for some pushy confidence?
- Yes, - smiles.
- I'd like to caress her thigh while she crosses her legs in thigh-highs...!
- Same tastes as mine... - I commented.
- Forgive me a question, - she added. - Why did she ask you to ask me that?
- She's convinced that you and I slept together.
- But we haven't.
- I know we haven't. - I answered. - But then she thought I was familiar with you. I weighed the situation and I didn't deny it.
- Why did you want to sleep with me?
- For the ass you have, - smiles. - Because of the eroticism you transmit and the intelligence you have.
- Since when does a man look for intelligence in a woman?
- I've fucked enough and now I want something more...
- This all bodes well.
- Shall I pick you up or shall we meet for dinner at Dal Bosco restaurant? - I asked before he reconsidered.
- I'll come by taxi. - He said get up. - Is 9:00 okay?
The taxi assumed he'd reconsider...
- Sure. - I answered.
- Make sure you lead the evening. - Churches. - This is gonna be a major embarrassment.
- You might not even get anywhere.
- It's always possible.
- If we go to bed," I added, "remember, I'm there too.
- I'm sure you'll remind me... ha ha!
I came home thinking about how a weekend that had been announced dull had evolved in a short time. But I also wondered how I would handle the evening because it was a whole new situation.
I called Rita.
- She said yes.
- What did she say? - She asked anxiously.
- You and Debora and I are having dinner.
I felt a certain awkward silence
- Diomio... - He said then. - What did you say to convince her?
- That you want to sleep with her and that I want to fuck you both.
- Come on!
- I swear. Maybe I didn't say that, but that's the gist of it.
- And she's really willing to play with me?
- I said yes, - I answered. - She likes you.
- She does? Tell me everything.
I brought her up to date.
- Obviously an evening like this is like a military operation. - Added.
- What's that?
- Nothing will go as planned.
It's off-limits.
- I'll pick you up at 8:00.
She didn't answer.
- Hey, did you hear me?
- What? Oh, yeah, sorry. Pick me up at 8:00.
- One more thing, - I begged her. - Wear light thigh-highs.
- Wow... You really want to have fun, huh? Well, you deserve it.
- Debora likes stockings.
- What?
Rita and I arrived at Dal Bosco restaurant a little earlier than we expected, but then we could work out some details, even though she was so upset she couldn't connect.
They'd put us in a booth.
- You have a beautiful polka-dot silk dress. - I said. - Did you wear thigh-highs too?
We were like accomplices. Besides, I'd never been with Debora and nothing was taken for granted.
Rita, in response, lifted her skirts and let herself look discreetly down to her panties.
- You look great! - I told her.
She winked at me and pulled herself together.
- If all goes well, I'll let you do what you want with me. I promise.
That's when Debora came and we both got up.
I kissed her hand and they kissed each other on the cheeks.
Debora was also dressed very elegantly, with loose pants and a short jacket. Soft make-up, she'd gathered her hair in a long ponytail.
We sat down and talked about trivia for a while, just to start the evening. I called the waiter, who brought the roses I'd ordered. I gave them to my friends, who were amazed. It must have been a piece they didn't get flowers, and I earned their goodwill even more.
Then they served dinner, and we dealt with many topics of general culture that seemed to lead nowhere. When dessert was coming I decided to break the ice.
- I'm lucky to be at the table with two beautiful women, - I began. - May I make you a proposition?
- Sure. - Rita answered.
- Let's hear it, - added Debora.
- Dinner lived up to our expectations. - I commented. - How about coming for a cognac at my place?
- We'll have coffee first. - That was Debora's affirmative answer.
Rita nodded smiling.
- When we get in my car - I told Debora then - we'll surprise you.
- You can't anticipate it, can you?
- No, - smiles. - And then you'll understand why.
After we paid the bill, the girls took the roses and we went out. The waiter went to get my car. I took the keys, tipped him, and then begged the two friends to sit in the back of both of them.
- You want to be our driver? - Debora jokingly asked.
- That's right. - I answered.
Debora sat in the back right, Rita in the back left.
I started the car in the direction of my house and when we were on the main road, I turned on the back light and turned to the girls.
- Now the surprise, - I said. - Rita, can you pick up your legs on the seat and lift your skirts? I want our friend to admire your underwear the way I admired it.
Of course, there was a moment of uncertainty, and Rita looked at me in the mirror. Debora instead got into position to look at the other one's thighs.
- Come on, - I told her. - We're among friends.
Then Rita gathered her legs towards Debora and slowly uncovered her thighs to show that she was wearing stockings.
- Wow...! - Debora exclaimed. - Stockings with thin blue silk garter belts! A masterpiece. Where did you find them?
Obviously female curiosity wanted to hide the intimate pleasure she felt in seeing her like that. I hadn't noticed she was wearing a garter belt, but all the better.
- At Manini's, - replied Rita. - Do you like them?
- They're beautiful," she exclaimed.
- Shall I give you a pair? - I asked.
- No thanks, - she answered. - I like to look at them, not wear them. I love pants too much.
And I saw that with his hand he caressed them as if to feel the effect of silk. Rita let go and lifted her skirts a little more.
- Wow! - She repeated. - You even have matching panties!
I saw those too.
They talked a bit like two friends who wanted to exchange shopping tips, while Debora kept stroking the silk and leather.
- Did you like the surprise? - I asked.
- Very much, - she answered. - But how did you come up with it?
Shameless... He he. She asked me.
- Just as I asked you to dress like a man - I improvised (it wasn't true), - I asked her to wear a lingerie that could seduce us.
- Well, she succeeded perfectly.
- Didn't she? - Added. - It drives me crazy to feel that part of skin between the end of the stocking and the panties. Try stroking it and tell me.
Rita played along and set out so her friend could caress her thigh the way a man in the same situation likes to do.
I turned the back light off, turned the radio on at a low volume and left her a little bit like this on the way home.
We went up in the house in the elevator. I opened the doors and let them into the living room.
- Make yourselves comfortable - I said, - but stay standing.
- Stand up?
- Yes, facing each other.
They obeyed with complicity. I took three glasses and poured whisky.
- Ice for you too?
They didn't answer.
- May I drink to our pleasure? - I asked.
They didn't answer, but touched the glasses to make them tinkle. So they took a sip. I took a sip, too, and then I took the glasses and put them on the coffee table. I went back to them and they were looking at each other with particular interest.
- Help me. - I told Debora.
I took Rita with me and I took her zipper. I lowered it down slowly and she let it go. Debora came over and spread her shoulders so that the dress wouldn't stick up. In an instant, with a fantastic rustle of silk, the dress fell to the floor. She was not wearing a bra and was only wearing the blue slob like the thin garter belt. She was a real morsel.
For a moment Rita brought her right arm to her breasts as if to cover herself, shrugged her buttocks for shame and joined her knees.
- Don't worry, - Debora reassured her, kissing her cheek. - It's all right.
And then she relaxed, ready to be caressed. I took me along and groped her tits and then I went down to her ass. Solid and supple. I didn't remember it like that. Obviously our only fuck had been pretty quick.
Debora put her face to her tits and kissed them. Then she knelt down and, with an all-female delicacy, slipped her hands under the edges of the slob. She widened them and lowered them slowly, making sure that the stockings and garters remained where they were.
Now Rita was no longer embarrassed but ready to let go of our hands. I looked greedily at her ass, while Debora couldn't take her eyes off her pubis. She put her face there too and rubbed her nose on her groin and then kissed her pubis.
I noticed that we were still dressed. I took Rita's hand naked and kissed it with gallantry.
- Follow me, - I told her holding her hand.
I walked her into the bedroom, followed by Debora. A short walk that excited us both to death.
I stopped her in front of the bed.
- Debora, undress, - I suggested to my friend.
Debora was red in the face from the excitement and took a while to understand, but then she naked in a flash. I did the same thing myself and then I looked at Debora who, it is good to remember, I had never fucked her. She was very beautiful, with an athletic physique and a male haircut. If she was an S&M girl, she would have been the dominant one. But even without S&M, she was the dominant one. It was like Rita was in the hands of two men.
Debora took a sneaky look at my erect cock. It looked like she didn't want to show interest, but I knew that look. If she liked women, she regretted not having a dick too. She liked mine anyway.
- Come and stand in front of Rita. - I told her.
Debora did it and I carried the other one until her dick was on her buttocks. She got a thrill, inviting her friend to do the same thing, hugging her from the front. We hugged her in a sandwich and I recognized that it was the first time I saw a woman hugging a friend with me. I mean, with a woman in the middle and not me.
The two of them moaned as if they were struggling to stop themselves from doing anything more, even though they might not know what to do.
I improvised.
- Come on, off to bed. - I clapped my hands.
They got up there and got in the way of me getting in the way. It was a logical move, but it wasn't what they had in mind.
- Rita, - I pointed out then. - You get in the way.
Rita got closer to Debora, who took her in her arms. So I stood next to Rita. My back was turned, which was in the logic of things. I got closer and put my dick back on her ass, which we both liked.
I didn't really understand what they were doing, but at one point they kissed and started making out. If one of them had a dick, they would have fucked great.
But I had it...!
- Debora, - I said. - Lie on the bed on your stomach.
She squeezed Rita a little more and then accepted the invitation, getting ready on the bed with her legs open. She understood what I wanted to do and showed me a shameless but elegant pussy. Rita was fascinated by the sight of the pussy maybe more than me and she preceded me, putting herself on the opposite side of Debora. Ready to do the 69 between woman and woman.
In that way, however, there was nothing within reach of my cock and I was puzzled. Yes, I liked the situation, but I was something more, something too much.
I decided not to force my hand and let them play without letting them know that I felt left out. I watched them play and envied them in many ways.
I have to say, they were a beautiful sight, but slowly the bird put herself in a resting position. I was like this the whole time, just enjoying the fact that the two of them were really enjoying themselves. Not only that, they even managed to come together, the bitches, at the same time. And what an orgasm! They were screaming, without stopping the oral activity, even if it was fragmented.
When they calmed down, they stood sideways, one belly up and one belly down.
Thinking it was my time, I made him stand up and took me to the bed, in the middle of the two. I stroked one first and then the other to see which one he wanted most.
- Not now, - said Rita.
- Wait, - added Debora. - We're blown away.
I stood there in the middle like a salami, realizing I was still in the way. And then after a while I got up and put on my clothes. I went into the living room, while I felt that the two of them had gone to the bathroom and slowly got dressed. Then they joined me and sat down on the sofa, as if to tell me they were ready to be taken home.
We got up and I walked them home.
First I accompanied Debora, hoping that Rita would keep her word: "If she's in, you can do what you want with me".
When Debora got out of the car, she came to give me a kiss.
- It was a beautiful evening. - She winked and said she was satisfied. - And you never stop asking me.
But as soon as we got to Rita's house, she jumped out of the car. She came over to kiss me in the window and kissed me goodbye, hopping away happy and blissful.
What do you want? That's the way things go some days. My weekend was destined to go without sex. Well, partially sexless, because the memory of them kept going through my head. And for cock.
But it wasn't going to be like that...
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