By now it was days that that boy had carved out a fixed place in my thoughts, every time I went to the riding stables the first thing I did was look for him with my eyes, anxious to see his broad shoulders caressed by the fabric of the elegant shirts he wore over his riding pants.
I wondered if he felt the same interest in me, he had never gone beyond a polite greeting and two words of circumstance, but the way he smiled at me with those beautiful dark eyes had bewitched me.
That day I arrived while he was already mounting his wonderful Andalusian, a horse belonging to a race whose elegance was second only to its uselessness for any sporting purpose, a splendid statue of muscles and flesh whose only purpose was to remind those who were watching him how beautiful and elegant this animal could be.
In some ways the man in the saddle was even more beautiful and elegant, I knew little about him,
only his name was Andrea and he was very close friends with Marco the owner of the stables.
Another detail that tickled my imagination was that on all the occasions I had seen him I had never noticed any female presence with him.
The opportunity to get to know each other better came one evening when we stopped for a nice barbecue organized by Marco and his wife Isabella.
The structure was relatively small, completely immersed in nature.
Around the English style house and the stables for a couple of kilometers there were only woods and dirt roads.
The numerous guests slowly left, the evening had been pleasant and informal.
Isabella had turned out to be an impeccable hostess and her husband a brilliant entertainer, always careful to keep my glass full of a full-bodied Bonarda that matched perfectly with the flavors of the evening.
At the end of the evening I found myself alone with Andrea and the hosts.
My head was light but the alcohol had not yet had any effect on my lucidity, even though I realized that I had spent the whole evening flirting with my new friend in an increasingly shameless way.
Marco got up from the table and approached us as if he wanted to tell us a secret.
"There's a full moon... have you ever taken a moonlight ride on a horse?"
Isabella greeted the proposal with an enthusiastic cry and threw her arms around her husband's neck.
"You can go all the way to the hunting lodge, bring us something to toast and then we all go swimming in the pool together!"
The cheerful warmth of the woman's Tuscan accent gave the proposal a charm that was impossible to resist.
The moon lit the path perfectly, the warmth of summer was still in the air but everything was much more bearable at that time and the fireflies that flashed from the bush gave the walk a magical and surreal atmosphere.
Of the four I was definitely the most inexperienced on horseback, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the almost unreal sensations that nature gave at night.
The verses of the nocturnal birds and other unknown predators gave me the shivers, but the closeness of Andrea gave me a feeling of security and protection.
When we arrived in the forecourt in front of the hunting house we tied the horses to the wooden fence that bounded the property, the silence was almost absolute.
Marco and Isabella entered the small wooden hut to connect the electricity and get some glasses for our toast, then as if it was the most natural thing that could happen Andrea's arm passed around my waist and without reflecting my fleshy lips found themselves looking for his.
For a few moments the noises of the woods were dispersed in the tide of sensations that assailed my senses, for too long I had not felt the hands of a man exploring my body and caressing shamelessly my butt.
"We don't have any swimming tricks for you two, so we thought we'd adjust too!"
Isabella said the thing in a light tone as the garden lights and those that lit the pool from the inside slowly came to life.
She was wearing only a sponge bathrobe that she hadn't bothered to fasten, leaving in sight two firm and impertinent breasts that couldn't divert attention from the two piercings that decorated her navel and the completely shaved sex.
Marco casually wore a towel made of the same sponge tied around the waist.
In his hand he was holding the four glasses that he was filling with the ice-cold vodka we had brought from the stables.
"Here's to being free to enjoy the pleasures of life on this hot summer night!"
The first glass of liquor went down fast, as did my clothes.
Andrea had unbuttoned his shirt and let the moonbeams caress the sculpted muscles of his chest, then it was the turn of the boots and riding pants that could no longer hide his enthusiasm for the roundness of my body.
I was left alone with the lower part of my underwear for a sort of atavistic modesty, it was Isabella who slipped them off, sliding them along my legs with two fingers after filling my glass again.
I got rid of them with a little kick, I watched Andrea and Marco now completely naked dive into the warm embrace of the pool, while the colours of the lamps reflected on their bodies in an exciting game of Chinese masks.
I also slipped into the calm embrace of the water illuminated by underwater headlights.
I was completely naked and my nipples had become marble, not so much because of the coolness of the night but because I wanted to have Andrea inside me.
I saw him approaching, while the light was playing from bottom to top with the figure of his perfect body giving him a surreal look.
I let myself slip back into the water, leaned my neck on the edge of the pool and waited for Andrea to slip inside me, while Isabella's moans made me realize that her man had already started to fuck her with Impeto a few meters away from us.
The guy grabbed my ankles and let himself slide down on his knees between my thighs, with his mouth above the water.
A thrill of pleasure shuddered my spine when I felt him leaning his tongue maliciously against my fruit swollen with turbid desire.
I began to enjoy, I tried to contain myself while the screams of Marco and Isabella reached my ears seasoned with increasingly vulgar turpiloquies.
Then I felt her fingers searching for mine, instinctively I grabbed her hand and felt the contractions of her pleasure synchronize with mine.
"Kiss me while he puts his dick behind me, please tell him it's coming, I want to be filled as we kiss..."
Like an automaton I let my tongue slide into Isabella's mouth while Andrea's licks were quickly leading me to orgasm.
Emerging from the water with my arms stretched out over the white tiles on the edge of the bathtub, my erect nipples were now at the mercy of the woman's tapered fingers, while her mouth continued to give me pleasure for a single moment.
Andrea grabbed me with confidence as he entered what was by now a hot mess of women's moods, the two men began to pump to the rhythm, as if there were a conductor conducting their lunges.
Isabella left my lips to roar a very intense orgasm, behind her Marco was still clinging and following her body movements, also approaching the apex of pleasure.
By now I was one with Andrea, he kissed me with passion and malice as his cock went in and out of my body at an increasingly fast pace.
Isabella had remained with her face resting on my breast, panting with a distorted air while Marco was pushing the generous cumshot she had just given him into her bowels.
The orgasm enveloped me in the morbidity of the situation, the woman looked at me with a dreamy air as she whispered obscenities, while my body took me to heaven to reach my mind.
"Come on little girl! Now she's got a lot of cum on you. Feel her balls, she's got a lot of it in her."
As if Isabella had spurred him on, Andrea's fingers became steel and velvet, like I was the female of a wild animal, I was immobilized by her strength, waiting for her hot honey inside me.
Her screams joined mine as our accomplices indulged in ever sweeter kisses, as they enjoyed our faces distorted by the discharges of pleasure.
Only the crickets and the noise of the night remained, we were all four of us embraced on the wooden deckchairs wearing only the towels and the skin of the other, the passion had now given way to joy.
Marco and Isabella disappeared for a few moments in the hovel, when they came out she had robbed the pantry, while in Marco's hands there was the guitar that would keep us company on that hot summer night.
I wondered if he felt the same interest in me, he had never gone beyond a polite greeting and two words of circumstance, but the way he smiled at me with those beautiful dark eyes had bewitched me.
That day I arrived while he was already mounting his wonderful Andalusian, a horse belonging to a race whose elegance was second only to its uselessness for any sporting purpose, a splendid statue of muscles and flesh whose only purpose was to remind those who were watching him how beautiful and elegant this animal could be.
In some ways the man in the saddle was even more beautiful and elegant, I knew little about him,
only his name was Andrea and he was very close friends with Marco the owner of the stables.
Another detail that tickled my imagination was that on all the occasions I had seen him I had never noticed any female presence with him.
The opportunity to get to know each other better came one evening when we stopped for a nice barbecue organized by Marco and his wife Isabella.
The structure was relatively small, completely immersed in nature.
Around the English style house and the stables for a couple of kilometers there were only woods and dirt roads.
The numerous guests slowly left, the evening had been pleasant and informal.
Isabella had turned out to be an impeccable hostess and her husband a brilliant entertainer, always careful to keep my glass full of a full-bodied Bonarda that matched perfectly with the flavors of the evening.
At the end of the evening I found myself alone with Andrea and the hosts.
My head was light but the alcohol had not yet had any effect on my lucidity, even though I realized that I had spent the whole evening flirting with my new friend in an increasingly shameless way.
Marco got up from the table and approached us as if he wanted to tell us a secret.
"There's a full moon... have you ever taken a moonlight ride on a horse?"
Isabella greeted the proposal with an enthusiastic cry and threw her arms around her husband's neck.
"You can go all the way to the hunting lodge, bring us something to toast and then we all go swimming in the pool together!"
The cheerful warmth of the woman's Tuscan accent gave the proposal a charm that was impossible to resist.
The moon lit the path perfectly, the warmth of summer was still in the air but everything was much more bearable at that time and the fireflies that flashed from the bush gave the walk a magical and surreal atmosphere.
Of the four I was definitely the most inexperienced on horseback, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the almost unreal sensations that nature gave at night.
The verses of the nocturnal birds and other unknown predators gave me the shivers, but the closeness of Andrea gave me a feeling of security and protection.
When we arrived in the forecourt in front of the hunting house we tied the horses to the wooden fence that bounded the property, the silence was almost absolute.
Marco and Isabella entered the small wooden hut to connect the electricity and get some glasses for our toast, then as if it was the most natural thing that could happen Andrea's arm passed around my waist and without reflecting my fleshy lips found themselves looking for his.
For a few moments the noises of the woods were dispersed in the tide of sensations that assailed my senses, for too long I had not felt the hands of a man exploring my body and caressing shamelessly my butt.
"We don't have any swimming tricks for you two, so we thought we'd adjust too!"
Isabella said the thing in a light tone as the garden lights and those that lit the pool from the inside slowly came to life.
She was wearing only a sponge bathrobe that she hadn't bothered to fasten, leaving in sight two firm and impertinent breasts that couldn't divert attention from the two piercings that decorated her navel and the completely shaved sex.
Marco casually wore a towel made of the same sponge tied around the waist.
In his hand he was holding the four glasses that he was filling with the ice-cold vodka we had brought from the stables.
"Here's to being free to enjoy the pleasures of life on this hot summer night!"
The first glass of liquor went down fast, as did my clothes.
Andrea had unbuttoned his shirt and let the moonbeams caress the sculpted muscles of his chest, then it was the turn of the boots and riding pants that could no longer hide his enthusiasm for the roundness of my body.
I was left alone with the lower part of my underwear for a sort of atavistic modesty, it was Isabella who slipped them off, sliding them along my legs with two fingers after filling my glass again.
I got rid of them with a little kick, I watched Andrea and Marco now completely naked dive into the warm embrace of the pool, while the colours of the lamps reflected on their bodies in an exciting game of Chinese masks.
I also slipped into the calm embrace of the water illuminated by underwater headlights.
I was completely naked and my nipples had become marble, not so much because of the coolness of the night but because I wanted to have Andrea inside me.
I saw him approaching, while the light was playing from bottom to top with the figure of his perfect body giving him a surreal look.
I let myself slip back into the water, leaned my neck on the edge of the pool and waited for Andrea to slip inside me, while Isabella's moans made me realize that her man had already started to fuck her with Impeto a few meters away from us.
The guy grabbed my ankles and let himself slide down on his knees between my thighs, with his mouth above the water.
A thrill of pleasure shuddered my spine when I felt him leaning his tongue maliciously against my fruit swollen with turbid desire.
I began to enjoy, I tried to contain myself while the screams of Marco and Isabella reached my ears seasoned with increasingly vulgar turpiloquies.
Then I felt her fingers searching for mine, instinctively I grabbed her hand and felt the contractions of her pleasure synchronize with mine.
"Kiss me while he puts his dick behind me, please tell him it's coming, I want to be filled as we kiss..."
Like an automaton I let my tongue slide into Isabella's mouth while Andrea's licks were quickly leading me to orgasm.
Emerging from the water with my arms stretched out over the white tiles on the edge of the bathtub, my erect nipples were now at the mercy of the woman's tapered fingers, while her mouth continued to give me pleasure for a single moment.
Andrea grabbed me with confidence as he entered what was by now a hot mess of women's moods, the two men began to pump to the rhythm, as if there were a conductor conducting their lunges.
Isabella left my lips to roar a very intense orgasm, behind her Marco was still clinging and following her body movements, also approaching the apex of pleasure.
By now I was one with Andrea, he kissed me with passion and malice as his cock went in and out of my body at an increasingly fast pace.
Isabella had remained with her face resting on my breast, panting with a distorted air while Marco was pushing the generous cumshot she had just given him into her bowels.
The orgasm enveloped me in the morbidity of the situation, the woman looked at me with a dreamy air as she whispered obscenities, while my body took me to heaven to reach my mind.
"Come on little girl! Now she's got a lot of cum on you. Feel her balls, she's got a lot of it in her."
As if Isabella had spurred him on, Andrea's fingers became steel and velvet, like I was the female of a wild animal, I was immobilized by her strength, waiting for her hot honey inside me.
Her screams joined mine as our accomplices indulged in ever sweeter kisses, as they enjoyed our faces distorted by the discharges of pleasure.
Only the crickets and the noise of the night remained, we were all four of us embraced on the wooden deckchairs wearing only the towels and the skin of the other, the passion had now given way to joy.
Marco and Isabella disappeared for a few moments in the hovel, when they came out she had robbed the pantry, while in Marco's hands there was the guitar that would keep us company on that hot summer night.
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