The female beauty !!!!
How many of the painters and sculptors have represented and celebrated this theme in their own way?
Some examples are given in painting by Manet - Breakfast on the grass - by F. Goya - La maya desnuda - by Giorgione - The Tempest and in sculpture by A. Canova - Paolina Borghese - just to mention someone .
Then, recently, the director Tinto Brass focused on sublime images of "asses"; think of Stefania Sandrelli's in "The Key"; to that of Serena Grandi in "Miranda"; to that of Claudia Koll in "Cosi fan tutte; to that of Francesca Dellera in" Capriccio ".
But it is not that only those many daring have been able to praise certain features so disturbing.
We, for example, admire them every day, offered by our wives who, still dormant, offer themselves to our troubled eyes or on one side or stretched out with one leg flexed to the side, so as to show, in the first case, a back fairy tale, or, in the second case, that crack that has given us so many joys.
Here, then, also in us the fantasy of having to somehow immortalize those images, too beautiful and seductive to let them fall by the wayside or, even more demeaning, in the indifference of the "routine".
Which husband did not allow himself to be ensnared by the image of his naked wife, because as soon as she got out of the shower stall, and intent on sprinkling the body with moisturizers? Who hasn't caught moments of infinite lust while she puts on her stockings or admires herself in the mirror to feel gratified by what she sees?
Well, on those occasions, who didn't think of fixing certain moments in an image, in a photo?
And when requested by her:
"No ... what are you doing? Why? You know I'm ashamed !?"
to which we replied:
"You are too beautiful and seductive in this pose to pretend nothing is here, insinuated, also in her, the charm of exhibitionism, followed by the inevitable question:
"But ..., aren't you going to show anyone?" from whose tenor the unspoken truth is gathered: is it true that you will show them to someone?
So, I wonder, which husband, in love and proud of his wife's prowess, would keep those photos for himself? How can we not give vent to the impulse to show them and verify the effect they cause?
With this hidden intent I had replied to an ad on a dating site, which read, up and down, like this:
"55 year old, serious, distinguished, married, strongly attracted by female beauty and not only, a lover of photography, he would show his wife's poses to an intriguing serious mature married with the same hobby."
It followed an e-mail address and guaranteed a secure response.
I wrote a very fast email, saying that I was willing to meet, as I also photographed my wife and added that I would have loved to meet him. Sure of a prompt reply, a greeting and send button.
I thought it was just the announcement of one of the many amateur photo collectors, so I had no serious hopes for his answer, however, the next day I received an email from him, which left me quite amazed.
A few words and a mobile number, now to call and with a visible number.
The next morning, at the appointed time, I dialed the number, but it was not reachable. Angered, I was about to go back to my desk when the cell phone rang.
"Hello sorry first, but I had to move to answer you"
"Imagine, tell me everything," I replied.
"Tell you everything? .... is a word, however first of all my name is Antonio, I am 55 years old, married to Clara, almost my peer, who is my inspiring muse. She loves being photographed and sometimes filming and I love letting her admire" she said so all in one breath. In my turn I replied:
"I'm Federico, I'm a few years older than you, my wife Giovanna loves the same things as your wife".
He continued: "I place photos of her on a site, but always censored of the face, so if I found the right person, I would like to have her admired in all her beauty; would you like it?" churches
"Sure" I replied "so I could reciprocate".
"Would you like for a cognitive coffee?" I proposed to him
"Of course, not today, however, if you want tomorrow, at 5.30 pm, I'm free," he said.
"Okay, would you like to meet us at Ikea's bar? I proposed
"Okay, then tomorrow afternoon. Hi," and hung up.
As soon as I got home I transferred fifty photos of Giovanna from a stick to a folder on the tablet. I had chosen almost all the photos with the face, both homemade and by the sea and also some very intimate ones, where I also appeared.
I was especially excited about the fact that, for the first time, I showed my wife to a stranger, without "censorship": I showed her how mom had done it and although being very stimulated, I didn't try to make love for fear that, once enjoyed, libido would drop and, perhaps, I would give up.
However, that afternoon I arrived a few minutes early for the appointment; I sat down at a table at the back and waited to see it.
Arrival!!!! From that moment it would have entered my life and
then, only further on, also in Giovanna's, and, at the same time, we too in theirs.
He understood that I was the one in the mail, perhaps because of the tablet that I was nervously turning in his hands, he nodded to me that I reciprocated, so he approached. He held out his hand.
"Antonio pleasure"
"Hi, Federico, sit down," I said.
"Wait, I'm going to have two coffees; stay here" so saying he put the bag down and went away.
I got a good look at him: A beautiful person: about 1.75, I think about eighty kilos, a touch of salt and pepper, as well as the little hair he had.
He returned with the two coffees and handing me a cup he sat down and drank his in a couple of sips.
Then taking a deep breath "We want to watch them," he said
"Okay," I said, handing him my tablet and he did the same with his.
He opened my wife's photo folder and I did the same.
After a couple of photos I stopped abruptly and, under an eye, I saw that he too had stopped.
We looked at each other and understood, both he and I: we had recognized the protagonists of those two photo books.
"But I know your wife, at least by sight," he says
"I also think I know her, even if I can't remember where I saw her" I replied.
"Sorry ... your wife works since ...."
Of course I had seen her in a group photo, in a corporate dinner: now I remembered.
"If you want, we can stop, even if !!!"
"No let's go ahead," I said.
"So let's get away, there are too many people, let's go by car"
In the car I sat by his side and we started leafing through the albums. Carla was really a very beautiful woman: medium height, a beautiful face with an upturned nose, dark eyes, like hair and a little meat in the right places. The well-turned legs closed on a dumpling, topped with a well-groomed dark fleece. The pubic hair reached the hole of the ass whose folds went to convey towards the center.
And then two wonderfully firm and big boobs with dark areolas and straight nipples in the center.
He too looked at Giovanna with admiration and, like me, was really excited:
"Your wife is very beautiful, she made me excited ... look" and showed me the sketch of the fly, then smiling at me:
"Waoo Clara also had the same effect, would you like to jerk us off?"
He didn't wait for my answer, he unbuttoned and kicked him out.
"Come on, WHO DOESN'T SAY IN A COMPANY ETC ... .." he said.
I took it out too and he looked at me with some admiration:
"You have a nice cock," he exclaimed.
We were trying to get the tablets as dirty as possible, but basically we had covered our wives with warm cum.
This could not end there. By now it was a fixed nail: I had to introduce him to my wife and, in turn, I wanted to know hers.
Find out what it feels like to shake Clara's hand and know it, even if only in photos, naked.
Antonio and I had decided to keep in touch.
Maybe it was telepathy, maybe intense desire, that we thought the same thing almost simultaneously.
It was he who called me and, after the initial pleasantries, asked me if I had any idea.
"Saturday afternoon, are you busy?" churches.
"I don't think so," I replied.
"I thought ..." we said it together.
"A nice little trip to the Outlet?" He proposed
"Believe me, I also wanted to offer you the same thing. But it must be a chance meeting, where the two of them meet and present their husbands."
And so it was! We had agreed on the time and the place where the meeting would take place.
It was Giovanna who saw her friend and called her.
"You here too?" he said.
Kisses on the face, usually women,
"Meet Federico, my husband, she is Clara ...."
"This is Antonio, my husband"
Handshakes and smiles, then satisfied with the success, we started to turn together: the ladies arm in arm, we behind.
At some point, as is normal, they stopped to look at a window of women's clothes and we, two slightly apart, looked at them and commented on their cheerfulness.
Someone passing by, and believing her to be alone, came alongside and someone else also made some advances.
They decided to go into the shop and started looking closely at the clothes. We also went in and, both my wife and his, having chosen some clothes, nodded to us and we went with them to the dressing rooms.
Our job was to keep watch, so that no strangers would come near, but, not considering Antonio as such, I moved the curtain and showed him my wife in underwear and bra.
Perhaps she noticed it, but did not give weight to the thing.
Antonio did the same, but Clara appeared without a bra and with her wonderful exposed breasts.
She noticed it and froze him with a look, but he continued undaunted, making me be amazed.
For a moment my gaze met that of the woman, for which there was no more doubt: not having covered herself up, it could mean that, underneath, she could be pleased.
My wife, having put on the dress, left the dressing room to be seen by her friend and she could not help but see that both me and Antonio,
we were "in other matters, busy".
"What are you doing?" churches
A moment of embarrassment, but Clara, with a joke, and to play down, said:
"Didn't you understand that we have two" pigs "husbands? Come on, do the same yourself; let them fill their eyes with your graces."
"Come on, don't joke, tell me, rather, how is it to me?".
"You're a charm," he said.
"Come on, Federico, buy it is the minimum, to make you forgive".
The tour around the outlet continued with great joy and few purchases.
Then we ate a pizza together, and finally we said goodbye, with the promise to see you again as soon as possible.
Now my and Antonio's task was to try to understand if there could be a following; understand if a kind of intimacy could be created between all four.
That evening, in bed, before turning off the light, I asked my wife to show me the breast.
"Why don't you remember it? Or do you want to compare it to Clara's?" she replied, somewhat irritated.
"You fool, come here, you know I wouldn't compare it to that of any woman, let me see it and touch it a little, come on!"
"You don't deserve it ... you were drooling, seeing Clara's."
"No, disappointed"
"Disappointed, and why?" I asked her
"And if I too undress in front of Antonio wouldn't it bother you?"
"Do you want the truth? No, indeed it could be a little stronger way to try to revive our relationship, don't you think?"
He remained silent, but it was clear that he was mulling over.
Then looking me in the eyes he asked me:
"I am convinced that you have already come up with something"
"In fact, nothing special, but you could try to get to know them better, they are two beautiful people," I replied.
"Goodnight" he turned his back to me.
I went over and hugged her from behind.
Unbelievably, she pushed her ass towards my cock and, reaching out her hand, stroked it.
I lowered her briefs and she took it out.
"I want to fuck me," he said and leaned slightly in front and let himself be penetrated.
As I fucked her I asked her:
"Do you like Antonio?"
"What are you saying? Go push ... go harder!"
"Reply!" I insisted.
"Yes, but don't get strange ideas, I aim only with you. Come on, move more let me feel it inside, here I am, vengooooo"
And I also sborrai; I showered her with cream in a pussy already full of her moods.
We fell asleep embraced, but I had thrown the hook, who knows if Antonio had done the same.
How many of the painters and sculptors have represented and celebrated this theme in their own way?
Some examples are given in painting by Manet - Breakfast on the grass - by F. Goya - La maya desnuda - by Giorgione - The Tempest and in sculpture by A. Canova - Paolina Borghese - just to mention someone .
Then, recently, the director Tinto Brass focused on sublime images of "asses"; think of Stefania Sandrelli's in "The Key"; to that of Serena Grandi in "Miranda"; to that of Claudia Koll in "Cosi fan tutte; to that of Francesca Dellera in" Capriccio ".
But it is not that only those many daring have been able to praise certain features so disturbing.
We, for example, admire them every day, offered by our wives who, still dormant, offer themselves to our troubled eyes or on one side or stretched out with one leg flexed to the side, so as to show, in the first case, a back fairy tale, or, in the second case, that crack that has given us so many joys.
Here, then, also in us the fantasy of having to somehow immortalize those images, too beautiful and seductive to let them fall by the wayside or, even more demeaning, in the indifference of the "routine".
Which husband did not allow himself to be ensnared by the image of his naked wife, because as soon as she got out of the shower stall, and intent on sprinkling the body with moisturizers? Who hasn't caught moments of infinite lust while she puts on her stockings or admires herself in the mirror to feel gratified by what she sees?
Well, on those occasions, who didn't think of fixing certain moments in an image, in a photo?
And when requested by her:
"No ... what are you doing? Why? You know I'm ashamed !?"
to which we replied:
"You are too beautiful and seductive in this pose to pretend nothing is here, insinuated, also in her, the charm of exhibitionism, followed by the inevitable question:
"But ..., aren't you going to show anyone?" from whose tenor the unspoken truth is gathered: is it true that you will show them to someone?
So, I wonder, which husband, in love and proud of his wife's prowess, would keep those photos for himself? How can we not give vent to the impulse to show them and verify the effect they cause?
With this hidden intent I had replied to an ad on a dating site, which read, up and down, like this:
"55 year old, serious, distinguished, married, strongly attracted by female beauty and not only, a lover of photography, he would show his wife's poses to an intriguing serious mature married with the same hobby."
It followed an e-mail address and guaranteed a secure response.
I wrote a very fast email, saying that I was willing to meet, as I also photographed my wife and added that I would have loved to meet him. Sure of a prompt reply, a greeting and send button.
I thought it was just the announcement of one of the many amateur photo collectors, so I had no serious hopes for his answer, however, the next day I received an email from him, which left me quite amazed.
A few words and a mobile number, now to call and with a visible number.
The next morning, at the appointed time, I dialed the number, but it was not reachable. Angered, I was about to go back to my desk when the cell phone rang.
"Hello sorry first, but I had to move to answer you"
"Imagine, tell me everything," I replied.
"Tell you everything? .... is a word, however first of all my name is Antonio, I am 55 years old, married to Clara, almost my peer, who is my inspiring muse. She loves being photographed and sometimes filming and I love letting her admire" she said so all in one breath. In my turn I replied:
"I'm Federico, I'm a few years older than you, my wife Giovanna loves the same things as your wife".
He continued: "I place photos of her on a site, but always censored of the face, so if I found the right person, I would like to have her admired in all her beauty; would you like it?" churches
"Sure" I replied "so I could reciprocate".
"Would you like for a cognitive coffee?" I proposed to him
"Of course, not today, however, if you want tomorrow, at 5.30 pm, I'm free," he said.
"Okay, would you like to meet us at Ikea's bar? I proposed
"Okay, then tomorrow afternoon. Hi," and hung up.
As soon as I got home I transferred fifty photos of Giovanna from a stick to a folder on the tablet. I had chosen almost all the photos with the face, both homemade and by the sea and also some very intimate ones, where I also appeared.
I was especially excited about the fact that, for the first time, I showed my wife to a stranger, without "censorship": I showed her how mom had done it and although being very stimulated, I didn't try to make love for fear that, once enjoyed, libido would drop and, perhaps, I would give up.
However, that afternoon I arrived a few minutes early for the appointment; I sat down at a table at the back and waited to see it.
Arrival!!!! From that moment it would have entered my life and
then, only further on, also in Giovanna's, and, at the same time, we too in theirs.
He understood that I was the one in the mail, perhaps because of the tablet that I was nervously turning in his hands, he nodded to me that I reciprocated, so he approached. He held out his hand.
"Antonio pleasure"
"Hi, Federico, sit down," I said.
"Wait, I'm going to have two coffees; stay here" so saying he put the bag down and went away.
I got a good look at him: A beautiful person: about 1.75, I think about eighty kilos, a touch of salt and pepper, as well as the little hair he had.
He returned with the two coffees and handing me a cup he sat down and drank his in a couple of sips.
Then taking a deep breath "We want to watch them," he said
"Okay," I said, handing him my tablet and he did the same with his.
He opened my wife's photo folder and I did the same.
After a couple of photos I stopped abruptly and, under an eye, I saw that he too had stopped.
We looked at each other and understood, both he and I: we had recognized the protagonists of those two photo books.
"But I know your wife, at least by sight," he says
"I also think I know her, even if I can't remember where I saw her" I replied.
"Sorry ... your wife works since ...."
Of course I had seen her in a group photo, in a corporate dinner: now I remembered.
"If you want, we can stop, even if !!!"
"No let's go ahead," I said.
"So let's get away, there are too many people, let's go by car"
In the car I sat by his side and we started leafing through the albums. Carla was really a very beautiful woman: medium height, a beautiful face with an upturned nose, dark eyes, like hair and a little meat in the right places. The well-turned legs closed on a dumpling, topped with a well-groomed dark fleece. The pubic hair reached the hole of the ass whose folds went to convey towards the center.
And then two wonderfully firm and big boobs with dark areolas and straight nipples in the center.
He too looked at Giovanna with admiration and, like me, was really excited:
"Your wife is very beautiful, she made me excited ... look" and showed me the sketch of the fly, then smiling at me:
"Waoo Clara also had the same effect, would you like to jerk us off?"
He didn't wait for my answer, he unbuttoned and kicked him out.
"Come on, WHO DOESN'T SAY IN A COMPANY ETC ... .." he said.
I took it out too and he looked at me with some admiration:
"You have a nice cock," he exclaimed.
We were trying to get the tablets as dirty as possible, but basically we had covered our wives with warm cum.
This could not end there. By now it was a fixed nail: I had to introduce him to my wife and, in turn, I wanted to know hers.
Find out what it feels like to shake Clara's hand and know it, even if only in photos, naked.
Antonio and I had decided to keep in touch.
Maybe it was telepathy, maybe intense desire, that we thought the same thing almost simultaneously.
It was he who called me and, after the initial pleasantries, asked me if I had any idea.
"Saturday afternoon, are you busy?" churches.
"I don't think so," I replied.
"I thought ..." we said it together.
"A nice little trip to the Outlet?" He proposed
"Believe me, I also wanted to offer you the same thing. But it must be a chance meeting, where the two of them meet and present their husbands."
And so it was! We had agreed on the time and the place where the meeting would take place.
It was Giovanna who saw her friend and called her.
"You here too?" he said.
Kisses on the face, usually women,
"Meet Federico, my husband, she is Clara ...."
"This is Antonio, my husband"
Handshakes and smiles, then satisfied with the success, we started to turn together: the ladies arm in arm, we behind.
At some point, as is normal, they stopped to look at a window of women's clothes and we, two slightly apart, looked at them and commented on their cheerfulness.
Someone passing by, and believing her to be alone, came alongside and someone else also made some advances.
They decided to go into the shop and started looking closely at the clothes. We also went in and, both my wife and his, having chosen some clothes, nodded to us and we went with them to the dressing rooms.
Our job was to keep watch, so that no strangers would come near, but, not considering Antonio as such, I moved the curtain and showed him my wife in underwear and bra.
Perhaps she noticed it, but did not give weight to the thing.
Antonio did the same, but Clara appeared without a bra and with her wonderful exposed breasts.
She noticed it and froze him with a look, but he continued undaunted, making me be amazed.
For a moment my gaze met that of the woman, for which there was no more doubt: not having covered herself up, it could mean that, underneath, she could be pleased.
My wife, having put on the dress, left the dressing room to be seen by her friend and she could not help but see that both me and Antonio,
we were "in other matters, busy".
"What are you doing?" churches
A moment of embarrassment, but Clara, with a joke, and to play down, said:
"Didn't you understand that we have two" pigs "husbands? Come on, do the same yourself; let them fill their eyes with your graces."
"Come on, don't joke, tell me, rather, how is it to me?".
"You're a charm," he said.
"Come on, Federico, buy it is the minimum, to make you forgive".
The tour around the outlet continued with great joy and few purchases.
Then we ate a pizza together, and finally we said goodbye, with the promise to see you again as soon as possible.
Now my and Antonio's task was to try to understand if there could be a following; understand if a kind of intimacy could be created between all four.
That evening, in bed, before turning off the light, I asked my wife to show me the breast.
"Why don't you remember it? Or do you want to compare it to Clara's?" she replied, somewhat irritated.
"You fool, come here, you know I wouldn't compare it to that of any woman, let me see it and touch it a little, come on!"
"You don't deserve it ... you were drooling, seeing Clara's."
"No, disappointed"
"Disappointed, and why?" I asked her
"And if I too undress in front of Antonio wouldn't it bother you?"
"Do you want the truth? No, indeed it could be a little stronger way to try to revive our relationship, don't you think?"
He remained silent, but it was clear that he was mulling over.
Then looking me in the eyes he asked me:
"I am convinced that you have already come up with something"
"In fact, nothing special, but you could try to get to know them better, they are two beautiful people," I replied.
"Goodnight" he turned his back to me.
I went over and hugged her from behind.
Unbelievably, she pushed her ass towards my cock and, reaching out her hand, stroked it.
I lowered her briefs and she took it out.
"I want to fuck me," he said and leaned slightly in front and let himself be penetrated.
As I fucked her I asked her:
"Do you like Antonio?"
"What are you saying? Go push ... go harder!"
"Reply!" I insisted.
"Yes, but don't get strange ideas, I aim only with you. Come on, move more let me feel it inside, here I am, vengooooo"
And I also sborrai; I showered her with cream in a pussy already full of her moods.
We fell asleep embraced, but I had thrown the hook, who knows if Antonio had done the same.
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