- Act I
It could not be said that Nicola's presence in the group was an element of harmony and balance.
All the women, more or less openly, drooled behind him, but he had the good sense to court and flatter them all without ever going beyond a gentle affection and this made sure that no jealousy of any kind arose.
On the other side, however, all the males looked at him more or less openly, partly because they were jealous of his success with women, even if he did not seem to take advantage of it, and partly because they sensed in him something indefinite that made him different: too refined in his manner, always too elegant, never a word too much, never a higher tone.
I had been very fond of him since my university days; and for some time I felt a certain unconfessable desire to establish a stronger relationship with him.
But the kind of upbringing to which we were accustomed absolutely prevented me from making even a hint of certain sexual needs that I felt emerge in me and that I absolutely did not try to curb, but only to make sure that they were not clear in the circle of knowledge to avoid possible scandals.
I had had some experience with men I'd met here and there outside our area of life: but my illusion was to construct a great and beautiful story with him, Nicola, who came back in all my dreams and upsets, who stimulated my frequent excitements and who overlapped in my fantasy even with those whom, sometimes, I had met to practise long oral coitises in the car, to masturbate them on the seats of the cinemas in the suburbs, without ever getting me to break my ass, as if I had proposed to myself to reserve my virginity to him.
But Nicola seemed too far away, absolutely unreachable, when he fluttered with his elegant dialogue between the tables of the bar where we used to be, or when he was at the centre of attention in discos with his sensual, winking movements.
I would simply admire him from afar, almost in adoration, and fantasize about what I could do if I had his slender and snappy body, all muscles and power, if I could caress his brown skin that gave me excitement at the mere glance, if I could put my hand on his continuously swollen flap, a sign of a large or perpetually erect member.
Many times I had fantasized about finding the courage to tell him - or at least to let him understand - what I wanted; but modesty and convention continually held me back.
There was, however, something in certain looks, which often almost betrayed me, which made me nervous and led me to believe that ... perhaps ... who knows ...
When Mirella warned us that there would be a 'big party' for her twenty-fifth birthday, we all sensed where we could go, since the parties she organized were always the most extraordinary ones we could put together and that, almost always, ended up in transgressions without limits, of any kind.
I went there unwillingly, in a way, because I was very little interested in the little orgy that, in a room, the three more or less fixed couples put together; or in the colossal drunkenness that involved the most lonely and dissatisfied; or, even worse, in the crazy car races in the night to challenge God knows what.
But I couldn't betray a group of peers who had been sharing everything for years; and I went.
Everything proceeded almost as if in a ritual and, towards the end of the evening, I decided to invent some malaise to run away without getting involved in the crazy proposals that were beginning to be debated.
I went upstairs to the upper floors of the house where there were the bathrooms, and I went in firmly, without even realizing that light was filtering from under the door, a sign that someone was inside; I opened the door, which was not closed, and entered almost inattentive.
I stood on the half-closed threshold struck by Nicola's vision, standing in front of the toilet, urinating with evident satisfaction.
The member was exactly as I had imagined him, quite remarkable, even in a state of rest; but at that moment he seemed enormous, wonderful, unreachable.
I was breathless and speechless, with my eyes fixed on that wonderful show, while Nicola smiled and apologized for not closing.
Then, continuing to close the flap, he started to go out: but I didn't move a millimeter - and not only because I was amazed, also and above all because, at this point, I wanted to at least touch him - and I seemed to understand that he didn't do anything to avoid me, but that he was intentionally rubbing the bulge of his wonderful sex against my hip, while he opened the door to get out.
I had to lean against a piece of furniture, to absorb the knock: the blood pulsed in my temples until it hurt, my breath stopped in my throat, and I felt as if I were about to suffocate, my knees bent, and my legs began to go on their own in an uncontrollable trembling hitherto unknown.
I don't know how long it took me to recover; and I nearly urinated on myself in the frenzy of unconventional movements, while I was doing what I had gone there for.
As I walked down the stairs back to the party hall, I heard a million impossible questions tumbling in my head, among which Nicola's attitude would dominate.
But he was simply there, elegant and refined as always, intent on courting Mirella's best friend for the millionth time without in any way raising her hopes.
I don't know why I did it; but I approached him to inform him of my decision to leave the group so as not to be overwhelmed by the 'borderline' endings.
"You're doing really well: I'm going away with you."
The answer hit me like a whiplash and I felt again the blood rushing to my head with flushes of malaria.
And I really must have turned red to the root of my hair, if Mirella wasn't surprised by my communication and even urged me to take care of myself because I didn't look good.
Among Nicola's many characteristics was that he refused to drive and never wanted to get his license, so we had to be his friends to be his driver - or rather, as he liked to correct -.
So we got into my car and drove downtown.
We had done nothing but a few meters when I felt Nicola's hand resting on my thigh: I turned for a moment to look at him and read in his face an accomplice smile that suddenly opened all the doors I had considered closed for my dreams.
We were right in the middle of the city, so it was unthinkable to manoeuvre of any kind.
"Let's go for a ride."
He suggested he and I took the road to the bypass we soon reached.
At the first pitch, he made me stop and turned off the engine himself.
He couldn't do or say anything; I was floating in a cloud of cotton wool; I felt as if I were dreaming; it wasn't possible that everything I had wanted, chased, yearned for until the physical pain of so many years was now right there at hand.
Because the object of acute desire to the point of suffering, my idol, the source of all my sexual excitement in the last five years, he, Nicola in short, was not only there but he took my hand and carried it on the flap of his pants.
From that moment on, the dream took on a dimension and direction that even in the most reckless and free fantasies I had or could never have imagined.
I lowered the zip and plunged my hand into her panties confusedly palpitating the sex I longed for and, groping blindly, I walked through everything I could intuitively touch.
It must have been annoying for him, because he moved my hand a little and pulled out the rod in all its splendor: the intense afrore of his virility flooded my nostrils and caused me a dizziness of excitement.
I took the meat club in my right hand, and with my left hand I went into my panties to look for my testicles, as big as medlars and compact, which I began to rub, caressing them; but in the meantime I slid my right hand along the skin of the shaft, which had a silky consistency and caused me electric shocks to my brain already at the limit of my tilt.
While warm shivers ran down my spine, I lowered my scrotum and brought out the glans, which seemed to me marvelous in its much pinker colour than the shaft.
While I was still trying to make conscious the sensations of that skin that I could finally touch, Nicola put his hand behind the back of my neck and lowered my head until my mouth touched the tip of his tool.
Taking myself out of my trance a little, I was afraid that everything could happen too quickly and, somehow, I tried to calm his excitement which at that point seemed superior to mine: instead of taking it directly into my mouth, I began to lick the rod from the tip of the glans to the root down to the testicles, even though the clothes seemed a great difficulty.
I went down and went up again several times, moistening, licking, savouring, lingering longer on the attachment of the testicles and on the crown at the base of the glans, provoking almost ferocious stimuli which made him whimper and induced him to press the back of my neck to make me swallow the cudgel; for a while I resisted, then I decided to let him in, just ajar, and put on my lips in such a way that it seemed almost a violation of a virgin anus.
He was just waiting for that moment: stretching himself as far as he could on the seat and pushing my head down, he made the member gently force his lips and sink slowly into his mouth, up to his throat, taking possession of it.
I began to twirl my tongue around the chapel, as I started a movement of my head that brought the rod almost out of my lips, and then sank it again until it gave me a feeling of sweet suffocation.
It was still not clear to me that we were the ones who were living that moment of enthusiasm and excitement; but above all I didn't want to finish in a hurry.
With sweet decision, I detached myself from his truncheon and proposed to him to move us to my office, to be at liberty.
He closed his pants and told me to go.
It wasn't a foot on the ground in my office, but many times it had been well served to couples of friends to copulate in freedom, even with the inconvenience of a sofa instead of a bed, or a toilet with essential services instead of a bathroom.
As soon as we arrived, we began to undress each other; and I was finally able to satisfy my usual desire, that is, to go through the skin of his body millimeter by millimeter, feeling under his hands the warm epidermis, sensing the muscles and veins palpitating underneath it, passing my tongue everywhere, on the scarcely hairy chest up to the armpits, on the legs turned to the hollow behind the knees: if he hadn't prevented me, I would have sucked his toes and hands one by one.
But he was perhaps even more hungry than I was; and once again he accelerated his pace by guiding my head towards the panties he was still wearing.
I took them with my teeth, and pushed them down, and tried to undress him thus; but the operation was too long and laborious for one as excited as he was, who immediately pushed the garment to his feet, and kicked him out of it; once more I stood before his club, which was indeed enormous, and seemed to me in all its splendor, free of impediments and veils.
I took up the fellatio again, which I had started in the car, and began to lick the pole from the base to the top, this time passing my tongue around his testicles, and even hinting, as far as I could, at taking them in my mouth; but Nicholas preferred that I licked the chapel and made me understand him by guiding my head; then, as in the car, he induced me to take it in my mouth, and once again I went along with him, making the member who was now as hard as steel force my lips.
He lay down long on the couch, while I kneeled on the floor and bent over his groin, beginning the most beautiful fellatio of my life.
Having overcome the great emotion, I searched for the maximum possible pleasure for myself and pulled out all my skills to feel what he liked most to propose it often, such as the gesture of pulling it out almost completely and then plunging it back into his narrow mouth again because the passage between my big lips excited him enormously; or to taste what I liked most, like titillating his nipples while my sex sank to my uvula.
We went on for I don't know how long: when from some moods on the chapel I noticed that orgasm was approaching, I withdrew and for a while I just held him in my hand, until I felt signs of relaxation and resumed the fellatio.
At a certain point, in a short interval, he stood up and sat me down on the couch: standing in front of me, he took my head in his hands and pulled my mouth close to the pole, which he was pushing up from his groin for more than twenty centimetres; I took it with my right hand while with my left hand I continued my favourite game of stroking his testicles and began to move my head back and forth each time, passing the tip of the member between my lips.
I felt him arching on the tip of my toes as he pushed the groin forward to penetrate me, then he really squeezed my head in his hands and began to copulate in my mouth sinking ferociously into my throat risking to choke or vomit.
I lost all sense of things and time, I felt caught in a vortex of lust I'd never felt before and began to squeeze him by the buttocks and push him deeper and deeper myself.
I felt my testicles swelling in the taut sack of my scrotum and almost felt the flow of sperm running down the shaft, so that I was not surprised by the hot, dense stream that suddenly exploded in my mouth and I was just in time to stop it with my tongue in the oral cavity, before it exploded dangerously in my throat.
He laid his heels, which had been lifted in all that time, on the ground, bent slightly and gasped for a long time, before resuming regular breathing; meanwhile, I continued to hold his still swollen and swollen member in my mouth full of semen, until he grew soft, and he pulled him away to sit beside me.
We went to the bathroom one after the other - the space did not allow for different solutions - and then we sat down relaxed and smoked.
He asked me how long I had been taking it up the ass and I candidly confessed to him that I had kept myself a virgin because I wanted him to be the first one to violate my sphincter.
- Act II
After our first meeting, the one in which we somehow recognized each other and had our first relationship, Nicola and I began a long history of passion that we could barely contain beyond the scandal.
It's not true that a big city easily allows camouflage: in its district structures it ends up being worse than the province and forces us to accept hard and often narrow rules.
With our friends - and therefore, practically all our free time - we had to contain any form of affection, to the point that - exaggerating in the opposite direction - we often came to bump into each other by unleashing absurd peacemaking interventions by our friends, who were suffering to see two sensitive and delicate people, friends of very long standing, get caught up in nonsense.
The only opportunities we had to meet were those where we could take refuge in my empty office, after work or on holidays, and we could give vent to our desire.
Although we had not been teenagers for a long time, we both continued to live in the family; and to end up in the bed of one of us was not even discussed, especially in my home where we were a tribe.
By repressing our anger, we had no choice but to invent a thousand subterfuges to go out sometimes in the evening at home and not to participate in the group's collective rituals, but to take refuge in the study.
Even after three months from the first time, however, our relationships were limited to succulent oral rituals.
In our story, it struck me a little that Nicola took on a very evident and often almost violent dominant role.
He had always, after all, been more authoritative than me and had imposed himself on me with charm and authority: so, the habit that I was ready for his desires, whatever they were, to depend on his judgment, in short, to be an omega individual before an alpha individual, had never had any effect on me.
However, since I was sucking his sex, this condition - in the privacy of the studio / alcove - became more and more evident and often oppressive.
The fact that the studio was mine forced me to equip it in some way for our meetings; but Nicola had imposed small things (scent of soap, brand of towels, etc.) that put it a little higher in the decision-making skills.
Since our first meeting, then, the fellatio ended with him literally copulating in my mouth, even holding my head to push the member deeper into my throat, to feel the chapel beating against my uvula until I felt suffocating and gagging.
From that time on, our meetings had had a similar rhythm: we would meet in the studio after dinner and as soon as we arrived Nicola would force me to undress him slowly and almost sacrally, caressing his body as I discovered him.
Not that I was sorry about it, of course, since my greatest pleasure was concentrated above all on the sensuality of caressing the skin on his face, on his chest covered with a light hairs and then gradually down towards the groin, always leaving the panties for last and putting my hands in to caress his testicles and feel them all inside; or caressing him - with your hands, face, chest - the dry back on which the muscles would flicker with each lick, causing a strong flow of blood to my temples.
But a pinch of regret emerged when I saw myself imposing authoritatively what for me was an infinite and desired pleasure: I would have preferred to do it myself, and I told him so; he simply laughed and reassured me that they were only my impressions.
Moreover, in all our encounters, Nicola never considered touching my sex, which also swelled and rose quite powerfully when I sucked his; in the end, I had to manipulate myself to vent my libido with an ejaculation.
When I tried to tell him, he smiled again and observed only that 'to each his own'.
Fearing to provoke reactions that would deprive me of the pleasure of being possessed by him, I renounced to deepen and even began to accept and stimulate more and more evident manifestations of the dominion that he exercised over me, especially with sex standing out of his pants.
There was no talk of breaking my bum: and I had even bought a gel that they said was miraculous to face, at the first experience, such a remarkable bat; and every time I prepared it on the coffee table next to the sofa where we copulated; but every time I asked him, he answered me slylyly that 'there is a time for everything'.
Our relations then continued along the path he had laid out, which now I know for certain, was the progressive total possession of my body, in an escalation that must have seen in the violation of the sphincter almost a tribal ritual of loss of virginity.
At our second meeting, he asked me to undress him slowly and with libidinous care and had him licked thoroughly everywhere, from the cavities of my ears to my anus, as deeply as I could, from my armpits to my scrotum, at the junction between my testicles and anus, from my shoulders to my chest, from my arms to my feet, pointing me to pass my tongue through the interstices between my fingers.
He then made me penetrate his enormous sex into my ajar mouth to accentuate the sensation of penetration, and when he was inside, he urged me to move my tongue around the chapel, especially at the base of the glans.
After I had sucked him for a long time, he took my head in his hands, and began to copulate without restraint and without worrying about my mouth's ability to swallow his club; standing before me, almost lifted on his toes, he beat violently back and forth, until, with a long groan, and squeezing my head against my groin, he discharged a stream of sperm into my throat, which I could hardly swallow.
Not yet satisfied, he kept his head stuck on his sex while it relaxed and regained acceptable size; but when he slowly pulled it out of my mouth, he told me to lick it and clean it well before I left it, and not to waste a drop of it: he did not need to force it on me, for I liked it more than he did; and I told him so.
In the following meetings the changes were slow and progressive, as when he made me rise to sixty-nine on him, and, while I was pumping his stick at full erection, he began to lick my anus, and gently pass his finger around it.
After all, this upset me about Nicola, the ability to be aggressive and sweet, sensual and violent, leaving me disoriented and my head on fire with pleasure every time.
I could feel his finger pulling the folds of my anus and I wished with all my strength that at least my finger would stick it all the way in so that I could taste the pleasure of being penetrated by him, even if only with my hands, to feel his flesh in mine and to lose myself in the pleasure of belonging to him.
But perversely, it took an interminable amount of time to make only a slight pressure inside the hole, making me foretaste part of the pleasure and withdrawing immediately afterwards to recompose himself.
Once on my feet, in a satanic game of waiting, he made me turn and kneel on the sofa with my shoulders turned to him and my head resting on the backrest, completely powerless to react.
I felt him tinkering and after a while I felt the coolness of a liquid on my anus: I sensed that it was the gel and the blood jumped in all extreme endings leaving me totally dazed; I already felt the sensation of his cock sinking into my intestine and all the folds of the anus dilated to face the impact, which I feared - or, who knows, desired - very painful.
I felt something forcing my anus and raping my sphincter, but it didn't have the consistency I expected; I turned around as much as the position allowed and saw him standing behind me with his erect member; I realized then that he was penetrating me with his finger and I couldn't judge whether to torment me again or to get used to the penetration.
He plunged into my bowels for the whole length of my middle finger - as I could easily deduce from the contact of the other fingers on my buttocks - but immediately afterwards he pulled it almost completely out and put his index finger beside it - I think - and went back into both my rectum, which was shaking with vibrations I had never experienced before, causing me intense dizziness; once inside, he began to move his fingers and rotate them until I could feel them in my stomach, with thick pleasures that took my breath away.
I turned towards him, and almost begged him to remove his finger, and to put the sex in my now fiery rectum; the answer was the usual: 'everything in its own time'; and at the same time he forced me to sit on the couch, and put his club in my mouth at the very limit of my endurance: in fact, with only two strokes he released one of his longest ejaculations into my throat.
The desire to receive his sex in the rectum became almost obsessive from that moment on and every time I asked him almost in tears; but every time Nicola warned me that everything has its time and he continued undaunted to motivate our meetings with new inventions and small perversions that could go from the satanic masturbating slowly, in front of me that I had no right even to approach while he was doing it, to the extreme paradox of maneuvering with my fingers in my rectum, exploring it and walking along it as far as it could go.
On the other hand, however, each fellatio in the end was more phantasmagorical than the previous one and culminated with juicy ejaculations that I had learned to receive gladly directly into my throat.
The big day came the following July, when Nicola's family moved to the sea for a holiday and he, camping I don't know what excuse, stayed a few more days in town.
"Get ready for the big event."
He warned me with a conspiratorial air without giving me any explanation; and on the first Sunday in July he gave me an appointment not in the afternoon, as usual, but in the late morning, specifying that we would be together all day.
I went as usual to the bar under his house, but I could not find him; I intercomed him and he told me to go upstairs.
Unaware of his parents' departure, I hesitated and made the strangest assumptions: the door was open and Nicola was in the living room, completely naked, waiting for me smiling.
Overwhelming my astonished questions with a passionate embrace that flooded me with warmth, he cheerfully told me that we were absolute masters of the camp and that this was finally the big day; and, to make me understand better, he waved the gel tube under my nose.
Still unable to make it, I followed him to his bedroom in almost religious silence and let him undress me quickly, almost voraciously, caressing me everywhere, on my chest and shoulders, on my back and especially on my buttocks; when he pushed me supine on the bed I was still recovering from the surprise and found him kneeling on my chest with his member - which almost exploded into a wonderful erection - an inch from my mouth.
I began to lick him with the usual passion, facilitated by the new situation of a wide bed on which one could move casually: for about twenty minutes I alternated long sucks with continuous penetrations in the mouth ajar - as we liked so much - to meticulous licking of the rod and balls, to exhausting caresses on the whole body, to obsessive slinging.
He was no less and copulated in my mouth without ejaculating but retracting himself at the last moment at least a dozen times; he caressed me gently all over my body, he rode my buttocks pushing the sex in the furrow more and more open and relaxed and put one, two, even three fingers in the depths of my rectum until I moaned in pain (I did not scream but only for fear of being heard).
At the end of a foreplay that seemed endless, he took on an even more decisive air than ever, made me kneel in the middle of the bed and stood behind me: I felt that with my fingers he spread the gel on my anus, in the sphincter and inside as far as he could; actually the gel not only favored penetration but seemed to give me even more acute feelings of pleasure, so I began to think that it would not hurt so much to be deflowered.
When he approached the chapel to my anus, he communicated it to me almost emphatically, to emphasize the moment that was taking on religious ritual tones; and I began to stretch all my senses towards the hole that seemed to expand to the point of spasm.
The penetration thus began with the slowness of a ritual; and I felt the passion of the hole dilating to receive its immense stick of flesh, the tension of the sphincter which put up a little resistance as it was forced to give way to the cudgel which entered my body, the deep languor which from the bowels reached my brain as sex penetrated more and more deeply into my sagging and dilated rectum, beyond the tightness of the sphincter.
Above all, however, I was overwhelmed by the sweetness of the sensation that her clawed hands were giving me on my hips, to block my body as it proceeded slowly, almost enjoying every moment and every millimeter, to the penetration into my body: I was not able to say anything, all tense as I was to live this sensation for years chased; and he was not even able to utter a word, but limited himself to panting with small rales every time he retracted a little, but only to encourage another push that would make him conquer another little space in my bowels.
When the chapel - enormous compared to the rod - had passed the sphincter, I felt it enter my rectum like melted butter and with each blow the deeper and deeper penetration began to bother me not so much at the walls of the violated intestine but at the abdominal package that was upset: Almost babbling, I begged him to go slower; and for a while he succeeded, guiding his sex in a continuous but controlled penetration; evidently, however, the desire had the upper hand, and he began to give blows to the madness that pushed the member deeply into my belly and squashed my whole abdomen, so that at a certain point, I almost had the sensation of having his truncheon even in my stomach.
He suddenly stopped, his body soaked with sweat, and the rod firmly planted in my rectum; I was sorry that I did not have a mirror in front of me to admire the scene; I told him this, and he almost apologized for not thinking of it, but promised that he would do it the next time; but in return, he said, I could stretch my hand between my legs, and feel his monster deeply implanted in my rectum; I did so, and new flushes of pleasure took me when, slipping between my thighs beside my sex also hard to the spasm, I encountered with my fingers his enormous testicles, which I so willingly stroked and licked, and only the root of that enormous stick which I knew well, for the rod - all, but all - was tenaciously held by my rectum.
Even more overwhelmed by the observation, I began to move my hips so that the member came out of the butt almost completely and then gently returned to it; Nicholas helped me by perfecting the movement, which evidently made him enjoy it very much.
Then, however, it was time to let go for him too, because he began to push without control, shaking my hips with violent blows; for a moment the pain blocked my breath, then I too began to enjoy the deep penetration that seemed less and less painful: at the same time, I stroked his testicles and the root of the member with my hand, accompanying the movement in and out of the rectum.
I felt him arching more and more rigidly behind me and that the grip on my hips became more aggressive and painful; I felt on my hands the palpitation of the testicles stretched out in the orgasm and I almost felt the running of the semen running through the shaft to go out with an almost burning stream in my bowels.
My head on fire at that point seemed to burst into flames and I saw flashes of fireworks explode in my eyes, while I felt that my sex was also released in a long, unexpected ejaculation.
I don't know how long it was that we stayed like that, me kneeling on the bed and Nicola behind me holding me by my hips against his belly and continuing to hold my sex firmly planted in my rectum, until he, almost exhausted, leaned on his side and forced me to do the same so as not to detach, even holding me in that strange position where I continued to stand in front of him - even lying down - bent at right angles and with the hard member still firmly planted between my buttocks.
It took quite a while before the sex relaxed and resumed a resting condition that allowed Nicola to pull it out of my rectum, which at this point - having exhausted the effect of the lust - began to really hurt me.
I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to wash myself - it was the first time I could do it with all my might, since we were copulating - and on the way back I found out that my lover was already in the kitchen tinkering, because - he told me - the day would be long and we also had to think about eating, as well as copulating.
It could not be said that Nicola's presence in the group was an element of harmony and balance.
All the women, more or less openly, drooled behind him, but he had the good sense to court and flatter them all without ever going beyond a gentle affection and this made sure that no jealousy of any kind arose.
On the other side, however, all the males looked at him more or less openly, partly because they were jealous of his success with women, even if he did not seem to take advantage of it, and partly because they sensed in him something indefinite that made him different: too refined in his manner, always too elegant, never a word too much, never a higher tone.
I had been very fond of him since my university days; and for some time I felt a certain unconfessable desire to establish a stronger relationship with him.
But the kind of upbringing to which we were accustomed absolutely prevented me from making even a hint of certain sexual needs that I felt emerge in me and that I absolutely did not try to curb, but only to make sure that they were not clear in the circle of knowledge to avoid possible scandals.
I had had some experience with men I'd met here and there outside our area of life: but my illusion was to construct a great and beautiful story with him, Nicola, who came back in all my dreams and upsets, who stimulated my frequent excitements and who overlapped in my fantasy even with those whom, sometimes, I had met to practise long oral coitises in the car, to masturbate them on the seats of the cinemas in the suburbs, without ever getting me to break my ass, as if I had proposed to myself to reserve my virginity to him.
But Nicola seemed too far away, absolutely unreachable, when he fluttered with his elegant dialogue between the tables of the bar where we used to be, or when he was at the centre of attention in discos with his sensual, winking movements.
I would simply admire him from afar, almost in adoration, and fantasize about what I could do if I had his slender and snappy body, all muscles and power, if I could caress his brown skin that gave me excitement at the mere glance, if I could put my hand on his continuously swollen flap, a sign of a large or perpetually erect member.
Many times I had fantasized about finding the courage to tell him - or at least to let him understand - what I wanted; but modesty and convention continually held me back.
There was, however, something in certain looks, which often almost betrayed me, which made me nervous and led me to believe that ... perhaps ... who knows ...
When Mirella warned us that there would be a 'big party' for her twenty-fifth birthday, we all sensed where we could go, since the parties she organized were always the most extraordinary ones we could put together and that, almost always, ended up in transgressions without limits, of any kind.
I went there unwillingly, in a way, because I was very little interested in the little orgy that, in a room, the three more or less fixed couples put together; or in the colossal drunkenness that involved the most lonely and dissatisfied; or, even worse, in the crazy car races in the night to challenge God knows what.
But I couldn't betray a group of peers who had been sharing everything for years; and I went.
Everything proceeded almost as if in a ritual and, towards the end of the evening, I decided to invent some malaise to run away without getting involved in the crazy proposals that were beginning to be debated.
I went upstairs to the upper floors of the house where there were the bathrooms, and I went in firmly, without even realizing that light was filtering from under the door, a sign that someone was inside; I opened the door, which was not closed, and entered almost inattentive.
I stood on the half-closed threshold struck by Nicola's vision, standing in front of the toilet, urinating with evident satisfaction.
The member was exactly as I had imagined him, quite remarkable, even in a state of rest; but at that moment he seemed enormous, wonderful, unreachable.
I was breathless and speechless, with my eyes fixed on that wonderful show, while Nicola smiled and apologized for not closing.
Then, continuing to close the flap, he started to go out: but I didn't move a millimeter - and not only because I was amazed, also and above all because, at this point, I wanted to at least touch him - and I seemed to understand that he didn't do anything to avoid me, but that he was intentionally rubbing the bulge of his wonderful sex against my hip, while he opened the door to get out.
I had to lean against a piece of furniture, to absorb the knock: the blood pulsed in my temples until it hurt, my breath stopped in my throat, and I felt as if I were about to suffocate, my knees bent, and my legs began to go on their own in an uncontrollable trembling hitherto unknown.
I don't know how long it took me to recover; and I nearly urinated on myself in the frenzy of unconventional movements, while I was doing what I had gone there for.
As I walked down the stairs back to the party hall, I heard a million impossible questions tumbling in my head, among which Nicola's attitude would dominate.
But he was simply there, elegant and refined as always, intent on courting Mirella's best friend for the millionth time without in any way raising her hopes.
I don't know why I did it; but I approached him to inform him of my decision to leave the group so as not to be overwhelmed by the 'borderline' endings.
"You're doing really well: I'm going away with you."
The answer hit me like a whiplash and I felt again the blood rushing to my head with flushes of malaria.
And I really must have turned red to the root of my hair, if Mirella wasn't surprised by my communication and even urged me to take care of myself because I didn't look good.
Among Nicola's many characteristics was that he refused to drive and never wanted to get his license, so we had to be his friends to be his driver - or rather, as he liked to correct -.
So we got into my car and drove downtown.
We had done nothing but a few meters when I felt Nicola's hand resting on my thigh: I turned for a moment to look at him and read in his face an accomplice smile that suddenly opened all the doors I had considered closed for my dreams.
We were right in the middle of the city, so it was unthinkable to manoeuvre of any kind.
"Let's go for a ride."
He suggested he and I took the road to the bypass we soon reached.
At the first pitch, he made me stop and turned off the engine himself.
He couldn't do or say anything; I was floating in a cloud of cotton wool; I felt as if I were dreaming; it wasn't possible that everything I had wanted, chased, yearned for until the physical pain of so many years was now right there at hand.
Because the object of acute desire to the point of suffering, my idol, the source of all my sexual excitement in the last five years, he, Nicola in short, was not only there but he took my hand and carried it on the flap of his pants.
From that moment on, the dream took on a dimension and direction that even in the most reckless and free fantasies I had or could never have imagined.
I lowered the zip and plunged my hand into her panties confusedly palpitating the sex I longed for and, groping blindly, I walked through everything I could intuitively touch.
It must have been annoying for him, because he moved my hand a little and pulled out the rod in all its splendor: the intense afrore of his virility flooded my nostrils and caused me a dizziness of excitement.
I took the meat club in my right hand, and with my left hand I went into my panties to look for my testicles, as big as medlars and compact, which I began to rub, caressing them; but in the meantime I slid my right hand along the skin of the shaft, which had a silky consistency and caused me electric shocks to my brain already at the limit of my tilt.
While warm shivers ran down my spine, I lowered my scrotum and brought out the glans, which seemed to me marvelous in its much pinker colour than the shaft.
While I was still trying to make conscious the sensations of that skin that I could finally touch, Nicola put his hand behind the back of my neck and lowered my head until my mouth touched the tip of his tool.
Taking myself out of my trance a little, I was afraid that everything could happen too quickly and, somehow, I tried to calm his excitement which at that point seemed superior to mine: instead of taking it directly into my mouth, I began to lick the rod from the tip of the glans to the root down to the testicles, even though the clothes seemed a great difficulty.
I went down and went up again several times, moistening, licking, savouring, lingering longer on the attachment of the testicles and on the crown at the base of the glans, provoking almost ferocious stimuli which made him whimper and induced him to press the back of my neck to make me swallow the cudgel; for a while I resisted, then I decided to let him in, just ajar, and put on my lips in such a way that it seemed almost a violation of a virgin anus.
He was just waiting for that moment: stretching himself as far as he could on the seat and pushing my head down, he made the member gently force his lips and sink slowly into his mouth, up to his throat, taking possession of it.
I began to twirl my tongue around the chapel, as I started a movement of my head that brought the rod almost out of my lips, and then sank it again until it gave me a feeling of sweet suffocation.
It was still not clear to me that we were the ones who were living that moment of enthusiasm and excitement; but above all I didn't want to finish in a hurry.
With sweet decision, I detached myself from his truncheon and proposed to him to move us to my office, to be at liberty.
He closed his pants and told me to go.
It wasn't a foot on the ground in my office, but many times it had been well served to couples of friends to copulate in freedom, even with the inconvenience of a sofa instead of a bed, or a toilet with essential services instead of a bathroom.
As soon as we arrived, we began to undress each other; and I was finally able to satisfy my usual desire, that is, to go through the skin of his body millimeter by millimeter, feeling under his hands the warm epidermis, sensing the muscles and veins palpitating underneath it, passing my tongue everywhere, on the scarcely hairy chest up to the armpits, on the legs turned to the hollow behind the knees: if he hadn't prevented me, I would have sucked his toes and hands one by one.
But he was perhaps even more hungry than I was; and once again he accelerated his pace by guiding my head towards the panties he was still wearing.
I took them with my teeth, and pushed them down, and tried to undress him thus; but the operation was too long and laborious for one as excited as he was, who immediately pushed the garment to his feet, and kicked him out of it; once more I stood before his club, which was indeed enormous, and seemed to me in all its splendor, free of impediments and veils.
I took up the fellatio again, which I had started in the car, and began to lick the pole from the base to the top, this time passing my tongue around his testicles, and even hinting, as far as I could, at taking them in my mouth; but Nicholas preferred that I licked the chapel and made me understand him by guiding my head; then, as in the car, he induced me to take it in my mouth, and once again I went along with him, making the member who was now as hard as steel force my lips.
He lay down long on the couch, while I kneeled on the floor and bent over his groin, beginning the most beautiful fellatio of my life.
Having overcome the great emotion, I searched for the maximum possible pleasure for myself and pulled out all my skills to feel what he liked most to propose it often, such as the gesture of pulling it out almost completely and then plunging it back into his narrow mouth again because the passage between my big lips excited him enormously; or to taste what I liked most, like titillating his nipples while my sex sank to my uvula.
We went on for I don't know how long: when from some moods on the chapel I noticed that orgasm was approaching, I withdrew and for a while I just held him in my hand, until I felt signs of relaxation and resumed the fellatio.
At a certain point, in a short interval, he stood up and sat me down on the couch: standing in front of me, he took my head in his hands and pulled my mouth close to the pole, which he was pushing up from his groin for more than twenty centimetres; I took it with my right hand while with my left hand I continued my favourite game of stroking his testicles and began to move my head back and forth each time, passing the tip of the member between my lips.
I felt him arching on the tip of my toes as he pushed the groin forward to penetrate me, then he really squeezed my head in his hands and began to copulate in my mouth sinking ferociously into my throat risking to choke or vomit.
I lost all sense of things and time, I felt caught in a vortex of lust I'd never felt before and began to squeeze him by the buttocks and push him deeper and deeper myself.
I felt my testicles swelling in the taut sack of my scrotum and almost felt the flow of sperm running down the shaft, so that I was not surprised by the hot, dense stream that suddenly exploded in my mouth and I was just in time to stop it with my tongue in the oral cavity, before it exploded dangerously in my throat.
He laid his heels, which had been lifted in all that time, on the ground, bent slightly and gasped for a long time, before resuming regular breathing; meanwhile, I continued to hold his still swollen and swollen member in my mouth full of semen, until he grew soft, and he pulled him away to sit beside me.
We went to the bathroom one after the other - the space did not allow for different solutions - and then we sat down relaxed and smoked.
He asked me how long I had been taking it up the ass and I candidly confessed to him that I had kept myself a virgin because I wanted him to be the first one to violate my sphincter.
- Act II
After our first meeting, the one in which we somehow recognized each other and had our first relationship, Nicola and I began a long history of passion that we could barely contain beyond the scandal.
It's not true that a big city easily allows camouflage: in its district structures it ends up being worse than the province and forces us to accept hard and often narrow rules.
With our friends - and therefore, practically all our free time - we had to contain any form of affection, to the point that - exaggerating in the opposite direction - we often came to bump into each other by unleashing absurd peacemaking interventions by our friends, who were suffering to see two sensitive and delicate people, friends of very long standing, get caught up in nonsense.
The only opportunities we had to meet were those where we could take refuge in my empty office, after work or on holidays, and we could give vent to our desire.
Although we had not been teenagers for a long time, we both continued to live in the family; and to end up in the bed of one of us was not even discussed, especially in my home where we were a tribe.
By repressing our anger, we had no choice but to invent a thousand subterfuges to go out sometimes in the evening at home and not to participate in the group's collective rituals, but to take refuge in the study.
Even after three months from the first time, however, our relationships were limited to succulent oral rituals.
In our story, it struck me a little that Nicola took on a very evident and often almost violent dominant role.
He had always, after all, been more authoritative than me and had imposed himself on me with charm and authority: so, the habit that I was ready for his desires, whatever they were, to depend on his judgment, in short, to be an omega individual before an alpha individual, had never had any effect on me.
However, since I was sucking his sex, this condition - in the privacy of the studio / alcove - became more and more evident and often oppressive.
The fact that the studio was mine forced me to equip it in some way for our meetings; but Nicola had imposed small things (scent of soap, brand of towels, etc.) that put it a little higher in the decision-making skills.
Since our first meeting, then, the fellatio ended with him literally copulating in my mouth, even holding my head to push the member deeper into my throat, to feel the chapel beating against my uvula until I felt suffocating and gagging.
From that time on, our meetings had had a similar rhythm: we would meet in the studio after dinner and as soon as we arrived Nicola would force me to undress him slowly and almost sacrally, caressing his body as I discovered him.
Not that I was sorry about it, of course, since my greatest pleasure was concentrated above all on the sensuality of caressing the skin on his face, on his chest covered with a light hairs and then gradually down towards the groin, always leaving the panties for last and putting my hands in to caress his testicles and feel them all inside; or caressing him - with your hands, face, chest - the dry back on which the muscles would flicker with each lick, causing a strong flow of blood to my temples.
But a pinch of regret emerged when I saw myself imposing authoritatively what for me was an infinite and desired pleasure: I would have preferred to do it myself, and I told him so; he simply laughed and reassured me that they were only my impressions.
Moreover, in all our encounters, Nicola never considered touching my sex, which also swelled and rose quite powerfully when I sucked his; in the end, I had to manipulate myself to vent my libido with an ejaculation.
When I tried to tell him, he smiled again and observed only that 'to each his own'.
Fearing to provoke reactions that would deprive me of the pleasure of being possessed by him, I renounced to deepen and even began to accept and stimulate more and more evident manifestations of the dominion that he exercised over me, especially with sex standing out of his pants.
There was no talk of breaking my bum: and I had even bought a gel that they said was miraculous to face, at the first experience, such a remarkable bat; and every time I prepared it on the coffee table next to the sofa where we copulated; but every time I asked him, he answered me slylyly that 'there is a time for everything'.
Our relations then continued along the path he had laid out, which now I know for certain, was the progressive total possession of my body, in an escalation that must have seen in the violation of the sphincter almost a tribal ritual of loss of virginity.
At our second meeting, he asked me to undress him slowly and with libidinous care and had him licked thoroughly everywhere, from the cavities of my ears to my anus, as deeply as I could, from my armpits to my scrotum, at the junction between my testicles and anus, from my shoulders to my chest, from my arms to my feet, pointing me to pass my tongue through the interstices between my fingers.
He then made me penetrate his enormous sex into my ajar mouth to accentuate the sensation of penetration, and when he was inside, he urged me to move my tongue around the chapel, especially at the base of the glans.
After I had sucked him for a long time, he took my head in his hands, and began to copulate without restraint and without worrying about my mouth's ability to swallow his club; standing before me, almost lifted on his toes, he beat violently back and forth, until, with a long groan, and squeezing my head against my groin, he discharged a stream of sperm into my throat, which I could hardly swallow.
Not yet satisfied, he kept his head stuck on his sex while it relaxed and regained acceptable size; but when he slowly pulled it out of my mouth, he told me to lick it and clean it well before I left it, and not to waste a drop of it: he did not need to force it on me, for I liked it more than he did; and I told him so.
In the following meetings the changes were slow and progressive, as when he made me rise to sixty-nine on him, and, while I was pumping his stick at full erection, he began to lick my anus, and gently pass his finger around it.
After all, this upset me about Nicola, the ability to be aggressive and sweet, sensual and violent, leaving me disoriented and my head on fire with pleasure every time.
I could feel his finger pulling the folds of my anus and I wished with all my strength that at least my finger would stick it all the way in so that I could taste the pleasure of being penetrated by him, even if only with my hands, to feel his flesh in mine and to lose myself in the pleasure of belonging to him.
But perversely, it took an interminable amount of time to make only a slight pressure inside the hole, making me foretaste part of the pleasure and withdrawing immediately afterwards to recompose himself.
Once on my feet, in a satanic game of waiting, he made me turn and kneel on the sofa with my shoulders turned to him and my head resting on the backrest, completely powerless to react.
I felt him tinkering and after a while I felt the coolness of a liquid on my anus: I sensed that it was the gel and the blood jumped in all extreme endings leaving me totally dazed; I already felt the sensation of his cock sinking into my intestine and all the folds of the anus dilated to face the impact, which I feared - or, who knows, desired - very painful.
I felt something forcing my anus and raping my sphincter, but it didn't have the consistency I expected; I turned around as much as the position allowed and saw him standing behind me with his erect member; I realized then that he was penetrating me with his finger and I couldn't judge whether to torment me again or to get used to the penetration.
He plunged into my bowels for the whole length of my middle finger - as I could easily deduce from the contact of the other fingers on my buttocks - but immediately afterwards he pulled it almost completely out and put his index finger beside it - I think - and went back into both my rectum, which was shaking with vibrations I had never experienced before, causing me intense dizziness; once inside, he began to move his fingers and rotate them until I could feel them in my stomach, with thick pleasures that took my breath away.
I turned towards him, and almost begged him to remove his finger, and to put the sex in my now fiery rectum; the answer was the usual: 'everything in its own time'; and at the same time he forced me to sit on the couch, and put his club in my mouth at the very limit of my endurance: in fact, with only two strokes he released one of his longest ejaculations into my throat.
The desire to receive his sex in the rectum became almost obsessive from that moment on and every time I asked him almost in tears; but every time Nicola warned me that everything has its time and he continued undaunted to motivate our meetings with new inventions and small perversions that could go from the satanic masturbating slowly, in front of me that I had no right even to approach while he was doing it, to the extreme paradox of maneuvering with my fingers in my rectum, exploring it and walking along it as far as it could go.
On the other hand, however, each fellatio in the end was more phantasmagorical than the previous one and culminated with juicy ejaculations that I had learned to receive gladly directly into my throat.
The big day came the following July, when Nicola's family moved to the sea for a holiday and he, camping I don't know what excuse, stayed a few more days in town.
"Get ready for the big event."
He warned me with a conspiratorial air without giving me any explanation; and on the first Sunday in July he gave me an appointment not in the afternoon, as usual, but in the late morning, specifying that we would be together all day.
I went as usual to the bar under his house, but I could not find him; I intercomed him and he told me to go upstairs.
Unaware of his parents' departure, I hesitated and made the strangest assumptions: the door was open and Nicola was in the living room, completely naked, waiting for me smiling.
Overwhelming my astonished questions with a passionate embrace that flooded me with warmth, he cheerfully told me that we were absolute masters of the camp and that this was finally the big day; and, to make me understand better, he waved the gel tube under my nose.
Still unable to make it, I followed him to his bedroom in almost religious silence and let him undress me quickly, almost voraciously, caressing me everywhere, on my chest and shoulders, on my back and especially on my buttocks; when he pushed me supine on the bed I was still recovering from the surprise and found him kneeling on my chest with his member - which almost exploded into a wonderful erection - an inch from my mouth.
I began to lick him with the usual passion, facilitated by the new situation of a wide bed on which one could move casually: for about twenty minutes I alternated long sucks with continuous penetrations in the mouth ajar - as we liked so much - to meticulous licking of the rod and balls, to exhausting caresses on the whole body, to obsessive slinging.
He was no less and copulated in my mouth without ejaculating but retracting himself at the last moment at least a dozen times; he caressed me gently all over my body, he rode my buttocks pushing the sex in the furrow more and more open and relaxed and put one, two, even three fingers in the depths of my rectum until I moaned in pain (I did not scream but only for fear of being heard).
At the end of a foreplay that seemed endless, he took on an even more decisive air than ever, made me kneel in the middle of the bed and stood behind me: I felt that with my fingers he spread the gel on my anus, in the sphincter and inside as far as he could; actually the gel not only favored penetration but seemed to give me even more acute feelings of pleasure, so I began to think that it would not hurt so much to be deflowered.
When he approached the chapel to my anus, he communicated it to me almost emphatically, to emphasize the moment that was taking on religious ritual tones; and I began to stretch all my senses towards the hole that seemed to expand to the point of spasm.
The penetration thus began with the slowness of a ritual; and I felt the passion of the hole dilating to receive its immense stick of flesh, the tension of the sphincter which put up a little resistance as it was forced to give way to the cudgel which entered my body, the deep languor which from the bowels reached my brain as sex penetrated more and more deeply into my sagging and dilated rectum, beyond the tightness of the sphincter.
Above all, however, I was overwhelmed by the sweetness of the sensation that her clawed hands were giving me on my hips, to block my body as it proceeded slowly, almost enjoying every moment and every millimeter, to the penetration into my body: I was not able to say anything, all tense as I was to live this sensation for years chased; and he was not even able to utter a word, but limited himself to panting with small rales every time he retracted a little, but only to encourage another push that would make him conquer another little space in my bowels.
When the chapel - enormous compared to the rod - had passed the sphincter, I felt it enter my rectum like melted butter and with each blow the deeper and deeper penetration began to bother me not so much at the walls of the violated intestine but at the abdominal package that was upset: Almost babbling, I begged him to go slower; and for a while he succeeded, guiding his sex in a continuous but controlled penetration; evidently, however, the desire had the upper hand, and he began to give blows to the madness that pushed the member deeply into my belly and squashed my whole abdomen, so that at a certain point, I almost had the sensation of having his truncheon even in my stomach.
He suddenly stopped, his body soaked with sweat, and the rod firmly planted in my rectum; I was sorry that I did not have a mirror in front of me to admire the scene; I told him this, and he almost apologized for not thinking of it, but promised that he would do it the next time; but in return, he said, I could stretch my hand between my legs, and feel his monster deeply implanted in my rectum; I did so, and new flushes of pleasure took me when, slipping between my thighs beside my sex also hard to the spasm, I encountered with my fingers his enormous testicles, which I so willingly stroked and licked, and only the root of that enormous stick which I knew well, for the rod - all, but all - was tenaciously held by my rectum.
Even more overwhelmed by the observation, I began to move my hips so that the member came out of the butt almost completely and then gently returned to it; Nicholas helped me by perfecting the movement, which evidently made him enjoy it very much.
Then, however, it was time to let go for him too, because he began to push without control, shaking my hips with violent blows; for a moment the pain blocked my breath, then I too began to enjoy the deep penetration that seemed less and less painful: at the same time, I stroked his testicles and the root of the member with my hand, accompanying the movement in and out of the rectum.
I felt him arching more and more rigidly behind me and that the grip on my hips became more aggressive and painful; I felt on my hands the palpitation of the testicles stretched out in the orgasm and I almost felt the running of the semen running through the shaft to go out with an almost burning stream in my bowels.
My head on fire at that point seemed to burst into flames and I saw flashes of fireworks explode in my eyes, while I felt that my sex was also released in a long, unexpected ejaculation.
I don't know how long it was that we stayed like that, me kneeling on the bed and Nicola behind me holding me by my hips against his belly and continuing to hold my sex firmly planted in my rectum, until he, almost exhausted, leaned on his side and forced me to do the same so as not to detach, even holding me in that strange position where I continued to stand in front of him - even lying down - bent at right angles and with the hard member still firmly planted between my buttocks.
It took quite a while before the sex relaxed and resumed a resting condition that allowed Nicola to pull it out of my rectum, which at this point - having exhausted the effect of the lust - began to really hurt me.
I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to wash myself - it was the first time I could do it with all my might, since we were copulating - and on the way back I found out that my lover was already in the kitchen tinkering, because - he told me - the day would be long and we also had to think about eating, as well as copulating.
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