- Act V
The rapid and violent succession of emotions that Nicola had subjected me to during those twenty-four hours spent at sea had definitely shocked and stressed me.
On arrival, I was violently thrown in front of his relationship with Gianni, with whom Nicola had an obviously long and complex story, in which - completely the opposite of the male I had fallen in love with - he was at the same time dominating but also the victim of an elusive character, capable of giving him exceptional emotions but also ready to have sex with whoever happened to him, without even thinking about it.
And I had been devoured, very quickly, by jealousy, first, by the desire for emulation, then, and by the inordinate passion for mindless sex in the end.
Almost immediately afterwards, he proposed me the painful and boorish image of his puritanical and hypocritical family with the 'cherry on top' of his little girlfriend to marry within a month or so, making my blood sour in the face of so many contemporary betrayals; and, to top it off, he proposed me as 'sweet sister-in-law' a little slut who went around making fellatio for a bet, or rather 'for pledge'.
There was enough to drive him into a rage and decide to send him to the devil instantly, and immediately take the way back, forgetting about him and his ambiguities.
But Nicholas had a charm which I could not resist; and once again I was not able to follow up my anger and the threatening intentions with which I had presented myself on the beach; and he was even more shameless than ever, when he warned me that in the afternoon he had an engagement with his in-laws, and we could not meet, so that, if we wanted to make use of the little time we had left, we had to get away immediately, since in the evening I had to return to town.
Blood was mounting in my head and I was almost about to jump on him and beat him (or at least try to do it, given his size); but a little voice inside suggested me not to miss the opportunity for a last meeting, since then there would be nothing more between us; I curbed my anger and told him I was in, provided we were absolutely alone; he accepted and we went separately to Gianni's house.
I arrived before him and almost lurked behind the door to hear him coming; when he closed the door behind his back, I didn't give him time to realize what was happening and I pushed him almost violently onto the completely undone bed and rushed over to him, imprisoning him immediately in my embrace.
After a moment of hesitation, he understood the game and abandoned himself to me as I had seen him do with Gianni the day before: I lay down on him and began to caress his body with all the skin of my own: while I voluptuously rubbed my chest against his, almost to absorb the heat of the long tan, I began to caress his arms and hips with the palm of my hand, going down to the groin that was already swollen.
I felt the heat invade my whole body - and it wasn't just the heat of the summer day - as I savored the silky texture of his skin, the smells of his body, the slight moods that appeared here and there due to the heat and excitement; I began to caress his face and eyes with extreme gentleness, almost as if to imprint his features on my skin.
Then I began to kiss him, first lightly on his throat and face, then on his eyes, and then on his mouth; as I began to press my lips against his, a slight disturbance seized me with the fear that he might refuse my kiss; but once again he shocked me by opening my lips slightly, and gently pushing his tongue between mine.
The emotion attacked my head and made me lose my sense of reality for a moment: In our short but intense story, I had never dared so much, even if I wanted it with all my strength; and now everything was happening with the most exciting simplicity to the point that I found it hard to realize that it was my beloved Nicholas who explored the inside of my mouth with his soft tongue even if slightly rough on the surface; he swirled it for a long time, throughout the cavity, on all the teeth, along the outside and the inside of the gums; and my lust was exalted with every vibrating blow.
I stretched my hand over his now very hard sex, and, without detaching myself from him, I lowered his costume so far as would allow me to take possession of the rod and hold it throbbing in my hand, without moving my fingers, simply enjoying the beating of the member on my skin.
My rectum began to vibrate, and I could feel the contractions of the anus claiming penetration, but I decided to prolong the preliminary pleasure to the limit of resistance: I gently detached myself from him and began to lick his whole body, from chest to groin, deliberately jumping the member, and along the thighs from which I slid the very small bathing suit with my tongue and teeth.
While I was lifting myself on my knees to move more at ease, Nicola took the opportunity to take off my bathing suit and begin to caress my buttocks more and more internally until I reached the anus where he began to penetrate with wise fingers: at that point I bent over his belly and took his rod in my mouth, suddenly, pushing it into my throat until I suffocated and began a fellatio that I wanted to be unforgettable.
Using all my direct and indirect knowledge, I took to lick his bat all along the length, all over the surface, pushing myself with my tongue until I could pull his anus, and then I went up again along the shaft and took back the chapel in my mouth, which I made pass between my lips deliberately tight; I pulled it out and manipulated it a little with my hands, enchanted myself to observe the turgidity that tended the skin almost to burst and I took it back in my mouth to plunge it into a deep copula in my throat.
I went on for a while, and when I realized that he could ejaculate me in my throat too soon, I gave up sex and went back to sucking his nipples and licking his chest, throat, and face; almost by surprise, he took my head and kissed me again with an intensity that took my breath away and blocked my heartbeats; I gave in to his kiss and let him do whatever he wanted.
Nicola tipped me over on the bed and sat on top of me, beginning - he, this time - to rub the skin of his body on mine, crushing me completely under him and making me feel the warmth of his body everywhere.
Suddenly, he stopped, pulled himself away from me, and took all the pillows that were lying loose from the head of the bed; he sat me down, placed the pillow stack behind my back, and made me lie on my back with my pelvis remarkably raised; kneeling in front of me, between my thighs, Nicholas lifted my legs up to his shoulders, and opened my butt wide to the height of his monster: In that unusual and unnatural position that was blocking me, I could do almost nothing to participate; I let it go and felt that Nicola's rod slowly and softly penetrate my anus, overcoming without difficulty the sphincter and going to caress the inside of my belly with formidable sensations of pleasure.
In the meantime, he had taken the member with his right hand and limited himself to holding him in his hand while he bent over me with some difficulty, he took the back of my neck with his left hand and lifted my head until he reached my mouth with his own, starting a kiss even more exciting than the previous ones; I too raised my arms and took him by the hips, pulling his tool inside my belly beyond the limits of what was possible.
He began to plunge it into my rectum almost methodically: At the beginning the movement was slow and lived moment by moment, both when he made it penetrate carefully into the depths of my bowels, and when he pulled it back, with the same slowness, almost to the point where it came out completely, and then began to put it in again; then the movement became faster, more nervous and almost violent, so much so that I felt my bowels shattered by the blows and I felt his testicles beating on my buttocks almost at risk of crushing.
I abandoned myself without restraint, conscious also that in that position I could only let him do and enjoy it, while he possessed me almost with love, he held me to kiss me on the mouth and stick his tongue up to my uvula or he tormented my nipples pinching them so that at other times it would be painful but in that condition it became superbly exciting.
I felt the orgasm mounting from his swollen testicles until he stretched his scrotum like a drum and I was sure of it when, kneeling between my thighs and violently curling my hips, he began to push his testicles against my buttocks with almost superhuman force; I heard the guttural cry that preceded his orgasms advancing from the recesses of my throat, and I felt the explosion of my ejaculation almost at the same time as I felt Nicholas explode his sperm in my bowels with fury.
Once the moment of orgasm was over, the difficulty of the position he had assumed was revealed in all its magnitude, and strange maneuvers were necessary to assume a position on the bed that would allow him to keep his still swollen member in my bum, which I was unwilling to let out; and only after a few long minutes he suddenly slipped away, causing me an unexpected twinge of pain.
With an attitude I was familiar with, Nicola suddenly changed his mood: he went into the bathroom where I felt he was refreshing himself with a quick shower; he came out dripping and put his costume back on.
"See you at the beach?"
He asked me; but I replied that I preferred not to go out and get ready to leave as soon as the sun began to pose fewer driving problems.
With a nod of goodbye, he went out and closed the door as I considered myself.
"This is Nicola: not much to do."
And in the meantime I promised myself - but, after all, without much conviction - never to see him and his friends again.
After his departure, I let myself go for a few moments of laziness in the still smelling bed of our meeting; then I got up, took a shower and went to the nearby restaurant to eat something; I ended up at about three o'clock and was surprised uncertain whether to go and catch the sun on the beach or to take a nap before leaving: I opted for this second solution, headed home, entered and abandoned myself on the bed.
I don't know if I had slept or if I had just dozed off, when Gianni opened the door, preceded by an intense voice and accompanied by a sexting black man that I had noticed on the beach while he was going around selling chains, carpets and various junk: from the way they were talking and gesticulating - rather than from the things they were saying - it became clear to me that Gianni was trying to convince the black man to have sex while the other one was mocking himself by making trivial excuses such as tiredness, heat or fear of occasional relationships.
When he noticed my presence in the only room and the only bed, Gianni changed his attitude a little and persuaded the black man to sit by the table, pouring him a cold beer, which the other accepted willingly, while he looked around with a curious and rather awkward air; suddenly his gaze fell upon me, lying naked on the sheets, and, suddenly, I felt myself almost penetrated by the look that explored me, lingering on my thighs and groin where my cock was at complete rest.
Not so his, which began to swell under my shorts, as I could comfortably observe from my lying down position; provocatively, I turned around on the bed, and spread my legs a little, so that he could admire my behind; noticing the maneuver, Gianni had a slight jolt of anger, but, as clever as I had known him, it took him nothing to turn the situation in his favour, and he approached me to caress my buttocks, inviting the black man to join me.
James - as I would later find out his name - though reluctant to approach, sat down on the edge of the bed and began to pass his long tapered fingers on my buttocks, pushing them almost immediately into the cut between my buttocks until they reached the anus, which he forced with gentle pressure into my middle finger which he waved wisely in my bowels, while with the palm of his hand he squeezed my buttocks and with the other hand began to massage my shoulders and back.
I sensually surrendered myself to his caress, which was infinitely sweet and loving, and I observed that Gianni had already thrown himself on the flap of his shorts trying to open them; James, however, moved him almost rudely, took off his shorts, always continuing to twirl in my anus his delicate and tender finger, and mounted on me, making me feel the skin of his belly and chest on my shoulders and buttocks.
He took his finger from my anus and hugged me first by my shoulders and then by my head, until his body coincided with mine; meanwhile, he licked behind my ears and whispered incomprehensible but sweet-sounding words and began to lick the back of my neck and shoulders.
Like the majority of those of his colour, he had a remarkable member, which he adapted with his hands to my buttocks, making me feel its full length and consistency without even looking for my anus: I concentrated on that sensation, tasting totally the pleasure of that rod planted between my buttocks, and which I already imagined inside me in every hole.
When he made me turn on my back, I could look at the room and realize that Gianni had retreated into a corner, mogul and disappointed: after a while, he left the scene without noise.
In the meantime, James lay down by my side and lent me his hand, took it to his pole and urged me to masturbate him: I kneeled down on his legs, and took with both hands his twenty inches of member, manipulating them with all my wisdom; I beat him to the point of a complete coronation, and with the other hand I went with my other hand to seek the root under his testicles; I slid the skin to cover the rosy glans, even more evident by the dark colour of the rest, and took his testicles in my hand, and massaged them gently, giving him spasms of pleasure.
After a few minutes of this massage, James took my head and lowered it slowly towards the glans, which I faced almost as if in a religious rite: at first I swirled my tongue gently around it, while with my hand I slid the skin on the shaft, tapping and covering the chapel alternately; then I approached my lips just ajar and let my mouth be forced by the hands pushing my head down and the pelvis pushing the sex upwards.
When it had entered my mouth for the most part (more I could not have swallowed) I started again to rotate my tongue around the chapel, especially at the base of it, where I felt that I was giving it the greatest stimuli; then I began to pump by pushing up and down my head: almost invaded by the pleasure the member gave me, I let it enter my throat as I could never have imagined, and I tried several times to count myself as soon as I had checked it, so deep it penetrated.
After a long game of pumping, I felt, from the pressure of my hands behind my head and the frenzy with which he pushed the chapel down my throat, that James could ejaculate at any moment.
In fact, an acrid taste of sex hit my tongue and forced me to stop it, so as not to reduce the copulation time to nothing: I squeezed his testicles tightly and pulled the sex out of my mouth, holding it in my hand - almost like a scepter - until I felt that the impulses on my testicles and along the shaft were calming down.
I moved away from him and crawled on all fours on the bed, in an obvious bidding attitude; James got up and came to kneel behind me, but he did not penetrate me immediately, as I expected.
From an even more favorable position, he caressed my neck, neck, shoulders, back, and bottom again, lying with the palm of his hand in all places, massaging me lightly or gently pinching my skin, licking my spine from the nape of my neck to my sacrum, or squeezing my buttocks and dilating them until all the folds of my anus emerged; Finally, he put his delicate finger into my rectum, which I had already felt, but this time accompanying it with his thumb and index finger, almost to dilate my anus and prepare it for penetration; then, almost to make up for the painful solicitation, he passed his tongue over it and let it enter beyond the sphincter, causing me very sweet sensations.
When I was now in the throes of the desire for sex, I felt the chapel approaching the hole, and it began to push without violence: I joyfully went along with it, and pushed in my turn to speed up the penetration, which was truly total, despite the size of the rod; I felt the cylinder of flesh slowly opening up in the bowels to receive it, and wrapped it in a delicate grip to make it enjoy.
When he was fully in, he stopped, took me by the hips, and pressed me against his belly, until the curve of my buttocks coincided with that of his groin, and stood like this for a while, savouring the pleasure of the beating of my bowels, which tickled his member, while I indulged in the pleasure of sucking his cock with the inside of my rectum.
Evidently at the limit of resistance, he began to bang me with a violence that I would not have expected, but that made me enjoy in a different and more intense way: at the peak of pleasure, he took my sex in his hands from behind, almost dismembering it.
He didn't need many blows, before exploding in my belly an orgasm that seemed almost infinite, so much was along the flow of sperm that I felt sprayed in my belly; almost at the same time, my splash of sperm crashed on the sheet that was already abundantly soaked in it.
But he did not withdraw the club from my rectum, not even after the last drop had been discharged into me: when my breath had become a little slower and rhythmic, he explained to me, almost apologizing, that my erection would not be exhausted before at least a quarter of an hour; I answered him that it was no problem, and that indeed I liked to keep it in.
We even spent almost half an hour in that very uncomfortable posture: At first, I relaxed myself on all fours, and leaned against his belly, while he sat on his heels, holding me by the hips, so that the member would not slip out of my rectum; later, as he relaxed, he lifted himself up a little on his knees, and lifted me up again, so that his chest would adhere to my back; and in the meantime, he stroked my skin wherever he could, pulled my nipples up, and beat my deflated member.
I lost my sense of time and reality, immersed in that atmosphere of free and spontaneous sexuality: waking up and leaving almost required physical effort; but it was also necessary, given the time that had passed and my travel needs: James went to wash quickly, and when he left, he asked me if we would see each other again.
"Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible."
I had to answer him with genuine regret and greeted him with a wave of my hand as he closed the door behind him.
I jumped out of bed to take a slow shower and prepare my few things; in short, I was ready to start the car and leave to put an end to a shocking weekend. Of course, it was quite early and I found myself in town, at the usual bar of our group, while my friends were still gossiping and enjoying ice cream and cold drinks to fight the heat.
Since the news of my 'escape' had already arrived, it became an opportunity to break the monotony and I was attacked by a barrage of questions about the adventurous life in a hotel on the Riviera in the summer, according to my family version.
"Bullshit, all bullshit."
It was the unaltered synthesis of my answers.
But - of course - nobody believed me.
- Act VI
The summer had passed almost too quickly; and autumn was getting lost behind his back, when the all too refined card announcing Nicola's wedding to his girlfriend, who had remained a secret until the last moment, arrived to all his friends.
The sumptuous ceremony would take place in a famous, rather distant sanctuary, in accordance with the wishes of the bride's parents, who aspired to a 'classy' ritual and who reluctantly accepted that the invitation should also be extended to his 'friends'.
Moreover, a brief investigation had immediately revealed that Nicola's role as best man had had no say in the matter either: both of them had been chosen by their in-laws from among their 'class friends'; and this was particularly offensive to the group, which was decidedly oriented towards desertion of the ceremony.
But common sense prevailed, in view of the fact that some of them had frequented Nicola in elementary school: and the observation that after the ritual there would not be the classic lunch but only a quick refreshment that would reduce their mutual tolerance to a relatively short time also played in their favour.
In short, it was decided to go with two cars, only the closest friends, and to limit the presence to the indispensable.
Nicola even appeared to us unrecognizable in his ceremonial dress: even though we were used to seeing him almost always far away and detached, this time he had really gone further; even his handshake at the moment of the meeting was soft and detached, like a perfect stranger.
On the other hand, we were struck by the charm of the bride, to whom I had only given a fleeting glance at the sea, cataloguing her too quickly (perhaps) among the 'subjects of little or no interest': very elegant and very well made up, she gave off joy and spell from every line, from every movement, even if the heated sensuality at times gave the sensation of an excess of femininity, at the limit of the condition known as 'gazelle', too prone to a dominant personality that in Nicola we did not know.
Among the closest relatives, of course, the bride's sexting sister, 'the angel of the blowjob', could not be missing, but she didn't reveal any of the disinhibition that she had so extensively lavished on the sea: at the moment of the presentation, she even presented me with dignity (turning her face ostentatiously to the other side) with a soft hand that gave me the sensation of clutching snails.
Resigned to undergo the ceremony with all the corollaries, we took refuge in the 'herd' behaviour forming a distant island that only by mistake had ended up in that archipelago: avoiding with extreme care to go beyond decency, we entertained ourselves with the most stupid amenities reserving to the other guests only rare and distracted glances.
We even went so far as to ignore certain pieces of our daughter fluttering from one group to the next, chirping graciously and slipping into a thousand ceremonial little moves aimed above all at pointing out the latest designer clothes and the precious jewels, unequivocal signs of a vomiting richness.
At other times, there is no doubt that the most varied and unthought of comments would have escaped us: and certainly we would not have ignored so many graces lavished with full hands; but, on that occasion, it seemed that everything lost its usual connotations; and all of us, in our hearts, were waiting for the moment of the farewell.
When it finally arrived, we hurried to say goodbye to our friend - and him alone - to get away from that zoo to which we were strangers even as spectators.
With a surprise gesture - now so usual that I wasn't even surprised anymore - at the moment of the farewell embrace, Nicola whispered to me a 'I'm sorry' that I didn't understand what he was referring to but that I accepted willingly, as I always did with him.
The return journey was made to the sound of singing and screaming at the top of his lungs, almost as if to repay us for the suffering of a morning of total starching.
The proposal to go somewhere to eat a pizza did not find the joyous welcome I would have expected, so I found myself almost immediately alone with a whole afternoon to fill without even the vaguest idea in my head.
The idea of going from an artificial and hypocritical rituality to another, more domestic and normal rituality didn't come down to me: even if I didn't even admit it to myself, the wedding ceremony had been a bad blow, which had left a strong sense of bitterness in my mouth and I somehow felt the need to recover, to relax, to do something for me, in short.
I chose the suburbs, where, unknown among a thousand anonymous faces, I could have been more peacefully with myself; and I also avoided the bar where I knew I could have embarked on a few bold sexting men willing to cheer up my loneliness in some way: at that moment, it even seemed petty to me to take refuge in an occasional relationship to alleviate the loss of my beloved man.
I stopped at a tavern along the highway, of whose kitchen I had heard so much good about; I chose a corner place, and quickly ordered the dishes I had heard praising: I was savouring with taste the enormous ration of spaghetti, which gave merit to the praise celebrated for the local cuisine, when I had a jolt, when I saw a couple come in, who seemed to be a copy of Nicola and his fresh bride; I wrinkled my eyes a little, almost fearing to have hallucinations; but when I opened them well, I had to realize that, indeed, they looked very much like him, even if some details, observed with care, indicated very deep differences. They sat in the opposite corner, exactly where, even if I wanted to, I could not avoid looking at them, and began to exchange cute and delicate effusions which, though within the limits of the correctness which the place nevertheless imposed, expressed an exasperated sensuality and sexuality.
Without realizing it, I had begun to stare at them with fury, almost passionately, forgetting all the food on my plate, to the point that the master, almost worried, approached me to ask me if something was wrong; when he suddenly appeared, I began to wince out of my small and strange trance, reassured him that everything was going very well, and resumed eating.
But my gaze went to the two of them without even wanting it: on the contrary, the more I forced myself to ignore them and to be nonchalant, the more my gaze chased their faces, ran over their bodies, stopped enchanted on the hands caressing each other over the table, on the legs crossing under the chairs, on the looks lost in the eyes of the other.
My insistence in observing them could not fail to impress them: the girl noticed it first, had a slight movement of anger and turned around to look more intensely into the eyes of her companion; but she had to whisper something, because he turned around for a moment, crossed my gaze in return almost in the form of a challenge and turned again to the girl, accentuating the caresses, the looks and the sensuality of the movements.
I had the clear impression, at one point, that they had even decided to stage the fiction of a love affair, for the benefit of the only spectator who was me: The glances became longer and more intense; the kisses became passionate with a play of tongues that I could see distinctly, because of the short distance between the tables and the positions they took to favour my vision; his hand, which had only caressed his arm and crept up his sleeve to the elbow, went a little higher, and began to rub one breast clearly; under the chair, her legs intertwined with a game of balance which I never thought possible; at the end, she openly put her hand on his flap, and he reciprocated by digging, from above the dress, between her thighs to the groin.
My eyes were definitely out of my head, I couldn't tear myself away from the show, and I could feel my sex swell up in my pants until it pressed painfully against my clothes; he noticed it and obscenely took her hand and rubbed it along his flap almost to masturbate from above his trousers.
The arrival of the waiter with the lunch forced them to interrupt the manoeuvres and brought everyone back to reality in an instant: I took my second, devoured him quickly, paddled and came out almost running, chased by the image of the sexting man who looked like Nicola and his member manipulated by the woman.
While I was driving aimlessly, I could not detach myself from another image that overlapped, that of Nicola and his first night as a husband: in my ramblings of jealousy, I almost seemed to see the body that I knew so well move in bed with her and go through the repertoire of things she did so well, from long sweet caresses to overbearing penetrations, from passionate kisses to the harshness with which she let herself be sucked.
Lost behind my absurd anxieties, I risked losing control of the car several times and decided to stop to collect my ideas: it was clear that I was the victim of an unstoppable attack of discouragement and frustration, out of jealousy or abandonment or who knows what: I decided that it would be better to drown the paranoia in a vortex of pleasure, whatever it was; and I went to the bar where I hoped to find the blonde man who, of the three embarked again, seemed to me the least aggressive and vulgar; in my condition, a relationship that mixed elegance and strength, sex and a pinch of sweetness was perhaps the most appropriate medicine.
To tell the truth, I had never seen the trio again when, in late summer and autumn, I had sometimes gone to seek company in the bar.
But, absurdly, I had hoped that at that moment my luck would help me and let me find it.
I really had the classic stroke of luck, because I saw him at the bar as soon as I entered the bar.
But he hadn't recognized me, so I was forced to come forward, offering him a drink; only after almost drinking his beer, while we were chatting about stupid amenities, I nodded to his companions of adventure that evening and seemed to be struck by a memory: he recognized me and, as I hoped, asked me if and when I was willing to keep the promise I made then, that is, to meet once alone; I told him that the moment was just that and we got into the car on our way to my studio.
Though some time had passed, he recognized the place and moved immediately at ease, while I prepared the field a little to adapt the space to the alternative function of alcove.
Sitting on the big sofa, he left me all the initiative and I approached him, chasing in my mind the ghost of Nicola to whom that meeting seemed somehow dedicated: thinking about him while I was approaching the blondie gave me a strange and new excitement, almost as if I was going to be owned at the same time by two men both perhaps loved in different forms.
I approached him with extreme delicacy, as if I were at my first meeting with a man; I began to undress him very slowly and with a lot of passion: in some recess of my mind, the one in front of me became Nicola, 'my' Nicola, and I was his affectionate little wife who approached him as a virgin - forgetting for a moment all the things done, together or not - to celebrate an ancient and, in some ways, mysterious rite.
I took off his jacket and began to caress his chest from above his clothes: I spotted the nipples, tormented them a little gently with my fingers, then bent down to pick them up with my mouth while my hands were looking for the buttons to undo his shirt: he humoured me by helping me to undo the garment and take it off his head.
I then passed my hands under his shirt and began to caress the skin of his chest; I even closed my eyes and, sighing 'Nicola, Nicola!' inside me, I lowered myself again to kiss his stomach, chest and chest muscles until I went to take between my lips the buttons of his nipples, which were big and hard.
He wasn't particularly hairy, but his chest was covered with a light blond, thin, soft hairs that gently tickled my lips and excited me enormously: I felt the sex hardening and I feared that he wouldn't take care of it at all; but I didn't care.
On the other hand, I could feel its member under my pants - which I remembered was not exceptional - getting hard and beating against my body when I pulled over to lick it and suck it deeper.
I walked along his entire torso and, in doing so, I progressively lifted up his shirt, which twisted around his neck; he snapped out of it, remaining shirtless, and I took the opportunity to lick and suck on his shoulders, along his throat up towards his ear.
As if caught in a sudden raptus, he took my head, and brought my mouth to his, pressing his lips firmly against me, which he opened with delicate violence, almost penetrating me with a large, rough tongue, which he pushed into my throat, and then portrayed as if I were sucking a real penis.
The move took me by surprise but filled me with joy and desire: I participated in his kiss with enthusiasm, embracing him with strength and holding me as close to him as I could.
He stood up without letting go even for a moment and squeezed me until I hurt myself: his chest tightly adhered to mine, his hard sex began to press on my belly making me feel all the turgidity and desire, his hands clawed painfully my buttocks, squeezing, palpating and widening them almost as if a non-existent member were entering.
Taken by the whirlwind of the situation, I began to walk with my tongue through the inside of his mouth, sucking his tongue, and inserting mine into the bottom of his throat; my hand crept between our bodies, and went straight to the sex, which he began to squeeze and palpate, as I felt the desire to feel his living flesh in my hand; I began to unbutton his flap and tried to get my hand into his pants, but the operation was very difficult, until he decided to loosen his grip and move away just enough to unbutton his flap, take off his belt and start sliding his pants and briefs toward his ankles.
He kicked off his clothes and remained naked in front of me: almost realizing only then that I was fully dressed, he moved me, decisively but gently, and began to undress me slowly, accompanying the movement of his hands with that of his tongue, which began to run all over my body.
I stopped in ecstasy, almost completely motionless, and plunged into the delicate pleasure that his tongue gave me, rough but moved with great skill and sweetness, which ran through my chest, arms, armpits, neck, ears until it plunged forcefully into my mouth, renewing the sweet emotions already felt before but now charged with sensuality by the direct contact of the skin of his chest against mine.
Suddenly she left her mouth, moved a little and squatted down in front of me, standing upright and motionless, and began to unbutton my pants, which she lowered at the ankles along with her panties: I kicked them free, while the blond man took my cock in his hand, gently stroking it, uncovering the glans and sliding the skin up and down several times with a wise and delicate movement; then he suddenly took it in his mouth and swirled his strange tongue around the chapel: it did not appear rough as in my mouth, but diligent and delicate, able to extract from the depths of my bowels small shocks of intense pleasure.
I took his head and induced him to rise: we hugged and kissed with intensity, then I forced him onto the couch, made him lie down and knelt down on the floor to take possession of his not large but well drawn member, upright and hard as steel: I began in my turn to masturbate him with the greatest wisdom that I possessed, repeatedly chasing the glans that seemed bruised by the tension and making me slide with extreme sensuality along the hand the rod stretched and craving.
When I bent over him to take it in his mouth, he grabbed me by the hips and pushed me to mount me over him with my head between his legs and my groin above his face: while I began to lick the rod all over his surface, from his testicles to his glans, he grabbed me by the hips and plunged my sex into his mouth, causing me to get excited and burning my brain.
While we were playing that wonderful game that is sixty-nine, I caught myself exclaiming between me and myself
"Here, Nicola: see how it's done, asshole?!"
But the next minute I almost regretted summoning him the moment I took a whole new pleasure from blondie.
In a moment of stasis, I detached myself from him and, when he tried to resume the position, I begged him to leave it to me alone for a while: sixty-nine is wonderful, but it has the limit of preventing you from concentrating the pleasure, because you never know whether to focus on the sensations you receive in your mouth or on those that are triggered by sex.
He let me do it and I took to lick and suck it with all my soul, making me copulate in my mouth very deeply, since the size of its member did not prevent me from taking it all in my throat without any problem; several times, realizing from certain reactions of the testicles that the orgasm was too close, I interrupted myself not to hasten the conclusion of a meeting that excited me to the point of enthusiasm.
During one of my pauses, the blond man got up and forced me to turn my positions upside down, so that he could suck my sex: but he wanted me to put my legs on his face anyway, even if he told me not to touch his member; and he began to lick everything, from the inside of my thighs to my testicles, up to my anus, which he covered for a long time with his tongue and penetrated gently several times.
Almost sitting on his face, with his member bursting with desire, I concentrated everything on the pleasure he gave me with that tongue which stimulated all the nervous recesses of the rectum and testicles, causing me a diffuse and subtle excitement, perhaps unsuitable for ejaculation; but when he began to take the chapel in his mouth, to let it go all the way down his throat, and to pass his tongue wisely along the base of the glans, I had to beg him several times to stop so as not to make me come too soon; each time he listened to me and stopped, resuming with greater sweetness and away from the chapel.
At a certain point he asked me if I wanted us to ejaculate in our mouths at the same time: I told him no, that I wanted him to put it in my rectum and enjoy it inside; he told me that he didn't want to take it in his ass and I reassured him that I didn't think of doing it.
He made me take off and make me kneel on the couch with my face on the back and my back in the void; I asked him to use the gel and I took it from the coffee table; after a while I felt on my anus the cold sensation I was used to and I felt his finger penetrating my rectum and exploring it for a while with great experience, causing me feelings of great pleasure: When he felt that the anus was quite dilated, he began to insert the sex very gently and almost with caution; his hand, at the same time, moved along my right side and went to grab the member that protruded at the maximum erection in front of my belly and began to accompany the strokes of penetration with delicate hand movements that transferred the pleasure of taking it into the rectum directly on the stimulated sex, doubling the intensity of jouissance.
In my turn, I passed my left hand under my body, between my legs, and went to meet his rod which penetrated me, slid towards my testicles and caressed them, returned to the rod and manipulated it slightly with my fingers, taking all the pulsations.
When he began to pump into my rectum with regular movement, the position became impossible to sustain, due to the complex articulation of the bodies and the difficulty of coordinating the movements: I withdrew my hand, moved his gently and began to masturbate myself inciting him to worry only about enjoying and letting myself enjoy.
He detached himself minimally from me to better settle his blows and began the final phase of penetration, accompanying the movements with moans, crunched sentences and screams each time he sank deeper or when my anal muscles caressed him more effectively; when the blows began to become more violent and frenetic, he warned me that he was about to explode: I, too, accelerated the movement of masturbation on my sex and, by a very rare event, exploded my ejaculation on the tablecloth I had laid on the couch at the very moment when the blond man warned me that he was discharging the 'most beautiful ejaculation of his life' into my belly.
After the testicles of both of them had been completely emptied, we were for a while clumsy and sweaty, almost confused in one body; then the blond man gently slipped out of my anus and we sat beside him on the couch: he stretched his hand on my still half hard member and held it tenderly, without moving his hand; I did the same and, almost to signify my satisfaction, I kissed him softly on the mouth.
When I felt that his sex had completely deflated in my hand, and that mine had withered in his, I got up to wash myself; he did likewise, and in a silence full of sweetness we put on our clothes.
He asked me to take him back to the bar, and when we said goodbye, he told me that when I wanted to, I knew where to find him, and that he would always be available to me, seeing how well he had been well: I thanked him and told him that I too had been well, and that I would certainly, now, show up soon and frequently.
It was only when I got back on my way home that I remembered Nicola; but almost only with curiosity: as far as I was concerned, I wished him to be happy in his new role as husband, but, above all, I wished me not to have to beg for the affection of a lover anymore and to be able to meet more often good opportunities like the one I had just spent the afternoon.
The rapid and violent succession of emotions that Nicola had subjected me to during those twenty-four hours spent at sea had definitely shocked and stressed me.
On arrival, I was violently thrown in front of his relationship with Gianni, with whom Nicola had an obviously long and complex story, in which - completely the opposite of the male I had fallen in love with - he was at the same time dominating but also the victim of an elusive character, capable of giving him exceptional emotions but also ready to have sex with whoever happened to him, without even thinking about it.
And I had been devoured, very quickly, by jealousy, first, by the desire for emulation, then, and by the inordinate passion for mindless sex in the end.
Almost immediately afterwards, he proposed me the painful and boorish image of his puritanical and hypocritical family with the 'cherry on top' of his little girlfriend to marry within a month or so, making my blood sour in the face of so many contemporary betrayals; and, to top it off, he proposed me as 'sweet sister-in-law' a little slut who went around making fellatio for a bet, or rather 'for pledge'.
There was enough to drive him into a rage and decide to send him to the devil instantly, and immediately take the way back, forgetting about him and his ambiguities.
But Nicholas had a charm which I could not resist; and once again I was not able to follow up my anger and the threatening intentions with which I had presented myself on the beach; and he was even more shameless than ever, when he warned me that in the afternoon he had an engagement with his in-laws, and we could not meet, so that, if we wanted to make use of the little time we had left, we had to get away immediately, since in the evening I had to return to town.
Blood was mounting in my head and I was almost about to jump on him and beat him (or at least try to do it, given his size); but a little voice inside suggested me not to miss the opportunity for a last meeting, since then there would be nothing more between us; I curbed my anger and told him I was in, provided we were absolutely alone; he accepted and we went separately to Gianni's house.
I arrived before him and almost lurked behind the door to hear him coming; when he closed the door behind his back, I didn't give him time to realize what was happening and I pushed him almost violently onto the completely undone bed and rushed over to him, imprisoning him immediately in my embrace.
After a moment of hesitation, he understood the game and abandoned himself to me as I had seen him do with Gianni the day before: I lay down on him and began to caress his body with all the skin of my own: while I voluptuously rubbed my chest against his, almost to absorb the heat of the long tan, I began to caress his arms and hips with the palm of my hand, going down to the groin that was already swollen.
I felt the heat invade my whole body - and it wasn't just the heat of the summer day - as I savored the silky texture of his skin, the smells of his body, the slight moods that appeared here and there due to the heat and excitement; I began to caress his face and eyes with extreme gentleness, almost as if to imprint his features on my skin.
Then I began to kiss him, first lightly on his throat and face, then on his eyes, and then on his mouth; as I began to press my lips against his, a slight disturbance seized me with the fear that he might refuse my kiss; but once again he shocked me by opening my lips slightly, and gently pushing his tongue between mine.
The emotion attacked my head and made me lose my sense of reality for a moment: In our short but intense story, I had never dared so much, even if I wanted it with all my strength; and now everything was happening with the most exciting simplicity to the point that I found it hard to realize that it was my beloved Nicholas who explored the inside of my mouth with his soft tongue even if slightly rough on the surface; he swirled it for a long time, throughout the cavity, on all the teeth, along the outside and the inside of the gums; and my lust was exalted with every vibrating blow.
I stretched my hand over his now very hard sex, and, without detaching myself from him, I lowered his costume so far as would allow me to take possession of the rod and hold it throbbing in my hand, without moving my fingers, simply enjoying the beating of the member on my skin.
My rectum began to vibrate, and I could feel the contractions of the anus claiming penetration, but I decided to prolong the preliminary pleasure to the limit of resistance: I gently detached myself from him and began to lick his whole body, from chest to groin, deliberately jumping the member, and along the thighs from which I slid the very small bathing suit with my tongue and teeth.
While I was lifting myself on my knees to move more at ease, Nicola took the opportunity to take off my bathing suit and begin to caress my buttocks more and more internally until I reached the anus where he began to penetrate with wise fingers: at that point I bent over his belly and took his rod in my mouth, suddenly, pushing it into my throat until I suffocated and began a fellatio that I wanted to be unforgettable.
Using all my direct and indirect knowledge, I took to lick his bat all along the length, all over the surface, pushing myself with my tongue until I could pull his anus, and then I went up again along the shaft and took back the chapel in my mouth, which I made pass between my lips deliberately tight; I pulled it out and manipulated it a little with my hands, enchanted myself to observe the turgidity that tended the skin almost to burst and I took it back in my mouth to plunge it into a deep copula in my throat.
I went on for a while, and when I realized that he could ejaculate me in my throat too soon, I gave up sex and went back to sucking his nipples and licking his chest, throat, and face; almost by surprise, he took my head and kissed me again with an intensity that took my breath away and blocked my heartbeats; I gave in to his kiss and let him do whatever he wanted.
Nicola tipped me over on the bed and sat on top of me, beginning - he, this time - to rub the skin of his body on mine, crushing me completely under him and making me feel the warmth of his body everywhere.
Suddenly, he stopped, pulled himself away from me, and took all the pillows that were lying loose from the head of the bed; he sat me down, placed the pillow stack behind my back, and made me lie on my back with my pelvis remarkably raised; kneeling in front of me, between my thighs, Nicholas lifted my legs up to his shoulders, and opened my butt wide to the height of his monster: In that unusual and unnatural position that was blocking me, I could do almost nothing to participate; I let it go and felt that Nicola's rod slowly and softly penetrate my anus, overcoming without difficulty the sphincter and going to caress the inside of my belly with formidable sensations of pleasure.
In the meantime, he had taken the member with his right hand and limited himself to holding him in his hand while he bent over me with some difficulty, he took the back of my neck with his left hand and lifted my head until he reached my mouth with his own, starting a kiss even more exciting than the previous ones; I too raised my arms and took him by the hips, pulling his tool inside my belly beyond the limits of what was possible.
He began to plunge it into my rectum almost methodically: At the beginning the movement was slow and lived moment by moment, both when he made it penetrate carefully into the depths of my bowels, and when he pulled it back, with the same slowness, almost to the point where it came out completely, and then began to put it in again; then the movement became faster, more nervous and almost violent, so much so that I felt my bowels shattered by the blows and I felt his testicles beating on my buttocks almost at risk of crushing.
I abandoned myself without restraint, conscious also that in that position I could only let him do and enjoy it, while he possessed me almost with love, he held me to kiss me on the mouth and stick his tongue up to my uvula or he tormented my nipples pinching them so that at other times it would be painful but in that condition it became superbly exciting.
I felt the orgasm mounting from his swollen testicles until he stretched his scrotum like a drum and I was sure of it when, kneeling between my thighs and violently curling my hips, he began to push his testicles against my buttocks with almost superhuman force; I heard the guttural cry that preceded his orgasms advancing from the recesses of my throat, and I felt the explosion of my ejaculation almost at the same time as I felt Nicholas explode his sperm in my bowels with fury.
Once the moment of orgasm was over, the difficulty of the position he had assumed was revealed in all its magnitude, and strange maneuvers were necessary to assume a position on the bed that would allow him to keep his still swollen member in my bum, which I was unwilling to let out; and only after a few long minutes he suddenly slipped away, causing me an unexpected twinge of pain.
With an attitude I was familiar with, Nicola suddenly changed his mood: he went into the bathroom where I felt he was refreshing himself with a quick shower; he came out dripping and put his costume back on.
"See you at the beach?"
He asked me; but I replied that I preferred not to go out and get ready to leave as soon as the sun began to pose fewer driving problems.
With a nod of goodbye, he went out and closed the door as I considered myself.
"This is Nicola: not much to do."
And in the meantime I promised myself - but, after all, without much conviction - never to see him and his friends again.
After his departure, I let myself go for a few moments of laziness in the still smelling bed of our meeting; then I got up, took a shower and went to the nearby restaurant to eat something; I ended up at about three o'clock and was surprised uncertain whether to go and catch the sun on the beach or to take a nap before leaving: I opted for this second solution, headed home, entered and abandoned myself on the bed.
I don't know if I had slept or if I had just dozed off, when Gianni opened the door, preceded by an intense voice and accompanied by a sexting black man that I had noticed on the beach while he was going around selling chains, carpets and various junk: from the way they were talking and gesticulating - rather than from the things they were saying - it became clear to me that Gianni was trying to convince the black man to have sex while the other one was mocking himself by making trivial excuses such as tiredness, heat or fear of occasional relationships.
When he noticed my presence in the only room and the only bed, Gianni changed his attitude a little and persuaded the black man to sit by the table, pouring him a cold beer, which the other accepted willingly, while he looked around with a curious and rather awkward air; suddenly his gaze fell upon me, lying naked on the sheets, and, suddenly, I felt myself almost penetrated by the look that explored me, lingering on my thighs and groin where my cock was at complete rest.
Not so his, which began to swell under my shorts, as I could comfortably observe from my lying down position; provocatively, I turned around on the bed, and spread my legs a little, so that he could admire my behind; noticing the maneuver, Gianni had a slight jolt of anger, but, as clever as I had known him, it took him nothing to turn the situation in his favour, and he approached me to caress my buttocks, inviting the black man to join me.
James - as I would later find out his name - though reluctant to approach, sat down on the edge of the bed and began to pass his long tapered fingers on my buttocks, pushing them almost immediately into the cut between my buttocks until they reached the anus, which he forced with gentle pressure into my middle finger which he waved wisely in my bowels, while with the palm of his hand he squeezed my buttocks and with the other hand began to massage my shoulders and back.
I sensually surrendered myself to his caress, which was infinitely sweet and loving, and I observed that Gianni had already thrown himself on the flap of his shorts trying to open them; James, however, moved him almost rudely, took off his shorts, always continuing to twirl in my anus his delicate and tender finger, and mounted on me, making me feel the skin of his belly and chest on my shoulders and buttocks.
He took his finger from my anus and hugged me first by my shoulders and then by my head, until his body coincided with mine; meanwhile, he licked behind my ears and whispered incomprehensible but sweet-sounding words and began to lick the back of my neck and shoulders.
Like the majority of those of his colour, he had a remarkable member, which he adapted with his hands to my buttocks, making me feel its full length and consistency without even looking for my anus: I concentrated on that sensation, tasting totally the pleasure of that rod planted between my buttocks, and which I already imagined inside me in every hole.
When he made me turn on my back, I could look at the room and realize that Gianni had retreated into a corner, mogul and disappointed: after a while, he left the scene without noise.
In the meantime, James lay down by my side and lent me his hand, took it to his pole and urged me to masturbate him: I kneeled down on his legs, and took with both hands his twenty inches of member, manipulating them with all my wisdom; I beat him to the point of a complete coronation, and with the other hand I went with my other hand to seek the root under his testicles; I slid the skin to cover the rosy glans, even more evident by the dark colour of the rest, and took his testicles in my hand, and massaged them gently, giving him spasms of pleasure.
After a few minutes of this massage, James took my head and lowered it slowly towards the glans, which I faced almost as if in a religious rite: at first I swirled my tongue gently around it, while with my hand I slid the skin on the shaft, tapping and covering the chapel alternately; then I approached my lips just ajar and let my mouth be forced by the hands pushing my head down and the pelvis pushing the sex upwards.
When it had entered my mouth for the most part (more I could not have swallowed) I started again to rotate my tongue around the chapel, especially at the base of it, where I felt that I was giving it the greatest stimuli; then I began to pump by pushing up and down my head: almost invaded by the pleasure the member gave me, I let it enter my throat as I could never have imagined, and I tried several times to count myself as soon as I had checked it, so deep it penetrated.
After a long game of pumping, I felt, from the pressure of my hands behind my head and the frenzy with which he pushed the chapel down my throat, that James could ejaculate at any moment.
In fact, an acrid taste of sex hit my tongue and forced me to stop it, so as not to reduce the copulation time to nothing: I squeezed his testicles tightly and pulled the sex out of my mouth, holding it in my hand - almost like a scepter - until I felt that the impulses on my testicles and along the shaft were calming down.
I moved away from him and crawled on all fours on the bed, in an obvious bidding attitude; James got up and came to kneel behind me, but he did not penetrate me immediately, as I expected.
From an even more favorable position, he caressed my neck, neck, shoulders, back, and bottom again, lying with the palm of his hand in all places, massaging me lightly or gently pinching my skin, licking my spine from the nape of my neck to my sacrum, or squeezing my buttocks and dilating them until all the folds of my anus emerged; Finally, he put his delicate finger into my rectum, which I had already felt, but this time accompanying it with his thumb and index finger, almost to dilate my anus and prepare it for penetration; then, almost to make up for the painful solicitation, he passed his tongue over it and let it enter beyond the sphincter, causing me very sweet sensations.
When I was now in the throes of the desire for sex, I felt the chapel approaching the hole, and it began to push without violence: I joyfully went along with it, and pushed in my turn to speed up the penetration, which was truly total, despite the size of the rod; I felt the cylinder of flesh slowly opening up in the bowels to receive it, and wrapped it in a delicate grip to make it enjoy.
When he was fully in, he stopped, took me by the hips, and pressed me against his belly, until the curve of my buttocks coincided with that of his groin, and stood like this for a while, savouring the pleasure of the beating of my bowels, which tickled his member, while I indulged in the pleasure of sucking his cock with the inside of my rectum.
Evidently at the limit of resistance, he began to bang me with a violence that I would not have expected, but that made me enjoy in a different and more intense way: at the peak of pleasure, he took my sex in his hands from behind, almost dismembering it.
He didn't need many blows, before exploding in my belly an orgasm that seemed almost infinite, so much was along the flow of sperm that I felt sprayed in my belly; almost at the same time, my splash of sperm crashed on the sheet that was already abundantly soaked in it.
But he did not withdraw the club from my rectum, not even after the last drop had been discharged into me: when my breath had become a little slower and rhythmic, he explained to me, almost apologizing, that my erection would not be exhausted before at least a quarter of an hour; I answered him that it was no problem, and that indeed I liked to keep it in.
We even spent almost half an hour in that very uncomfortable posture: At first, I relaxed myself on all fours, and leaned against his belly, while he sat on his heels, holding me by the hips, so that the member would not slip out of my rectum; later, as he relaxed, he lifted himself up a little on his knees, and lifted me up again, so that his chest would adhere to my back; and in the meantime, he stroked my skin wherever he could, pulled my nipples up, and beat my deflated member.
I lost my sense of time and reality, immersed in that atmosphere of free and spontaneous sexuality: waking up and leaving almost required physical effort; but it was also necessary, given the time that had passed and my travel needs: James went to wash quickly, and when he left, he asked me if we would see each other again.
"Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible."
I had to answer him with genuine regret and greeted him with a wave of my hand as he closed the door behind him.
I jumped out of bed to take a slow shower and prepare my few things; in short, I was ready to start the car and leave to put an end to a shocking weekend. Of course, it was quite early and I found myself in town, at the usual bar of our group, while my friends were still gossiping and enjoying ice cream and cold drinks to fight the heat.
Since the news of my 'escape' had already arrived, it became an opportunity to break the monotony and I was attacked by a barrage of questions about the adventurous life in a hotel on the Riviera in the summer, according to my family version.
"Bullshit, all bullshit."
It was the unaltered synthesis of my answers.
But - of course - nobody believed me.
- Act VI
The summer had passed almost too quickly; and autumn was getting lost behind his back, when the all too refined card announcing Nicola's wedding to his girlfriend, who had remained a secret until the last moment, arrived to all his friends.
The sumptuous ceremony would take place in a famous, rather distant sanctuary, in accordance with the wishes of the bride's parents, who aspired to a 'classy' ritual and who reluctantly accepted that the invitation should also be extended to his 'friends'.
Moreover, a brief investigation had immediately revealed that Nicola's role as best man had had no say in the matter either: both of them had been chosen by their in-laws from among their 'class friends'; and this was particularly offensive to the group, which was decidedly oriented towards desertion of the ceremony.
But common sense prevailed, in view of the fact that some of them had frequented Nicola in elementary school: and the observation that after the ritual there would not be the classic lunch but only a quick refreshment that would reduce their mutual tolerance to a relatively short time also played in their favour.
In short, it was decided to go with two cars, only the closest friends, and to limit the presence to the indispensable.
Nicola even appeared to us unrecognizable in his ceremonial dress: even though we were used to seeing him almost always far away and detached, this time he had really gone further; even his handshake at the moment of the meeting was soft and detached, like a perfect stranger.
On the other hand, we were struck by the charm of the bride, to whom I had only given a fleeting glance at the sea, cataloguing her too quickly (perhaps) among the 'subjects of little or no interest': very elegant and very well made up, she gave off joy and spell from every line, from every movement, even if the heated sensuality at times gave the sensation of an excess of femininity, at the limit of the condition known as 'gazelle', too prone to a dominant personality that in Nicola we did not know.
Among the closest relatives, of course, the bride's sexting sister, 'the angel of the blowjob', could not be missing, but she didn't reveal any of the disinhibition that she had so extensively lavished on the sea: at the moment of the presentation, she even presented me with dignity (turning her face ostentatiously to the other side) with a soft hand that gave me the sensation of clutching snails.
Resigned to undergo the ceremony with all the corollaries, we took refuge in the 'herd' behaviour forming a distant island that only by mistake had ended up in that archipelago: avoiding with extreme care to go beyond decency, we entertained ourselves with the most stupid amenities reserving to the other guests only rare and distracted glances.
We even went so far as to ignore certain pieces of our daughter fluttering from one group to the next, chirping graciously and slipping into a thousand ceremonial little moves aimed above all at pointing out the latest designer clothes and the precious jewels, unequivocal signs of a vomiting richness.
At other times, there is no doubt that the most varied and unthought of comments would have escaped us: and certainly we would not have ignored so many graces lavished with full hands; but, on that occasion, it seemed that everything lost its usual connotations; and all of us, in our hearts, were waiting for the moment of the farewell.
When it finally arrived, we hurried to say goodbye to our friend - and him alone - to get away from that zoo to which we were strangers even as spectators.
With a surprise gesture - now so usual that I wasn't even surprised anymore - at the moment of the farewell embrace, Nicola whispered to me a 'I'm sorry' that I didn't understand what he was referring to but that I accepted willingly, as I always did with him.
The return journey was made to the sound of singing and screaming at the top of his lungs, almost as if to repay us for the suffering of a morning of total starching.
The proposal to go somewhere to eat a pizza did not find the joyous welcome I would have expected, so I found myself almost immediately alone with a whole afternoon to fill without even the vaguest idea in my head.
The idea of going from an artificial and hypocritical rituality to another, more domestic and normal rituality didn't come down to me: even if I didn't even admit it to myself, the wedding ceremony had been a bad blow, which had left a strong sense of bitterness in my mouth and I somehow felt the need to recover, to relax, to do something for me, in short.
I chose the suburbs, where, unknown among a thousand anonymous faces, I could have been more peacefully with myself; and I also avoided the bar where I knew I could have embarked on a few bold sexting men willing to cheer up my loneliness in some way: at that moment, it even seemed petty to me to take refuge in an occasional relationship to alleviate the loss of my beloved man.
I stopped at a tavern along the highway, of whose kitchen I had heard so much good about; I chose a corner place, and quickly ordered the dishes I had heard praising: I was savouring with taste the enormous ration of spaghetti, which gave merit to the praise celebrated for the local cuisine, when I had a jolt, when I saw a couple come in, who seemed to be a copy of Nicola and his fresh bride; I wrinkled my eyes a little, almost fearing to have hallucinations; but when I opened them well, I had to realize that, indeed, they looked very much like him, even if some details, observed with care, indicated very deep differences. They sat in the opposite corner, exactly where, even if I wanted to, I could not avoid looking at them, and began to exchange cute and delicate effusions which, though within the limits of the correctness which the place nevertheless imposed, expressed an exasperated sensuality and sexuality.
Without realizing it, I had begun to stare at them with fury, almost passionately, forgetting all the food on my plate, to the point that the master, almost worried, approached me to ask me if something was wrong; when he suddenly appeared, I began to wince out of my small and strange trance, reassured him that everything was going very well, and resumed eating.
But my gaze went to the two of them without even wanting it: on the contrary, the more I forced myself to ignore them and to be nonchalant, the more my gaze chased their faces, ran over their bodies, stopped enchanted on the hands caressing each other over the table, on the legs crossing under the chairs, on the looks lost in the eyes of the other.
My insistence in observing them could not fail to impress them: the girl noticed it first, had a slight movement of anger and turned around to look more intensely into the eyes of her companion; but she had to whisper something, because he turned around for a moment, crossed my gaze in return almost in the form of a challenge and turned again to the girl, accentuating the caresses, the looks and the sensuality of the movements.
I had the clear impression, at one point, that they had even decided to stage the fiction of a love affair, for the benefit of the only spectator who was me: The glances became longer and more intense; the kisses became passionate with a play of tongues that I could see distinctly, because of the short distance between the tables and the positions they took to favour my vision; his hand, which had only caressed his arm and crept up his sleeve to the elbow, went a little higher, and began to rub one breast clearly; under the chair, her legs intertwined with a game of balance which I never thought possible; at the end, she openly put her hand on his flap, and he reciprocated by digging, from above the dress, between her thighs to the groin.
My eyes were definitely out of my head, I couldn't tear myself away from the show, and I could feel my sex swell up in my pants until it pressed painfully against my clothes; he noticed it and obscenely took her hand and rubbed it along his flap almost to masturbate from above his trousers.
The arrival of the waiter with the lunch forced them to interrupt the manoeuvres and brought everyone back to reality in an instant: I took my second, devoured him quickly, paddled and came out almost running, chased by the image of the sexting man who looked like Nicola and his member manipulated by the woman.
While I was driving aimlessly, I could not detach myself from another image that overlapped, that of Nicola and his first night as a husband: in my ramblings of jealousy, I almost seemed to see the body that I knew so well move in bed with her and go through the repertoire of things she did so well, from long sweet caresses to overbearing penetrations, from passionate kisses to the harshness with which she let herself be sucked.
Lost behind my absurd anxieties, I risked losing control of the car several times and decided to stop to collect my ideas: it was clear that I was the victim of an unstoppable attack of discouragement and frustration, out of jealousy or abandonment or who knows what: I decided that it would be better to drown the paranoia in a vortex of pleasure, whatever it was; and I went to the bar where I hoped to find the blonde man who, of the three embarked again, seemed to me the least aggressive and vulgar; in my condition, a relationship that mixed elegance and strength, sex and a pinch of sweetness was perhaps the most appropriate medicine.
To tell the truth, I had never seen the trio again when, in late summer and autumn, I had sometimes gone to seek company in the bar.
But, absurdly, I had hoped that at that moment my luck would help me and let me find it.
I really had the classic stroke of luck, because I saw him at the bar as soon as I entered the bar.
But he hadn't recognized me, so I was forced to come forward, offering him a drink; only after almost drinking his beer, while we were chatting about stupid amenities, I nodded to his companions of adventure that evening and seemed to be struck by a memory: he recognized me and, as I hoped, asked me if and when I was willing to keep the promise I made then, that is, to meet once alone; I told him that the moment was just that and we got into the car on our way to my studio.
Though some time had passed, he recognized the place and moved immediately at ease, while I prepared the field a little to adapt the space to the alternative function of alcove.
Sitting on the big sofa, he left me all the initiative and I approached him, chasing in my mind the ghost of Nicola to whom that meeting seemed somehow dedicated: thinking about him while I was approaching the blondie gave me a strange and new excitement, almost as if I was going to be owned at the same time by two men both perhaps loved in different forms.
I approached him with extreme delicacy, as if I were at my first meeting with a man; I began to undress him very slowly and with a lot of passion: in some recess of my mind, the one in front of me became Nicola, 'my' Nicola, and I was his affectionate little wife who approached him as a virgin - forgetting for a moment all the things done, together or not - to celebrate an ancient and, in some ways, mysterious rite.
I took off his jacket and began to caress his chest from above his clothes: I spotted the nipples, tormented them a little gently with my fingers, then bent down to pick them up with my mouth while my hands were looking for the buttons to undo his shirt: he humoured me by helping me to undo the garment and take it off his head.
I then passed my hands under his shirt and began to caress the skin of his chest; I even closed my eyes and, sighing 'Nicola, Nicola!' inside me, I lowered myself again to kiss his stomach, chest and chest muscles until I went to take between my lips the buttons of his nipples, which were big and hard.
He wasn't particularly hairy, but his chest was covered with a light blond, thin, soft hairs that gently tickled my lips and excited me enormously: I felt the sex hardening and I feared that he wouldn't take care of it at all; but I didn't care.
On the other hand, I could feel its member under my pants - which I remembered was not exceptional - getting hard and beating against my body when I pulled over to lick it and suck it deeper.
I walked along his entire torso and, in doing so, I progressively lifted up his shirt, which twisted around his neck; he snapped out of it, remaining shirtless, and I took the opportunity to lick and suck on his shoulders, along his throat up towards his ear.
As if caught in a sudden raptus, he took my head, and brought my mouth to his, pressing his lips firmly against me, which he opened with delicate violence, almost penetrating me with a large, rough tongue, which he pushed into my throat, and then portrayed as if I were sucking a real penis.
The move took me by surprise but filled me with joy and desire: I participated in his kiss with enthusiasm, embracing him with strength and holding me as close to him as I could.
He stood up without letting go even for a moment and squeezed me until I hurt myself: his chest tightly adhered to mine, his hard sex began to press on my belly making me feel all the turgidity and desire, his hands clawed painfully my buttocks, squeezing, palpating and widening them almost as if a non-existent member were entering.
Taken by the whirlwind of the situation, I began to walk with my tongue through the inside of his mouth, sucking his tongue, and inserting mine into the bottom of his throat; my hand crept between our bodies, and went straight to the sex, which he began to squeeze and palpate, as I felt the desire to feel his living flesh in my hand; I began to unbutton his flap and tried to get my hand into his pants, but the operation was very difficult, until he decided to loosen his grip and move away just enough to unbutton his flap, take off his belt and start sliding his pants and briefs toward his ankles.
He kicked off his clothes and remained naked in front of me: almost realizing only then that I was fully dressed, he moved me, decisively but gently, and began to undress me slowly, accompanying the movement of his hands with that of his tongue, which began to run all over my body.
I stopped in ecstasy, almost completely motionless, and plunged into the delicate pleasure that his tongue gave me, rough but moved with great skill and sweetness, which ran through my chest, arms, armpits, neck, ears until it plunged forcefully into my mouth, renewing the sweet emotions already felt before but now charged with sensuality by the direct contact of the skin of his chest against mine.
Suddenly she left her mouth, moved a little and squatted down in front of me, standing upright and motionless, and began to unbutton my pants, which she lowered at the ankles along with her panties: I kicked them free, while the blond man took my cock in his hand, gently stroking it, uncovering the glans and sliding the skin up and down several times with a wise and delicate movement; then he suddenly took it in his mouth and swirled his strange tongue around the chapel: it did not appear rough as in my mouth, but diligent and delicate, able to extract from the depths of my bowels small shocks of intense pleasure.
I took his head and induced him to rise: we hugged and kissed with intensity, then I forced him onto the couch, made him lie down and knelt down on the floor to take possession of his not large but well drawn member, upright and hard as steel: I began in my turn to masturbate him with the greatest wisdom that I possessed, repeatedly chasing the glans that seemed bruised by the tension and making me slide with extreme sensuality along the hand the rod stretched and craving.
When I bent over him to take it in his mouth, he grabbed me by the hips and pushed me to mount me over him with my head between his legs and my groin above his face: while I began to lick the rod all over his surface, from his testicles to his glans, he grabbed me by the hips and plunged my sex into his mouth, causing me to get excited and burning my brain.
While we were playing that wonderful game that is sixty-nine, I caught myself exclaiming between me and myself
"Here, Nicola: see how it's done, asshole?!"
But the next minute I almost regretted summoning him the moment I took a whole new pleasure from blondie.
In a moment of stasis, I detached myself from him and, when he tried to resume the position, I begged him to leave it to me alone for a while: sixty-nine is wonderful, but it has the limit of preventing you from concentrating the pleasure, because you never know whether to focus on the sensations you receive in your mouth or on those that are triggered by sex.
He let me do it and I took to lick and suck it with all my soul, making me copulate in my mouth very deeply, since the size of its member did not prevent me from taking it all in my throat without any problem; several times, realizing from certain reactions of the testicles that the orgasm was too close, I interrupted myself not to hasten the conclusion of a meeting that excited me to the point of enthusiasm.
During one of my pauses, the blond man got up and forced me to turn my positions upside down, so that he could suck my sex: but he wanted me to put my legs on his face anyway, even if he told me not to touch his member; and he began to lick everything, from the inside of my thighs to my testicles, up to my anus, which he covered for a long time with his tongue and penetrated gently several times.
Almost sitting on his face, with his member bursting with desire, I concentrated everything on the pleasure he gave me with that tongue which stimulated all the nervous recesses of the rectum and testicles, causing me a diffuse and subtle excitement, perhaps unsuitable for ejaculation; but when he began to take the chapel in his mouth, to let it go all the way down his throat, and to pass his tongue wisely along the base of the glans, I had to beg him several times to stop so as not to make me come too soon; each time he listened to me and stopped, resuming with greater sweetness and away from the chapel.
At a certain point he asked me if I wanted us to ejaculate in our mouths at the same time: I told him no, that I wanted him to put it in my rectum and enjoy it inside; he told me that he didn't want to take it in his ass and I reassured him that I didn't think of doing it.
He made me take off and make me kneel on the couch with my face on the back and my back in the void; I asked him to use the gel and I took it from the coffee table; after a while I felt on my anus the cold sensation I was used to and I felt his finger penetrating my rectum and exploring it for a while with great experience, causing me feelings of great pleasure: When he felt that the anus was quite dilated, he began to insert the sex very gently and almost with caution; his hand, at the same time, moved along my right side and went to grab the member that protruded at the maximum erection in front of my belly and began to accompany the strokes of penetration with delicate hand movements that transferred the pleasure of taking it into the rectum directly on the stimulated sex, doubling the intensity of jouissance.
In my turn, I passed my left hand under my body, between my legs, and went to meet his rod which penetrated me, slid towards my testicles and caressed them, returned to the rod and manipulated it slightly with my fingers, taking all the pulsations.
When he began to pump into my rectum with regular movement, the position became impossible to sustain, due to the complex articulation of the bodies and the difficulty of coordinating the movements: I withdrew my hand, moved his gently and began to masturbate myself inciting him to worry only about enjoying and letting myself enjoy.
He detached himself minimally from me to better settle his blows and began the final phase of penetration, accompanying the movements with moans, crunched sentences and screams each time he sank deeper or when my anal muscles caressed him more effectively; when the blows began to become more violent and frenetic, he warned me that he was about to explode: I, too, accelerated the movement of masturbation on my sex and, by a very rare event, exploded my ejaculation on the tablecloth I had laid on the couch at the very moment when the blond man warned me that he was discharging the 'most beautiful ejaculation of his life' into my belly.
After the testicles of both of them had been completely emptied, we were for a while clumsy and sweaty, almost confused in one body; then the blond man gently slipped out of my anus and we sat beside him on the couch: he stretched his hand on my still half hard member and held it tenderly, without moving his hand; I did the same and, almost to signify my satisfaction, I kissed him softly on the mouth.
When I felt that his sex had completely deflated in my hand, and that mine had withered in his, I got up to wash myself; he did likewise, and in a silence full of sweetness we put on our clothes.
He asked me to take him back to the bar, and when we said goodbye, he told me that when I wanted to, I knew where to find him, and that he would always be available to me, seeing how well he had been well: I thanked him and told him that I too had been well, and that I would certainly, now, show up soon and frequently.
It was only when I got back on my way home that I remembered Nicola; but almost only with curiosity: as far as I was concerned, I wished him to be happy in his new role as husband, but, above all, I wished me not to have to beg for the affection of a lover anymore and to be able to meet more often good opportunities like the one I had just spent the afternoon.
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