That boy had something that made me uncomfortable, it was the first Latin repetition I gave him, only because Giorgio, my son, had insisted so much;
I don't know what he found in that guy, he had a hard, almost bad look, despite his scarce 17 years.
He looked at me with an almost defiant look and it also seemed to me that he was trying to look in the neckline of the blouse that I always kept well buttoned.
I had been Giorgio at the age of 19 and therefore I was 36 years old and I wore them well, in fact too much in the sense that my physique was very bursting unlike my very shy nature and therefore I always tried to hide as much as possible the imposing curve of my breasts ( a fourth) and the protrusion of my butt which has always made me very embarrassed.
I had given up teaching to stay behind Giorgio, but I must admit that it was a bit of a liberation because those few substitutions that I had made had traumatized me because of the looks of the boys in full hormonal storm that stripped me with my eyes.
Here's what made me uncomfortable: Antonio was taking me back to those feelings from which I had fled by marrying and starting a family.
The lesson was struggling to take off, he answered my questions but continued to stare at me with that disturbing look and more than once with his elbow he had managed to touch my breasts in a casual way, but the look that followed those "accidents" was very eloquent; luckily despite being alone in the study, I had left the door open and I heard my husband in the other room talking on the phone for work and this reassured me.
Antonio was still agitated, did not stand still for a moment and got up to take something in the backpack making a movement much more complicated than it would have been and he was able to rest the front part of his pants for even a short moment, on my shoulder .
This thing made me an effect that I never imagined, as I could clearly feel the warmth and hardness of what was touching me, but even more so because I realized that it was something of an incredible size, it could not be possible !!
I felt the blood flow to my cheeks which in an instant I felt red-hot also because I saw that he was scrutinizing me carefully to catch every slightest reaction.
Luckily he sat down and pushed the monstrosity away from me, but he did not get well under the table (we were placed on the same side of the desk) he began to adjust the front of his trousers continuously and I could see all the corner of my eye his movements even if I did everything to not make me notice, rather I tried really not to look in that direction.
Time never went by and I was beginning to lose lucidity to the point that I lost track of the version we were doing more than once.
At a certain point, with the excuse of asking what a word meant, which was on the page on my left (he sat on my right), he leaned over to indicate it by rubbing his left arm on my chest and remaining much more than licit.
On the one hand I was happy not to have to see that thing that had swelled out of all proportion in his pants, on the other hand I could not remain in that position allowing him to feel the consistency of my breast and more serious the nipple than in spite of my discomfort, he was endowing himself with his own life and was becoming hard and protruding.
The nipples were another part of my body that embarrassed me a lot: a change of temperature was enough and they stuck out like two nails making me feel ashamed.
I moved away from that contact a little more abruptly than necessary and he returned to his place but with his pants deformed beyond the limit of the ridiculous.
We were practically at the end of the lesson when he jumped up:
"Prof, can I go to the bathroom for a moment?"
My answer was not immediate because this time getting up he had almost placed my fly on my face, he was clearly making advances and he was also a minor which put me in the situation of not being able to accuse him of harassment because he could have turned the situation backwards inventing to be the victim !!!
"The ... the second door on the right ... va i pure ..."
But before leaving, she remained for a few seconds with her member less than three centimeters from my face, albeit separated from the fabric of her trousers, unable to get up so as not to hit that protuberance.
Then finally she left me alone with my thoughts unable to react to that psychological violence with my son and husband at home and above all scared to death by the reactions of my body that had suddenly awakened from a lethargy that lasted for years.
I sat there unable to get up I don't know how long trying to understand what was going on, when Antonio came to the door without entering saying:
“Thanks prof, I reach G
in his room, look I used a towel, I left it on the washing machine "
And he finished the sentence with an enigmatic look….
"Of course of course, go ahead for today we're done ..."
After the spell that immobilized me broke, I ran up and went to the bathroom to rinse my face to try to recover for a moment.
When I got to the bathroom I closed the door and immediately saw the towel on the washing machine and I took it to put it in the clothes to be washed but …… it was all wet with I don't know what… .god… it can't be …… instinctively I brought it close to the nose …… it was what I feared.
That smell suddenly gave me a sense of disgust but at the same time a pang hit me in the bass while the nipples stood like awls on the front of the blouse ... but what the hell was going on ??
I looked at myself in the mirror: I was all red, my lips already quite pronounced by nature were swollen, my nipples very visible, I looked like one of them ... I decided to take a shower and I started to undress but I didn't stop looking at my image while I was doing it. I took off my blouse while remaining in a skirt and bra which was very light transparent of black lace; I know that with that "put" I would drive a lot of men crazy starting with that little shit that had reduced me so.
I took off my bra and admired my breasts full and not at all sagging, certain that I had a body that inspired sex and apart from once a month those 10 tepid minutes were practically unused.
I was also surprised to think that my husband's bird, the only one I had ever seen, was absolutely not the size that I had sensed a little while ago ... what a shame, I was having really dirty thoughts ... ...
I undressed completely admiring the curve of my hips and twisted around to look at my ass, a constant source of my embarrassment that today, for the first time, I appreciated for what it was: a great ass.
The shower jet was not enough to appease me and I started to caress my breasts torturing with some anger my nipples that had always seemed disproportionate, but the more I tortured them the more the excitement went up while a hand went down between the legs on my little pussy completely wet (and not just from the shower).
I squeezed my lips from the outside with my fingers thus squeezing the clitoris between them and immediately in a second I came with pelvic jerks biting my lips so as not to scream.
This didn't appease me much, but at least I managed to wash myself trying not to think about anything.
The next lesson would have been after three days and in my heart I decided to tell Giorgio that I was rusty and I was unable to help his friend: this thing was never to happen again !!!
Unfortunately, every time I tried to approach Giorgio to talk to him about it, my face became fiery and I changed my way.
The following nights were a torment because something had awakened in me that I didn't want to accept and I said to myself that it was very wrong but the image of that swollen flap combined with the smell of that towel tormented me.
I tried with fake randomness to be seen half naked by my husband, but nothing, I even tried to find myself on the bed pretending to sleep by getting the petticoat on the buttocks and putting on my panties as much as possible in the groove of the but but ... no result, not did I like him more?
I had always accepted marital duties almost as a sacrifice, even if a certain tingling gave it to me but now I really wanted to do it and he seemed to not even see me.
This time in the shower I had masturbated for the first time in my life, but it was not the last because in the following days every time I took a shower my body claimed its dose of caresses that in a very short time brought me to orgasm .
The fateful day came and I was stretched like a violin string, I would have liked to put on a wool coat so as not to show even an inch of leather, but I could not give him this satisfaction.
In the end I dressed like the other time, i.e. a skirt above the knee and a white blouse obviously well buttoned but not to the top otherwise the squeezed tits would have been noticed even more.
Antonio presented himself dressed in very light linen trousers, greeted me with a big smile and sat down first on the opposite side of the door as the desk was in profile with respect to the entrance.
I sat next to him, unable to avoid thinking that those pants could not cover anything this time.
I started the lesson with my cheeks already on fire every time his eyes rested on me or on my figure, which practically always happened.
As last time he moved constantly and had already "involuntarily" palpated my tits three or four times and each time in a less fleeting way while I felt dying I saw those damned nipple traitors who stuck out in a
I bent a lot on the table so as to hide them as much as I could, but he preventing this move always placed his hand casually right where I was about to rest the pointed nail with the result of resting his tit on the back of his hand.
I became purple and I immediately dodged: "oopps sorry ...."
"Please Prof ... it's a pleasure ... but ... did you see what he did to me? ...."
"Sorry what you don't understand ......."
I could not finish the sentence because, casting my eye where I had tried not to look from the beginning, I saw a monstrous club as big as my forearm completely out of his pants that he evidently had pulled out for a while waiting for me to look at him.
I should have done something, left, chased him away, I don't know anything except what I did: stay there with my mouth open without being able to move or speak.
"Professor if he doesn't close that mouth with those beautiful lips I won't answer me ... .."
I recovered for a moment ……:
"But what are you doing ... are you crazy? ...... put that away .... That ... .. well ..."
"Professor, the other time he didn't take his eyes off my package the whole lesson, so I thought he wanted to see it live ... I thought wrong ???"
And as he said it, he stroked it by discovering and covering that immense purple glans.
I was desperate because a very weak part of me wanted to escape while a much stronger part was hypnotized by that cylinder that throbbed near me.
He had already understood that I would not react and did something absurd for me at that moment:
she pushed my back forward making my tits rest on the desk again and with one finger squeezed a nipple from above the blouse on the desk top.
The pain, the electric thrill that caused me was incredible to the point that I had to bite my lips and tighten my thighs in a movement that did not escape him.
"But how sensitive we are ......"
"Please ... you hurt me ..."
"Yes, but it seems to me that you don't mind …… .."
Not only did I not mind ... I was going to come !!! I would have paid anything to be able to hide it from him.
Luckily he released his grip just in time and I pushed my tits off the table but in doing so I had the chance to see that stick again.
"Touch it !!" had passed to you
"But no ... what do you say ... there is Giorgio and my husband ..."
"Would you like but you don't do it just because they are there?"
"No ... I mean ... .."
"that's enough!!!"
He took my hand and brought it to his cock ... ... I was terrified, someone could enter even if being between him and the door maybe I could have hidden the situation, but the worst fear was due to the fact that I liked it, I wanted to touch it, I was happy.
Finally I felt that thing I had dreamed of in the previous nights: it was immense, it was hot to die for, it was smooth as silk but it was hard as marble .... I was subjugated, without the slightest chance to react
He stood there enjoying the scene of me with purple cheeks watching my hand on his hot scepter as if it didn't belong to me.
At that moment I heard footsteps and saw my husband passing by talking on the phone, glancing inside with a nod of greeting.
Anticipating my reaction again Antonio tightened my wrist preventing me from withdrawing my hand so that Andrea (my husband) would pass while his wife was holding a bird right in front of him.
I was desperate, at the mercy of a boy and above all at the mercy of my body who, regardless of the protests of my mind, yearned for that contact and even that depraved situation.
The hand that held my wrist softened my grip and gave a small impulse to my arm before I let go, making me understand that I had to move.
I began to slowly slide up and down on that pile of meat, testing it with my fingers, as if the massage was not for his pleasure but it was my hand that wanted to be massaged by that affair.
I kept my thighs so tight that I hurt my knees, I felt the panties that no longer contained my moods that now wet my thighs .... what a shame !!!
Antonio took the phone and started taking pictures of me while I screamed not to do it, but the scream remained inside me while outside there was only a woman who silently and obediently obeyed her master.
"Discover a tit"
"... you ... please ... no ..ti"
"Do you want me to post photos on the internet?"
"Please why do you do this to me"
I said, almost crying, but I didn't stop going up and down on his hot member.
"Because you like this is your role: a submissive slut waiting for force orders move, and do it with the other hand, I don't want you to stop jerking me"
Like an automaton with my right hand I unbuttoned a pair of buttons on my blouse and managed to pull my left breast out of my bra.
The nipple was obviously as hard as the bird I was leading.
"It is even more beautiful than I imagined," he said pastrugnandela without delicacy and causing me spasms between the legs.
"Look here what a nail!
He took my nipple with two fingers and started to pull it, turn it and tighten it and what I feared happened ... I had an orgasm so intense that I almost jumped on the chair.
I could barely see him taking pictures of me as I continued to contract in the spasms of orgasm.
"I'm going to come, now I get up and cum, if I were you, I would try to take it in the mouth otherwise I will fill your face with sperm and as far as I know you would like it, then I want to see what you would tell your husband and your son so" tanned "
I had always refused to make me come into the mouth those very rare times that Andrea had managed to convince me to suck it but now the situation was dramatic, it was the least risky thing to do and then the perverse pleasure that was born in me came from the fact of being dominated, I was willing to do anything at the time, I think she could have asked me to leave the house naked from how she had reduced me psychologically.
However, he got up abruptly approaching that huge chapel to my mouth while I looked at her hypnotized by that eye that was already wet with white droplets.
I opened my mouth to the maximum and let half of that abnormal chapel enter, feeling the smoothness and warmth just in time to feel a huge amount of sweet and salty stuff at the same time that filled my mouth forcing me to swallow so as not to let it fall to the ground, while he pushed that phallus into my throat entering with the whole chapel making me almost suffocate while swallowing everything and my vulva contracted in unison with his cock in a spontaneous orgasm without touching me ..
I don't know what he found in that guy, he had a hard, almost bad look, despite his scarce 17 years.
He looked at me with an almost defiant look and it also seemed to me that he was trying to look in the neckline of the blouse that I always kept well buttoned.
I had been Giorgio at the age of 19 and therefore I was 36 years old and I wore them well, in fact too much in the sense that my physique was very bursting unlike my very shy nature and therefore I always tried to hide as much as possible the imposing curve of my breasts ( a fourth) and the protrusion of my butt which has always made me very embarrassed.
I had given up teaching to stay behind Giorgio, but I must admit that it was a bit of a liberation because those few substitutions that I had made had traumatized me because of the looks of the boys in full hormonal storm that stripped me with my eyes.
Here's what made me uncomfortable: Antonio was taking me back to those feelings from which I had fled by marrying and starting a family.
The lesson was struggling to take off, he answered my questions but continued to stare at me with that disturbing look and more than once with his elbow he had managed to touch my breasts in a casual way, but the look that followed those "accidents" was very eloquent; luckily despite being alone in the study, I had left the door open and I heard my husband in the other room talking on the phone for work and this reassured me.
Antonio was still agitated, did not stand still for a moment and got up to take something in the backpack making a movement much more complicated than it would have been and he was able to rest the front part of his pants for even a short moment, on my shoulder .
This thing made me an effect that I never imagined, as I could clearly feel the warmth and hardness of what was touching me, but even more so because I realized that it was something of an incredible size, it could not be possible !!
I felt the blood flow to my cheeks which in an instant I felt red-hot also because I saw that he was scrutinizing me carefully to catch every slightest reaction.
Luckily he sat down and pushed the monstrosity away from me, but he did not get well under the table (we were placed on the same side of the desk) he began to adjust the front of his trousers continuously and I could see all the corner of my eye his movements even if I did everything to not make me notice, rather I tried really not to look in that direction.
Time never went by and I was beginning to lose lucidity to the point that I lost track of the version we were doing more than once.
At a certain point, with the excuse of asking what a word meant, which was on the page on my left (he sat on my right), he leaned over to indicate it by rubbing his left arm on my chest and remaining much more than licit.
On the one hand I was happy not to have to see that thing that had swelled out of all proportion in his pants, on the other hand I could not remain in that position allowing him to feel the consistency of my breast and more serious the nipple than in spite of my discomfort, he was endowing himself with his own life and was becoming hard and protruding.
The nipples were another part of my body that embarrassed me a lot: a change of temperature was enough and they stuck out like two nails making me feel ashamed.
I moved away from that contact a little more abruptly than necessary and he returned to his place but with his pants deformed beyond the limit of the ridiculous.
We were practically at the end of the lesson when he jumped up:
"Prof, can I go to the bathroom for a moment?"
My answer was not immediate because this time getting up he had almost placed my fly on my face, he was clearly making advances and he was also a minor which put me in the situation of not being able to accuse him of harassment because he could have turned the situation backwards inventing to be the victim !!!
"The ... the second door on the right ... va i pure ..."
But before leaving, she remained for a few seconds with her member less than three centimeters from my face, albeit separated from the fabric of her trousers, unable to get up so as not to hit that protuberance.
Then finally she left me alone with my thoughts unable to react to that psychological violence with my son and husband at home and above all scared to death by the reactions of my body that had suddenly awakened from a lethargy that lasted for years.
I sat there unable to get up I don't know how long trying to understand what was going on, when Antonio came to the door without entering saying:
“Thanks prof, I reach G
in his room, look I used a towel, I left it on the washing machine "
And he finished the sentence with an enigmatic look….
"Of course of course, go ahead for today we're done ..."
After the spell that immobilized me broke, I ran up and went to the bathroom to rinse my face to try to recover for a moment.
When I got to the bathroom I closed the door and immediately saw the towel on the washing machine and I took it to put it in the clothes to be washed but …… it was all wet with I don't know what… .god… it can't be …… instinctively I brought it close to the nose …… it was what I feared.
That smell suddenly gave me a sense of disgust but at the same time a pang hit me in the bass while the nipples stood like awls on the front of the blouse ... but what the hell was going on ??
I looked at myself in the mirror: I was all red, my lips already quite pronounced by nature were swollen, my nipples very visible, I looked like one of them ... I decided to take a shower and I started to undress but I didn't stop looking at my image while I was doing it. I took off my blouse while remaining in a skirt and bra which was very light transparent of black lace; I know that with that "put" I would drive a lot of men crazy starting with that little shit that had reduced me so.
I took off my bra and admired my breasts full and not at all sagging, certain that I had a body that inspired sex and apart from once a month those 10 tepid minutes were practically unused.
I was also surprised to think that my husband's bird, the only one I had ever seen, was absolutely not the size that I had sensed a little while ago ... what a shame, I was having really dirty thoughts ... ...
I undressed completely admiring the curve of my hips and twisted around to look at my ass, a constant source of my embarrassment that today, for the first time, I appreciated for what it was: a great ass.
The shower jet was not enough to appease me and I started to caress my breasts torturing with some anger my nipples that had always seemed disproportionate, but the more I tortured them the more the excitement went up while a hand went down between the legs on my little pussy completely wet (and not just from the shower).
I squeezed my lips from the outside with my fingers thus squeezing the clitoris between them and immediately in a second I came with pelvic jerks biting my lips so as not to scream.
This didn't appease me much, but at least I managed to wash myself trying not to think about anything.
The next lesson would have been after three days and in my heart I decided to tell Giorgio that I was rusty and I was unable to help his friend: this thing was never to happen again !!!
Unfortunately, every time I tried to approach Giorgio to talk to him about it, my face became fiery and I changed my way.
The following nights were a torment because something had awakened in me that I didn't want to accept and I said to myself that it was very wrong but the image of that swollen flap combined with the smell of that towel tormented me.
I tried with fake randomness to be seen half naked by my husband, but nothing, I even tried to find myself on the bed pretending to sleep by getting the petticoat on the buttocks and putting on my panties as much as possible in the groove of the but but ... no result, not did I like him more?
I had always accepted marital duties almost as a sacrifice, even if a certain tingling gave it to me but now I really wanted to do it and he seemed to not even see me.
This time in the shower I had masturbated for the first time in my life, but it was not the last because in the following days every time I took a shower my body claimed its dose of caresses that in a very short time brought me to orgasm .
The fateful day came and I was stretched like a violin string, I would have liked to put on a wool coat so as not to show even an inch of leather, but I could not give him this satisfaction.
In the end I dressed like the other time, i.e. a skirt above the knee and a white blouse obviously well buttoned but not to the top otherwise the squeezed tits would have been noticed even more.
Antonio presented himself dressed in very light linen trousers, greeted me with a big smile and sat down first on the opposite side of the door as the desk was in profile with respect to the entrance.
I sat next to him, unable to avoid thinking that those pants could not cover anything this time.
I started the lesson with my cheeks already on fire every time his eyes rested on me or on my figure, which practically always happened.
As last time he moved constantly and had already "involuntarily" palpated my tits three or four times and each time in a less fleeting way while I felt dying I saw those damned nipple traitors who stuck out in a
I bent a lot on the table so as to hide them as much as I could, but he preventing this move always placed his hand casually right where I was about to rest the pointed nail with the result of resting his tit on the back of his hand.
I became purple and I immediately dodged: "oopps sorry ...."
"Please Prof ... it's a pleasure ... but ... did you see what he did to me? ...."
"Sorry what you don't understand ......."
I could not finish the sentence because, casting my eye where I had tried not to look from the beginning, I saw a monstrous club as big as my forearm completely out of his pants that he evidently had pulled out for a while waiting for me to look at him.
I should have done something, left, chased him away, I don't know anything except what I did: stay there with my mouth open without being able to move or speak.
"Professor if he doesn't close that mouth with those beautiful lips I won't answer me ... .."
I recovered for a moment ……:
"But what are you doing ... are you crazy? ...... put that away .... That ... .. well ..."
"Professor, the other time he didn't take his eyes off my package the whole lesson, so I thought he wanted to see it live ... I thought wrong ???"
And as he said it, he stroked it by discovering and covering that immense purple glans.
I was desperate because a very weak part of me wanted to escape while a much stronger part was hypnotized by that cylinder that throbbed near me.
He had already understood that I would not react and did something absurd for me at that moment:
she pushed my back forward making my tits rest on the desk again and with one finger squeezed a nipple from above the blouse on the desk top.
The pain, the electric thrill that caused me was incredible to the point that I had to bite my lips and tighten my thighs in a movement that did not escape him.
"But how sensitive we are ......"
"Please ... you hurt me ..."
"Yes, but it seems to me that you don't mind …… .."
Not only did I not mind ... I was going to come !!! I would have paid anything to be able to hide it from him.
Luckily he released his grip just in time and I pushed my tits off the table but in doing so I had the chance to see that stick again.
"Touch it !!" had passed to you
"But no ... what do you say ... there is Giorgio and my husband ..."
"Would you like but you don't do it just because they are there?"
"No ... I mean ... .."
"that's enough!!!"
He took my hand and brought it to his cock ... ... I was terrified, someone could enter even if being between him and the door maybe I could have hidden the situation, but the worst fear was due to the fact that I liked it, I wanted to touch it, I was happy.
Finally I felt that thing I had dreamed of in the previous nights: it was immense, it was hot to die for, it was smooth as silk but it was hard as marble .... I was subjugated, without the slightest chance to react
He stood there enjoying the scene of me with purple cheeks watching my hand on his hot scepter as if it didn't belong to me.
At that moment I heard footsteps and saw my husband passing by talking on the phone, glancing inside with a nod of greeting.
Anticipating my reaction again Antonio tightened my wrist preventing me from withdrawing my hand so that Andrea (my husband) would pass while his wife was holding a bird right in front of him.
I was desperate, at the mercy of a boy and above all at the mercy of my body who, regardless of the protests of my mind, yearned for that contact and even that depraved situation.
The hand that held my wrist softened my grip and gave a small impulse to my arm before I let go, making me understand that I had to move.
I began to slowly slide up and down on that pile of meat, testing it with my fingers, as if the massage was not for his pleasure but it was my hand that wanted to be massaged by that affair.
I kept my thighs so tight that I hurt my knees, I felt the panties that no longer contained my moods that now wet my thighs .... what a shame !!!
Antonio took the phone and started taking pictures of me while I screamed not to do it, but the scream remained inside me while outside there was only a woman who silently and obediently obeyed her master.
"Discover a tit"
"... you ... please ... no ..ti"
"Do you want me to post photos on the internet?"
"Please why do you do this to me"
I said, almost crying, but I didn't stop going up and down on his hot member.
"Because you like this is your role: a submissive slut waiting for force orders move, and do it with the other hand, I don't want you to stop jerking me"
Like an automaton with my right hand I unbuttoned a pair of buttons on my blouse and managed to pull my left breast out of my bra.
The nipple was obviously as hard as the bird I was leading.
"It is even more beautiful than I imagined," he said pastrugnandela without delicacy and causing me spasms between the legs.
"Look here what a nail!
He took my nipple with two fingers and started to pull it, turn it and tighten it and what I feared happened ... I had an orgasm so intense that I almost jumped on the chair.
I could barely see him taking pictures of me as I continued to contract in the spasms of orgasm.
"I'm going to come, now I get up and cum, if I were you, I would try to take it in the mouth otherwise I will fill your face with sperm and as far as I know you would like it, then I want to see what you would tell your husband and your son so" tanned "
I had always refused to make me come into the mouth those very rare times that Andrea had managed to convince me to suck it but now the situation was dramatic, it was the least risky thing to do and then the perverse pleasure that was born in me came from the fact of being dominated, I was willing to do anything at the time, I think she could have asked me to leave the house naked from how she had reduced me psychologically.
However, he got up abruptly approaching that huge chapel to my mouth while I looked at her hypnotized by that eye that was already wet with white droplets.
I opened my mouth to the maximum and let half of that abnormal chapel enter, feeling the smoothness and warmth just in time to feel a huge amount of sweet and salty stuff at the same time that filled my mouth forcing me to swallow so as not to let it fall to the ground, while he pushed that phallus into my throat entering with the whole chapel making me almost suffocate while swallowing everything and my vulva contracted in unison with his cock in a spontaneous orgasm without touching me ..
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