It's just another Monday until you hear your office door open. Your boss never knocks, and he arrives with something new that was announced some time ago. Finally, you can share the ever-increasing workload with a new colleague, or rather a colleague.
"Nice to meet you, Alessandra!"
You are vaguely disappointed because in your erotic fantasies you imagined the arrival of a handsome guy, however the contact with his hand gives you a certain "shock". Even if you've never done anything about it, it's not the first time you've felt a bit attracted to women, and this is one of the ones that make you feel a little bit impressed. It may be because of the elegant sheath dress she put on for her first day at work, the perfect nail polish, or the make-up that you can hardly see, but which enhances her clear eyes and fleshy lips. Or maybe it will be for her soft voice, even if a little insecure, because she doesn't know who her colleague is, with whom she will have to share the long and tiring hours of every working day from now on. In any case, all you can do is smile, and exchange the first pleasantries while the busy boss leaves, leaving you in charge of explaining to Alessandra how things work in the office and deciding how to distribute the work:
- There are a lot of backlogs to deal with, but thanks to your arrival, I won't have to work overtime anymore! Although perhaps the extra work would be of less weight with this new company: in the following weeks, Alessandra immediately proves to be not only a good employee, but also a nice and easy-going person. Every now and then you feel that first day feeling again, that "shaken up": especially when she gets up from her desk and turns her bum to you, made beautiful by the jeans she started wearing when she realized that the dress code in the office is not so formal. This and other gestures made Alessandra feel a bit more like you: a quiet, cheerful girl, without vices or obsessions of protagonism.
When you started thinking about her even while you were at home, you thought you had found a new friend and you didn't question your heterosexuality, confirmed also by the frequent fucks with your boyfriend, Ottavio, who could only benefit from your renewed energy following the changes in the company. However, you and Alessandra have never dated: you have always preferred to keep your working relationships separate from your personal ones and even she, perhaps adapting to your "policy", has not proposed to see you outside the office.
The opportunity, however, presented itself. In one of your boss's rare incursions, the proposal for both of you to attend a three-day refresher course in Rome arrived. The three days, unfortunately, correspond to a weekend, and this makes you a little reluctant to accept. Add to this the difficulty of saying no to the boss, the opportunity to visit the capital city completely spent by the company and the fact that Alessandra has immediately given her approval, you quickly change your mind. So, that Friday morning you say goodbye to Ottavio with a longer kiss than usual and head for the station. Alessandra is more cheerful than ever and the journey passes quickly with gossip of various kinds about her colleagues at the company, alternating with predictions about the validity of the course you are about to face. This turns out to be a bit boring, like the classmates, with whom neither of you is interested in socializing.
It arrives early in the evening and you go to the hotel for a shower and some rest, before going out: Alessandra, who knows the Holy City better than you, proposed a dinner in the Trastevere district, an invitation that you promptly accepted. You are accommodated in two separate rooms, both double for single use, with en-suite bathroom and all comforts. The bed is really comfortable and you lie down wearing the earphone, for a phone call with Ottavio. You tell him that you miss him and he reciprocates, even if he notices your relaxation and your enthusiasm for a short holiday away from him that, after all, you both think it can also do a little good for your relationship.
The air in Rome is magical in the evening: the clear sky and mild temperature make the atmosphere perfect. Alessandra wore a light and short dress, without stockings, and low shoes. Her now proverbial cheerfulness seems to be reflected in the floral pattern of the dress and the evening is perfect from the beginning. During the walk along the river, she launches the idea of making a "selfie" with the dome in the background, a gesture that still melts the ice a little bit in a relationship that, from work, is becoming a little more personal. And then the dinner: it cheers you up to discover that the place you were destined for is not a chic restaurant, but a good restaurant, so much so that you feel a bit out of tune with the heels, the dark blue dress and the pearl necklace, but it comes almost perfectly synchronized as unexpected Alessandra's compliment:
- You look very beautiful tonight, you know?
A sudden flush warms your face, and she, perhaps to get you out of the embarrassment, precise:
- Will it be the distance from the office?
You both burst out laughing, and you both order the classic spaghetti alla carbonara. The conversation, also helped by the house red wine, extends to personal topics. You find out that she's engaged too, in fact she's recently living with her partner, Erik. You tell each other family stories, adventures with friends, embarrassing episodes and, when it's time for dessert, he offers you a taste of his slice of blueberry pie. The moment she passes you the fork, your hands touch each other and she stays a moment longer than necessary, sliding away with a caress. Feel your heart vibrate. You turn red at your stupid thought, she probably didn't do it on purpose, and you're under the effect of the wine. But immediately afterwards your stomach tightens, when she, in exchange for some of your ice cream, instead of taking the teaspoon grabs your hand and brings it to her mouth, tasting the dessert directly, with a provocative look. The atmosphere cools down with the usual laughter, but you're upset, you don't know whether it's her attitude or your reactions... you end up convincing yourself that she likes to joke, but what happens inside you is not a joke at all: you want her, you want her body, and you still don't know how to handle it. During the return to the hotel you get a little distracted: you walk along the avenues and squares and when you approach some monument she hints at some tourist explanation. Occasionally, when there are some steps or at some crossroads where you don't know which way to go, she supports or accompanies you, physical contacts that you no longer know how random they are and how much you are looking for. Eventually, you arrive at the hotel and you feel a kind of melancholy that, no matter how close your rooms are, you will have to separate for a few hours. What's happening to you? What are you getting at? You're straight (or at least you think so) and you have a boyfriend! Your silent thoughts are interrupted by Alessandra's proposal to enter your room:
- So let's see if it's the same as mine!
Excuse me a bit 'trivial, but you can only welcome with a smile the idea. And you immediately find a way to prolong her presence by offering her an herbal tea from the kettle in the room.
- I have one in my room too, but it will be nicer to drink the tea here with you.
Is that an advance? A compliment? You're confused, you're excited, you don't even know what's going on... you get a little dizzy and unconsciously put it on her shoulder, since she's sitting next to you at the edge of the bed. Alessandra responds with a caress and whispers:
- Have you ever had sex with a woman?
Boom! Your heart jumps, your breath accelerates and a diffused heat flashes from your face. You get up and you can't say the word.
- Oh, God, sorry! I knew it. I ruined everything... I'm so stupid. Please pretend I never said that!
She thinks she's offended you, and you want to tell her no, that she didn't say anything bad, but you're still stuck, your heart's racing and you feel like you're about to cry.
- I'm sorry, please, I'll go to my room and leave you alone.
She's trying to get up, but luckily, even if you can't use your voice, you're still in control of the body and before she takes a step, you can grab her hand. She turns around and, seeing the first tears coming down on your face, opens her arms to embrace you. You hold her tight to you and start sobbing, you don't know why... because you're afraid of what's happening to you? Because you're afraid she'll leave? For the joy of feeling desired by her?
- Hey... did I touch any buttons I shouldn't have? I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear... What's going on?
Just spend a few more seconds until you can calm down a little bit and say, whisper:
- What's going on is I want you.
Alessandra moves a little bit, keeping her arms around your waist, and she looks at you. You struggle to look up, dry your tears with your arm and finally meet her eyes. It's as if the embrace extends into the contact between the glances, and it doesn't take anything, no thoughts, no gestures: your lips find themselves in a natural, sensual way, in a kiss that you have longed for, all evening, all day, you don't even know when, maybe from the first day you showed up at the office.
What happened after that, you wouldn't even know. Alessandra takes your hand and carries it over her breast. You're on top of her dress, over her bra, but you can feel her nipple swollen and, above all, read the lust on her face. And when, taking courage, you start to massage, she has to bite her lip to hold back the moans.
You undress: you don't wear a bra, since your tits are small and the dress is enough to support them. You stay in your stockings and panties, lying on the bed on your stomach. She starts stroking you, then licking your breasts. You've never had such a sweet feeling with your male partners. It feels like she has the hands of a fairy, and her tongue twirls softly on one nipple at a time, making the shivers go up your back. You're enjoying it: you get so lost in this feeling that you almost don't notice when she pulls off your panties and slowly descends towards your vulva, first with her hands, and then with her tongue. Your breathing accelerates, the pleasure increases more and more and you tremble all over. When it reaches your clitoris you jerk and then you start moaning, out of control. Just four or five strokes of the tongue... and you come right away, vibrating and squirming. A true liberation, leaving you without strength.
When the alarm clock rings, you're not alone: you're leaning on Alessandra's breast, who holds you embraced. This is enough to understand that it was not just a dream, and this is not necessarily good news. The thought of Octavius at home fills your heart with guilt. Alessandra caresses your face.
- Are you okay?
- Quite...
She seems to already understand the question you're about to ask her.
- But you, what about Erik?
- With him it's easy. We have a pretty open view of the couple. Erik knows about my bisexuality, and that sometimes I've been with a woman, even since we've been together. That's something he can't give me, and he accepts it. In return, I don't ask him questions about his business trips.
- So he cheats on you while he's away?
- The truth is, I don't know. There's nothing that even makes me suspect it. I told him I wouldn't ask him any questions. I mean, he gave me that freedom, and I owed him something in return. So I gave him some kind of pass...
- And you tell him what you do?
- No, no... the deal is that you don't tell each other anything unless something happens that could really upset the relationship.
- Ah... and who decides what's upsetting the relationship?
- You feel it inside you. Basically, it could happen that one of us falls in love with another. That would obviously be a problem. But it hasn't happened yet, and I don't think it will for a long time, at least not to me. In that regard, I understand it was your first time with a woman and it probably left you very confused inside. But I want to be clear: I wanted you so much and I wanted to sleep with you, but I'm sure I love Erik and so this is just a sex adventure between us.
Alessandra's right. You're confused, and what she says hurts at least as much as it cheers you up. You're feeling a little "seduced and abandoned," but why? Do you want to leave Octavio to start a lesbian relationship? These contrasting emotions alternate at the rhythm of a few seconds from each other and you really don't know what to say in response to your colleague's very clear speech:
- I don't know, if I really loved Octavio I wouldn't have betrayed him with you!
- But I'm sure you love him, otherwise you wouldn't be asking all these questions. When I was with my ex, the same thing happened to me. He would never have accepted the betrayal, and yet I couldn't and didn't want to deny my nature, so I never told him anything. At first I felt guilty, but then I saw that what happened between me and the other women did not affect our love; on the contrary, the fact of venting the other part of me made me happier and more available to him.
Listen and your rational thinking seems to calm you down.
- I'm sorry I dragged you into this...
- Don't worry, I wanted her so much, maybe more than you did. I'm not sorry at all, now I just have to understand a little what's going on inside me.
The dialogue has made you lose track of time and you're already late for the morning session of the course. You have to give up the hotel breakfast and survive the morning only with the coffee taken in the subway station.
Spend the day between ups and downs, certainly not focused on the lessons of the course. Alessandra never seeks contact. Only after the sandwich taken at lunch, when she sees you looking at the pensive Tiber, does she hug you with a hug. She exchanges some fairly neutral messages with Ottavio who, despite being Saturday, has a shift at work. Towards evening he calls you: you know that he feels your distance, you try to mask it a bit behind an exaggerated boredom for the lessons and nostalgia, the latter not dissimulated. You really miss him, what your partner was saying seems to be really real: in front of your words of love, Octavio's anxiety calms down and yours together with his. You're finally starting to feel good again.
The evening includes a buffet dinner offered by the course organizers. You're not really convinced to participate, but Alessandra persuades you. It is also an opportunity to make a few friends and your chats are concentrated with two other sexting employees, with whom a mutual sympathy is born. The alcohol and the cheerful atmosphere brings your quartet to be the protagonist of the dances at the dj-set that follows the reception. At a certain point, Alessandra starts dancing provocatively with one of her new friends. You can't believe yourself, but you feel jealous: what does she do with it, one in the evening? You're about to ruin everything by making a scene, but she, with her usual quick intuition and savoir-faire, realizes it and involves you in the dance, which in the end turns out to be just an innocent goliardata.
At 2:00 in the morning, you head for the hotel a little tipsy. The grey thoughts of the day seem to have faded into you by now.
- How are you? - he asks you.
- Better! Maybe you're right, you know? There's nothing wrong with what happened between us. And I miss Octavio. Nothing has changed for me towards him.
- I hope you really believe that. Today I found myself thinking I had to stop it from happening.
- Did you? No, come on... I'm sorry I put you in this thoughtful mood. I told you, I wanted it, first of all, and I'm glad it happened. In fact, there's one more night before we go back to normal...
So you look Alessandra in the eye. Now she seems excited. You both know what's about to happen this time, and despite the drinks, you feel more aware. You involve her in a long passionate kiss, in the frame of that magical city, interrupted after a few minutes by the horn of a car full of sexting people looking for opportunities to have fun on this Saturday night.
You take the road back to the hotel hand in hand and, as soon as you cross the door of your room, you take the initiative by wrapping your waist around her from behind, pulling her hair out and kissing her on the neck. You feel her melt in your arms and every kiss you make causes a shiver on her back. That girl's skin is like one big erogenous zone and knowing that it is you who activates this power excites you like never before. You undress her slowly, covering every open area with your kisses: from the neck you go down on her back, on her hips, and then you pass over the front. You start from the belly and then climb up to the bare breast, approaching it with a circular path that only eventually reaches the nipples.
Your friend loses control and takes your head in her hands, pushing it to herself, making you understand that she wants to be licked, sucked, maybe even bitten. You don't have the courage to go that far, and it's no use, because in the meantime you've already worked your way between your legs. Her panties are soaked and it's time to slip them off and throw yourself into the first cunnilingus of your life. You make her lie on the bed and start the kissing game again, this time starting from the feet. The theory of the erogenous zone corresponding to the entire body seems to be confirmed. You hear her moaning at every step, at every kiss, and even her pelvis starts to move instinctively. When you reach her vulva, your heart is in a thousand and you feel a new joy in bringing your tongue closer to her big lips. They are very hot, moist and have a sweet taste, less acrid than your moods, which you have occasionally tasted, alone or during sex with Octavio. After exploring her vulva lengthwise, you begin to open it with the help of your fingers, and concentrate your efforts on the clitoris area, with the delicacy you used last night. Alessandra's moans intensify both in frequency and volume. Luckily the room is corner tested and on the other side borders her room, obviously empty. While you caress her trigger with regular licks, you try to make your way with a finger in the vagina: from the speeches made with your closest friends you know that not everyone likes it. This doesn't seem to be the case with your lover, who indulges your exploration with ever wider movements of her pelvis and, in a matter of seconds, comes long and noisily, filling you not only with her moods, but also with emotion.
Alessandra seems to really feel orgasm: she doesn't say anything and her eyes are shiny. You snuggle up next to her and it takes a while for her to return to a natural breathing rhythm.
- It's been great, I haven't been coming like this for a long time...
- Not bad for a first time, huh?
- If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't believe it.
She starts stroking your hair and you're holding her hand. The energy exchange is still strong. It only goes on for a few minutes, and then you feel like kissing her. And she's no less: she reciprocates with transport and passion, while with one hand she slowly approaches your vulva. You are dying of desire and her first contact gives you a very strong pleasure, revealed by some muscle spasm. Luckily it's not time to come yet and she stops kissing you on the mouth to transfer all her attention over there: close your eyes, vibrate all over and you can't limit your moans anymore. Unexpectedly, however, you find yourself silenced by Alessandra's vulva: with an almost acrobatic movement she turned into the 69th position. It seems that your instinct was waiting for nothing else to happen.
Take the upper hand for good: You grab her buttocks firmly and get ravenous on her, while more and more intense spasms start coming from the clitoris. You're coming, and her vagina seems to notice and synchronize. Even Alessandra explodes in her second orgasm as she sinks her nails into your thighs. As soon as she recovers, she turns to you, all red and hot, and kisses you with voluptuousness. Recognize your taste in her mouth, and feel her heart beating at least as fast as yours. You are both sweating, excited and satisfied, and you let yourself go into the arms of Morpheus, embracing each other gently.
It's morning when you wake up, and you're always close to her. Your vagina is still wet and warm, it happens to you every time after a night of passion: it seems as if you continue to bask in pleasure. Alessandra opens her eyes too, your faces are close together and she smiles at you. It comes naturally to you to kiss her and add another sweet moment to the many we have lived together in the last 48 hours. You look at your watch:
- Come on, let's get up. If I don't get away from you right now, we might not show up for class...
- You're right, at least today we should enjoy breakfast at the hotel. But to get up, I'll need another kiss.
- I'd love to... Then I'll go back to being just your usual colleague.
Both sorry, both aware that this will be your last kiss, you lose each other again. You try to make the happiness of the moment prevail over the melancholy of the fact that it has to end, and you do it well enough. Write Octavius a very sweet and heartfelt message, which he will read as soon as he wakes up.
The Sunday session ends at lunchtime and you rush straight away to catch the return train. Make your decision along the way: you won't tell Ottavio anything, at least for the moment. Your relationship does not seem ready for this kind of "exceptions" to the rules of fidelity, you will do so in the future if you find yourself deciding for a relationship more open to new experiences, even outside the couple.
When you arrive at your destination, find your companions waiting for you on the platform. Having a chat, they found out who their girlfriends are and introduced themselves. The scene looks like a synchronised swimming figure: both of you leave the trolley to jump around their necks and kiss them passionately. I wonder if Alessandra's heart is beating as fast as yours. Outside the station, it's time to say goodbye. You will see each other again tomorrow, but everything that happened requires at least a hug. As you hold her with all of yourself, you whisper in her ear a heartfelt "Thank you" and then you feel again invaded by happiness, which in a few minutes you will pour on Ottavio, fucking him with more impetus and passion than ever.
"Nice to meet you, Alessandra!"
You are vaguely disappointed because in your erotic fantasies you imagined the arrival of a handsome guy, however the contact with his hand gives you a certain "shock". Even if you've never done anything about it, it's not the first time you've felt a bit attracted to women, and this is one of the ones that make you feel a little bit impressed. It may be because of the elegant sheath dress she put on for her first day at work, the perfect nail polish, or the make-up that you can hardly see, but which enhances her clear eyes and fleshy lips. Or maybe it will be for her soft voice, even if a little insecure, because she doesn't know who her colleague is, with whom she will have to share the long and tiring hours of every working day from now on. In any case, all you can do is smile, and exchange the first pleasantries while the busy boss leaves, leaving you in charge of explaining to Alessandra how things work in the office and deciding how to distribute the work:
- There are a lot of backlogs to deal with, but thanks to your arrival, I won't have to work overtime anymore! Although perhaps the extra work would be of less weight with this new company: in the following weeks, Alessandra immediately proves to be not only a good employee, but also a nice and easy-going person. Every now and then you feel that first day feeling again, that "shaken up": especially when she gets up from her desk and turns her bum to you, made beautiful by the jeans she started wearing when she realized that the dress code in the office is not so formal. This and other gestures made Alessandra feel a bit more like you: a quiet, cheerful girl, without vices or obsessions of protagonism.
When you started thinking about her even while you were at home, you thought you had found a new friend and you didn't question your heterosexuality, confirmed also by the frequent fucks with your boyfriend, Ottavio, who could only benefit from your renewed energy following the changes in the company. However, you and Alessandra have never dated: you have always preferred to keep your working relationships separate from your personal ones and even she, perhaps adapting to your "policy", has not proposed to see you outside the office.
The opportunity, however, presented itself. In one of your boss's rare incursions, the proposal for both of you to attend a three-day refresher course in Rome arrived. The three days, unfortunately, correspond to a weekend, and this makes you a little reluctant to accept. Add to this the difficulty of saying no to the boss, the opportunity to visit the capital city completely spent by the company and the fact that Alessandra has immediately given her approval, you quickly change your mind. So, that Friday morning you say goodbye to Ottavio with a longer kiss than usual and head for the station. Alessandra is more cheerful than ever and the journey passes quickly with gossip of various kinds about her colleagues at the company, alternating with predictions about the validity of the course you are about to face. This turns out to be a bit boring, like the classmates, with whom neither of you is interested in socializing.
It arrives early in the evening and you go to the hotel for a shower and some rest, before going out: Alessandra, who knows the Holy City better than you, proposed a dinner in the Trastevere district, an invitation that you promptly accepted. You are accommodated in two separate rooms, both double for single use, with en-suite bathroom and all comforts. The bed is really comfortable and you lie down wearing the earphone, for a phone call with Ottavio. You tell him that you miss him and he reciprocates, even if he notices your relaxation and your enthusiasm for a short holiday away from him that, after all, you both think it can also do a little good for your relationship.
The air in Rome is magical in the evening: the clear sky and mild temperature make the atmosphere perfect. Alessandra wore a light and short dress, without stockings, and low shoes. Her now proverbial cheerfulness seems to be reflected in the floral pattern of the dress and the evening is perfect from the beginning. During the walk along the river, she launches the idea of making a "selfie" with the dome in the background, a gesture that still melts the ice a little bit in a relationship that, from work, is becoming a little more personal. And then the dinner: it cheers you up to discover that the place you were destined for is not a chic restaurant, but a good restaurant, so much so that you feel a bit out of tune with the heels, the dark blue dress and the pearl necklace, but it comes almost perfectly synchronized as unexpected Alessandra's compliment:
- You look very beautiful tonight, you know?
A sudden flush warms your face, and she, perhaps to get you out of the embarrassment, precise:
- Will it be the distance from the office?
You both burst out laughing, and you both order the classic spaghetti alla carbonara. The conversation, also helped by the house red wine, extends to personal topics. You find out that she's engaged too, in fact she's recently living with her partner, Erik. You tell each other family stories, adventures with friends, embarrassing episodes and, when it's time for dessert, he offers you a taste of his slice of blueberry pie. The moment she passes you the fork, your hands touch each other and she stays a moment longer than necessary, sliding away with a caress. Feel your heart vibrate. You turn red at your stupid thought, she probably didn't do it on purpose, and you're under the effect of the wine. But immediately afterwards your stomach tightens, when she, in exchange for some of your ice cream, instead of taking the teaspoon grabs your hand and brings it to her mouth, tasting the dessert directly, with a provocative look. The atmosphere cools down with the usual laughter, but you're upset, you don't know whether it's her attitude or your reactions... you end up convincing yourself that she likes to joke, but what happens inside you is not a joke at all: you want her, you want her body, and you still don't know how to handle it. During the return to the hotel you get a little distracted: you walk along the avenues and squares and when you approach some monument she hints at some tourist explanation. Occasionally, when there are some steps or at some crossroads where you don't know which way to go, she supports or accompanies you, physical contacts that you no longer know how random they are and how much you are looking for. Eventually, you arrive at the hotel and you feel a kind of melancholy that, no matter how close your rooms are, you will have to separate for a few hours. What's happening to you? What are you getting at? You're straight (or at least you think so) and you have a boyfriend! Your silent thoughts are interrupted by Alessandra's proposal to enter your room:
- So let's see if it's the same as mine!
Excuse me a bit 'trivial, but you can only welcome with a smile the idea. And you immediately find a way to prolong her presence by offering her an herbal tea from the kettle in the room.
- I have one in my room too, but it will be nicer to drink the tea here with you.
Is that an advance? A compliment? You're confused, you're excited, you don't even know what's going on... you get a little dizzy and unconsciously put it on her shoulder, since she's sitting next to you at the edge of the bed. Alessandra responds with a caress and whispers:
- Have you ever had sex with a woman?
Boom! Your heart jumps, your breath accelerates and a diffused heat flashes from your face. You get up and you can't say the word.
- Oh, God, sorry! I knew it. I ruined everything... I'm so stupid. Please pretend I never said that!
She thinks she's offended you, and you want to tell her no, that she didn't say anything bad, but you're still stuck, your heart's racing and you feel like you're about to cry.
- I'm sorry, please, I'll go to my room and leave you alone.
She's trying to get up, but luckily, even if you can't use your voice, you're still in control of the body and before she takes a step, you can grab her hand. She turns around and, seeing the first tears coming down on your face, opens her arms to embrace you. You hold her tight to you and start sobbing, you don't know why... because you're afraid of what's happening to you? Because you're afraid she'll leave? For the joy of feeling desired by her?
- Hey... did I touch any buttons I shouldn't have? I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear... What's going on?
Just spend a few more seconds until you can calm down a little bit and say, whisper:
- What's going on is I want you.
Alessandra moves a little bit, keeping her arms around your waist, and she looks at you. You struggle to look up, dry your tears with your arm and finally meet her eyes. It's as if the embrace extends into the contact between the glances, and it doesn't take anything, no thoughts, no gestures: your lips find themselves in a natural, sensual way, in a kiss that you have longed for, all evening, all day, you don't even know when, maybe from the first day you showed up at the office.
What happened after that, you wouldn't even know. Alessandra takes your hand and carries it over her breast. You're on top of her dress, over her bra, but you can feel her nipple swollen and, above all, read the lust on her face. And when, taking courage, you start to massage, she has to bite her lip to hold back the moans.
You undress: you don't wear a bra, since your tits are small and the dress is enough to support them. You stay in your stockings and panties, lying on the bed on your stomach. She starts stroking you, then licking your breasts. You've never had such a sweet feeling with your male partners. It feels like she has the hands of a fairy, and her tongue twirls softly on one nipple at a time, making the shivers go up your back. You're enjoying it: you get so lost in this feeling that you almost don't notice when she pulls off your panties and slowly descends towards your vulva, first with her hands, and then with her tongue. Your breathing accelerates, the pleasure increases more and more and you tremble all over. When it reaches your clitoris you jerk and then you start moaning, out of control. Just four or five strokes of the tongue... and you come right away, vibrating and squirming. A true liberation, leaving you without strength.
When the alarm clock rings, you're not alone: you're leaning on Alessandra's breast, who holds you embraced. This is enough to understand that it was not just a dream, and this is not necessarily good news. The thought of Octavius at home fills your heart with guilt. Alessandra caresses your face.
- Are you okay?
- Quite...
She seems to already understand the question you're about to ask her.
- But you, what about Erik?
- With him it's easy. We have a pretty open view of the couple. Erik knows about my bisexuality, and that sometimes I've been with a woman, even since we've been together. That's something he can't give me, and he accepts it. In return, I don't ask him questions about his business trips.
- So he cheats on you while he's away?
- The truth is, I don't know. There's nothing that even makes me suspect it. I told him I wouldn't ask him any questions. I mean, he gave me that freedom, and I owed him something in return. So I gave him some kind of pass...
- And you tell him what you do?
- No, no... the deal is that you don't tell each other anything unless something happens that could really upset the relationship.
- Ah... and who decides what's upsetting the relationship?
- You feel it inside you. Basically, it could happen that one of us falls in love with another. That would obviously be a problem. But it hasn't happened yet, and I don't think it will for a long time, at least not to me. In that regard, I understand it was your first time with a woman and it probably left you very confused inside. But I want to be clear: I wanted you so much and I wanted to sleep with you, but I'm sure I love Erik and so this is just a sex adventure between us.
Alessandra's right. You're confused, and what she says hurts at least as much as it cheers you up. You're feeling a little "seduced and abandoned," but why? Do you want to leave Octavio to start a lesbian relationship? These contrasting emotions alternate at the rhythm of a few seconds from each other and you really don't know what to say in response to your colleague's very clear speech:
- I don't know, if I really loved Octavio I wouldn't have betrayed him with you!
- But I'm sure you love him, otherwise you wouldn't be asking all these questions. When I was with my ex, the same thing happened to me. He would never have accepted the betrayal, and yet I couldn't and didn't want to deny my nature, so I never told him anything. At first I felt guilty, but then I saw that what happened between me and the other women did not affect our love; on the contrary, the fact of venting the other part of me made me happier and more available to him.
Listen and your rational thinking seems to calm you down.
- I'm sorry I dragged you into this...
- Don't worry, I wanted her so much, maybe more than you did. I'm not sorry at all, now I just have to understand a little what's going on inside me.
The dialogue has made you lose track of time and you're already late for the morning session of the course. You have to give up the hotel breakfast and survive the morning only with the coffee taken in the subway station.
Spend the day between ups and downs, certainly not focused on the lessons of the course. Alessandra never seeks contact. Only after the sandwich taken at lunch, when she sees you looking at the pensive Tiber, does she hug you with a hug. She exchanges some fairly neutral messages with Ottavio who, despite being Saturday, has a shift at work. Towards evening he calls you: you know that he feels your distance, you try to mask it a bit behind an exaggerated boredom for the lessons and nostalgia, the latter not dissimulated. You really miss him, what your partner was saying seems to be really real: in front of your words of love, Octavio's anxiety calms down and yours together with his. You're finally starting to feel good again.
The evening includes a buffet dinner offered by the course organizers. You're not really convinced to participate, but Alessandra persuades you. It is also an opportunity to make a few friends and your chats are concentrated with two other sexting employees, with whom a mutual sympathy is born. The alcohol and the cheerful atmosphere brings your quartet to be the protagonist of the dances at the dj-set that follows the reception. At a certain point, Alessandra starts dancing provocatively with one of her new friends. You can't believe yourself, but you feel jealous: what does she do with it, one in the evening? You're about to ruin everything by making a scene, but she, with her usual quick intuition and savoir-faire, realizes it and involves you in the dance, which in the end turns out to be just an innocent goliardata.
At 2:00 in the morning, you head for the hotel a little tipsy. The grey thoughts of the day seem to have faded into you by now.
- How are you? - he asks you.
- Better! Maybe you're right, you know? There's nothing wrong with what happened between us. And I miss Octavio. Nothing has changed for me towards him.
- I hope you really believe that. Today I found myself thinking I had to stop it from happening.
- Did you? No, come on... I'm sorry I put you in this thoughtful mood. I told you, I wanted it, first of all, and I'm glad it happened. In fact, there's one more night before we go back to normal...
So you look Alessandra in the eye. Now she seems excited. You both know what's about to happen this time, and despite the drinks, you feel more aware. You involve her in a long passionate kiss, in the frame of that magical city, interrupted after a few minutes by the horn of a car full of sexting people looking for opportunities to have fun on this Saturday night.
You take the road back to the hotel hand in hand and, as soon as you cross the door of your room, you take the initiative by wrapping your waist around her from behind, pulling her hair out and kissing her on the neck. You feel her melt in your arms and every kiss you make causes a shiver on her back. That girl's skin is like one big erogenous zone and knowing that it is you who activates this power excites you like never before. You undress her slowly, covering every open area with your kisses: from the neck you go down on her back, on her hips, and then you pass over the front. You start from the belly and then climb up to the bare breast, approaching it with a circular path that only eventually reaches the nipples.
Your friend loses control and takes your head in her hands, pushing it to herself, making you understand that she wants to be licked, sucked, maybe even bitten. You don't have the courage to go that far, and it's no use, because in the meantime you've already worked your way between your legs. Her panties are soaked and it's time to slip them off and throw yourself into the first cunnilingus of your life. You make her lie on the bed and start the kissing game again, this time starting from the feet. The theory of the erogenous zone corresponding to the entire body seems to be confirmed. You hear her moaning at every step, at every kiss, and even her pelvis starts to move instinctively. When you reach her vulva, your heart is in a thousand and you feel a new joy in bringing your tongue closer to her big lips. They are very hot, moist and have a sweet taste, less acrid than your moods, which you have occasionally tasted, alone or during sex with Octavio. After exploring her vulva lengthwise, you begin to open it with the help of your fingers, and concentrate your efforts on the clitoris area, with the delicacy you used last night. Alessandra's moans intensify both in frequency and volume. Luckily the room is corner tested and on the other side borders her room, obviously empty. While you caress her trigger with regular licks, you try to make your way with a finger in the vagina: from the speeches made with your closest friends you know that not everyone likes it. This doesn't seem to be the case with your lover, who indulges your exploration with ever wider movements of her pelvis and, in a matter of seconds, comes long and noisily, filling you not only with her moods, but also with emotion.
Alessandra seems to really feel orgasm: she doesn't say anything and her eyes are shiny. You snuggle up next to her and it takes a while for her to return to a natural breathing rhythm.
- It's been great, I haven't been coming like this for a long time...
- Not bad for a first time, huh?
- If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't believe it.
She starts stroking your hair and you're holding her hand. The energy exchange is still strong. It only goes on for a few minutes, and then you feel like kissing her. And she's no less: she reciprocates with transport and passion, while with one hand she slowly approaches your vulva. You are dying of desire and her first contact gives you a very strong pleasure, revealed by some muscle spasm. Luckily it's not time to come yet and she stops kissing you on the mouth to transfer all her attention over there: close your eyes, vibrate all over and you can't limit your moans anymore. Unexpectedly, however, you find yourself silenced by Alessandra's vulva: with an almost acrobatic movement she turned into the 69th position. It seems that your instinct was waiting for nothing else to happen.
Take the upper hand for good: You grab her buttocks firmly and get ravenous on her, while more and more intense spasms start coming from the clitoris. You're coming, and her vagina seems to notice and synchronize. Even Alessandra explodes in her second orgasm as she sinks her nails into your thighs. As soon as she recovers, she turns to you, all red and hot, and kisses you with voluptuousness. Recognize your taste in her mouth, and feel her heart beating at least as fast as yours. You are both sweating, excited and satisfied, and you let yourself go into the arms of Morpheus, embracing each other gently.
It's morning when you wake up, and you're always close to her. Your vagina is still wet and warm, it happens to you every time after a night of passion: it seems as if you continue to bask in pleasure. Alessandra opens her eyes too, your faces are close together and she smiles at you. It comes naturally to you to kiss her and add another sweet moment to the many we have lived together in the last 48 hours. You look at your watch:
- Come on, let's get up. If I don't get away from you right now, we might not show up for class...
- You're right, at least today we should enjoy breakfast at the hotel. But to get up, I'll need another kiss.
- I'd love to... Then I'll go back to being just your usual colleague.
Both sorry, both aware that this will be your last kiss, you lose each other again. You try to make the happiness of the moment prevail over the melancholy of the fact that it has to end, and you do it well enough. Write Octavius a very sweet and heartfelt message, which he will read as soon as he wakes up.
The Sunday session ends at lunchtime and you rush straight away to catch the return train. Make your decision along the way: you won't tell Ottavio anything, at least for the moment. Your relationship does not seem ready for this kind of "exceptions" to the rules of fidelity, you will do so in the future if you find yourself deciding for a relationship more open to new experiences, even outside the couple.
When you arrive at your destination, find your companions waiting for you on the platform. Having a chat, they found out who their girlfriends are and introduced themselves. The scene looks like a synchronised swimming figure: both of you leave the trolley to jump around their necks and kiss them passionately. I wonder if Alessandra's heart is beating as fast as yours. Outside the station, it's time to say goodbye. You will see each other again tomorrow, but everything that happened requires at least a hug. As you hold her with all of yourself, you whisper in her ear a heartfelt "Thank you" and then you feel again invaded by happiness, which in a few minutes you will pour on Ottavio, fucking him with more impetus and passion than ever.
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