One Saturday evening in December Katia and Marco went to see a science fiction film. It was about an imaginary catastrophe that had brought humanity to the brink of extinction. They sat in the penultimate row because Marco's eyes were burning if he didn't get quite far from the screen.
The second half had just begun when a man in his thirties sat in the armchair to the left of Katia putting his windbreaker on his knees. Marco, taken by the amazing special effects of the scenes, seemed not to have noticed the guy.
Katia, on the other hand, gave him an intrigued look and it was natural to wonder why the guy had sat down right next to her although there were many vacancies all around. He tried to pay attention to the projection but could not concentrate. Although she had given him a quick glance into the semi-darkness of the room, she noticed that she had a beautiful face. It smelled like a cologne. A few minutes later he felt a touch on the outside of his left elbow, resting on the arm of the seat. Prudenza would have liked her to move away but she didn't, curious to see if the contact had been casual or voluntary. The touch repeated itself, this time more decisive. And a little later still, but not on the arm, but on a shoe. He resisted the instinct to retract his foot. It had a shiver. The reason suggested that she ask Marco for a change of place but she did not do it, partly because of the embarrassment of revealing that the guy wanted to touch her, but partly because of the exciting curiosity to know how much she would dare. He thought about the risks he ran if he accepted his attentions. That fear made her withdraw her shoe but only of what was necessary to not feel the contact anymore. A moment and he felt the stranger's shoe approach his again. In the semi-dark room, made darker by the frequent night scenes of the film, the images passed in front of her eyes without any meaning, so much was the anxiety that caused her that situation. Out of the corner of his eye he looked around to make sure there weren't people too close. There were only empty seats behind her. In their same row four armchairs further away, a couple thought more of kissing than following the film. Hidden by his duvet, which she also had placed on her legs, she felt the man's knee lean on his, then rub it slightly. He took a deep sigh to ease his anxiety, moved his leg towards him increasing contact. Surprisingly, he felt the man's knee retract, but immediately afterwards he leaned back on his and gave her other light touches. Her face was burning and her mouth was parched with emotion. Another touch on the knee, then something that touched her skirt, then a short pull on the fabric. He understood what the stranger wanted him to do: to bring his legs closer to hers. He considered that if he had done it only a little, Marco would hardly have noticed the maneuver because his overcoats would have prevented him, but what an embarrassment if he had discovered it! It could even put their union at risk. One thing was the erotic fantasies they confided in and the phrases they exchanged in intimate moments, during which he often whispered that he would like to see her fuck with another, the reality was different. However, he felt prey to intense inner turmoil. She felt the man insist on giving her another tap on the knee to urge her to stay there. He decided to accept the "game" but proposed that it would allow him to palpate her knees only, then she would withdraw. Turning his pelvis, he moved on the armchair as if to adjust his skirt. That movement allowed her to bring her legs closer to the stranger. He waited for the events with a heart that beat them a thousand. He felt the man's hand settle on his knee, linger for a few moments, then begin to move his thigh up slowly.
Marco, taken by the tight rhythm of the film, watched the scene of a gigantic wave that attacked a large city submerging people and things. She also felt a wave, but it was a wave of excitement that took away any desire to get away from that risky situation. He brought his legs closer to those of the unknown, with the only possible movement of the body: to draw closer to Marco with his right hip.
The man withdrew and moved the jacket so that it covered the common armrest to conceal his hand. He put his hand back on the woman's knees, then carefully returned it.
Taken by that risky but addictive erotic game, she imperceptibly spread her legs and feeling her hand go up along her thigh she felt an uncontrollable shudder to the private parts. Upset she realized she was getting wet.
The man, now certain of the availability shown by the lady, continued to earn cents
He slipped his hand inside the thighs, where the skin was warmer and more tender. His cock felt as hard as marble. He continued to move his hand up to the height of a thicker edge of the socks. He understood that the lady was not wearing tights, but stockings. What luck! He crossed the edge and his hand landed up there, where the skin was more tender and warm.
Katia was very excited. That man had fingers with a wise and delicate touch. He felt his hand stop beyond the edge of the hold-up to directly palpate the naked flesh.
Suddenly he heard Marco's voice. Her heart skipped a beat.
- Do you like it, Katia? -
- What? she asked, trying to answer in a normal tone of voice.
- The special effect of this scene. -
- Yes a lot. -
- I think so! he whispered.
- Marco, I didn't understand what you said. -
- I asked you if you were comfortable in that position. -
"Of course," she replied. She heard him make a soft little laugh, then put an arm on her shoulders pulling her towards him and leaned her face against his. The firm traction of the torso to the right had the consequence of bringing the legs even closer to the stranger. What paradox he was experiencing! Marco held her tight and she had the audacity to be caressed by a stranger's thighs in the semi-darkness of a movie theater. He felt the man's hand gain a few more centimeters. She was so excited that she was sure it would have been enough to touch her panties and move her fingers a little to cause her an orgasm. Would she have managed to quell moans if it had happened? He had to withdraw. He was about to do it when he heard Marco mutter. She was seized with a shiver of apprehension at the thought that she had discovered everything.
- Damn it, Katia, I think I left the car open. -
-Are you sure, Marco? she asked, drawing a liberating sigh.
- No, but there are documents in the dashboard. I can't be in pain until the end of the film. -
- You will miss the most interesting scenes. The car is a bit distant. -
- I'd better go, I can't stay with this doubt. -
She followed him with her eyes while, in hurried but courteous ways, Marco asked the couple to let him pass. - And now? - I think. He felt the stranger's hand go up to touch her panties. He felt the stimulus of orgasm approaching. She trembled at the thought that she could not contain the moans. She was one of those women with a very sensitive clitoris that allowed her to orgasm before her husband although he was not a champion of endurance. He thought of moving to the place left free by him. He made the move to get up but the stranger's hand pressed on his thigh as if to make her understand that if he had dared so much by now, he would not have let her go easily. Her face was hot. He felt the man's hand try to pull her skirt upwards. Impulsively he raised himself a little to relieve the lower pressure of the thighs on the seat and allow the fabric to slide more easily. Under his coats he now had his thighs abundantly uncovered and spread wide. The man's hand insisted on stroking it with a very delicate touch. Now the stranger's fingers had come to feel her panties more firmly. He looked at it again. He noticed that his eyes had an expression of languda passion. Surely he had noticed how excited she was because her mood had surely pierced the thin garment. He felt the stranger's fingers get underneath, caress her hair, explore the outside of the vulva as if he wanted to ascertain how large his fleece was, then open a gap between the hair. He felt a finger settle on his clitoris and when the stranger began to titillarglielo, he felt pining from languor. She closed her eyes, clenched her teeth so as not to moan at the rush of pleasure that was about to envelop her, then the "little death" conquered her vulva, her whole pussy, from the clitoris to the uterus. An orgasm, as she had never felt before, took her breath away and everything started to spin. The orgasm continued, as if she did not want to give her respite, she attenuated and then exploded into another orgasm, this time more like an electric discharge than a harmonious pleasure. She was forced to stop the stranger's hand to give respite to her mind that she could no longer bear that sort of vaginal electroshock, but had managed to hold back the moans that would surely attract the attention of the spectators. He felt the man withdraw his arm and compose himself. She lowered her skirt to her knees, then remained in a state of kidnapping for a few minutes.
Not even what she had experienced seemed true, but the stranger brought her back to reality. The man's hand sought his and began to draw it towards him. Katia understood that she wanted to be reciprocated. The stranger was not forcing her, he simply led her lightly. Let go
He felt that he touched her ring finger, then felt the ring as if he wanted to understand if he wore a wedding ring or a real wedding ring. He heard her murmuring:
- Madam, you are married. -
"Yes," Katia replied in a tone trembling with concern. But it was precisely the mixing of sensations provoked by that question, which reminded her of the whore of a married woman who behaved so obscenely with a stranger that led to a paroxysmal excitement. - My husband went out to check if he had closed the car. Immediately afterwards he wondered why he had replied with that sentence. Maybe because it unconsciously made her feel even more slutty? Yes, maybe it was like that. Maybe she really wanted to feel like a bitch.
"Then, my beautiful lady, take it in my hand."
Katia had a great desire to yield. The man's hand increased traction while his resistance decreased. Finally she said to him:
- Do you promise me that he'll leave soon after? -
- Word of honor, Madam. -
Katia meekly let the stranger finish accompanying her hand under the jacket at the height of the pubis. He felt the swelling he was pressing against a soft ribbed fabric which he considered velvet. Below felt a large package. He fumbled on the zipper, pulled the zip down and realized that the man was not wearing underwear because he found his cock in his hand without the need to move anything away. He breathed deeply and tightened the rod. It was a cock larger than Marco's, so much so that he could not completely encircle it, and much longer but had a singular shape, arched upwards, which made her think of the curvature of the bananas and with the glans more bulk of the auction. He completely scappellò and ran his hand down. He noticed that the man was shaving because he did not feel hair, neither on the pubis nor on the scrotum. He began to masturbate him, deciding to ignore the fleeting thought that if he made him ejaculate, the jacket lining would get dirty. He adapted the movement of the hand to the curvature of the large penis. The excitement he felt was such as to overcome any fear or shame. How hot and hard and at the same time velvety, that big stick of pulsating meat! She continued to masturbate the man with the feeling that her stomach had become liquid, so she felt it pervaded by languor. He saw the stranger clench his jaws and narrow his eyes. The big cock throbbed between her fingers. He understood that the man was close to ejaculation. In a few moments he would feel the warm and sticky sperm dripping onto the back of his hand. A badly repressed whimper came. He increased the movement of his hand, rubbing his thumb on the frenulum, but felt it stop. He heard the man murmuring to her:
- Kiss him. -
A shiver ran through Katia's back. Now he was asking too much.
- Ma'am, please bend over to give him at least a little kiss. It is a moment. I'm clean! -
Many times, Katia had fantasized about giving a blowjob to a man other than her husband. He imagined that big and strange cock between his lips. Thought that gave her awareness of her true nature: carnal, lustful and lewd. That unexpected event was actually changing his erotic fantasies and in a place where he never imagined it would happen, yet he hesitated to subside.
The man, sensing how much she wanted to do it but seeing her hesitant, pushed the jacket aside to show her the cock. So she hoped to overcome the last indecisive glimmers that held her back. He saw her lean a little towards him but still remain undecided. He put his right hand behind her neck and put pressure on it. He felt the muscles of the lady's neck stiffen. Seeing that she didn't make up her mind, he took her hand from the back of her neck, hoping that the lady would at least start masturbating him again. He had just withdrawn when he saw her lower.
Katia bent over the stranger's cock. Now he had it a few inches from his mouth. The intoxicating smell of male pheromones came to her. He put his lips on the majestic chapel. He felt the man's hand rest on his head, but without pressing to push it. The smell he felt coming from that cock was irresistible. Her lips parted. The large glans filled her mouth. He grabbed the base of the cock with one hand and began to suck, lick and then go back to suck. Forget where he was, his tongue came to lick his hairless testicles. He took one in his mouth, then the other, then ran his tongue along the entire length of the rod and went back to sucking glans and frenulum. The man's murmured voice came to him: he warned her that he was about to ejaculate but she continued to suck his cock, sinking it into his mouth until he went beyond his uvula. He felt cowed in his soul and this feeling was a reason for mental pleasure.
- You're good, very good! I'm about to come, get up and continue with your hand - he warned her,
but she continued to suck it. He never imagined that after the hesitations, she would not only suck him but make him understand that he wanted to ejaculate in his mouth. Then, like a moving train, he felt his orgasm rise inside him like the wave of a tsunami. He tried to delay ejaculation by squeezing the buttocks, then a moment before gushing, he covered the lady with the jacket and was swallowed by the black hole of ecstasy.
Katia felt the man's cock stiffen in the harshness that precedes ejaculation, then the first surge, followed by a second, then a third, a quarter and a fifth weaker sprays. Now his mouth was full of semen. He took his cock out of his mouth, and swallowed in one gulp. She squeezed his urethra to collect the last drops as he did with her husband. When the stranger took off the jacket that covered her, she realized she was sweating and breathing heavily, but she felt completely satisfied, as if she had put the last piece in the erotic mosaic of that unforgettable evening, making herself cum in the mouth by a man who would have remained unknown. He felt happily obscene.
He saw the man put his half-erect cock back into his pants, then lean his back on the back of the armchair, his eyes half-closed, his face finally relaxed, facing the ceiling, incredulous at what had happened. Then, as he promised, he got up and left.
Katia waited for Marco to come back. The lights had just come on before the start of the last show, when he saw it coming. He hoped his face had at least lost its blush. He made an effort to give him a spontaneous smile. - Love, the last show starts in five minutes. Was the car closed? -
- No, but I checked: nothing is missing. -
As soon as they got back into the house, Katia felt herself grabbed by Marco and kissed with fiery transport. She was forced to detach from him to say:
- Marco, what's wrong with you, calm down! - She felt her mouth sticking to her neck again, her hands trafficking on her skirt to lift it, then her fingers running up her thighs and insinuating themselves between them to understand that she had to widen them. He felt his fingers move her underwear and reach her cunt. "Marco, let's go to the room," he suggested.
- No, let's stay here. Marco introduced his fingers through the thick hair until he discovered the clitoris. He started to rub it too hard. - Marco, not like that! Be more delicate. -
- Like that guy in the cinema? - he retorted in a voice hoarse with excitement.
Katia felt the blood flow from her face. Marco had noticed everything. What a shame! But why was he so excited? She looked him in the face. He was smiling at her.
- I went away to indulge you. It seemed strange to me that the guy had chosen to sit next to it with many free places, then that he had put his jacket so that it would come near your duvet. I understood that he wanted to touch you and when I noticed that you were moving your knees towards him, I understood that you would encourage him. At that point I got excited. -
- What? she asked, widening her eyes.
- Yes, Katia and I had an erection. I never imagined that I would get so excited to know that you were really the object of another's sexual attentions and you, indulging him, turned our fantasies into reality. I imagined his difficulty in sliding his hand over your thighs and that in that way he would never have been able to touch your pussy without exposing himself. So I found the excuse that I forgot to lock the car. I went to the cinema bathroom and masturbated.
"Marco, you're a bastard pig," she reacted, frowning. - You deliberately left me alone for the attention of a stranger. -
Marco chuckled at his all-female ability to overturn guilt, then picked her up, reached the room and unloaded her on the bed. A minute later they were both naked and embraced.
"We could change our fantasies into reality, Katia," Marco suggested. Then he added:
- There is nothing like complicity in enjoying our senses. We will avoid falling into habits that would end up making our relationships monotonous and repetitive. -
- Are you sure you want Marco? -
- Yup! Now tell me Katia: was the stranger's penis bigger than mine? -
- Marco, please, I don't want to talk about this. -
- Are you afraid of being humiliated? -
-All men fear confrontation with other males. -
- I want to know Katia! he insisted.
- Okay! Yes, he had the thickest and longest cock of yours, quite a bit too, and he also had a strange shape. -
- What do you mean? -
- It was curved. Do you know the shape of a banana? -
- Did you like it also malformed? -
- Rather! Maybe it was that imperfection that made me appreciate it. I still have two things to say to you, Marco: I haven't felt hair. That man shaves. -
- Evidently he is a blowjob lover and not he wants some lady to be disturbed by hair in the throat like we do every now and then.
The second half had just begun when a man in his thirties sat in the armchair to the left of Katia putting his windbreaker on his knees. Marco, taken by the amazing special effects of the scenes, seemed not to have noticed the guy.
Katia, on the other hand, gave him an intrigued look and it was natural to wonder why the guy had sat down right next to her although there were many vacancies all around. He tried to pay attention to the projection but could not concentrate. Although she had given him a quick glance into the semi-darkness of the room, she noticed that she had a beautiful face. It smelled like a cologne. A few minutes later he felt a touch on the outside of his left elbow, resting on the arm of the seat. Prudenza would have liked her to move away but she didn't, curious to see if the contact had been casual or voluntary. The touch repeated itself, this time more decisive. And a little later still, but not on the arm, but on a shoe. He resisted the instinct to retract his foot. It had a shiver. The reason suggested that she ask Marco for a change of place but she did not do it, partly because of the embarrassment of revealing that the guy wanted to touch her, but partly because of the exciting curiosity to know how much she would dare. He thought about the risks he ran if he accepted his attentions. That fear made her withdraw her shoe but only of what was necessary to not feel the contact anymore. A moment and he felt the stranger's shoe approach his again. In the semi-dark room, made darker by the frequent night scenes of the film, the images passed in front of her eyes without any meaning, so much was the anxiety that caused her that situation. Out of the corner of his eye he looked around to make sure there weren't people too close. There were only empty seats behind her. In their same row four armchairs further away, a couple thought more of kissing than following the film. Hidden by his duvet, which she also had placed on her legs, she felt the man's knee lean on his, then rub it slightly. He took a deep sigh to ease his anxiety, moved his leg towards him increasing contact. Surprisingly, he felt the man's knee retract, but immediately afterwards he leaned back on his and gave her other light touches. Her face was burning and her mouth was parched with emotion. Another touch on the knee, then something that touched her skirt, then a short pull on the fabric. He understood what the stranger wanted him to do: to bring his legs closer to hers. He considered that if he had done it only a little, Marco would hardly have noticed the maneuver because his overcoats would have prevented him, but what an embarrassment if he had discovered it! It could even put their union at risk. One thing was the erotic fantasies they confided in and the phrases they exchanged in intimate moments, during which he often whispered that he would like to see her fuck with another, the reality was different. However, he felt prey to intense inner turmoil. She felt the man insist on giving her another tap on the knee to urge her to stay there. He decided to accept the "game" but proposed that it would allow him to palpate her knees only, then she would withdraw. Turning his pelvis, he moved on the armchair as if to adjust his skirt. That movement allowed her to bring her legs closer to the stranger. He waited for the events with a heart that beat them a thousand. He felt the man's hand settle on his knee, linger for a few moments, then begin to move his thigh up slowly.
Marco, taken by the tight rhythm of the film, watched the scene of a gigantic wave that attacked a large city submerging people and things. She also felt a wave, but it was a wave of excitement that took away any desire to get away from that risky situation. He brought his legs closer to those of the unknown, with the only possible movement of the body: to draw closer to Marco with his right hip.
The man withdrew and moved the jacket so that it covered the common armrest to conceal his hand. He put his hand back on the woman's knees, then carefully returned it.
Taken by that risky but addictive erotic game, she imperceptibly spread her legs and feeling her hand go up along her thigh she felt an uncontrollable shudder to the private parts. Upset she realized she was getting wet.
The man, now certain of the availability shown by the lady, continued to earn cents
He slipped his hand inside the thighs, where the skin was warmer and more tender. His cock felt as hard as marble. He continued to move his hand up to the height of a thicker edge of the socks. He understood that the lady was not wearing tights, but stockings. What luck! He crossed the edge and his hand landed up there, where the skin was more tender and warm.
Katia was very excited. That man had fingers with a wise and delicate touch. He felt his hand stop beyond the edge of the hold-up to directly palpate the naked flesh.
Suddenly he heard Marco's voice. Her heart skipped a beat.
- Do you like it, Katia? -
- What? she asked, trying to answer in a normal tone of voice.
- The special effect of this scene. -
- Yes a lot. -
- I think so! he whispered.
- Marco, I didn't understand what you said. -
- I asked you if you were comfortable in that position. -
"Of course," she replied. She heard him make a soft little laugh, then put an arm on her shoulders pulling her towards him and leaned her face against his. The firm traction of the torso to the right had the consequence of bringing the legs even closer to the stranger. What paradox he was experiencing! Marco held her tight and she had the audacity to be caressed by a stranger's thighs in the semi-darkness of a movie theater. He felt the man's hand gain a few more centimeters. She was so excited that she was sure it would have been enough to touch her panties and move her fingers a little to cause her an orgasm. Would she have managed to quell moans if it had happened? He had to withdraw. He was about to do it when he heard Marco mutter. She was seized with a shiver of apprehension at the thought that she had discovered everything.
- Damn it, Katia, I think I left the car open. -
-Are you sure, Marco? she asked, drawing a liberating sigh.
- No, but there are documents in the dashboard. I can't be in pain until the end of the film. -
- You will miss the most interesting scenes. The car is a bit distant. -
- I'd better go, I can't stay with this doubt. -
She followed him with her eyes while, in hurried but courteous ways, Marco asked the couple to let him pass. - And now? - I think. He felt the stranger's hand go up to touch her panties. He felt the stimulus of orgasm approaching. She trembled at the thought that she could not contain the moans. She was one of those women with a very sensitive clitoris that allowed her to orgasm before her husband although he was not a champion of endurance. He thought of moving to the place left free by him. He made the move to get up but the stranger's hand pressed on his thigh as if to make her understand that if he had dared so much by now, he would not have let her go easily. Her face was hot. He felt the man's hand try to pull her skirt upwards. Impulsively he raised himself a little to relieve the lower pressure of the thighs on the seat and allow the fabric to slide more easily. Under his coats he now had his thighs abundantly uncovered and spread wide. The man's hand insisted on stroking it with a very delicate touch. Now the stranger's fingers had come to feel her panties more firmly. He looked at it again. He noticed that his eyes had an expression of languda passion. Surely he had noticed how excited she was because her mood had surely pierced the thin garment. He felt the stranger's fingers get underneath, caress her hair, explore the outside of the vulva as if he wanted to ascertain how large his fleece was, then open a gap between the hair. He felt a finger settle on his clitoris and when the stranger began to titillarglielo, he felt pining from languor. She closed her eyes, clenched her teeth so as not to moan at the rush of pleasure that was about to envelop her, then the "little death" conquered her vulva, her whole pussy, from the clitoris to the uterus. An orgasm, as she had never felt before, took her breath away and everything started to spin. The orgasm continued, as if she did not want to give her respite, she attenuated and then exploded into another orgasm, this time more like an electric discharge than a harmonious pleasure. She was forced to stop the stranger's hand to give respite to her mind that she could no longer bear that sort of vaginal electroshock, but had managed to hold back the moans that would surely attract the attention of the spectators. He felt the man withdraw his arm and compose himself. She lowered her skirt to her knees, then remained in a state of kidnapping for a few minutes.
Not even what she had experienced seemed true, but the stranger brought her back to reality. The man's hand sought his and began to draw it towards him. Katia understood that she wanted to be reciprocated. The stranger was not forcing her, he simply led her lightly. Let go
He felt that he touched her ring finger, then felt the ring as if he wanted to understand if he wore a wedding ring or a real wedding ring. He heard her murmuring:
- Madam, you are married. -
"Yes," Katia replied in a tone trembling with concern. But it was precisely the mixing of sensations provoked by that question, which reminded her of the whore of a married woman who behaved so obscenely with a stranger that led to a paroxysmal excitement. - My husband went out to check if he had closed the car. Immediately afterwards he wondered why he had replied with that sentence. Maybe because it unconsciously made her feel even more slutty? Yes, maybe it was like that. Maybe she really wanted to feel like a bitch.
"Then, my beautiful lady, take it in my hand."
Katia had a great desire to yield. The man's hand increased traction while his resistance decreased. Finally she said to him:
- Do you promise me that he'll leave soon after? -
- Word of honor, Madam. -
Katia meekly let the stranger finish accompanying her hand under the jacket at the height of the pubis. He felt the swelling he was pressing against a soft ribbed fabric which he considered velvet. Below felt a large package. He fumbled on the zipper, pulled the zip down and realized that the man was not wearing underwear because he found his cock in his hand without the need to move anything away. He breathed deeply and tightened the rod. It was a cock larger than Marco's, so much so that he could not completely encircle it, and much longer but had a singular shape, arched upwards, which made her think of the curvature of the bananas and with the glans more bulk of the auction. He completely scappellò and ran his hand down. He noticed that the man was shaving because he did not feel hair, neither on the pubis nor on the scrotum. He began to masturbate him, deciding to ignore the fleeting thought that if he made him ejaculate, the jacket lining would get dirty. He adapted the movement of the hand to the curvature of the large penis. The excitement he felt was such as to overcome any fear or shame. How hot and hard and at the same time velvety, that big stick of pulsating meat! She continued to masturbate the man with the feeling that her stomach had become liquid, so she felt it pervaded by languor. He saw the stranger clench his jaws and narrow his eyes. The big cock throbbed between her fingers. He understood that the man was close to ejaculation. In a few moments he would feel the warm and sticky sperm dripping onto the back of his hand. A badly repressed whimper came. He increased the movement of his hand, rubbing his thumb on the frenulum, but felt it stop. He heard the man murmuring to her:
- Kiss him. -
A shiver ran through Katia's back. Now he was asking too much.
- Ma'am, please bend over to give him at least a little kiss. It is a moment. I'm clean! -
Many times, Katia had fantasized about giving a blowjob to a man other than her husband. He imagined that big and strange cock between his lips. Thought that gave her awareness of her true nature: carnal, lustful and lewd. That unexpected event was actually changing his erotic fantasies and in a place where he never imagined it would happen, yet he hesitated to subside.
The man, sensing how much she wanted to do it but seeing her hesitant, pushed the jacket aside to show her the cock. So she hoped to overcome the last indecisive glimmers that held her back. He saw her lean a little towards him but still remain undecided. He put his right hand behind her neck and put pressure on it. He felt the muscles of the lady's neck stiffen. Seeing that she didn't make up her mind, he took her hand from the back of her neck, hoping that the lady would at least start masturbating him again. He had just withdrawn when he saw her lower.
Katia bent over the stranger's cock. Now he had it a few inches from his mouth. The intoxicating smell of male pheromones came to her. He put his lips on the majestic chapel. He felt the man's hand rest on his head, but without pressing to push it. The smell he felt coming from that cock was irresistible. Her lips parted. The large glans filled her mouth. He grabbed the base of the cock with one hand and began to suck, lick and then go back to suck. Forget where he was, his tongue came to lick his hairless testicles. He took one in his mouth, then the other, then ran his tongue along the entire length of the rod and went back to sucking glans and frenulum. The man's murmured voice came to him: he warned her that he was about to ejaculate but she continued to suck his cock, sinking it into his mouth until he went beyond his uvula. He felt cowed in his soul and this feeling was a reason for mental pleasure.
- You're good, very good! I'm about to come, get up and continue with your hand - he warned her,
but she continued to suck it. He never imagined that after the hesitations, she would not only suck him but make him understand that he wanted to ejaculate in his mouth. Then, like a moving train, he felt his orgasm rise inside him like the wave of a tsunami. He tried to delay ejaculation by squeezing the buttocks, then a moment before gushing, he covered the lady with the jacket and was swallowed by the black hole of ecstasy.
Katia felt the man's cock stiffen in the harshness that precedes ejaculation, then the first surge, followed by a second, then a third, a quarter and a fifth weaker sprays. Now his mouth was full of semen. He took his cock out of his mouth, and swallowed in one gulp. She squeezed his urethra to collect the last drops as he did with her husband. When the stranger took off the jacket that covered her, she realized she was sweating and breathing heavily, but she felt completely satisfied, as if she had put the last piece in the erotic mosaic of that unforgettable evening, making herself cum in the mouth by a man who would have remained unknown. He felt happily obscene.
He saw the man put his half-erect cock back into his pants, then lean his back on the back of the armchair, his eyes half-closed, his face finally relaxed, facing the ceiling, incredulous at what had happened. Then, as he promised, he got up and left.
Katia waited for Marco to come back. The lights had just come on before the start of the last show, when he saw it coming. He hoped his face had at least lost its blush. He made an effort to give him a spontaneous smile. - Love, the last show starts in five minutes. Was the car closed? -
- No, but I checked: nothing is missing. -
As soon as they got back into the house, Katia felt herself grabbed by Marco and kissed with fiery transport. She was forced to detach from him to say:
- Marco, what's wrong with you, calm down! - She felt her mouth sticking to her neck again, her hands trafficking on her skirt to lift it, then her fingers running up her thighs and insinuating themselves between them to understand that she had to widen them. He felt his fingers move her underwear and reach her cunt. "Marco, let's go to the room," he suggested.
- No, let's stay here. Marco introduced his fingers through the thick hair until he discovered the clitoris. He started to rub it too hard. - Marco, not like that! Be more delicate. -
- Like that guy in the cinema? - he retorted in a voice hoarse with excitement.
Katia felt the blood flow from her face. Marco had noticed everything. What a shame! But why was he so excited? She looked him in the face. He was smiling at her.
- I went away to indulge you. It seemed strange to me that the guy had chosen to sit next to it with many free places, then that he had put his jacket so that it would come near your duvet. I understood that he wanted to touch you and when I noticed that you were moving your knees towards him, I understood that you would encourage him. At that point I got excited. -
- What? she asked, widening her eyes.
- Yes, Katia and I had an erection. I never imagined that I would get so excited to know that you were really the object of another's sexual attentions and you, indulging him, turned our fantasies into reality. I imagined his difficulty in sliding his hand over your thighs and that in that way he would never have been able to touch your pussy without exposing himself. So I found the excuse that I forgot to lock the car. I went to the cinema bathroom and masturbated.
"Marco, you're a bastard pig," she reacted, frowning. - You deliberately left me alone for the attention of a stranger. -
Marco chuckled at his all-female ability to overturn guilt, then picked her up, reached the room and unloaded her on the bed. A minute later they were both naked and embraced.
"We could change our fantasies into reality, Katia," Marco suggested. Then he added:
- There is nothing like complicity in enjoying our senses. We will avoid falling into habits that would end up making our relationships monotonous and repetitive. -
- Are you sure you want Marco? -
- Yup! Now tell me Katia: was the stranger's penis bigger than mine? -
- Marco, please, I don't want to talk about this. -
- Are you afraid of being humiliated? -
-All men fear confrontation with other males. -
- I want to know Katia! he insisted.
- Okay! Yes, he had the thickest and longest cock of yours, quite a bit too, and he also had a strange shape. -
- What do you mean? -
- It was curved. Do you know the shape of a banana? -
- Did you like it also malformed? -
- Rather! Maybe it was that imperfection that made me appreciate it. I still have two things to say to you, Marco: I haven't felt hair. That man shaves. -
- Evidently he is a blowjob lover and not he wants some lady to be disturbed by hair in the throat like we do every now and then.
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