Let me introduce myself, I am Fabrizio.
As I am preparing to write this story, I am almost forty years old and I have come to the conclusion of putting it black on white after many perplexities and many years thinking about it.
In the first place because, to see it from the outside, it is a rather rough topic. And I always thought that writing it, with all its facets and details, would have partially justified the behavior of many people, criminals in all respects, who would see in these lines a comfortable mitigating factor.
Well, there isn't.
It is pedophilia and pedophilia is a crime. Involving children in sexual practices is absolutely disgusting and something that makes me sick at just thinking about it. It is just wrong, because as children we do not have the ability to split the wrong or dangerous coasts even if pleasant, we are not able to assess the risks or imagine the consequences. There is no justification for this, there are no extenuating circumstances
But I'm not here to hold a law or moral treaty.
I am a writer and my job is that of the narrator, it will be up to others to make a judgment on morality or not.
In addition, even if it will seem little credible or a cliché now used inappropriately in this type of narrative. The story I am writing to you really happened, and it happened to me. They really happened in my childhood and I waited many years before putting them down on these computer keys.
And believe it or not, whether you take it as a crap or a low erotic narrative, that excites you or you are disgusted, it doesn't matter to me now.
I will tell you this story, filtered by the many years that have passed, and I will try to tell it not as it is now, as I see it now, but as I saw it at that time, I want to try to see everything with my own eyes then, with the impressions and judgment that I had at that time and with what seemed to me to happen and that maybe, on second thoughts in hindsight, it could not have happened like that, or maybe it did. I do not know. Certain details now elude me and others have become blurry, but I will endeavor to tell it exactly as I remember it. In all its rawness and trying to use the words I used. I already know that it will be a tough undertaking, especially for certain memories that still hurt me a little now, and for all those situations that I have forgotten.
Even the time when it happened, for certain episodes I don't remember.
It was something that lasted a long time, but I would not know how to quantify it now, so even the time of the story will be vague, exactly as it is in my head.
Maybe out of shame or maybe because I always thought there was something "wrong" with me, I brought these secrets up to now, without ever telling them if not to very few trusted people and to my psychologist.
The latter, many years ago suggested me to do it, to throw out those memories, to prevent them from settling in my unconscious.
So here we are.
I find myself vaguely uncomfortable getting started and also a little intimidated.
But now it's done.
I don't know when it all started, I don't know when my sexual drives started to surface, but I was really very sexting. I have vague memories of very intense games with my cousin who is the same age as I was when I was in the last year of kindergarten. I remember touching and masturbating (in particularly complex ways, by the way) ever since. I remember I liked "dirty" things like licking her feet or sticking objects in my ass.
I laugh, but I was really a depraved ...
So much so that I imagine the embarrassment of my parents when they found me on the sofa, lying rubbing. They told me to stop and I replied to wait a moment that I had to finish.
I remember that kind of enjoyment. No, they weren't real orgasms it was like ... like masturbating and on the most beautiful a pleasant shake came and everything ended.
Of course, I could do about a dozen a day, because, never coming, there never came that feeling of exhaustion or stoning that instead would come as soon as puberty brought with it ejaculation.
My horny situation was almost continuous although it did not interfere with my life. Simply, when I felt like it, I touched it. Regardless of the time or place.
Gradually, however, I understood that I could not touch myself in front of the others and that the dirty games could not be played with the cousin (which clearly continued in secret, leading to an increase in desire for the "forbidden practice".)
Then, puberty arrived, bringing with it hormonal waves, which in my case overflowed in blows to the bitter end and consequent perennial stoning.
Over the years, my sexual confusion became almost total. I easily fell in love with every little girl I met and someone "played" with me at my pig games too, but they were always spot meetings and never with children of my age
In addition, on an occasional basis, I had found that I also liked to "play" with males. So I ended up not understanding things well. I loved vaginas and small tits, but peas attracted me equally. I liked when we were swordsmen, I liked to feel another pea on mine and all of them, I liked to put them in my mouth. I found it an extremely pushed thing, but I saw that even those who did it liked it very much.
I never paid particular attention, to be honest, to understand what I liked. Whether or not I was gay or anything. No. When I found myself playing and my partner or playmate went further, I simply "was there".
In the third grade, after some family problems, I moved to my grandparents' house in a remote village in the countryside in the northeast. It was a big trauma for a boy who came from the city, but you know, children have a strong ability to acclimatize.
Suddenly, I found myself in a new place, with a difficult situation on my shoulders, surrounded by a very different social environment and with peers, very ... let's say "free range".
The first period was the toughest. The integration, the studies and the fact that not knowing anyone, I was always alone.
The key was to take an after-school English course. I finally managed to interact with my local peers and met my neighbor. Valentina. That even though we were in class together and lived not even ten meters away, he never spoke to me.
The first sexual encounter, I had with her and her brother, in fact. I don't remember how old I was, but it was the summer between the fifth grade and the first grade. They were my neighbors and we always played together. His brother was one year younger than us and his name was Luigi.
It all happened because Vale had stolen cigarettes from his stepfather and we had hidden in a grove to smoke them.
I remember that nobody aspired, but it excited us all a lot.
Maybe because we thought we were big or because of the excitement of doing something forbidden, the fact is that we started to touch each other.
For me it was paradise. I could have both a male and a female to play with at the same time. It's not that much was done, huh! We touched each other and tried to insert the pea into Vale's super hairy potato, obviously without results. I remember then that, since she didn't come in, she had proposed to put it in her ass.
Of course, he didn't go in there either, but it was much more pleasant because he found more meat to rub on.
Vale wasn't exactly beautiful. She was quite large and not particularly beautiful in face. But she had two big boobs that looked like two volcanoes. They stood straight with their tips out, surrounded by a dark halo and I loved to suck and nibble them.
She liked it very much, especially those times when her brother was away. I remember that she told me to push her the strongest pea, that would enter, that they had told her that when she entered it hurt but then it was a pleasure, but nothing, in the end she never entered.
One afternoon we spent two hours trying to lie down in a field. I was pushing and she was holding it in place. Then I went up and down, but in the end, I only got severe back pain and a little cigarette nausea.
I remember eating the Rossanas to get the stench out of our mouths.
It was in that summer that we discovered the pig grove.
Every day during the summer, we went around the fields to walk and weave our adventures of play and discovery. We stayed away from home for hours, whole afternoons, and being surrounded by fields, we traveled kilometers by kilometers every day among woods and grasslands cultivated with clover or corn.
During an exploration of an area that we had never beaten with our games, we slipped into a very dense forest (however, it was a few trees, at most a hundred meters).
The place was far enough from our house, to think about it now, it must have been two kilometers and we were on the edge of the country. Few peasant houses, fields. then an abandoned factory and finally the state highway.
Once we sneaked into the trees, we found that it wasn't so wild inside. There were agricultural tools, stacks of wood, a rusted and broken Fiat Ritmo and a couple of blackened and earthen-filled plastic chairs. There were also paths of beaten earth between the trees, which led to a field, in addition to this, shacks in rusty plates, empty cages, vegetable gardens and the house of a school friend of ours who was the same age as Luigi, but he attended another class.
I remember that we fantasized at length about how we could involve her in our games, perhaps with the excuse of cigarettes. We went on for hours to devise strategies to take her from simply playing to touching us, clearly smoking, getting excited and ending up touching us,
hidden by trees.
A long time later, while we were trying to get out and return to the road, avoiding the ditch and the brambles, we noticed some black bags of garbage and some boxes from which some colored newspapers appeared. Like honey bees, we went to see what it was and with immense surprise we found, I believe hundreds, of porn magazines.
It was truly a pornazzo library. There was really all the knowledge of pornography, from magazines with ads and telephone numbers, to comics.
We read avidly, discovering in a single day an infinity of things that we would never have thought possible to do.
Besides, there were really curious things. I remember a comic book in which a jealous man put padlocks on his wife's nipples and vagina and a magazine in which incredibly a boy who would have been our age had sex with a super slut.
We were shocked, laughing out loud at certain things so dirty that we never even imagined them.
For days we went back to "acculturating" ourselves in the pig grove, as we had called it.
Then, my friends, that summer, had to leave for the holidays. They would go to the beach for two weeks. And I was left alone in the boring heat of the countryside.
The afternoons were long and without friends, the view was bleak, between fields of yellowed grass and dried corn.
I felt a little lost without my adventure companions but I still went to the grove to browse newspapers on newspapers, of course, killing myself with blowjobs to cheat time.
The thing that intrigued me most about those images were those cocks with the chapel outside.
I had never seen friends who had peas like that. Everyone was like mine, covered.
But that purple thing that came out of the skin really excited me. It seemed to me the most "dirty" thing of all.
Besides clearly admiring the sperm. We all knew what it was, but none of us had yet come out. Even though we were lying about the exact opposite.
I was attracted to these women who had their butt penetrated and drank semen.
And I imagined I was in their place. From the faces they made, it must have been a pleasure, as Vale said.
It was the apotheosis of what I thought was exciting.
But I was also full of curiosities.
How did such a big thing get through your butt? It already hurt me when I put too many markers inside.
And what could this sperm taste like? It was good? And how could it be good if it came out of the pee hole?
Then, one afternoon, while I was sitting on a log and masturbating with a newspaper in my hand, I heard someone approaching.
I escaped by hiding behind bushes and staying there with my heart that seemed to burst in my chest.
I thought of the shitty figure I would have done if he had caught me there with the pea in his hand.
Then, a man entered the grove. He was Paola's father, the little girl a year younger than me who was in my school. His house was right across the street and in all likelihood, the grove was also his.
I stopped completely, almost without breathing.
I could not run away now, I would have made a terrible mess and even arriving on the street, he would certainly have seen me.
So I stayed there, crouched in the brambles, while I kept an eye on the situation.
Marco, Paola's father, went up to the sacks of newspapers and snorted. He said something about the mess that was there.
Suddenly, I thought he wanted to set that treasure on fire, but instead he had just lit a cigarette.
He stayed there to put the papers back in the bags and then, he did something shocking.
He lowered his pants and pulled out the pea.
It was a large pea, completely different from mine and it was hard. But above all, when he brought him down and lowered him, he had the chapel that came out of him.
I stared at him in disbelief, as he began to saw himself, pushing his pelvis back and forth, until, with a groan of pleasure, he sprayed a whitish jet a few steps from where I was hidden.
The sperm! I thought in admiration and watched carefully as it came out. It was not liquid and did not come out as if it were pee, it came out in dense splashes that fell on the leaves with small thuds.
You want fear, you want the situation. I found the pea with a terrible erection.
Fortunately, she left a little later and I was able to get away.
Throughout the evening, I thought about that cocked cock and that white spray. I thought of how I could play with it, the taste and texture of that purple skin in the mouth and sperm.
Who knows what it was ... consistency. It seemed lumpy and slimy, but it attracted me a lot.
It looked like the skifidor, a kind of jelly that they sold together with the ninja turtles.
That substance was beautiful and disgusting at the same time, it looked purple mucus, but in its being disgusting it was also nice to hold it and crush it.
I thought it was more
or less of the same consistency as sperm.
Precisely for that, I decided that the next day I would go back to the grove and search the ground to find the sketch, so I would see it and understand what it was.
The next day, excited as a rabbit, I set off on my bike to the grove.
I sneaked in on the usual side, the opposite of the house, and started looking.
I had not considered that the earth absorbs liquids and that finding a splash of sperm in a wood was practically impossible.
I was truly sorry. I had made a whole series of mental films in which I took that liquid and touched it, and then ... clearly ... I tasted it.
I would have understood the taste of a real pea. The taste of an adult's cock.
I was outside of myself.
But nothing.
That spray had been lost.
Who knows when another chance like that would have happened to me. How many chances there were that a big one would come and get a blowjob in the grove, just while I was there.
In the meantime, Paola's dad was in the field above the tractor he was going back and forth. I kept an eye on him and in fact, at some point, his tractor reached the edge of the grove and stopped.
I had slung into my hiding place again and I was hoping that this time too he would have had a good blowjob.
This time I would have been careful and I would have seen the exact spot where his sperm fell.
Man, he entered with a snort. He was bare-chested and sweaty. At the time he would have been around thirty-five, but he already had a beautiful belly.
He looked at the ground and grumbled out loud.
-Still? - then followed a couple of blasphemies. -But people come to look around, but they don't look at it ...-
In that, he lowered his pants and saw that pea again. Right in front of them. He started to move it a little, slamming it to the right and left and after a while he became hard and big and went back to sawing himself like the day before, moving his pelvis back and forth.
Knowing that I was well hidden, I put my hand inside the short shorts and started to saw myself looking at him.
When he tensed and mumbled, my eyes fixed on his tip, attentive to every spray signal and where it would fall.
Instead, at the end, he took a tissue from his pocket and placed it in front of the chapel. After wiping it clean, he tossed the handkerchief into the woods. A few centimeters from where I was hidden. And he left.
When I heard the tractor start again, I reached out my trembling hand and opened the handkerchief.
It had a pungent smell and I immediately felt the wet and warm paper and this surprised me. I hadn't considered the idea that it was hot.
I sniffed deeply and realized it was the dirtiest thing I'd ever done in my life. I was in ecstasy.
I touched it with my fingers and felt the stickiness and warmth. It was not like the skifidor, it was softer and ... more liquid. The hands and handkerchief were wet and that substance stuck to the fingers creating white threads.
Then I couldn't resist anymore.
I spilled that hot cream on my right hand and started spreading it on my pea masturbating.
Towards the end, when I felt that I was at the peak, with that smell that was giving me in the head, I couldn't stop myself and put my fingers in my mouth.
I licked everything, even the handkerchief, while with a blow, I felt something come out of my cock.
I had also made a cumshot.
My first ejaculation was like that, with a big guy's mouth full of cum.
I don't know if I shouted for pleasure, but I saw that the man was standing on the tractor looking towards the grove.
I was doing it underneath and I ran out.
Marco went back to the grove and I pretended to arrive by bike at that moment and while he had leaned over, towards the road, I greeted him with a nonchalant gesture.
-Good morning.-
He stared at me for a while and then smiled amused at me
-Hello Fabrizio. How come alone? -
"Well, Vale and Lu went on vacation."
"Ogre ..." he said. -Eh, blessed are they. Paola is also at the beach with her mother ... all on vacation and we are here! He said with a sorry air. -Do you want to come in and eat ice cream? -
At that moment I bleached.
Grandparents had always told me to be careful, that there were people who took advantage of the children, not to accept things from strangers.
What if he saw me? I thought
What if he wants to hurt me now as he mentioned me at my house?
-No thanks, I'm going home.- I politely refused.
"As you wish." He said. -If you pass here, stop well ...- he said. But his gaze betrayed something, I knew it, I was convinced of it. He had seen me ...
I think I became like a pepper from shame. He had seen me do those bullshit.
-Okay, thank you.- I said. And I started to leave.
"Wait." He stopped me going down the street. He came up to me and I felt a tug on my bottom.
-Look that you got stuck brambles on your ass.- he said pulling a long bramble that had become entangled behind me.
-Ouch! - I screamed. More for fear than for pain.
-Oh sorry! - he said. And with that he stroked my ass.
I was like everything stiffened by the
implementation and also very frightened.
Meanwhile he did not stop and continued to massage.
-Sorry, nice .- He said -A better? - and underlined the words with palpatine
-Yes. yes.- I said. -Done nothing.-
"Well, then," he said with two more strokes with his full hand. -Go.- and he accompanied me on the bike ride by pressing his finger hard between the ass. And he laughed.
I laughed too and went home.
Before the curve I turned to look. I was completely sweaty with fear. And out of the corner of my eye I saw him at the end of the street. It looked like he had lowered his pants and I ran away.
Before I got home, I hid in a field of corncobs to recover from fear.
Once calmed down, I thought of the handkerchief. I put my hands on my nose and felt the intoxicating smell again. So I masturbated again.
And I thought about his cock and his white gel, the texture and the taste.
It was sour and salty, but also with sweet notes.
Then, I thought of that man, when he touched my ass. Maybe he wanted to put a finger in me like in the newspapers.
I knew it was pleasant. And then I licked that still sticky finger and put it inside as much as I could.
It would have been great to have it done.
But Marco was an adult and perhaps I had misunderstood. Maybe it was just my imagination that made me see certain things. I had read too many newspapers and now I saw dirty things everywhere.
I continued to pass cautiously through the grove in the days after, more and more excited.
I had also thought of going to his house for ice cream, but I was too terrified.
I wasn't thinking about anything else, until after three days I tried to go back to see two little newspapers.
I was particularly cautious.
In truth, I was hoping he would come back. Down below I would have liked him to come and touch my ass again, maybe inside his pants, maybe with a finger inside ...
The newspapers didn't take me that much because I kept looking at his field.
I wanted and I didn't want to.
I liked the fantasy, the idea of being touched, perhaps of feeling an adult pea in the mouth, yes. But at the same time I was afraid, not of him, but of letting myself be discovered or ... who knows ...
At one point, Marco left the house and bent over the vegetable garden.
I looked at him and thought of a way to get his attention.
I wanted him to know that if his intentions were, I was available.
But he was always an adult.
But I wanted to know if he liked those dirty things too, and I tried to remember what had happened a few days before.
I wasn't sure, it was far away, but I was convinced I saw him pull the pea out as I left. While he knew I was looking at him.
So, super excited I found the perfect trick.
I could go to the edge of the woods and pretend to pee with my pants down. If he liked my ass, he would have done something, and I would have had the excuse of peeing otherwise.
So I went into the trees and lowered my pants.
Nothing happened.
Marco continued his work in the vegetable garden.
Then I moved closer to the field, until my butt emerged from the trees.
Still nothing.
Surely he would have seen me from there, but he wasn't looking.
Then I stood in profile, so I would have seen if he had raised his head.
I don't know how long I stood with my ass out waiting, but at some point. Marco got up and looked at me.
At that point, I turned slowly. I had a hard pea and he would have seen me not pissing.
So I stood looking out of the corner of my eye.
Marco was standing with his hand on his forehead, looking towards me.
But he did nothing else.
Two good minutes passed like this.
If it bothered him, he would have already yelled at me.
Instead it stayed there. Straight and still looking at me. Leaving me even more disoriented.
The fact of being naked with a man who looked at me had reduced me to a state of ecstasy and excitement never experienced before. That feeling of forbidden and forbidden.
So, without hesitating further, I began to grope my butt by myself. As he had done.
And it was then that I saw him look around and then pull out the pea and start moving it up and down.
Then it was true.
I had seen right.
I had to turn over a few times to be sure of what I was seeing.
I felt really dirty and so I pushed my butt out and bent over. Showing him everything that could be seen and finally, with a quick suck, I slipped the index finger into the hole.
He could not resist and with a wave of his hand he told me to come closer.
I didn't know what to do but I did no with my head.
Then he made the gesture of waiting and walked towards me.
It was a little too much.
I didn't hang on and ran away to the house.
In the evening I cursed myself for that cowardice and for all the rubbish I could have done.
I was thinking about those moments, while I was sitting on the toilet at home, I was thinking about when I was naked while an adult sawing himself watching me stick a finger in his ass.
The next day I would return, I promised myself. And I wouldn't be
I would have stayed and done all the dirtiest things.
Instead, for two days, I went back to being watched by doing a kind of pathetic show that consisted mostly of showing myself naked and putting my finger in my ass.
Increasingly casual, also showing him the pea and stripping me first in the woods to show me completely naked.
But every time he approached, I ran away at full speed. To then, once home. Curse and fantasize about that man and his pea and all the possible things he could have done to me.
The following week, one Sunday. I went back to the grove, always recommending not to run away.
I went into the woods and looked at the situation.
There was no one.
Not even in the vegetable garden or in the field.
I peered through the trees, but nothing.
Anyway, as usual, I took off my shorts with my underpants together and hung them with the undershirt on a cut branch and then, very excited by my naked body, I went to the edge of the woods.
There was no one. But it was Sunday, maybe he was out.
I stood for a while with the pea in my hand looking out until, suddenly, Marco came out of the barracks to the right of the field. It was about half the distance we usually had.
As soon as I saw him I smiled and turned to show him his little ass.
I opened my butt until I felt the hole hurt.
He came over.
And I didn't move.
I wanted to be there. This time I had to stay still.
I could hear his footsteps in the grass and also the sticks breaking.
It was within walking distance.
By now, I thought, I could no longer run away.
My heart was in my throat and my legs were shaking.
I started masturbating to keep myself from going away and at that point I felt his hand on my ass.
It was done.
I could no longer back down.
My mind was invaded by images of unspeakable bullshit, in a whirlwind of excitement.
-Hello Fabri ...- he said in a low voice. -But what a nice little ass you have ...- then starting to move his hand on his buttocks he asked me.
-Can I pet? -
I no longer had saliva in my mouth and I was unable to swallow, so I just nodded.
- How nice! - he told me. -It looks like a ripe peach ...- and his hands kept turning on my buttocks, in a circle. Then stop and squeeze them.
I was motionless.
-Do you like it? - he asked me and I kept going with my head.
I was in ecstasy, otherwise.
-Do you like to put your finger inside? - He asked me.
I nodded again.
"Come on, Fabri." -Let me see ... can I watch? -
I just nodded.
Then I put my forefinger in my mouth and stuffed it inside without much fuss.
He didn't resist.
He leaned behind me, crouched a few centimeters from my ass and while with one hand he held my buttocks open, with the other he started to beat him.
I was hoping that at some point he would spray on me. I imagined it on my legs.
Who knows how hot it had just come out.
My legs were about to give me emotion.
In the meantime, I felt his hot and breathless breath on my ass. It was a new and exciting feeling.
I wanted to try to touch it at that point, but I was paralyzed with fear and his pea was out of my hand's reach.
He kept moaning and saying things like: -Wow! .- -What nice! - -What nice ass you have- -what good you are to put it all in .-
And the more he talked the more I threaded him deeply.
I too let myself go to a meow as I felt his hands palpating me and my finger inside.
-Are you going to come? - he asked me.
And I candidly asked -Where? -
-No.- He replied. -Do you have to cum? -
-No.- I said. I was just teasing him and given the situation, at the beginning, it had also come down. Only now had he started to go straight.
-Can I do it? - He asked putting my hand on the pea.
I nodded again, this time with a "mm-mmh!" affirmative.
He started to move it up and down.
It was strange.
It was the first time that someone had touched me and feeling the hands of another, of an adult, who masturbated me, was very strange as a sensation.
At that point I felt his face closer. He was still behind me with one knee on the ground.
He interrupted his personal massage and while with one hand he poked me with the pea, with the other he opened his buttocks to see my finger inside.
Then I started digging deeper by lifting my finger and opening the hole.
I felt stung when I pulled my finger too high.
Marco kissed me on one butt, then on the other and then others on the furrow and then went back to the butt. I felt his bristly beard scratching against my arm and hand.
Her warm wet mouth was the most exciting thing in my life.
-Remove it for a moment-, he said taking my right wrist that was lashing the little hole.
He held it still, preventing me from taking it off and then slowly let him out. It was almost all gone, when instead he changed the direction of the push and I felt press back again and let him make the movement. I felt the finger in and out and it was as if the finger was no longer mine.
ava and went out slowly.
Then she took it off completely, leaving my hand free and without asking again, spread her butt and started kissing my asshole.
I felt my beard sting and then.
Something hot and wet began to make its way into the hole.
He was pushing his tongue in and it looked very large.
It was a wonderful feeling.
I felt as dirty as those in the newspapers.
He was doing the same things to me and it was beautiful.
Then his up and down with his hand brought me to orgasm and I poured out my cum, which unlike his I had seen, was instead liquid and seemed white pee.
Then he stopped his work with his tongue and concentrated on looking at his hands dirty with my liquid.
All of a sudden my excitement ended.
I pulled back and said I had to go home.
"Okay." He said walking away and pulling himself to his feet. -But first you promise me that you will come back tomorrow and then you give him a basin.- he said pointing at his cock.
More out of curiosity than out of desire I obeyed and felt that it was not skin, that was really flesh, shiny and warm.
A little later, at home, I masturbated again thinking about the incredible things that had happened.
Tomorrow I would go back there to be licked again and with the excuse of the kiss, I would have really sucked it.
The next day, shortly after lunch, I ran with the pea straight to the grove. I was trembling with desire.
When I got inside, as usual, I took off my clothes and hung them, then I went to the field.
-Hello Fabri.- said a voice on my right.
I got scared and he laughed.
I didn't expect it to be there already, among porn.
He got up and first took off his pants and underpants and then went back to sit on a plastic chair.
-Come .- he invited me to sit on his legs.
Then, he settled down and leaned on his cock.
I felt it big and warm and hard. Occasionally he had a kind of shock.
-What nice you are Fabri ...- he said to me as he rubbed the cock on my ass, holding me embraced with his hands that touched me everywhere.
-You liked it yesterday, didn't you? Yes, huh?! - He said taking my pea in my hand.
I nodded smiling embarrassed.
-And what did you like? -
I shrugged.
-Do you like it when I look at you? -
-I answered in a tangle of embarrassment.
-What a pig ... and did you like it when I licked your hole? -
I nodded.
-Ah yes?! - He said curiously. -And would you like me to lick you again? Eh? Up to the inside? -
I nodded again.
-Okay, come on- he said pulling me up.
-But do you give him another basin first? - he asked.
I nodded and bent down to give him a quick kiss right on the tip of the tip and I stood up waiting for his tongue.
-But it wasn't a basin that ... it was a hello.- he said.
I didn't understand.
"Come on, give him another good one."
I smiled and this time to kiss the tip, I opened my lips a little to cover more surface.
-Almost ...- he made me.
I shrugged to say that I had given a good kiss.
-Look ...- he said, showing me a newspaper on a page where a woman made a mouthpiece.
-Do you know how to do it? - he asked
-A little ...- I answered, even if I knew very well what he meant.
-Dai, try? Then I'll lick your hole-
So I settled down, crouched between his legs and started giving small fleeting kisses, opening my lips more and more.
His chapel was beautiful.
It was shiny and smooth, but also warm and scented with soap.
So I took his pea with one hand to bring it closer and started to lick it and the more it got wet the nicer it was to run my lips over it.
So I tried to put it in my mouth, but to let it pass I had to open it wide.
At that point I heard him moan with pleasure.
I liked to feel it like that, it meant I was good.
It took my head and started going up and down. I felt my mouth hurt, but I wanted to continue. I liked feeling naked with a pea in my mouth.
He was pushing deeper and deeper until he touched his throat.
A twitch came to me and he let my head free.
-Excuse me.- he said. -Do you like to make mouthpieces? True? .- I nodded and went back to his cock. Every time I tried to touch myself he moved my hands.
"I'll make you cum later, you'll see."
But I wanted more, I wanted to enjoy.
Then I started to push it deeper and deeper into my throat, where I realized he liked it, trying to make it go deeper and deeper. He enjoyed more and more, and I too was in ecstasy, even if very busy.
I kept going for a while, enjoying the sounds my mouth and throat made.
Then he stopped me abruptly and pushed me away.
- Did I hurt you? - I asked worried.
-No ... -he said with a grimace. "But you're making me cum."
-Okay ...- I said with a shrug.
-Ah yes? ...- he asked in amazement. -You want me to cum in your mouth? -
-If you want.- I said.
-All right...-
So he opened a beach towel he had used as a pillow and spread it on the ground, then turned me over and lay on the towel on his stomach. -Then come here with your little hole.- he said to me
domi language. -So while you're giving me a mouthpiece, I'll lick your hole, okay? -
I nodded, I couldn't wait.
I settled on top of him with my knees on the ground turned in the opposite direction as he was and went down to where his hands accompanied me. Until you feel his breath on your butt.
-But ...- he said with a warning look. -You don't have to get dirty ...-
-And how do I do this?-
-You keep it all in your mouth. Ok? -
I said yes with a voice broken by emotion and I lay down lowering my pelvis.
-Without letting her out! I recommend! -
I nodded.
He took my buttocks and opened them and then immediately plunged his tongue into it.
A scream slipped and I went back to take his cock in my mouth.
He was as eager as me.
I felt his tongue going all the way in and his hands opening my buttocks until it hurt.
But I didn't get there well, I only managed to get the chapel inside and every time I tried to reach out to take it to the bottom he would withdraw me back.
He said nothing, not a warning or a verse. I felt his cock throbbing and a splash coming down my throat.
I swallowed and meanwhile I felt a warm liquid filling my mouth, more and more. Each sketch was a jet.
I could no longer hold it.
He moved his head to the side to see me.
-WOW ...- he exclaimed. Then he laughed and said.
-And now? What do you do? .-
I started to get up but he pulled me down hugging me by the waist and sank my tongue back inside.
"Do you want to spit it out?" He asked between my buttocks
I did yes.
-What a pity- he made sorry. "I was hoping you would send her down."
I mumbled something to say that I could no longer hold it.
-Come on. Just a sip and then spit it out. Ok? -
I wasn't sure, but he started masturbating me and I lost my will.
I swallowed a second time, I just wanted to drink it, but it was very dense and eventually slipped all the way down in two sips.
It didn't suck, but it burned my throat a bit, so I coughed.
-All? - he asked in amazement. - Did it go sideways? -
I said yes coughing.
Fortunately, Marco had a bottle of water with him and after a couple of sips the burning passed.
-You are very good Fabri ...- and he pulled me over to continue licking my hole.
-Did you like it? - she asked me, returning with my hands to my pea and starting to move it up and down.
I made a gesture as if to say that it hadn't been anything.
-But it didn't suck you ...-
I mentioned a no.
"Come on then." He said. -Clean it well then? There will still be.
His cock had gone limp, and it was all covered in off-white sperm and small bubbles.
He did not wait for an answer. He pulled me up and put me on the ground lying on my stomach and then put my cock in front of my mouth.
I took it on the fly as it dripped on me and he jerked me furiously.
For the first time, someone took the pea in my mouth.
I remember as if it were the pleasure of that first mouthpiece today. The heat around the pea and the tongue moving around. All soft and wet.
I was about to come and he took off and let me run over me.
Like the day before, after ejaculation all the magic ended and I saw myself all full of cum, both mine and hers.
It was really a lot and I had also smeared it on my nose as well as having the taste in my mouth.
I cleaned myself with leaves and started to get dressed.
-Are you already gone? - he asked lighting a cigarette.
I sketched an unlikely excuse for being able to sneak away.
-Look that I know that now you don't feel like it anymore, but if you wait a bit then you'll come back ...-
But now I no longer wanted to be there, all dirty. I was tired of all the bullshit and just wanted to go home.
-Okay, come on, Fabri.- he said -You were amazing, I had never cummed so much.-
-Are you coming tomorrow too? -
I replied that I didn't know and in fact for a couple of days I didn't go.
I thought about what I had done and felt too dirty.
But finally, the desire returned to tease me.
But I had promised myself that I would never drink the sperm again.
... [go on].
As I am preparing to write this story, I am almost forty years old and I have come to the conclusion of putting it black on white after many perplexities and many years thinking about it.
In the first place because, to see it from the outside, it is a rather rough topic. And I always thought that writing it, with all its facets and details, would have partially justified the behavior of many people, criminals in all respects, who would see in these lines a comfortable mitigating factor.
Well, there isn't.
It is pedophilia and pedophilia is a crime. Involving children in sexual practices is absolutely disgusting and something that makes me sick at just thinking about it. It is just wrong, because as children we do not have the ability to split the wrong or dangerous coasts even if pleasant, we are not able to assess the risks or imagine the consequences. There is no justification for this, there are no extenuating circumstances
But I'm not here to hold a law or moral treaty.
I am a writer and my job is that of the narrator, it will be up to others to make a judgment on morality or not.
In addition, even if it will seem little credible or a cliché now used inappropriately in this type of narrative. The story I am writing to you really happened, and it happened to me. They really happened in my childhood and I waited many years before putting them down on these computer keys.
And believe it or not, whether you take it as a crap or a low erotic narrative, that excites you or you are disgusted, it doesn't matter to me now.
I will tell you this story, filtered by the many years that have passed, and I will try to tell it not as it is now, as I see it now, but as I saw it at that time, I want to try to see everything with my own eyes then, with the impressions and judgment that I had at that time and with what seemed to me to happen and that maybe, on second thoughts in hindsight, it could not have happened like that, or maybe it did. I do not know. Certain details now elude me and others have become blurry, but I will endeavor to tell it exactly as I remember it. In all its rawness and trying to use the words I used. I already know that it will be a tough undertaking, especially for certain memories that still hurt me a little now, and for all those situations that I have forgotten.
Even the time when it happened, for certain episodes I don't remember.
It was something that lasted a long time, but I would not know how to quantify it now, so even the time of the story will be vague, exactly as it is in my head.
Maybe out of shame or maybe because I always thought there was something "wrong" with me, I brought these secrets up to now, without ever telling them if not to very few trusted people and to my psychologist.
The latter, many years ago suggested me to do it, to throw out those memories, to prevent them from settling in my unconscious.
So here we are.
I find myself vaguely uncomfortable getting started and also a little intimidated.
But now it's done.
I don't know when it all started, I don't know when my sexual drives started to surface, but I was really very sexting. I have vague memories of very intense games with my cousin who is the same age as I was when I was in the last year of kindergarten. I remember touching and masturbating (in particularly complex ways, by the way) ever since. I remember I liked "dirty" things like licking her feet or sticking objects in my ass.
I laugh, but I was really a depraved ...
So much so that I imagine the embarrassment of my parents when they found me on the sofa, lying rubbing. They told me to stop and I replied to wait a moment that I had to finish.
I remember that kind of enjoyment. No, they weren't real orgasms it was like ... like masturbating and on the most beautiful a pleasant shake came and everything ended.
Of course, I could do about a dozen a day, because, never coming, there never came that feeling of exhaustion or stoning that instead would come as soon as puberty brought with it ejaculation.
My horny situation was almost continuous although it did not interfere with my life. Simply, when I felt like it, I touched it. Regardless of the time or place.
Gradually, however, I understood that I could not touch myself in front of the others and that the dirty games could not be played with the cousin (which clearly continued in secret, leading to an increase in desire for the "forbidden practice".)
Then, puberty arrived, bringing with it hormonal waves, which in my case overflowed in blows to the bitter end and consequent perennial stoning.
Over the years, my sexual confusion became almost total. I easily fell in love with every little girl I met and someone "played" with me at my pig games too, but they were always spot meetings and never with children of my age
In addition, on an occasional basis, I had found that I also liked to "play" with males. So I ended up not understanding things well. I loved vaginas and small tits, but peas attracted me equally. I liked when we were swordsmen, I liked to feel another pea on mine and all of them, I liked to put them in my mouth. I found it an extremely pushed thing, but I saw that even those who did it liked it very much.
I never paid particular attention, to be honest, to understand what I liked. Whether or not I was gay or anything. No. When I found myself playing and my partner or playmate went further, I simply "was there".
In the third grade, after some family problems, I moved to my grandparents' house in a remote village in the countryside in the northeast. It was a big trauma for a boy who came from the city, but you know, children have a strong ability to acclimatize.
Suddenly, I found myself in a new place, with a difficult situation on my shoulders, surrounded by a very different social environment and with peers, very ... let's say "free range".
The first period was the toughest. The integration, the studies and the fact that not knowing anyone, I was always alone.
The key was to take an after-school English course. I finally managed to interact with my local peers and met my neighbor. Valentina. That even though we were in class together and lived not even ten meters away, he never spoke to me.
The first sexual encounter, I had with her and her brother, in fact. I don't remember how old I was, but it was the summer between the fifth grade and the first grade. They were my neighbors and we always played together. His brother was one year younger than us and his name was Luigi.
It all happened because Vale had stolen cigarettes from his stepfather and we had hidden in a grove to smoke them.
I remember that nobody aspired, but it excited us all a lot.
Maybe because we thought we were big or because of the excitement of doing something forbidden, the fact is that we started to touch each other.
For me it was paradise. I could have both a male and a female to play with at the same time. It's not that much was done, huh! We touched each other and tried to insert the pea into Vale's super hairy potato, obviously without results. I remember then that, since she didn't come in, she had proposed to put it in her ass.
Of course, he didn't go in there either, but it was much more pleasant because he found more meat to rub on.
Vale wasn't exactly beautiful. She was quite large and not particularly beautiful in face. But she had two big boobs that looked like two volcanoes. They stood straight with their tips out, surrounded by a dark halo and I loved to suck and nibble them.
She liked it very much, especially those times when her brother was away. I remember that she told me to push her the strongest pea, that would enter, that they had told her that when she entered it hurt but then it was a pleasure, but nothing, in the end she never entered.
One afternoon we spent two hours trying to lie down in a field. I was pushing and she was holding it in place. Then I went up and down, but in the end, I only got severe back pain and a little cigarette nausea.
I remember eating the Rossanas to get the stench out of our mouths.
It was in that summer that we discovered the pig grove.
Every day during the summer, we went around the fields to walk and weave our adventures of play and discovery. We stayed away from home for hours, whole afternoons, and being surrounded by fields, we traveled kilometers by kilometers every day among woods and grasslands cultivated with clover or corn.
During an exploration of an area that we had never beaten with our games, we slipped into a very dense forest (however, it was a few trees, at most a hundred meters).
The place was far enough from our house, to think about it now, it must have been two kilometers and we were on the edge of the country. Few peasant houses, fields. then an abandoned factory and finally the state highway.
Once we sneaked into the trees, we found that it wasn't so wild inside. There were agricultural tools, stacks of wood, a rusted and broken Fiat Ritmo and a couple of blackened and earthen-filled plastic chairs. There were also paths of beaten earth between the trees, which led to a field, in addition to this, shacks in rusty plates, empty cages, vegetable gardens and the house of a school friend of ours who was the same age as Luigi, but he attended another class.
I remember that we fantasized at length about how we could involve her in our games, perhaps with the excuse of cigarettes. We went on for hours to devise strategies to take her from simply playing to touching us, clearly smoking, getting excited and ending up touching us,
hidden by trees.
A long time later, while we were trying to get out and return to the road, avoiding the ditch and the brambles, we noticed some black bags of garbage and some boxes from which some colored newspapers appeared. Like honey bees, we went to see what it was and with immense surprise we found, I believe hundreds, of porn magazines.
It was truly a pornazzo library. There was really all the knowledge of pornography, from magazines with ads and telephone numbers, to comics.
We read avidly, discovering in a single day an infinity of things that we would never have thought possible to do.
Besides, there were really curious things. I remember a comic book in which a jealous man put padlocks on his wife's nipples and vagina and a magazine in which incredibly a boy who would have been our age had sex with a super slut.
We were shocked, laughing out loud at certain things so dirty that we never even imagined them.
For days we went back to "acculturating" ourselves in the pig grove, as we had called it.
Then, my friends, that summer, had to leave for the holidays. They would go to the beach for two weeks. And I was left alone in the boring heat of the countryside.
The afternoons were long and without friends, the view was bleak, between fields of yellowed grass and dried corn.
I felt a little lost without my adventure companions but I still went to the grove to browse newspapers on newspapers, of course, killing myself with blowjobs to cheat time.
The thing that intrigued me most about those images were those cocks with the chapel outside.
I had never seen friends who had peas like that. Everyone was like mine, covered.
But that purple thing that came out of the skin really excited me. It seemed to me the most "dirty" thing of all.
Besides clearly admiring the sperm. We all knew what it was, but none of us had yet come out. Even though we were lying about the exact opposite.
I was attracted to these women who had their butt penetrated and drank semen.
And I imagined I was in their place. From the faces they made, it must have been a pleasure, as Vale said.
It was the apotheosis of what I thought was exciting.
But I was also full of curiosities.
How did such a big thing get through your butt? It already hurt me when I put too many markers inside.
And what could this sperm taste like? It was good? And how could it be good if it came out of the pee hole?
Then, one afternoon, while I was sitting on a log and masturbating with a newspaper in my hand, I heard someone approaching.
I escaped by hiding behind bushes and staying there with my heart that seemed to burst in my chest.
I thought of the shitty figure I would have done if he had caught me there with the pea in his hand.
Then, a man entered the grove. He was Paola's father, the little girl a year younger than me who was in my school. His house was right across the street and in all likelihood, the grove was also his.
I stopped completely, almost without breathing.
I could not run away now, I would have made a terrible mess and even arriving on the street, he would certainly have seen me.
So I stayed there, crouched in the brambles, while I kept an eye on the situation.
Marco, Paola's father, went up to the sacks of newspapers and snorted. He said something about the mess that was there.
Suddenly, I thought he wanted to set that treasure on fire, but instead he had just lit a cigarette.
He stayed there to put the papers back in the bags and then, he did something shocking.
He lowered his pants and pulled out the pea.
It was a large pea, completely different from mine and it was hard. But above all, when he brought him down and lowered him, he had the chapel that came out of him.
I stared at him in disbelief, as he began to saw himself, pushing his pelvis back and forth, until, with a groan of pleasure, he sprayed a whitish jet a few steps from where I was hidden.
The sperm! I thought in admiration and watched carefully as it came out. It was not liquid and did not come out as if it were pee, it came out in dense splashes that fell on the leaves with small thuds.
You want fear, you want the situation. I found the pea with a terrible erection.
Fortunately, she left a little later and I was able to get away.
Throughout the evening, I thought about that cocked cock and that white spray. I thought of how I could play with it, the taste and texture of that purple skin in the mouth and sperm.
Who knows what it was ... consistency. It seemed lumpy and slimy, but it attracted me a lot.
It looked like the skifidor, a kind of jelly that they sold together with the ninja turtles.
That substance was beautiful and disgusting at the same time, it looked purple mucus, but in its being disgusting it was also nice to hold it and crush it.
I thought it was more
or less of the same consistency as sperm.
Precisely for that, I decided that the next day I would go back to the grove and search the ground to find the sketch, so I would see it and understand what it was.
The next day, excited as a rabbit, I set off on my bike to the grove.
I sneaked in on the usual side, the opposite of the house, and started looking.
I had not considered that the earth absorbs liquids and that finding a splash of sperm in a wood was practically impossible.
I was truly sorry. I had made a whole series of mental films in which I took that liquid and touched it, and then ... clearly ... I tasted it.
I would have understood the taste of a real pea. The taste of an adult's cock.
I was outside of myself.
But nothing.
That spray had been lost.
Who knows when another chance like that would have happened to me. How many chances there were that a big one would come and get a blowjob in the grove, just while I was there.
In the meantime, Paola's dad was in the field above the tractor he was going back and forth. I kept an eye on him and in fact, at some point, his tractor reached the edge of the grove and stopped.
I had slung into my hiding place again and I was hoping that this time too he would have had a good blowjob.
This time I would have been careful and I would have seen the exact spot where his sperm fell.
Man, he entered with a snort. He was bare-chested and sweaty. At the time he would have been around thirty-five, but he already had a beautiful belly.
He looked at the ground and grumbled out loud.
-Still? - then followed a couple of blasphemies. -But people come to look around, but they don't look at it ...-
In that, he lowered his pants and saw that pea again. Right in front of them. He started to move it a little, slamming it to the right and left and after a while he became hard and big and went back to sawing himself like the day before, moving his pelvis back and forth.
Knowing that I was well hidden, I put my hand inside the short shorts and started to saw myself looking at him.
When he tensed and mumbled, my eyes fixed on his tip, attentive to every spray signal and where it would fall.
Instead, at the end, he took a tissue from his pocket and placed it in front of the chapel. After wiping it clean, he tossed the handkerchief into the woods. A few centimeters from where I was hidden. And he left.
When I heard the tractor start again, I reached out my trembling hand and opened the handkerchief.
It had a pungent smell and I immediately felt the wet and warm paper and this surprised me. I hadn't considered the idea that it was hot.
I sniffed deeply and realized it was the dirtiest thing I'd ever done in my life. I was in ecstasy.
I touched it with my fingers and felt the stickiness and warmth. It was not like the skifidor, it was softer and ... more liquid. The hands and handkerchief were wet and that substance stuck to the fingers creating white threads.
Then I couldn't resist anymore.
I spilled that hot cream on my right hand and started spreading it on my pea masturbating.
Towards the end, when I felt that I was at the peak, with that smell that was giving me in the head, I couldn't stop myself and put my fingers in my mouth.
I licked everything, even the handkerchief, while with a blow, I felt something come out of my cock.
I had also made a cumshot.
My first ejaculation was like that, with a big guy's mouth full of cum.
I don't know if I shouted for pleasure, but I saw that the man was standing on the tractor looking towards the grove.
I was doing it underneath and I ran out.
Marco went back to the grove and I pretended to arrive by bike at that moment and while he had leaned over, towards the road, I greeted him with a nonchalant gesture.
-Good morning.-
He stared at me for a while and then smiled amused at me
-Hello Fabrizio. How come alone? -
"Well, Vale and Lu went on vacation."
"Ogre ..." he said. -Eh, blessed are they. Paola is also at the beach with her mother ... all on vacation and we are here! He said with a sorry air. -Do you want to come in and eat ice cream? -
At that moment I bleached.
Grandparents had always told me to be careful, that there were people who took advantage of the children, not to accept things from strangers.
What if he saw me? I thought
What if he wants to hurt me now as he mentioned me at my house?
-No thanks, I'm going home.- I politely refused.
"As you wish." He said. -If you pass here, stop well ...- he said. But his gaze betrayed something, I knew it, I was convinced of it. He had seen me ...
I think I became like a pepper from shame. He had seen me do those bullshit.
-Okay, thank you.- I said. And I started to leave.
"Wait." He stopped me going down the street. He came up to me and I felt a tug on my bottom.
-Look that you got stuck brambles on your ass.- he said pulling a long bramble that had become entangled behind me.
-Ouch! - I screamed. More for fear than for pain.
-Oh sorry! - he said. And with that he stroked my ass.
I was like everything stiffened by the
implementation and also very frightened.
Meanwhile he did not stop and continued to massage.
-Sorry, nice .- He said -A better? - and underlined the words with palpatine
-Yes. yes.- I said. -Done nothing.-
"Well, then," he said with two more strokes with his full hand. -Go.- and he accompanied me on the bike ride by pressing his finger hard between the ass. And he laughed.
I laughed too and went home.
Before the curve I turned to look. I was completely sweaty with fear. And out of the corner of my eye I saw him at the end of the street. It looked like he had lowered his pants and I ran away.
Before I got home, I hid in a field of corncobs to recover from fear.
Once calmed down, I thought of the handkerchief. I put my hands on my nose and felt the intoxicating smell again. So I masturbated again.
And I thought about his cock and his white gel, the texture and the taste.
It was sour and salty, but also with sweet notes.
Then, I thought of that man, when he touched my ass. Maybe he wanted to put a finger in me like in the newspapers.
I knew it was pleasant. And then I licked that still sticky finger and put it inside as much as I could.
It would have been great to have it done.
But Marco was an adult and perhaps I had misunderstood. Maybe it was just my imagination that made me see certain things. I had read too many newspapers and now I saw dirty things everywhere.
I continued to pass cautiously through the grove in the days after, more and more excited.
I had also thought of going to his house for ice cream, but I was too terrified.
I wasn't thinking about anything else, until after three days I tried to go back to see two little newspapers.
I was particularly cautious.
In truth, I was hoping he would come back. Down below I would have liked him to come and touch my ass again, maybe inside his pants, maybe with a finger inside ...
The newspapers didn't take me that much because I kept looking at his field.
I wanted and I didn't want to.
I liked the fantasy, the idea of being touched, perhaps of feeling an adult pea in the mouth, yes. But at the same time I was afraid, not of him, but of letting myself be discovered or ... who knows ...
At one point, Marco left the house and bent over the vegetable garden.
I looked at him and thought of a way to get his attention.
I wanted him to know that if his intentions were, I was available.
But he was always an adult.
But I wanted to know if he liked those dirty things too, and I tried to remember what had happened a few days before.
I wasn't sure, it was far away, but I was convinced I saw him pull the pea out as I left. While he knew I was looking at him.
So, super excited I found the perfect trick.
I could go to the edge of the woods and pretend to pee with my pants down. If he liked my ass, he would have done something, and I would have had the excuse of peeing otherwise.
So I went into the trees and lowered my pants.
Nothing happened.
Marco continued his work in the vegetable garden.
Then I moved closer to the field, until my butt emerged from the trees.
Still nothing.
Surely he would have seen me from there, but he wasn't looking.
Then I stood in profile, so I would have seen if he had raised his head.
I don't know how long I stood with my ass out waiting, but at some point. Marco got up and looked at me.
At that point, I turned slowly. I had a hard pea and he would have seen me not pissing.
So I stood looking out of the corner of my eye.
Marco was standing with his hand on his forehead, looking towards me.
But he did nothing else.
Two good minutes passed like this.
If it bothered him, he would have already yelled at me.
Instead it stayed there. Straight and still looking at me. Leaving me even more disoriented.
The fact of being naked with a man who looked at me had reduced me to a state of ecstasy and excitement never experienced before. That feeling of forbidden and forbidden.
So, without hesitating further, I began to grope my butt by myself. As he had done.
And it was then that I saw him look around and then pull out the pea and start moving it up and down.
Then it was true.
I had seen right.
I had to turn over a few times to be sure of what I was seeing.
I felt really dirty and so I pushed my butt out and bent over. Showing him everything that could be seen and finally, with a quick suck, I slipped the index finger into the hole.
He could not resist and with a wave of his hand he told me to come closer.
I didn't know what to do but I did no with my head.
Then he made the gesture of waiting and walked towards me.
It was a little too much.
I didn't hang on and ran away to the house.
In the evening I cursed myself for that cowardice and for all the rubbish I could have done.
I was thinking about those moments, while I was sitting on the toilet at home, I was thinking about when I was naked while an adult sawing himself watching me stick a finger in his ass.
The next day I would return, I promised myself. And I wouldn't be
I would have stayed and done all the dirtiest things.
Instead, for two days, I went back to being watched by doing a kind of pathetic show that consisted mostly of showing myself naked and putting my finger in my ass.
Increasingly casual, also showing him the pea and stripping me first in the woods to show me completely naked.
But every time he approached, I ran away at full speed. To then, once home. Curse and fantasize about that man and his pea and all the possible things he could have done to me.
The following week, one Sunday. I went back to the grove, always recommending not to run away.
I went into the woods and looked at the situation.
There was no one.
Not even in the vegetable garden or in the field.
I peered through the trees, but nothing.
Anyway, as usual, I took off my shorts with my underpants together and hung them with the undershirt on a cut branch and then, very excited by my naked body, I went to the edge of the woods.
There was no one. But it was Sunday, maybe he was out.
I stood for a while with the pea in my hand looking out until, suddenly, Marco came out of the barracks to the right of the field. It was about half the distance we usually had.
As soon as I saw him I smiled and turned to show him his little ass.
I opened my butt until I felt the hole hurt.
He came over.
And I didn't move.
I wanted to be there. This time I had to stay still.
I could hear his footsteps in the grass and also the sticks breaking.
It was within walking distance.
By now, I thought, I could no longer run away.
My heart was in my throat and my legs were shaking.
I started masturbating to keep myself from going away and at that point I felt his hand on my ass.
It was done.
I could no longer back down.
My mind was invaded by images of unspeakable bullshit, in a whirlwind of excitement.
-Hello Fabri ...- he said in a low voice. -But what a nice little ass you have ...- then starting to move his hand on his buttocks he asked me.
-Can I pet? -
I no longer had saliva in my mouth and I was unable to swallow, so I just nodded.
- How nice! - he told me. -It looks like a ripe peach ...- and his hands kept turning on my buttocks, in a circle. Then stop and squeeze them.
I was motionless.
-Do you like it? - he asked me and I kept going with my head.
I was in ecstasy, otherwise.
-Do you like to put your finger inside? - He asked me.
I nodded again.
"Come on, Fabri." -Let me see ... can I watch? -
I just nodded.
Then I put my forefinger in my mouth and stuffed it inside without much fuss.
He didn't resist.
He leaned behind me, crouched a few centimeters from my ass and while with one hand he held my buttocks open, with the other he started to beat him.
I was hoping that at some point he would spray on me. I imagined it on my legs.
Who knows how hot it had just come out.
My legs were about to give me emotion.
In the meantime, I felt his hot and breathless breath on my ass. It was a new and exciting feeling.
I wanted to try to touch it at that point, but I was paralyzed with fear and his pea was out of my hand's reach.
He kept moaning and saying things like: -Wow! .- -What nice! - -What nice ass you have- -what good you are to put it all in .-
And the more he talked the more I threaded him deeply.
I too let myself go to a meow as I felt his hands palpating me and my finger inside.
-Are you going to come? - he asked me.
And I candidly asked -Where? -
-No.- He replied. -Do you have to cum? -
-No.- I said. I was just teasing him and given the situation, at the beginning, it had also come down. Only now had he started to go straight.
-Can I do it? - He asked putting my hand on the pea.
I nodded again, this time with a "mm-mmh!" affirmative.
He started to move it up and down.
It was strange.
It was the first time that someone had touched me and feeling the hands of another, of an adult, who masturbated me, was very strange as a sensation.
At that point I felt his face closer. He was still behind me with one knee on the ground.
He interrupted his personal massage and while with one hand he poked me with the pea, with the other he opened his buttocks to see my finger inside.
Then I started digging deeper by lifting my finger and opening the hole.
I felt stung when I pulled my finger too high.
Marco kissed me on one butt, then on the other and then others on the furrow and then went back to the butt. I felt his bristly beard scratching against my arm and hand.
Her warm wet mouth was the most exciting thing in my life.
-Remove it for a moment-, he said taking my right wrist that was lashing the little hole.
He held it still, preventing me from taking it off and then slowly let him out. It was almost all gone, when instead he changed the direction of the push and I felt press back again and let him make the movement. I felt the finger in and out and it was as if the finger was no longer mine.
ava and went out slowly.
Then she took it off completely, leaving my hand free and without asking again, spread her butt and started kissing my asshole.
I felt my beard sting and then.
Something hot and wet began to make its way into the hole.
He was pushing his tongue in and it looked very large.
It was a wonderful feeling.
I felt as dirty as those in the newspapers.
He was doing the same things to me and it was beautiful.
Then his up and down with his hand brought me to orgasm and I poured out my cum, which unlike his I had seen, was instead liquid and seemed white pee.
Then he stopped his work with his tongue and concentrated on looking at his hands dirty with my liquid.
All of a sudden my excitement ended.
I pulled back and said I had to go home.
"Okay." He said walking away and pulling himself to his feet. -But first you promise me that you will come back tomorrow and then you give him a basin.- he said pointing at his cock.
More out of curiosity than out of desire I obeyed and felt that it was not skin, that was really flesh, shiny and warm.
A little later, at home, I masturbated again thinking about the incredible things that had happened.
Tomorrow I would go back there to be licked again and with the excuse of the kiss, I would have really sucked it.
The next day, shortly after lunch, I ran with the pea straight to the grove. I was trembling with desire.
When I got inside, as usual, I took off my clothes and hung them, then I went to the field.
-Hello Fabri.- said a voice on my right.
I got scared and he laughed.
I didn't expect it to be there already, among porn.
He got up and first took off his pants and underpants and then went back to sit on a plastic chair.
-Come .- he invited me to sit on his legs.
Then, he settled down and leaned on his cock.
I felt it big and warm and hard. Occasionally he had a kind of shock.
-What nice you are Fabri ...- he said to me as he rubbed the cock on my ass, holding me embraced with his hands that touched me everywhere.
-You liked it yesterday, didn't you? Yes, huh?! - He said taking my pea in my hand.
I nodded smiling embarrassed.
-And what did you like? -
I shrugged.
-Do you like it when I look at you? -
-I answered in a tangle of embarrassment.
-What a pig ... and did you like it when I licked your hole? -
I nodded.
-Ah yes?! - He said curiously. -And would you like me to lick you again? Eh? Up to the inside? -
I nodded again.
-Okay, come on- he said pulling me up.
-But do you give him another basin first? - he asked.
I nodded and bent down to give him a quick kiss right on the tip of the tip and I stood up waiting for his tongue.
-But it wasn't a basin that ... it was a hello.- he said.
I didn't understand.
"Come on, give him another good one."
I smiled and this time to kiss the tip, I opened my lips a little to cover more surface.
-Almost ...- he made me.
I shrugged to say that I had given a good kiss.
-Look ...- he said, showing me a newspaper on a page where a woman made a mouthpiece.
-Do you know how to do it? - he asked
-A little ...- I answered, even if I knew very well what he meant.
-Dai, try? Then I'll lick your hole-
So I settled down, crouched between his legs and started giving small fleeting kisses, opening my lips more and more.
His chapel was beautiful.
It was shiny and smooth, but also warm and scented with soap.
So I took his pea with one hand to bring it closer and started to lick it and the more it got wet the nicer it was to run my lips over it.
So I tried to put it in my mouth, but to let it pass I had to open it wide.
At that point I heard him moan with pleasure.
I liked to feel it like that, it meant I was good.
It took my head and started going up and down. I felt my mouth hurt, but I wanted to continue. I liked feeling naked with a pea in my mouth.
He was pushing deeper and deeper until he touched his throat.
A twitch came to me and he let my head free.
-Excuse me.- he said. -Do you like to make mouthpieces? True? .- I nodded and went back to his cock. Every time I tried to touch myself he moved my hands.
"I'll make you cum later, you'll see."
But I wanted more, I wanted to enjoy.
Then I started to push it deeper and deeper into my throat, where I realized he liked it, trying to make it go deeper and deeper. He enjoyed more and more, and I too was in ecstasy, even if very busy.
I kept going for a while, enjoying the sounds my mouth and throat made.
Then he stopped me abruptly and pushed me away.
- Did I hurt you? - I asked worried.
-No ... -he said with a grimace. "But you're making me cum."
-Okay ...- I said with a shrug.
-Ah yes? ...- he asked in amazement. -You want me to cum in your mouth? -
-If you want.- I said.
-All right...-
So he opened a beach towel he had used as a pillow and spread it on the ground, then turned me over and lay on the towel on his stomach. -Then come here with your little hole.- he said to me
domi language. -So while you're giving me a mouthpiece, I'll lick your hole, okay? -
I nodded, I couldn't wait.
I settled on top of him with my knees on the ground turned in the opposite direction as he was and went down to where his hands accompanied me. Until you feel his breath on your butt.
-But ...- he said with a warning look. -You don't have to get dirty ...-
-And how do I do this?-
-You keep it all in your mouth. Ok? -
I said yes with a voice broken by emotion and I lay down lowering my pelvis.
-Without letting her out! I recommend! -
I nodded.
He took my buttocks and opened them and then immediately plunged his tongue into it.
A scream slipped and I went back to take his cock in my mouth.
He was as eager as me.
I felt his tongue going all the way in and his hands opening my buttocks until it hurt.
But I didn't get there well, I only managed to get the chapel inside and every time I tried to reach out to take it to the bottom he would withdraw me back.
He said nothing, not a warning or a verse. I felt his cock throbbing and a splash coming down my throat.
I swallowed and meanwhile I felt a warm liquid filling my mouth, more and more. Each sketch was a jet.
I could no longer hold it.
He moved his head to the side to see me.
-WOW ...- he exclaimed. Then he laughed and said.
-And now? What do you do? .-
I started to get up but he pulled me down hugging me by the waist and sank my tongue back inside.
"Do you want to spit it out?" He asked between my buttocks
I did yes.
-What a pity- he made sorry. "I was hoping you would send her down."
I mumbled something to say that I could no longer hold it.
-Come on. Just a sip and then spit it out. Ok? -
I wasn't sure, but he started masturbating me and I lost my will.
I swallowed a second time, I just wanted to drink it, but it was very dense and eventually slipped all the way down in two sips.
It didn't suck, but it burned my throat a bit, so I coughed.
-All? - he asked in amazement. - Did it go sideways? -
I said yes coughing.
Fortunately, Marco had a bottle of water with him and after a couple of sips the burning passed.
-You are very good Fabri ...- and he pulled me over to continue licking my hole.
-Did you like it? - she asked me, returning with my hands to my pea and starting to move it up and down.
I made a gesture as if to say that it hadn't been anything.
-But it didn't suck you ...-
I mentioned a no.
"Come on then." He said. -Clean it well then? There will still be.
His cock had gone limp, and it was all covered in off-white sperm and small bubbles.
He did not wait for an answer. He pulled me up and put me on the ground lying on my stomach and then put my cock in front of my mouth.
I took it on the fly as it dripped on me and he jerked me furiously.
For the first time, someone took the pea in my mouth.
I remember as if it were the pleasure of that first mouthpiece today. The heat around the pea and the tongue moving around. All soft and wet.
I was about to come and he took off and let me run over me.
Like the day before, after ejaculation all the magic ended and I saw myself all full of cum, both mine and hers.
It was really a lot and I had also smeared it on my nose as well as having the taste in my mouth.
I cleaned myself with leaves and started to get dressed.
-Are you already gone? - he asked lighting a cigarette.
I sketched an unlikely excuse for being able to sneak away.
-Look that I know that now you don't feel like it anymore, but if you wait a bit then you'll come back ...-
But now I no longer wanted to be there, all dirty. I was tired of all the bullshit and just wanted to go home.
-Okay, come on, Fabri.- he said -You were amazing, I had never cummed so much.-
-Are you coming tomorrow too? -
I replied that I didn't know and in fact for a couple of days I didn't go.
I thought about what I had done and felt too dirty.
But finally, the desire returned to tease me.
But I had promised myself that I would never drink the sperm again.
... [go on].
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