It was a feat to even say goodbye to each other, we wished that moment would never end. It's almost dawn and I keep thinking about it, I do to open the door but then I go back and kiss him. I don't care that we're under my house, someone might see us but I don't care now. We keep kissing for at least twenty minutes, then he begs me to go, he's dead tired and this time I go along with him. I go up to the house and my parents are almost ready to wake up, I wash my face, change and jump into bed.
I sleep happily, I'm serene, I finally have what I want. My rest is interrupted around 11 the following morning by the sound of the intercom, repeated. With difficulty, I drag myself towards the front door: it's my boyfriend who came to bring me breakfast and pick me up to go to the hairdresser, as I had asked him to do. I had completely forgotten.
I greet him with a sweet kiss, even though I think I'm something unpresentable. He certainly doesn't care, because we end up making love quickly on my bed. Then I shower, I get dressed and we go out. After months I cut my hair, it had become hideous even though I liked the idea of keeping it long.
We go back to my house and make love all day long, at least until I have a free house. It will be like that for all the days to come. We'll mate like animals, wherever we can. We've got a crazy transport. Often it's him who comes to my place, sometimes we do it in the car, sometimes I go to his house and maybe I sleep there. He becomes such an irreplaceable figure in my life that I even introduce him to my parents. Clearly not as a boyfriend, but as a great friend known from football and who helped me get out of my mentally dark period.
My parents like him very much right away, so much so that they often invite him to dinner. He's such an integral part of my family, right from the start, that my parents want him at the table even when we decide on my school future. After a long talk, at the end they listen to his suggestion, which is to make me change schools, since my path in the current one is now compromised.
I've done a great job, despite the fact that I'm a rather calm and introverted boy and they made me pay for it with a rejection announced months ago. Staying in that school would have meant living with the now strong prejudices of the teachers and the school's management. They wouldn't have forgiven me a single comma and, since I have no intention of being a model pupil, I also believe that the best choice is to change.
Let's also choose the new school, the ideal solution for me, although a little far from where I live. Nevertheless, it seems to be well connected thanks to the trains, so in the end the choice falls there.
Meanwhile, my story really makes me a different person. I am calm, I go out every day, I train well during football sessions, I reconnect with my friends.
By now I'm using less and less tranquilizers, I only sometimes have a few crises, especially in the morning before the games where I know I have to play. I even ask the coach a couple of times not to let me play. It would seem to be going in the right direction, I've suspended meetings with Elena (they will resume in the future) and yet there's still one thing I can't get over and it's getting worse.
I know that many of you didn't like it but it seemed right to tell it: my sister's passion for dirty laundry. It becomes something morbid, I always have in my head the desire to wear it, to smell it, to masturbate in it. I can't really understand why, but it's something that acts as a drug effect. I'm so obsessed that for a few days I even convince myself that I'm attracted to my sister. I'm ashamed of it, I try to chase the thought away but there's really nothing to do and I end up spying on her, watching her. With the most absurd excuses, I enter her in the bathroom while she is taking a shower or while she is naked, sometimes I look at her through the peephole in the door. I see her having sex with her boyfriend, I see her masturbating, I see her just getting dressed. I'm so out of my mind, I can even film her with tricks.
It ends after a few days, as always happens in the most desperate cases, I can only understand it by banging my face. It happens on a night at the end of May. My parents are having dinner with friends and they're going to be very late. It's the perfect occasion for a night out with brothers, which we haven't done in a long time.
My sister and I love each other very much, but our relationship has suffered so much from my psychological crisis. Over the years it has seen me change, getting colder and more distant. If before I was sweet, I would embrace her, cuddle her, look for her, now I'm distant. I still love her the same as before, but I am incapable of showing it. It's the right night to go back to old times and she seems very happy with the way we've organized ourselves.
While she's picking up pizzas, having her license the other way around, I'm thinking about making popcorn and baste the sofa and the TV to watch a good horror movie. I warned my boyfriend, he won't own me tonight! However, I feel nervous about the situation that will arise. It's the first time I've been able to be this close to my sister since I started this morbid obsession with her underwear. So I make a rather stupid decision: take some tranquilizers.
Since I've been using them, my mother has always decided to keep the medicine for fear that I might abuse it. Only I know where she hides it and I have no trouble finding it and taking it. I take too much of it, even without thinking about it.
Clearly, I don't tell my sister anything. We make ourselves comfortable, I have a pair of short football shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, she has a short house dress.
We eat pizza, drink, eat popcorn and then snuggle up on the bed like we used to when we were sexting. I'm drunk, I'm completely out of it. I'm seeing double, I'm dizzy, I don't know what's around me. I squeeze on her and start giving her a massage.
She tells me I'm good and I go on and on, all the way down to my thighs. She doesn't tell me anything and in a short time I go up, I get up to my underwear. She doesn't tell me anything here either, definitely convinced that I have no intention of going any further. Which I do. She moves me suddenly and jumps up.
"Fabio, what the fuck are you doing?"
I look at her with lost eyes, I would like to cry for the skinny figure, all I do is stand up and vomit on the carpet, as if there is no tomorrow. I vomit so much that in the end my bile comes out, having nothing left to reject. My sister is worried, she asks me if we should call our parents or even an ambulance. Even with my mental confusion, I calm her down. She walks me to bed and watches me until I fall asleep.
In the morning I'm in pieces, I'm terribly ashamed of what I've done. It's as if a part of me skipped the last step I missed. I regret even just the thoughts I had, perhaps the result of my insecurities or the mental washing that Alessio had done to me.
During the day I apologize to my sister and try to get back to normal. It won't mean that from now on I won't wear women's underwear in secret anymore, but I won't care anymore that it's used by her.
I spend the summer serenely, without any major episode beyond my beautiful love story, which I live with a thousand and without any interruption. Let's get to the new football season!
I'm very excited, because this will be the first year that I will spend totally as a member of the first team. Last year I had a great championship with the Juniores and I was often joined by the big boys. Now I'll be on a stable basis with them and, above all, with my boyfriend. The first day of training he picks me up, we go to the pitch together.
I'm curious to know the new arrivals, to see what team we'll have because I've had very little news during the previous days. As soon as I get to the locker room, my heart is totally freezing! I find myself in front of my two bullies, Alberto and Leonardo.
For those who don't remember their figures, I mentioned them in the first stories. They were two important figures, although not entirely positive, of my adolescence. With their bully ways, they forced me to become a bit of a slut. I spent months and months blowing them off before practice and sometimes after. They fucked me "dry" as they liked to say, that is without actual penetration but only with a rubbing on the groove of the ass.
In the same way, besides allowing me to have fun with two wonderful guys as they were, they also gave me one of my first and greatest disappointments. In fact, I had fallen in love with Alberto overbearingly, convinced that it was mutual. When I was already anticipating an affair with him, I discovered that he was secretly engaged to Leonardo himself. The disappointment, very strong, led me to the decision to break off the relationship with them. At the end of the football season, moreover, both of them went to play for another team and this made it much easier to overcome the disappointment.
In these three years I met them, especially during the summer, but we never really talked, apart from saying goodbye. I know they both got engaged to two girls. I don't know if it's a cover or if they stopped being secretly together. When they see me, they smile and wave. They seem happy that I'm here.
To make the situation even more embarrassing, my boyfriend's ex-boyfriend is also on the team, but this is something I already knew and was partially prepared for, and there is Vesim, my last official partner.
The very first few days are going smoothly, with Alberto and Leonardo there don't seem to be any big problems, we talk, we joke. I must say that they both remained beautiful, especially Alberto hasn't changed a bit. When we are in the shower, I often get the eye on their fantastic bodies and I have the impression that theirs is many times on mine.
The first major episode happens about a week after the beginning of the preparation. During an initial practice with the ball, I am touched hard in a game contrast and take a shot at calf height. Fortunately there won't be any big consequences but the hit is hard and I'm forced to interrupt the training, after having tried a couple of times to start again, in an attempt to show off. Seeing me in extreme pain, the coach sends me off to take a shower. The training started recently, so I have plenty of time to be alone. I take the opportunity to take a nice, relaxing shower. I undress naked and go to regenerate under the lukewarm jet of water. I'm so relaxed that I close my eyes. My dick is pretty hard and I want to saw myself off.
I'm so immersed in my world that I don't notice that Alberto has entered the locker room. With a futile excuse, in fact, knowing only me, he interrupted the training. When I open my eyes, he's standing in front of the entrance to the showers, still dressed as a soccer player but has slightly lowered his shorts, pulling out his cock. He's caressing himself as he looks at me.
"You're wonderful," he says to me. I smile, I'm a little embarrassed. He beckons me to come closer, I'm still a little soapy and I don't want to give in to his temptations. At the same time, though, I don't have any valid arguments against it. If I told him that I'm busy, it would be my condemnation and that of my boyfriend.
Alberto I know him too well, he wouldn't give an inch until he found out my boyfriend's name. In the same way, I couldn't even lie, making up the story with a girl because he'd like, even then, to know who the lucky girl is.
I just hope he doesn't blackmail me this time, like he did three years ago. All I know is that I had a hard dick before he came in, now that I see him in front of me, with his dick in my hand, he's practically turned into marble. Besides, as I told you, Alberto is one of my greatest passions.
One thing I've never said is that I've always admired him, in the past I would have liked to be like him, to have his ease, his sympathy, his confidence and his charm. I think I'm a good-looking guy, but I think having charm is different. He has it in every situation, just maybe by appealing to his confidence.
I approach him slowly, I'm rather embarrassed. I stop a few inches away, Alberto reaches out and grabs my dick. He starts sawing off my dick while he keeps sawing off mine too. I spread my legs a bit, let him do it. Anyone could walk in and it makes my heart race.
"I've wanted you for three years, I haven't stopped dreaming about you", Alberto says to me. He approaches, stops sawing himself and with that hand he grabs me from behind his back, pulls me to him and kisses me.
We haven't kissed for three years, I have suffered so much because of him and that damned evening in his house. I'm held back, but the kiss excites me. Meanwhile, he won't stop sawing me off. At that point, he does something that surprises me the most.
At our place, there's a little step that leads to the showers, so the locker room doesn't flood when there are too many people washing. Taking advantage of that step, he kneels down on the floor, grabs me by the ass and takes it in my mouth. I shudder, I look up at the sky and say "oh my God" before I lose myself in pleasure. Alberto's good at it. Evidently he's had a lot of experience with Leonardo. He sucks like a man-eater, he uses his tongue well and in the meantime he gently strokes my ass. Chapter almost immediately, I try to warn him but it's useless, he doesn't move and takes it all in his mouth.
He gets up, his lips are dirty with cum, passes his tongue and pulls it all out, then smiles at me and, without saying anything, goes back to training. The episode has rather upset me, so much so that I get dressed quickly and, without even waiting for my boyfriend, I leave on foot.
In the evening I decide to tell him. At first he reacts badly, then I explain to him that I don't have any weapon to fight Alberto. Telling him I'm engaged would endanger his very position. Alberto would do anything to find out who he is and my boyfriend absolutely doesn't want anyone to know about his sexuality. I tell him that, for him, I'm willing not to go to practice anymore.
Even if it's my passion, out of love I would give it up, so that I would end the relationship with Alberto and, probably, with Leonardo again. But my boyfriend doesn't feel like asking me such a thing. He understood my position very well, he just asks me to always tell him the truth, no matter what happens with those guys.
The next day my boyfriend comes to my place for lunch. He cooks, who's much better than me, and then we dive into bed. It's a hot hangman, so I close the shutters in my room and turn on the air conditioning. In addition to cooling down, this allows me to avoid unpleasant and unexpected visits from Elena. It's true that it's been months since we broke off our relationship and she's also engaged, but in life it's always better to prevent. Also because, attracted by the moans, she might even decide to come and spy. At last, quiet and cool, we let ourselves go to total pleasure. He licks me inch by inch, explores my body with his magnificent and curious tongue, makes me jerk with pleasure. Then he spreads my thighs and shoves his tongue in the hole of my ass. I can hardly hold my moans, I'm going crazy, I start squirming on the mattress, kicking the sheet off.
He goes deeper and deeper, he's cleaning every inch of my ass. I'm in total ecstasy and I'm begging him to fuck me. He doesn't make me repeat it twice, he climbs on top of me and shoves it into me, as a missionary, the position that maybe I prefer. I can feel his cock working its way into my hole, it's wonderful. He starts pumping me full throttle with his male strength. I screw myself on his ass with my little feet and I start to squeeze it. He goes crazy, he fucks me like a bull, I'm wild, I gasp with pleasure, I start biting his shoulder, I often look for his mouth and I literally suck his tongue during kisses. I don't know how much he fucks me like that, I just know that we almost lose the concept of time. Despite the air conditioning, kept low anyway, we start sweating like pigs. He's lasting a lot of time but he's in distress, so I propose a change of position.
We tip over completely, with him on his back and me on top riding him. I move full force, I rub myself on his cock, I push it all the way down, then every now and then I lift the trunk and the head up and let him caress my chest, my belly, my cock.
So far I haven't jerked off, so as not to come right away and not to risk enjoying the fuck less. I'm starting to feel like it, I'm gonna grab him and jerk him off. While I'm jerking off, I look him right in the eye, my mouth is wide open and I'm panting like a ravenous bitch. My riding bull is having an orgasm and it's all going to spurt out in my ass. Much of the cum drips on the bed, some of it, but I pull it out with my fingers directly from the butt and take it to my mouth, licking it greedily. I want to come and I keep sawing myself in that position, but he wants to help me. He grabs me by the hips, turns me over again and dives on my dick. He takes it in my mouth and starts sucking it. I start to move frantically, I pant and swear with pleasure, I kick off the sheets even more, by now the mattress is completely uncovered. I grab his head, I start holding it steady on my cock and I come up with my pelvis. I'm fucking his mouth and I'm enjoying it like crazy. I cum like crazy, I enjoy it like never before and I scream with pleasure during the very strong orgasm. We're exhausted, naked and sweaty but we're still snuggled up before he has to go back to work.
"I love you, whatever you decide to do with Alberto," he says to me.
"I love you too, I love you so much..." I say. He's so in love, he'll give me carte blanche. He knew from the moment he got involved with me that I'd betray him, he confides it to me. He knows I can't be faithful. Still, it may seem strange, but I'm really in love with him too. Before I leave, I kiss him on the doorstep for a long time and tell him I'll wait for him at the field later for practice.
In the afternoon, after having rested, I go to the beach to my friends. I also take my training bag with me because I'm going straight with the bike to the camp. I still don't feel great after the shot the day before but I think I'll try to train, maybe avoiding the final match so as not to take any more shots. I'm at the chalet bar when I hear a message on my mobile phone. It's from Alberto, he tells me (basically he orders me) to go to the pitch at 18:00, an hour and a half before training starts, in return for the favour he did me yesterday. I'm in big trouble, my heart is beating. I know what he's like, if I don't go he'll come after me. He can be an asshole, he's a guy who changes his behavior even quickly. If you're right with him, he can be a real friend. If you challenge him, he's the most infamous person I know.
Also because, as you remember, three years ago he took a picture of me sucking Leonardo's dick. I was the only one who could see myself in the picture, it was unequivocal. I don't know if you still keep that photo but I prefer not to risk it, so in the end I accept your order.
As usual, I arrive slightly late, on my bike. In a second message, Alberto told me to go straight into the Allievi locker room. The boys, in fact, have not yet started their preparation, so their environment is totally unused. It's a place I know very well, in fact here I had the first contact with him and Leonardo and the famous picture was taken.
Let's say that, in a certain sense, it is a place that evokes common memories. When I enter, Alberto wears only stockings, a pair of long ones, blue and with red dots. He has taken off his underwear, also because he trains in a sort of costume and therefore has the habit of changing them. However, he still has a limp dick. He tells me to lock the door, and I go.
I put the bag on the first bench I see, I'm in beachwear. He tells me to undress, I say nothing and I go. Only at the last minute, I realize he's filming me with his cell phone, while he's stroking his dick, which has become very hard.
I try to object, I don't want to be blackmailed again but he, with all the naturalness in the world, turns the camera in his direction, puts it in the selfie's direction, then pulls it upwards so that he can get a good shot of himself, and frames himself while masturbating.
That way, we're even, he says. The video is just for him, because he wants to look at my beautiful body every time he thinks of me, which he says he often does.
I approach him slowly, he still has the camera on. He tells me if I don't mind if he films everything, I shrug my shoulders. He gets up and places the cell phone on the massage table, turning right towards us. I sit next to him and we start making out. Our hands explore each other's bodies, our smooth, hairless, slightly blackened by the summer sun, our barely hinted muscles. His mouth tastes good, even if he smokes and a little bit can be heard. We kiss with sweetness, in the meantime he gets more enterprising and starts touching my butt. I climb on top of him astride him, to make it easier. I feel his finger go in my ass, he inspects it.
"Shall we resume the conversation we interrupted three years ago?"
He wants to fuck me and right now I do too, but not in that place. I tell him I'd rather do it in a bed, he nods.
"Then blow me," he orders me. I go, I get down on my knees, he spreads his thighs and makes room for me.
I've sucked that cock I don't know how many times, but it's been three years and I've honed my techniques considerably. I show him all my repertoire. I salivate him good, I smear his saliva with my hand like a massage and he's already going crazy.
He looks at me with his mouth open, panting slightly and smiling at me, sometimes he raises his head to the sky and swears with pleasure. I lick him well, all his length, I lick the rod, the balls, I even get near the asshole. Then I welcome him into my lips. I move well, I squeeze it in my grip and brush it with my tongue, I also make circulatory movements with my head, as if I were digging, slowly going deeper and deeper.
I get to make it all disappear into my mouth and then I come back up faster and faster. He's in a total tranny, and at the end he just falls over, after not even five minutes. Everything splashes down my throat, it's a tide of it and I do my best to contain it but it drips a bit and ends up on one of his stockings.
Without getting any trouble at all, she lifts her foot and puts the stocking in front of my mouth. I clean it with my tongue. He smiles at me satisfied: he has understood that, despite everything, despite the three years and the many experiences made, despite the fact that I am engaged (even if he doesn't know it) I continue to be his ravenous bitch.
He orders me to saw myself off, I turn to his phone, spread my thighs and start beating the shit out of him. Ansimo, I am quite exalted by the situation and I sketch like a camel almost immediately. My jets hit the massage table, even touching Alberto's phone. He makes me clean up here too with my tongue, my own cum. I perform, without making a fuss.
Even if we have more time, we decide not to risk it, so as not to get caught. We change, ready for training, and we transfer the bags and clothes to the other locker room before our mates arrive.
As we're making two passes on the pitch, waiting for the others, he approaches me:
"Come to me tomorrow night, alone, without Leonardo or anyone." I just nod my head...
I sleep happily, I'm serene, I finally have what I want. My rest is interrupted around 11 the following morning by the sound of the intercom, repeated. With difficulty, I drag myself towards the front door: it's my boyfriend who came to bring me breakfast and pick me up to go to the hairdresser, as I had asked him to do. I had completely forgotten.
I greet him with a sweet kiss, even though I think I'm something unpresentable. He certainly doesn't care, because we end up making love quickly on my bed. Then I shower, I get dressed and we go out. After months I cut my hair, it had become hideous even though I liked the idea of keeping it long.
We go back to my house and make love all day long, at least until I have a free house. It will be like that for all the days to come. We'll mate like animals, wherever we can. We've got a crazy transport. Often it's him who comes to my place, sometimes we do it in the car, sometimes I go to his house and maybe I sleep there. He becomes such an irreplaceable figure in my life that I even introduce him to my parents. Clearly not as a boyfriend, but as a great friend known from football and who helped me get out of my mentally dark period.
My parents like him very much right away, so much so that they often invite him to dinner. He's such an integral part of my family, right from the start, that my parents want him at the table even when we decide on my school future. After a long talk, at the end they listen to his suggestion, which is to make me change schools, since my path in the current one is now compromised.
I've done a great job, despite the fact that I'm a rather calm and introverted boy and they made me pay for it with a rejection announced months ago. Staying in that school would have meant living with the now strong prejudices of the teachers and the school's management. They wouldn't have forgiven me a single comma and, since I have no intention of being a model pupil, I also believe that the best choice is to change.
Let's also choose the new school, the ideal solution for me, although a little far from where I live. Nevertheless, it seems to be well connected thanks to the trains, so in the end the choice falls there.
Meanwhile, my story really makes me a different person. I am calm, I go out every day, I train well during football sessions, I reconnect with my friends.
By now I'm using less and less tranquilizers, I only sometimes have a few crises, especially in the morning before the games where I know I have to play. I even ask the coach a couple of times not to let me play. It would seem to be going in the right direction, I've suspended meetings with Elena (they will resume in the future) and yet there's still one thing I can't get over and it's getting worse.
I know that many of you didn't like it but it seemed right to tell it: my sister's passion for dirty laundry. It becomes something morbid, I always have in my head the desire to wear it, to smell it, to masturbate in it. I can't really understand why, but it's something that acts as a drug effect. I'm so obsessed that for a few days I even convince myself that I'm attracted to my sister. I'm ashamed of it, I try to chase the thought away but there's really nothing to do and I end up spying on her, watching her. With the most absurd excuses, I enter her in the bathroom while she is taking a shower or while she is naked, sometimes I look at her through the peephole in the door. I see her having sex with her boyfriend, I see her masturbating, I see her just getting dressed. I'm so out of my mind, I can even film her with tricks.
It ends after a few days, as always happens in the most desperate cases, I can only understand it by banging my face. It happens on a night at the end of May. My parents are having dinner with friends and they're going to be very late. It's the perfect occasion for a night out with brothers, which we haven't done in a long time.
My sister and I love each other very much, but our relationship has suffered so much from my psychological crisis. Over the years it has seen me change, getting colder and more distant. If before I was sweet, I would embrace her, cuddle her, look for her, now I'm distant. I still love her the same as before, but I am incapable of showing it. It's the right night to go back to old times and she seems very happy with the way we've organized ourselves.
While she's picking up pizzas, having her license the other way around, I'm thinking about making popcorn and baste the sofa and the TV to watch a good horror movie. I warned my boyfriend, he won't own me tonight! However, I feel nervous about the situation that will arise. It's the first time I've been able to be this close to my sister since I started this morbid obsession with her underwear. So I make a rather stupid decision: take some tranquilizers.
Since I've been using them, my mother has always decided to keep the medicine for fear that I might abuse it. Only I know where she hides it and I have no trouble finding it and taking it. I take too much of it, even without thinking about it.
Clearly, I don't tell my sister anything. We make ourselves comfortable, I have a pair of short football shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, she has a short house dress.
We eat pizza, drink, eat popcorn and then snuggle up on the bed like we used to when we were sexting. I'm drunk, I'm completely out of it. I'm seeing double, I'm dizzy, I don't know what's around me. I squeeze on her and start giving her a massage.
She tells me I'm good and I go on and on, all the way down to my thighs. She doesn't tell me anything and in a short time I go up, I get up to my underwear. She doesn't tell me anything here either, definitely convinced that I have no intention of going any further. Which I do. She moves me suddenly and jumps up.
"Fabio, what the fuck are you doing?"
I look at her with lost eyes, I would like to cry for the skinny figure, all I do is stand up and vomit on the carpet, as if there is no tomorrow. I vomit so much that in the end my bile comes out, having nothing left to reject. My sister is worried, she asks me if we should call our parents or even an ambulance. Even with my mental confusion, I calm her down. She walks me to bed and watches me until I fall asleep.
In the morning I'm in pieces, I'm terribly ashamed of what I've done. It's as if a part of me skipped the last step I missed. I regret even just the thoughts I had, perhaps the result of my insecurities or the mental washing that Alessio had done to me.
During the day I apologize to my sister and try to get back to normal. It won't mean that from now on I won't wear women's underwear in secret anymore, but I won't care anymore that it's used by her.
I spend the summer serenely, without any major episode beyond my beautiful love story, which I live with a thousand and without any interruption. Let's get to the new football season!
I'm very excited, because this will be the first year that I will spend totally as a member of the first team. Last year I had a great championship with the Juniores and I was often joined by the big boys. Now I'll be on a stable basis with them and, above all, with my boyfriend. The first day of training he picks me up, we go to the pitch together.
I'm curious to know the new arrivals, to see what team we'll have because I've had very little news during the previous days. As soon as I get to the locker room, my heart is totally freezing! I find myself in front of my two bullies, Alberto and Leonardo.
For those who don't remember their figures, I mentioned them in the first stories. They were two important figures, although not entirely positive, of my adolescence. With their bully ways, they forced me to become a bit of a slut. I spent months and months blowing them off before practice and sometimes after. They fucked me "dry" as they liked to say, that is without actual penetration but only with a rubbing on the groove of the ass.
In the same way, besides allowing me to have fun with two wonderful guys as they were, they also gave me one of my first and greatest disappointments. In fact, I had fallen in love with Alberto overbearingly, convinced that it was mutual. When I was already anticipating an affair with him, I discovered that he was secretly engaged to Leonardo himself. The disappointment, very strong, led me to the decision to break off the relationship with them. At the end of the football season, moreover, both of them went to play for another team and this made it much easier to overcome the disappointment.
In these three years I met them, especially during the summer, but we never really talked, apart from saying goodbye. I know they both got engaged to two girls. I don't know if it's a cover or if they stopped being secretly together. When they see me, they smile and wave. They seem happy that I'm here.
To make the situation even more embarrassing, my boyfriend's ex-boyfriend is also on the team, but this is something I already knew and was partially prepared for, and there is Vesim, my last official partner.
The very first few days are going smoothly, with Alberto and Leonardo there don't seem to be any big problems, we talk, we joke. I must say that they both remained beautiful, especially Alberto hasn't changed a bit. When we are in the shower, I often get the eye on their fantastic bodies and I have the impression that theirs is many times on mine.
The first major episode happens about a week after the beginning of the preparation. During an initial practice with the ball, I am touched hard in a game contrast and take a shot at calf height. Fortunately there won't be any big consequences but the hit is hard and I'm forced to interrupt the training, after having tried a couple of times to start again, in an attempt to show off. Seeing me in extreme pain, the coach sends me off to take a shower. The training started recently, so I have plenty of time to be alone. I take the opportunity to take a nice, relaxing shower. I undress naked and go to regenerate under the lukewarm jet of water. I'm so relaxed that I close my eyes. My dick is pretty hard and I want to saw myself off.
I'm so immersed in my world that I don't notice that Alberto has entered the locker room. With a futile excuse, in fact, knowing only me, he interrupted the training. When I open my eyes, he's standing in front of the entrance to the showers, still dressed as a soccer player but has slightly lowered his shorts, pulling out his cock. He's caressing himself as he looks at me.
"You're wonderful," he says to me. I smile, I'm a little embarrassed. He beckons me to come closer, I'm still a little soapy and I don't want to give in to his temptations. At the same time, though, I don't have any valid arguments against it. If I told him that I'm busy, it would be my condemnation and that of my boyfriend.
Alberto I know him too well, he wouldn't give an inch until he found out my boyfriend's name. In the same way, I couldn't even lie, making up the story with a girl because he'd like, even then, to know who the lucky girl is.
I just hope he doesn't blackmail me this time, like he did three years ago. All I know is that I had a hard dick before he came in, now that I see him in front of me, with his dick in my hand, he's practically turned into marble. Besides, as I told you, Alberto is one of my greatest passions.
One thing I've never said is that I've always admired him, in the past I would have liked to be like him, to have his ease, his sympathy, his confidence and his charm. I think I'm a good-looking guy, but I think having charm is different. He has it in every situation, just maybe by appealing to his confidence.
I approach him slowly, I'm rather embarrassed. I stop a few inches away, Alberto reaches out and grabs my dick. He starts sawing off my dick while he keeps sawing off mine too. I spread my legs a bit, let him do it. Anyone could walk in and it makes my heart race.
"I've wanted you for three years, I haven't stopped dreaming about you", Alberto says to me. He approaches, stops sawing himself and with that hand he grabs me from behind his back, pulls me to him and kisses me.
We haven't kissed for three years, I have suffered so much because of him and that damned evening in his house. I'm held back, but the kiss excites me. Meanwhile, he won't stop sawing me off. At that point, he does something that surprises me the most.
At our place, there's a little step that leads to the showers, so the locker room doesn't flood when there are too many people washing. Taking advantage of that step, he kneels down on the floor, grabs me by the ass and takes it in my mouth. I shudder, I look up at the sky and say "oh my God" before I lose myself in pleasure. Alberto's good at it. Evidently he's had a lot of experience with Leonardo. He sucks like a man-eater, he uses his tongue well and in the meantime he gently strokes my ass. Chapter almost immediately, I try to warn him but it's useless, he doesn't move and takes it all in his mouth.
He gets up, his lips are dirty with cum, passes his tongue and pulls it all out, then smiles at me and, without saying anything, goes back to training. The episode has rather upset me, so much so that I get dressed quickly and, without even waiting for my boyfriend, I leave on foot.
In the evening I decide to tell him. At first he reacts badly, then I explain to him that I don't have any weapon to fight Alberto. Telling him I'm engaged would endanger his very position. Alberto would do anything to find out who he is and my boyfriend absolutely doesn't want anyone to know about his sexuality. I tell him that, for him, I'm willing not to go to practice anymore.
Even if it's my passion, out of love I would give it up, so that I would end the relationship with Alberto and, probably, with Leonardo again. But my boyfriend doesn't feel like asking me such a thing. He understood my position very well, he just asks me to always tell him the truth, no matter what happens with those guys.
The next day my boyfriend comes to my place for lunch. He cooks, who's much better than me, and then we dive into bed. It's a hot hangman, so I close the shutters in my room and turn on the air conditioning. In addition to cooling down, this allows me to avoid unpleasant and unexpected visits from Elena. It's true that it's been months since we broke off our relationship and she's also engaged, but in life it's always better to prevent. Also because, attracted by the moans, she might even decide to come and spy. At last, quiet and cool, we let ourselves go to total pleasure. He licks me inch by inch, explores my body with his magnificent and curious tongue, makes me jerk with pleasure. Then he spreads my thighs and shoves his tongue in the hole of my ass. I can hardly hold my moans, I'm going crazy, I start squirming on the mattress, kicking the sheet off.
He goes deeper and deeper, he's cleaning every inch of my ass. I'm in total ecstasy and I'm begging him to fuck me. He doesn't make me repeat it twice, he climbs on top of me and shoves it into me, as a missionary, the position that maybe I prefer. I can feel his cock working its way into my hole, it's wonderful. He starts pumping me full throttle with his male strength. I screw myself on his ass with my little feet and I start to squeeze it. He goes crazy, he fucks me like a bull, I'm wild, I gasp with pleasure, I start biting his shoulder, I often look for his mouth and I literally suck his tongue during kisses. I don't know how much he fucks me like that, I just know that we almost lose the concept of time. Despite the air conditioning, kept low anyway, we start sweating like pigs. He's lasting a lot of time but he's in distress, so I propose a change of position.
We tip over completely, with him on his back and me on top riding him. I move full force, I rub myself on his cock, I push it all the way down, then every now and then I lift the trunk and the head up and let him caress my chest, my belly, my cock.
So far I haven't jerked off, so as not to come right away and not to risk enjoying the fuck less. I'm starting to feel like it, I'm gonna grab him and jerk him off. While I'm jerking off, I look him right in the eye, my mouth is wide open and I'm panting like a ravenous bitch. My riding bull is having an orgasm and it's all going to spurt out in my ass. Much of the cum drips on the bed, some of it, but I pull it out with my fingers directly from the butt and take it to my mouth, licking it greedily. I want to come and I keep sawing myself in that position, but he wants to help me. He grabs me by the hips, turns me over again and dives on my dick. He takes it in my mouth and starts sucking it. I start to move frantically, I pant and swear with pleasure, I kick off the sheets even more, by now the mattress is completely uncovered. I grab his head, I start holding it steady on my cock and I come up with my pelvis. I'm fucking his mouth and I'm enjoying it like crazy. I cum like crazy, I enjoy it like never before and I scream with pleasure during the very strong orgasm. We're exhausted, naked and sweaty but we're still snuggled up before he has to go back to work.
"I love you, whatever you decide to do with Alberto," he says to me.
"I love you too, I love you so much..." I say. He's so in love, he'll give me carte blanche. He knew from the moment he got involved with me that I'd betray him, he confides it to me. He knows I can't be faithful. Still, it may seem strange, but I'm really in love with him too. Before I leave, I kiss him on the doorstep for a long time and tell him I'll wait for him at the field later for practice.
In the afternoon, after having rested, I go to the beach to my friends. I also take my training bag with me because I'm going straight with the bike to the camp. I still don't feel great after the shot the day before but I think I'll try to train, maybe avoiding the final match so as not to take any more shots. I'm at the chalet bar when I hear a message on my mobile phone. It's from Alberto, he tells me (basically he orders me) to go to the pitch at 18:00, an hour and a half before training starts, in return for the favour he did me yesterday. I'm in big trouble, my heart is beating. I know what he's like, if I don't go he'll come after me. He can be an asshole, he's a guy who changes his behavior even quickly. If you're right with him, he can be a real friend. If you challenge him, he's the most infamous person I know.
Also because, as you remember, three years ago he took a picture of me sucking Leonardo's dick. I was the only one who could see myself in the picture, it was unequivocal. I don't know if you still keep that photo but I prefer not to risk it, so in the end I accept your order.
As usual, I arrive slightly late, on my bike. In a second message, Alberto told me to go straight into the Allievi locker room. The boys, in fact, have not yet started their preparation, so their environment is totally unused. It's a place I know very well, in fact here I had the first contact with him and Leonardo and the famous picture was taken.
Let's say that, in a certain sense, it is a place that evokes common memories. When I enter, Alberto wears only stockings, a pair of long ones, blue and with red dots. He has taken off his underwear, also because he trains in a sort of costume and therefore has the habit of changing them. However, he still has a limp dick. He tells me to lock the door, and I go.
I put the bag on the first bench I see, I'm in beachwear. He tells me to undress, I say nothing and I go. Only at the last minute, I realize he's filming me with his cell phone, while he's stroking his dick, which has become very hard.
I try to object, I don't want to be blackmailed again but he, with all the naturalness in the world, turns the camera in his direction, puts it in the selfie's direction, then pulls it upwards so that he can get a good shot of himself, and frames himself while masturbating.
That way, we're even, he says. The video is just for him, because he wants to look at my beautiful body every time he thinks of me, which he says he often does.
I approach him slowly, he still has the camera on. He tells me if I don't mind if he films everything, I shrug my shoulders. He gets up and places the cell phone on the massage table, turning right towards us. I sit next to him and we start making out. Our hands explore each other's bodies, our smooth, hairless, slightly blackened by the summer sun, our barely hinted muscles. His mouth tastes good, even if he smokes and a little bit can be heard. We kiss with sweetness, in the meantime he gets more enterprising and starts touching my butt. I climb on top of him astride him, to make it easier. I feel his finger go in my ass, he inspects it.
"Shall we resume the conversation we interrupted three years ago?"
He wants to fuck me and right now I do too, but not in that place. I tell him I'd rather do it in a bed, he nods.
"Then blow me," he orders me. I go, I get down on my knees, he spreads his thighs and makes room for me.
I've sucked that cock I don't know how many times, but it's been three years and I've honed my techniques considerably. I show him all my repertoire. I salivate him good, I smear his saliva with my hand like a massage and he's already going crazy.
He looks at me with his mouth open, panting slightly and smiling at me, sometimes he raises his head to the sky and swears with pleasure. I lick him well, all his length, I lick the rod, the balls, I even get near the asshole. Then I welcome him into my lips. I move well, I squeeze it in my grip and brush it with my tongue, I also make circulatory movements with my head, as if I were digging, slowly going deeper and deeper.
I get to make it all disappear into my mouth and then I come back up faster and faster. He's in a total tranny, and at the end he just falls over, after not even five minutes. Everything splashes down my throat, it's a tide of it and I do my best to contain it but it drips a bit and ends up on one of his stockings.
Without getting any trouble at all, she lifts her foot and puts the stocking in front of my mouth. I clean it with my tongue. He smiles at me satisfied: he has understood that, despite everything, despite the three years and the many experiences made, despite the fact that I am engaged (even if he doesn't know it) I continue to be his ravenous bitch.
He orders me to saw myself off, I turn to his phone, spread my thighs and start beating the shit out of him. Ansimo, I am quite exalted by the situation and I sketch like a camel almost immediately. My jets hit the massage table, even touching Alberto's phone. He makes me clean up here too with my tongue, my own cum. I perform, without making a fuss.
Even if we have more time, we decide not to risk it, so as not to get caught. We change, ready for training, and we transfer the bags and clothes to the other locker room before our mates arrive.
As we're making two passes on the pitch, waiting for the others, he approaches me:
"Come to me tomorrow night, alone, without Leonardo or anyone." I just nod my head...
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