The story I publish I found on the web. I decided to publish it because it was very well written and I wanted to make it read to all of you.
I had been thinking about it for a while and several times I had been there to do it but now, in front of the shop, I was more determined than ever.
For the occasion I had worn a pair of 50 denier black microfibre tights. I had chosen them because at a glance distracted, but very distracted, they would have gone through very common men's socks, but if only the gaze had lingered a second longer, their true nature would have appeared in all its brilliance.
I had in mind to buy a pair of shoes, trying and trying different models, wearing tights!
I took courage and went straight into the shoe department, looking around wary as if I had entered without pants. The ward clerk was not a very sexting woman, 40 or 45 at the most, but attractive, well-proportioned and, above all, wearing a nice pair of sheer tights that protruded from a skirt just above the knee.
My heart was beating madly and a thousand fears appeared in my mind; What if someone else saw me? What if worse, someone I knew had seen me?
Before approaching the shop assistant I looked around carefully looking for familiar faces; reassured by the fact that, at that time, at 13:30, there were very few customers, I approached.
- Good morning!
- Good morning - she replied - do you want?
- I'm looking for a pair of elegant black shoes to wear with a jacket and tie. Number 44. - I did pointing to show how I was dressed.
"Of course, come on, take a seat," he answered comfortably, indicating a low sofa on which I sat comfortably. She returned shortly after with four shoe boxes which she placed next to me.
"Let's start with these," he said, handing me the first pair of shoes and sitting in front of me on the sofa in front.
The moment of truth had arrived. I was about to take off my shoes clearly showing that I was wearing tights underneath. It was impossible that a woman, observing me from that distance, did not understand that I was wearing them!
I took off the first shoe almost trembling and put it on the side, then I took off the other and looked at it looking for a nod or who knows what in his gaze that would make me understand what he was thinking at that moment.
I noticed a closer look at my feet as he handed me the shoe to wear, but, very discreetly, he said nothing and waited. I also put on the other one and got up to see how they were doing. They weren't ugly, but not in my kind, so I sat down and took them off telling her that I wanted something less classic and more youthful.
Meanwhile I was without shoes in front of her! And she was watching my feet.
At the third pair of shoes she couldn't take it anymore - I'm sorry if I'm indiscreet - she said pointing at my feet veiled by the pantyhose - but are you wearing a pair of tights?
The moment I had feared and for which I had prepared myself had come.
- Sure! - I answered with the utmost naturalness that I was allowed in that magical moment - I always do it, especially on cold days like these. Do you find it strange?
I had studied the answer for a long time. I wanted with all my strength not to go unnoticed but, at the same time, I wanted to know what he really thought of this situation; that's the reason for the return question.
- Well! - She said shielding herself - In fact it is not something I see every day about a man. It is the first time that such a thing has happened to me.
- You think he's gay, right? - I asked to dispel any possible doubt.
- No, no, that's not it. Everyone is free to do what they believe best if it doesn't hurt others. It is that I did not think that men could also enjoy wearing tights.
This answer gave me the opportunity to continue.
- That "also" makes me guess that she also likes wearing them, or am I wrong?
- Jesus what a strange situation! He said bringing his hands to his face and covering his eyes. - Yes! I also love pantyhose but it's normal for me! I never thought of finding a man with my same passion and, above all, I never thought of being able to talk to someone else about it as I am doing now with her. Aren't you afraid of showing off your tights on?
- If I was afraid I wouldn't have come here, don't you think? - I replied complacent - I have been wearing them for so long that they are now part of my clothing. Often I don't even think about it.
- Are you also wearing underwear under your tights? He asked me suddenly.
I couldn't answer right away because I wasn't expecting such a direct question.
- No - I answered almost stammering - almost never.
- Doesn't it bother you out there? He continued, pointing with my hand to my pubic area.
- No, the tights I wear now are the seamless ones and I must admit that they are very comfortable even if sometimes they drop a little.
- I've never seen a man in pantyhose. - She said
looking almost fixed in the eyes almost entranced.
I was a little uncomfortable, I never thought that the whole thing would take a turn like that. I decided to play the game. I wanted to find out where it would go.
- I would show her more than willingly - I said, lightening my voice that she didn't want to know about going out - but I certainly can't take off my pants here don't you think?
- Look, don't get me wrong, but I'll finish the shift in ten minutes. I live nearby, wouldn't you like to come to me for a moment?
I was amazed!
- No problem - I answered in a shaky voice - Come on ...
He got up picking up the boxes to put them back. I put my shoes back on and got up.
"I'll be right there, wait for me outside," he suggested
The apartment was well furnished, with a modern and sunny taste even on a gloomy day like that.
- Please - he said leading me into the living room - Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?
I would have asked for a whiskey but it didn't seem the case given the time. - a glass of water will be fine thanks.
He returned shortly after with water. - Can you show me how it is with tights? He asked me point-blank.
- Immediately! - I replied confidently even though I almost trembled with excitement.
I started by taking off my jacket, tie and shirt to make that moment more exciting. I took off my shoes and finally took off my pants.
Needless to say, my member stood sharply covered by the microfibre of the tights that barely contained it. If only he had touched me I would have come within a few seconds.
She too began to undress and in a short time she too was wearing only the pantyhose that framed a tuft of dark hair and a really well-done backside despite the age. I thought I was in heaven. I was in the house of an unknown woman, naked apart from the tights and with a crazy erection that seemed to break through the tights that covered her.
She walked around me almost to examine me carefully and then gently took my right leg and placed it on a wooden table. He straddled the table and lowered until his sex came into contact with the instep of my foot. At that point, without saying anything, holding on to my knee, he began to rub back and forth on the instep masturbating.
I had nothing to say and in truth the words didn't come out. The moment was magical; what I had always dreamed of even though I would never have imagined.
She continued rubbing herself moaning on my instep, her head slightly reclined and her eyes closed and after a very short time she started coming out emitting increasingly harsh verses and almost screaming as the waves of orgasm shook her. In the end, she remained leaning against my foot for a moment and with her head on my knee.
- I liked it very much - he said in a voice still broken by the orgasm he had just tried. "Now lie here," he said pointing to the carpet. Once lying down he turned around and with his foot sheathed by nylon, he began to caress my member.
He could not make more than three or four movements which, despite all my efforts, I began to cum heavily under his foot trembling with the pleasure I was feeling. Continuing to look at me, he wisely moved his foot making me jump and spread the sperm all over my pubic area and smearing the nylon right between the toes.
Eventually he stood there with his foot still resting on my member, looking at me. I got up feeling a little uncomfortable about how I was.
"Thanks," he said, looking at me tenderly. Few other times I have experienced such intense pleasure.
- Me too - I replied even if it seemed immediately an idiot answer. I didn't know what to do so I got dressed.
"You want to take a shower," he asked.
- Thanks, it would be great but these? I asked, pointing to the now soaked and sticky tights.
- Throw them away. I'll give you a couple. I hope you are fine.
While I was going to the bathroom, preceded by her still sheathed in her pantyhose, I looked at her ass and I was laughing at the happiness and above all for the absurdity of the situation. My dream had come true but in a way that I would never have even imagined.
On leaving the shower cabin I found a clean towel with a pair of very light tights, perhaps 20 or 30 denarii, but my clothes were not there !. I dried myself, put them on and went to the room where she was waiting for me sitting compostly on a chair, still naked except for her tights.
- Come on, let's have a drink. He said pointing to the sofa next to him.
We became friends and we still see each other at home from time to time. We never made love but still played with tights like that day.
I had been thinking about it for a while and several times I had been there to do it but now, in front of the shop, I was more determined than ever.
For the occasion I had worn a pair of 50 denier black microfibre tights. I had chosen them because at a glance distracted, but very distracted, they would have gone through very common men's socks, but if only the gaze had lingered a second longer, their true nature would have appeared in all its brilliance.
I had in mind to buy a pair of shoes, trying and trying different models, wearing tights!
I took courage and went straight into the shoe department, looking around wary as if I had entered without pants. The ward clerk was not a very sexting woman, 40 or 45 at the most, but attractive, well-proportioned and, above all, wearing a nice pair of sheer tights that protruded from a skirt just above the knee.
My heart was beating madly and a thousand fears appeared in my mind; What if someone else saw me? What if worse, someone I knew had seen me?
Before approaching the shop assistant I looked around carefully looking for familiar faces; reassured by the fact that, at that time, at 13:30, there were very few customers, I approached.
- Good morning!
- Good morning - she replied - do you want?
- I'm looking for a pair of elegant black shoes to wear with a jacket and tie. Number 44. - I did pointing to show how I was dressed.
"Of course, come on, take a seat," he answered comfortably, indicating a low sofa on which I sat comfortably. She returned shortly after with four shoe boxes which she placed next to me.
"Let's start with these," he said, handing me the first pair of shoes and sitting in front of me on the sofa in front.
The moment of truth had arrived. I was about to take off my shoes clearly showing that I was wearing tights underneath. It was impossible that a woman, observing me from that distance, did not understand that I was wearing them!
I took off the first shoe almost trembling and put it on the side, then I took off the other and looked at it looking for a nod or who knows what in his gaze that would make me understand what he was thinking at that moment.
I noticed a closer look at my feet as he handed me the shoe to wear, but, very discreetly, he said nothing and waited. I also put on the other one and got up to see how they were doing. They weren't ugly, but not in my kind, so I sat down and took them off telling her that I wanted something less classic and more youthful.
Meanwhile I was without shoes in front of her! And she was watching my feet.
At the third pair of shoes she couldn't take it anymore - I'm sorry if I'm indiscreet - she said pointing at my feet veiled by the pantyhose - but are you wearing a pair of tights?
The moment I had feared and for which I had prepared myself had come.
- Sure! - I answered with the utmost naturalness that I was allowed in that magical moment - I always do it, especially on cold days like these. Do you find it strange?
I had studied the answer for a long time. I wanted with all my strength not to go unnoticed but, at the same time, I wanted to know what he really thought of this situation; that's the reason for the return question.
- Well! - She said shielding herself - In fact it is not something I see every day about a man. It is the first time that such a thing has happened to me.
- You think he's gay, right? - I asked to dispel any possible doubt.
- No, no, that's not it. Everyone is free to do what they believe best if it doesn't hurt others. It is that I did not think that men could also enjoy wearing tights.
This answer gave me the opportunity to continue.
- That "also" makes me guess that she also likes wearing them, or am I wrong?
- Jesus what a strange situation! He said bringing his hands to his face and covering his eyes. - Yes! I also love pantyhose but it's normal for me! I never thought of finding a man with my same passion and, above all, I never thought of being able to talk to someone else about it as I am doing now with her. Aren't you afraid of showing off your tights on?
- If I was afraid I wouldn't have come here, don't you think? - I replied complacent - I have been wearing them for so long that they are now part of my clothing. Often I don't even think about it.
- Are you also wearing underwear under your tights? He asked me suddenly.
I couldn't answer right away because I wasn't expecting such a direct question.
- No - I answered almost stammering - almost never.
- Doesn't it bother you out there? He continued, pointing with my hand to my pubic area.
- No, the tights I wear now are the seamless ones and I must admit that they are very comfortable even if sometimes they drop a little.
- I've never seen a man in pantyhose. - She said
looking almost fixed in the eyes almost entranced.
I was a little uncomfortable, I never thought that the whole thing would take a turn like that. I decided to play the game. I wanted to find out where it would go.
- I would show her more than willingly - I said, lightening my voice that she didn't want to know about going out - but I certainly can't take off my pants here don't you think?
- Look, don't get me wrong, but I'll finish the shift in ten minutes. I live nearby, wouldn't you like to come to me for a moment?
I was amazed!
- No problem - I answered in a shaky voice - Come on ...
He got up picking up the boxes to put them back. I put my shoes back on and got up.
"I'll be right there, wait for me outside," he suggested
The apartment was well furnished, with a modern and sunny taste even on a gloomy day like that.
- Please - he said leading me into the living room - Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?
I would have asked for a whiskey but it didn't seem the case given the time. - a glass of water will be fine thanks.
He returned shortly after with water. - Can you show me how it is with tights? He asked me point-blank.
- Immediately! - I replied confidently even though I almost trembled with excitement.
I started by taking off my jacket, tie and shirt to make that moment more exciting. I took off my shoes and finally took off my pants.
Needless to say, my member stood sharply covered by the microfibre of the tights that barely contained it. If only he had touched me I would have come within a few seconds.
She too began to undress and in a short time she too was wearing only the pantyhose that framed a tuft of dark hair and a really well-done backside despite the age. I thought I was in heaven. I was in the house of an unknown woman, naked apart from the tights and with a crazy erection that seemed to break through the tights that covered her.
She walked around me almost to examine me carefully and then gently took my right leg and placed it on a wooden table. He straddled the table and lowered until his sex came into contact with the instep of my foot. At that point, without saying anything, holding on to my knee, he began to rub back and forth on the instep masturbating.
I had nothing to say and in truth the words didn't come out. The moment was magical; what I had always dreamed of even though I would never have imagined.
She continued rubbing herself moaning on my instep, her head slightly reclined and her eyes closed and after a very short time she started coming out emitting increasingly harsh verses and almost screaming as the waves of orgasm shook her. In the end, she remained leaning against my foot for a moment and with her head on my knee.
- I liked it very much - he said in a voice still broken by the orgasm he had just tried. "Now lie here," he said pointing to the carpet. Once lying down he turned around and with his foot sheathed by nylon, he began to caress my member.
He could not make more than three or four movements which, despite all my efforts, I began to cum heavily under his foot trembling with the pleasure I was feeling. Continuing to look at me, he wisely moved his foot making me jump and spread the sperm all over my pubic area and smearing the nylon right between the toes.
Eventually he stood there with his foot still resting on my member, looking at me. I got up feeling a little uncomfortable about how I was.
"Thanks," he said, looking at me tenderly. Few other times I have experienced such intense pleasure.
- Me too - I replied even if it seemed immediately an idiot answer. I didn't know what to do so I got dressed.
"You want to take a shower," he asked.
- Thanks, it would be great but these? I asked, pointing to the now soaked and sticky tights.
- Throw them away. I'll give you a couple. I hope you are fine.
While I was going to the bathroom, preceded by her still sheathed in her pantyhose, I looked at her ass and I was laughing at the happiness and above all for the absurdity of the situation. My dream had come true but in a way that I would never have even imagined.
On leaving the shower cabin I found a clean towel with a pair of very light tights, perhaps 20 or 30 denarii, but my clothes were not there !. I dried myself, put them on and went to the room where she was waiting for me sitting compostly on a chair, still naked except for her tights.
- Come on, let's have a drink. He said pointing to the sofa next to him.
We became friends and we still see each other at home from time to time. We never made love but still played with tights like that day.
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