Filippo was waiting for me at the door, and I began to think he was a psychic, but that spontaneous smile of his and that professional way of doing things immediately won me over.
"Sir, shall I take your bags to your room?" he asked, holding out his hands.
"No, I'll do it myself, don't worry."
"All right, Mr. Loris. Mr. Giorgio has prepared something for you to wear on the bed and then go downstairs and have a drink in the garden, OK?"
"I closed my speech and went up the stairs, sniffing the air that smelled of wealth, money, privileges, carefreeness, and I laughed about it, opening the door of my room and putting the bags on the floor.
I quickly put everything in order, filling the drawers, leaving the first one on top for my toys and clothes, so to speak, special, then I undressed myself, lying on that huge and soft bed, and closed my eyes for a few seconds, letting myself be lulled by that feeling, to say the least, pleasant, almost exciting.
When I lifted my head I saw that the mirror in front of me was perfect for reflection, even while I was playing with myself in the big bed, then I stood up, and looked at myself more carefully, admiring my body, my muscles, my dick, which even semi-hard, it was big and wide, and then I turned to the side, looking at my big ass, then with the look I found the clothes folded and placed on the bed, with a handwritten note on it.
"Wear them for me" was written on them, and I smiled, looking at that shirt and those flannel pants, which looked more like pajamas, tasting the softness of that fabric between my fingers, and I put them on, feeling them adhere to my skin like a perfect wrapping, which made me look like I was naked, but light gray, marking every curve, every muscle, the shape of my dick and my scrotum and looking in the mirror so dressed was really exciting and exciting.
I slipped on my shoes, the fiery red sneakers, over a pair of bright white sponge socks, and ran down, looking for a way to get to the garden, finding it in a huge French window just behind the big staircase.
The gravel path, broken by a classic fountain, which splashed water almost like when I splash from my dick, accompanied me to an L-shaped bend, to the right, where a wooden gazebo, octagonal in shape, the square columns and the sloping roof with green tiles, It covered a modern, essential sitting room, a table, two chairs, a sofa, on which Giorgio, just like a few hours before, waited for me with a steel bucket in front, from which the neck of a bottle of wine came out, and two glasses, ready to be filled.
"There you are, are you all set?"
"Yes, thank you," I said, approaching and sitting down, clearly perceiving his gaze.
"Forgive me, but I can't take my eyes off you. Towards?"
"Sure, pour, pour!"
As he was pouring the wine, I noticed a small heap of paper, and a pen, which Giorgio took before giving me the glass, and with my eyes and my usual speed I read what was written.
"Don't worry, it's all about confidentiality, but I don't think you're interested in making trouble for me, are you?"
"Absolutely," I replied, then I took the pen and did one of my usual signatures, curls and swirls, like a bank president.
"So now let's toast! To lust, my friend, to all the pleasure you and I will discover together!"
"Very gladly," I replied, and our toast was far too loud.
As I was enjoying that sparkling, fragrant wine, I looked at it, and found it so attractive that I got so excited, especially when it started looking at me with those deep, intense eyes, but that feeling didn't last long.
"I have to go out, I have a meeting in an hour, so I'll be back for dinner, do whatever you want, this is like your house for now, there are no passages or secret rooms, or even between you and me, okay? But before I go, I'd like you to at least give me a taste of that awesome ass," he said, leaning forward, and looking at me with that smile.
"But I'd love to! " I answered him, and I stood up, standing in front of him, on my back, and played a little bit, swinging my hips, like I was doing an erotic show, then I slipped my fingers under the elastic on my shorts, arching my back to push my ass towards him, and lowered them, slowly, uncovering my ass to his eyes, until I dropped them up to my ankles, and only then did I finally feel his warm hands grab my ass, squeeze it, squeeze it, rock it, while out of his mouth came grunts and heavy sighs.
One of his hands went up my back, under my shirt, caressing my skin, then he pushed me forward, and I spread my legs, putting my hands on my knees, so that I could offer my ass to him even better, listening only to the verses coming out of his mouth.
"Forgive me, this is the first time I've ever been in front of a male ass, I'm too excited," he said, almost with a tone of embarrassment, and smiled, knowing that he didn't see me do it, so lost looking at me between my asses that he seemed hypnotized.
"Let your desires take shape, become real, let lust guide you, let no limits, unleash your desires on me, no brakes, that's why I'm here," I answered him, whispering, and heard him laugh, really excited, as he began to kiss the skin of my buttocks, lick it, bite it, stick that big nose in the crack, until he smelled my asshole, and his gasping sighs became so loud, so powerful, they excited me so much that I went mad.
She pulled out her tongue, shy, curious, big and warm, full of saliva, which began to touch the coils of my sphincter, turning around, going from top to bottom, lingering more and more often in the middle, where the folds created a gap that gradually began to loosen, to lose tension, Opening wide just enough to show Giorgio where he had to squeeze in, and he began to let himself go seriously, with his tongue pushing against my anus, making his way inside me, always with those delicate, slow movements, eager to taste and discover a new world, a pleasure and a taste unknown, but so much pretentious.
That way of his was driving me crazy, losing my head, while his warm lips tickled my perineum, then the intensity of his movements began to become more vigorous, stronger, more decisive, and little by little my muscle opened, widened to his will, his curiosity to taste me even inside, while his lips leaned and closed around me, sucking like a sucker.
I moaned, I couldn't control myself, as I tried to balance myself in front of him, panting more and more, and I relaxed my anus so much that it just popped out, so I felt his lips tighten, and suck it even harder, keeping my tongue pushed in, deeper and deeper, and that wild and continuous muttering of his did nothing but make me more and more excited, and I lowered my head, looking at my cock, hard as marble, dripping and pulsating, with a drop of nectar dripping down to the wooden floor.
His tongue rummaged inside me with ever greater force, even making my legs tremble for pleasure, and panting uncontrollably, until he suddenly pulled back.
"Fuck, I have to go, I'm sorry!" he said, hurriedly, and got up, walking past me and walking quickly into the house, leaving me there like this, bent almost ninety degrees, my ass dripping with saliva, and my dick about to burst.
I stood still, one second, realizing what had happened, then, between laughter, and short breath, full of excitement, I decided to finish what Giorgio had started, sitting where he was sitting before, and spit on both hands, using one of them to beat my cock, and the other to stick two fingers in my ass, and I kept on giving myself stronger and stronger, faster and faster, closing my eyes, and abandoning myself to the absolute pleasure, ending up cumming on my shirt, from neck to belly, turning it into a rag soaked in semen.
My head was still spinning, when I finally pulled out my fingers, freeing them from the tight grip of my anal muscle, and I stayed another half hour to recover, laughing, like a fool, and once recovered, I went back home, thirsty and hungry, wandering around disoriented, looking for the kitchen.
"Do you need anything, sir?" I suddenly heard a sudden expression, behind me, and I turned around, finding Filippo, smiling and kind, waiting for my answer.
"Actually, yes, where can I find the kitchen?"
"Straight, always straight," he said, then looked at me, sketching a smile, "I'd say it also needs a change. I'll have everything on her bed," he concluded, turned and walked away, disappearing as quickly as he had arrived.
The cook quickly made me one of the best sandwiches I had ever eaten, bringing me a glass full of red wine, which she managed to send me out of my head again, so much so that after coffee, I sat there for at least half an hour, trying to chat, with my tongue knotted all too often.
I went up to my room, and went straight to the bed, falling down with the weight, and sleep, because of the drunkenness, made me sink into that soft duvet as if I were melting, rocking me for a couple of hours.
When I woke up, I did not immediately realize where I was, because I had slept heavy, but then, like a ray of sunshine of those who were still coming in through the window, I remembered everything, and smiled, looking at my big dick too, as high as when I woke up, and jumped up on the floor, stretching myself and looking at the clock.
It was almost five o'clock, but the sun was still shining brightly in that spectacular garden that I could see out of the window, but rather than go out, I thought about going for a swim in the pool, since I had the chance.
I rummaged in the closet, where Filippo had told me that he had put a lot of clothes, under Giorgio's orders, but I couldn't find a poor little costume to put on, so I slipped into the bathrobe hanging in the bathroom, in white microfiber, like slippers, and ran down the stairs, arriving at the pool in a flash, but just before entering that room full of light, Filippo blocked me on the door, looking at me with his usual smile.
"Would you like to take a dip, sir?"
"Sure, I can, right?"
"Absolutely. Are you wearing a costume?"
"No, I couldn't find him."
"Perfect, because Mr Giorgio made me tell you not to use it when you swim here."
"Ah, okay. So I'm going, huh? Thanks, Filippo, and thanks for the towel too" I said goodbye to him, trying to be as friendly as possible, not yet used to having servants around.
I heard the two frosted glass doors close, with a delicate sound that resounded loudly in that silence made muffled by the mirror of water as smooth as a billiard table, of a spectacular blue, surrounded by a natural stone edge, polished, large squares, which protruded about ten centimeters even from the floor all around, in squares of terracotta at least three times the size.
The two long walls were completely made of glass, like the walls of a greenhouse, interspersed with marble columns, only half of which protruded from a wall painted with frescoes in Pompeian style.
I took off my bathrobe, placing it together with the towel on one of the wooden sunbeds by the pool, then I walked to the short side, and dived, feeling a thrill on my whole body because of that fresh and clear water, swimming immersed, near the floor to the other end of the pool, re-emerging like a mermaid, slowly, dodging the water with a header on one side, and laughed, amused, starting swimming again immediately afterwards with a few strokes, back and forth, before regaining breath by resting his elbows on the edge.
I went back under the water, but when I came up again, surprisingly, I found Giorgio, crouching down in front of me, smiling and amused to see me slipping out of the water, and it took me a few seconds to get him in focus.
"Hello! Do you like the pool?" he asked, exploding into an even brighter and more intense smile.
"Fantastic!" I answered him, leaning against the edge of the pool and looking at him, finding him sexy as hell, wearing that brick red suit, a black shirt and a dark green damask tie, which turned him into a perfect colored dandy, but not cheeky, in fact.
"Come on, get out of the water," he said, standing up and back down to sit on the bed, handing me the towel and then undoing the button on his jacket and putting his hands behind his back.
I jumped out, quickly, so he knew that I was without anything on me, and I approached him, beginning to dry myself, with his eyes exploring every inch of my body.
"You're a sight for sore eyes."
"Thanks, you're too good, but you're right, it's true, look at this beef!" I answered him, laughing and posing like a bodybuilder.
"Idiot, now give me my ass to lick again ! That's all I thought about all afternoon, come on, get up here!" he said, then he lay on the couch, waiting for me to get on top of him, and I didn't make him repeat it twice, riding the armrests and sitting right on his mouth, wrapping his face with my firm buttocks still dripping with chlorine-smelling water.
As soon as his lips touched my asshole, his big long tongue slipped into it, voracious, determined, immediately starting to explore my interior with a slowness and intensity that made me immediately scream with pleasure.
In that position, I risked to fall, because of the tremors that started from my anus to transmit in every corner of my body, so I clung to the arms, trying to stay still, but Giorgio was eating me so passionately, just grunting, that it was really difficult.
My head was spinning, my body was shaking, I felt like a leaf at the mercy of that mouth and tongue that were working me so passionately and so deeply, that I seriously lost my balance, moaning and panting, so I fell forward, and had to move from above him.
"Perfect, wait," he said, pulling himself up, then crouching down beside the cot, and began to slowly turn a knob, so that the lower third of the cot would rise up, then he took the towel first, spreading it well, then the bathrobe, which he rolled up in the shape of a sausage, and looked at me.
"Lie down here, on my stomach, of course," he said, and I ran, resting my ass on top of that pile of sponge, and my legs automatically bent back, without any effort, and immediately his face appeared above me, with those eyes looking at my anus, which I immediately opened with my hands, sending him kisses with my sphincter, so that he would get even more into it, and smiled, spitting, letting a globe of saliva drip directly into my wide open hole, and then approaching quickly and devouring me again, as before, the same slowness, the same decisive intensity, the same deep turns of the tongue, tip touches, powerful sucking, which snapped with the echo into that huge room, in concert with my moans and sighs, which made me look like a cow in heat.
"You play with your pussies like that too?"
"No, they don't deserve this, indisputably."
I smiled as I heard him talking in between the tongue-lashes, seeing him so caught up in my backside that I still couldn't understand that greed, that way of kissing my ass so intensely that maybe someone had approached him in the past, but never so much that he could make me howl.
My asshole had swollen, dilated, expanded and softened so much that Giorgio could easily squeeze it delicately between his teeth, suck it sucking it, massage it with his lips, while his big tongue moved so deep inside me that I could feel it push it up to my belly, making me enjoy it so much that my hard dick spun nectar and wet my belly, and my balls were bigger and bigger and swollen.
"What if I let you enjoy it?" she said, looking at me through my swollen scrotum.
"That'd be great," I sighed to him, drunk with pleasure, about to splash for about ten minutes now, and he never could, because he seemed to understand it and slowed every movement.
He smiled at my answer, licking his lips, then with one hand he grabbed my cock, surrounding the base of my scrotum, keeping it straight, and sucked one finger, the middle one, the biggest one, resting its tip on my now disfigured anus, and moving it as if it were an earthworm, he slipped it inside me, furiously rummaging all over, making me laugh and scream at the same time, until he found that magic point he seemed to know all too well, Starting to titillate and rub it, jumping with the look from my eyes to the chapel, until I saw the nectar come out with force, copious, like a flooding river, and smiled even more, licking his lips, and moving that finger even harder, more and more furiously, while the grip around the dick and the pricks overcame its effect, accompanying me to a really memorable explosion.
I screamed, with my hands firmly on my ass, while that finger made me shoot a wave of cum in the air, splash after splash, only with his movements, a dozen or so strokes of cum that ended up on my neck and face, while he wouldn't stop pushing and moving that big finger inside me, snickering and grunting with pleasure to see me enjoy in such a disruptive way.
I breathed, like a wounded animal, barely escaped from its predator, while my asshole had squeezed so tightly around his finger that I could feel it slipping out millimeter by millimeter, with my prostate still begging for mercy, and my face covered with cum.
"Congratulations!" he said, exalted, at the end of my little show, helping me back to a more normal and comfortable position.
"Your fault, where did you learn that little game?"
"A friend taught it to me while she was doing it to her husband."
"Ah, but!" I answered him, and we both laughed, "What about me? No sperm for me?"
He smiled, getting up from his bed, where he was sitting by my side, touching that monstrously swollen, disruptive package, and looking at me with his tongue barely showing between those still swollen lips.
"I thought I'd keep it as a surprise for your first evening at the villa, but honestly I've had my balls about to burst for six hours!" he said, then with both hands he surrounded that swollen flap, swinging that big flesh post, and those balls, that an elephant, if he saw them, would be afraid to run away.
I licked my lips, in front of that vision, then I watched him approach, standing straight with his shoulders, spreading his legs, and first he threw the tie behind his back, then slowly lowered the zipper of his trousers, leaving the flap ajar, then unbuckled the leather belt, He pulled it out of his trousers completely and threw it behind him, and finally pulled the damn button out of his buttonhole, and the two flaps of his trousers widened, letting me glimpse something under his shirt, but he stopped, putting his hands in his pocket.
"Have a seat, you know what to do, don't you?"
Smiles, as I approached, and with my hands I made room, finally releasing what I think was the biggest, longest, biggest dick I had ever seen up to that moment, even bigger than mine, and those huge, monstrous, monstrous assholes, which left me amazed, to say the least.
That huge bat was pointing straight at me, with the big round chapel, covered almost completely by the foreskin that turned slightly upwards, already damp and wet, while the scrotum was firm, lifted against that big dick that I did not leave alone for a long time, but that I immediately put in my mouth, without touching it, just using my lips, my tongue and my powerful suction, striving to swallow it at once completely, and I advanced with my lips, feeding it little by little, savouring the smell, the heat, the consistency, and being able to feel those big veins pulsating on my lips and tongue, while I pressed my nose on his pubis, against the fabric of his shirt, and my chin against his scrotum.
He grunted, looking at me, returning in earnest, and panting loudly when he heard his chapel banging against my throat, and as soon as I began to suck, it was a continuous groan, one sigh after another, deeper and deeper, while that beast that I was trying to keep in my mouth became bigger and bigger and bigger, forcing me to suck a little more than half of it, using my hand on what remained, so as to continue to give him pleasure with the same intensity, and with the other hand I grabbed his balls, clutching his scrotum just above, and pulling them down hard, making him laugh and pant again, excite, panting, so much so that he suddenly took my head in his hands, and used it at his will, fucking my mouth faster and faster, making me spit saliva everywhere, coughing, grunting, and I looked him in the eyes, as if to tell him to continue, but after accelerating badly, he stopped suddenly, pushing me back.
My mouth was empty, saliva dripping everywhere, from the sides of my mouth, from my chin, and I listened to him grunting, sighing heavily, as if he wanted to delay the moment I was longing for with all my heart.
I went towards him, dragging him against my face, and I took him again in my mouth, and I worked him again with the same fury as before, and this time I didn't let him get away from me, continuing to suck and beat him, until he couldn't hold back any longer, and panting like an animal, lifting my head to the ceiling, came into my mouth, shooting me a couple of edgings of cum so potent and abundant that they filled my throat, forcing me to swallow them without taste or texture, thick and pasty.
Thankfully, the other six shots of cum were less powerful, and so I ate them calmly, licking his cock, savoring the taste so pleasantly acidic of that fragrant white juice, that I did not stop swallowing until the last drop came out of that huge chapel, taking it away with a quick blow of my tongue and swallowing it.
"Wow" he whispered, laughing, then he sat down on the bed, and I went and sat by his side, still with its taste on my lips, licking them and looking at him, exhausted, sweaty, with his shirt soaked in sweat, and that floppy thing between his legs that looked like a scarf.
"I'd say, as an aperitif, it was fantastic!"
"Fucking right, it's almost dinnertime! Well, then, I guess we can go upstairs and get ready. We'll dine under the gazebo tonight, okay? Filippo has already prepared your clothes for the evening," he told me, as we were going up the stairs, "and tonight we'll get to know each other a little better, what do you say?"
"I can't wait" I replied, more and more fascinated by that man, as he watched me climb the steps, surely with his eyes fixed on my ass.
"Sir, shall I take your bags to your room?" he asked, holding out his hands.
"No, I'll do it myself, don't worry."
"All right, Mr. Loris. Mr. Giorgio has prepared something for you to wear on the bed and then go downstairs and have a drink in the garden, OK?"
"I closed my speech and went up the stairs, sniffing the air that smelled of wealth, money, privileges, carefreeness, and I laughed about it, opening the door of my room and putting the bags on the floor.
I quickly put everything in order, filling the drawers, leaving the first one on top for my toys and clothes, so to speak, special, then I undressed myself, lying on that huge and soft bed, and closed my eyes for a few seconds, letting myself be lulled by that feeling, to say the least, pleasant, almost exciting.
When I lifted my head I saw that the mirror in front of me was perfect for reflection, even while I was playing with myself in the big bed, then I stood up, and looked at myself more carefully, admiring my body, my muscles, my dick, which even semi-hard, it was big and wide, and then I turned to the side, looking at my big ass, then with the look I found the clothes folded and placed on the bed, with a handwritten note on it.
"Wear them for me" was written on them, and I smiled, looking at that shirt and those flannel pants, which looked more like pajamas, tasting the softness of that fabric between my fingers, and I put them on, feeling them adhere to my skin like a perfect wrapping, which made me look like I was naked, but light gray, marking every curve, every muscle, the shape of my dick and my scrotum and looking in the mirror so dressed was really exciting and exciting.
I slipped on my shoes, the fiery red sneakers, over a pair of bright white sponge socks, and ran down, looking for a way to get to the garden, finding it in a huge French window just behind the big staircase.
The gravel path, broken by a classic fountain, which splashed water almost like when I splash from my dick, accompanied me to an L-shaped bend, to the right, where a wooden gazebo, octagonal in shape, the square columns and the sloping roof with green tiles, It covered a modern, essential sitting room, a table, two chairs, a sofa, on which Giorgio, just like a few hours before, waited for me with a steel bucket in front, from which the neck of a bottle of wine came out, and two glasses, ready to be filled.
"There you are, are you all set?"
"Yes, thank you," I said, approaching and sitting down, clearly perceiving his gaze.
"Forgive me, but I can't take my eyes off you. Towards?"
"Sure, pour, pour!"
As he was pouring the wine, I noticed a small heap of paper, and a pen, which Giorgio took before giving me the glass, and with my eyes and my usual speed I read what was written.
"Don't worry, it's all about confidentiality, but I don't think you're interested in making trouble for me, are you?"
"Absolutely," I replied, then I took the pen and did one of my usual signatures, curls and swirls, like a bank president.
"So now let's toast! To lust, my friend, to all the pleasure you and I will discover together!"
"Very gladly," I replied, and our toast was far too loud.
As I was enjoying that sparkling, fragrant wine, I looked at it, and found it so attractive that I got so excited, especially when it started looking at me with those deep, intense eyes, but that feeling didn't last long.
"I have to go out, I have a meeting in an hour, so I'll be back for dinner, do whatever you want, this is like your house for now, there are no passages or secret rooms, or even between you and me, okay? But before I go, I'd like you to at least give me a taste of that awesome ass," he said, leaning forward, and looking at me with that smile.
"But I'd love to! " I answered him, and I stood up, standing in front of him, on my back, and played a little bit, swinging my hips, like I was doing an erotic show, then I slipped my fingers under the elastic on my shorts, arching my back to push my ass towards him, and lowered them, slowly, uncovering my ass to his eyes, until I dropped them up to my ankles, and only then did I finally feel his warm hands grab my ass, squeeze it, squeeze it, rock it, while out of his mouth came grunts and heavy sighs.
One of his hands went up my back, under my shirt, caressing my skin, then he pushed me forward, and I spread my legs, putting my hands on my knees, so that I could offer my ass to him even better, listening only to the verses coming out of his mouth.
"Forgive me, this is the first time I've ever been in front of a male ass, I'm too excited," he said, almost with a tone of embarrassment, and smiled, knowing that he didn't see me do it, so lost looking at me between my asses that he seemed hypnotized.
"Let your desires take shape, become real, let lust guide you, let no limits, unleash your desires on me, no brakes, that's why I'm here," I answered him, whispering, and heard him laugh, really excited, as he began to kiss the skin of my buttocks, lick it, bite it, stick that big nose in the crack, until he smelled my asshole, and his gasping sighs became so loud, so powerful, they excited me so much that I went mad.
She pulled out her tongue, shy, curious, big and warm, full of saliva, which began to touch the coils of my sphincter, turning around, going from top to bottom, lingering more and more often in the middle, where the folds created a gap that gradually began to loosen, to lose tension, Opening wide just enough to show Giorgio where he had to squeeze in, and he began to let himself go seriously, with his tongue pushing against my anus, making his way inside me, always with those delicate, slow movements, eager to taste and discover a new world, a pleasure and a taste unknown, but so much pretentious.
That way of his was driving me crazy, losing my head, while his warm lips tickled my perineum, then the intensity of his movements began to become more vigorous, stronger, more decisive, and little by little my muscle opened, widened to his will, his curiosity to taste me even inside, while his lips leaned and closed around me, sucking like a sucker.
I moaned, I couldn't control myself, as I tried to balance myself in front of him, panting more and more, and I relaxed my anus so much that it just popped out, so I felt his lips tighten, and suck it even harder, keeping my tongue pushed in, deeper and deeper, and that wild and continuous muttering of his did nothing but make me more and more excited, and I lowered my head, looking at my cock, hard as marble, dripping and pulsating, with a drop of nectar dripping down to the wooden floor.
His tongue rummaged inside me with ever greater force, even making my legs tremble for pleasure, and panting uncontrollably, until he suddenly pulled back.
"Fuck, I have to go, I'm sorry!" he said, hurriedly, and got up, walking past me and walking quickly into the house, leaving me there like this, bent almost ninety degrees, my ass dripping with saliva, and my dick about to burst.
I stood still, one second, realizing what had happened, then, between laughter, and short breath, full of excitement, I decided to finish what Giorgio had started, sitting where he was sitting before, and spit on both hands, using one of them to beat my cock, and the other to stick two fingers in my ass, and I kept on giving myself stronger and stronger, faster and faster, closing my eyes, and abandoning myself to the absolute pleasure, ending up cumming on my shirt, from neck to belly, turning it into a rag soaked in semen.
My head was still spinning, when I finally pulled out my fingers, freeing them from the tight grip of my anal muscle, and I stayed another half hour to recover, laughing, like a fool, and once recovered, I went back home, thirsty and hungry, wandering around disoriented, looking for the kitchen.
"Do you need anything, sir?" I suddenly heard a sudden expression, behind me, and I turned around, finding Filippo, smiling and kind, waiting for my answer.
"Actually, yes, where can I find the kitchen?"
"Straight, always straight," he said, then looked at me, sketching a smile, "I'd say it also needs a change. I'll have everything on her bed," he concluded, turned and walked away, disappearing as quickly as he had arrived.
The cook quickly made me one of the best sandwiches I had ever eaten, bringing me a glass full of red wine, which she managed to send me out of my head again, so much so that after coffee, I sat there for at least half an hour, trying to chat, with my tongue knotted all too often.
I went up to my room, and went straight to the bed, falling down with the weight, and sleep, because of the drunkenness, made me sink into that soft duvet as if I were melting, rocking me for a couple of hours.
When I woke up, I did not immediately realize where I was, because I had slept heavy, but then, like a ray of sunshine of those who were still coming in through the window, I remembered everything, and smiled, looking at my big dick too, as high as when I woke up, and jumped up on the floor, stretching myself and looking at the clock.
It was almost five o'clock, but the sun was still shining brightly in that spectacular garden that I could see out of the window, but rather than go out, I thought about going for a swim in the pool, since I had the chance.
I rummaged in the closet, where Filippo had told me that he had put a lot of clothes, under Giorgio's orders, but I couldn't find a poor little costume to put on, so I slipped into the bathrobe hanging in the bathroom, in white microfiber, like slippers, and ran down the stairs, arriving at the pool in a flash, but just before entering that room full of light, Filippo blocked me on the door, looking at me with his usual smile.
"Would you like to take a dip, sir?"
"Sure, I can, right?"
"Absolutely. Are you wearing a costume?"
"No, I couldn't find him."
"Perfect, because Mr Giorgio made me tell you not to use it when you swim here."
"Ah, okay. So I'm going, huh? Thanks, Filippo, and thanks for the towel too" I said goodbye to him, trying to be as friendly as possible, not yet used to having servants around.
I heard the two frosted glass doors close, with a delicate sound that resounded loudly in that silence made muffled by the mirror of water as smooth as a billiard table, of a spectacular blue, surrounded by a natural stone edge, polished, large squares, which protruded about ten centimeters even from the floor all around, in squares of terracotta at least three times the size.
The two long walls were completely made of glass, like the walls of a greenhouse, interspersed with marble columns, only half of which protruded from a wall painted with frescoes in Pompeian style.
I took off my bathrobe, placing it together with the towel on one of the wooden sunbeds by the pool, then I walked to the short side, and dived, feeling a thrill on my whole body because of that fresh and clear water, swimming immersed, near the floor to the other end of the pool, re-emerging like a mermaid, slowly, dodging the water with a header on one side, and laughed, amused, starting swimming again immediately afterwards with a few strokes, back and forth, before regaining breath by resting his elbows on the edge.
I went back under the water, but when I came up again, surprisingly, I found Giorgio, crouching down in front of me, smiling and amused to see me slipping out of the water, and it took me a few seconds to get him in focus.
"Hello! Do you like the pool?" he asked, exploding into an even brighter and more intense smile.
"Fantastic!" I answered him, leaning against the edge of the pool and looking at him, finding him sexy as hell, wearing that brick red suit, a black shirt and a dark green damask tie, which turned him into a perfect colored dandy, but not cheeky, in fact.
"Come on, get out of the water," he said, standing up and back down to sit on the bed, handing me the towel and then undoing the button on his jacket and putting his hands behind his back.
I jumped out, quickly, so he knew that I was without anything on me, and I approached him, beginning to dry myself, with his eyes exploring every inch of my body.
"You're a sight for sore eyes."
"Thanks, you're too good, but you're right, it's true, look at this beef!" I answered him, laughing and posing like a bodybuilder.
"Idiot, now give me my ass to lick again ! That's all I thought about all afternoon, come on, get up here!" he said, then he lay on the couch, waiting for me to get on top of him, and I didn't make him repeat it twice, riding the armrests and sitting right on his mouth, wrapping his face with my firm buttocks still dripping with chlorine-smelling water.
As soon as his lips touched my asshole, his big long tongue slipped into it, voracious, determined, immediately starting to explore my interior with a slowness and intensity that made me immediately scream with pleasure.
In that position, I risked to fall, because of the tremors that started from my anus to transmit in every corner of my body, so I clung to the arms, trying to stay still, but Giorgio was eating me so passionately, just grunting, that it was really difficult.
My head was spinning, my body was shaking, I felt like a leaf at the mercy of that mouth and tongue that were working me so passionately and so deeply, that I seriously lost my balance, moaning and panting, so I fell forward, and had to move from above him.
"Perfect, wait," he said, pulling himself up, then crouching down beside the cot, and began to slowly turn a knob, so that the lower third of the cot would rise up, then he took the towel first, spreading it well, then the bathrobe, which he rolled up in the shape of a sausage, and looked at me.
"Lie down here, on my stomach, of course," he said, and I ran, resting my ass on top of that pile of sponge, and my legs automatically bent back, without any effort, and immediately his face appeared above me, with those eyes looking at my anus, which I immediately opened with my hands, sending him kisses with my sphincter, so that he would get even more into it, and smiled, spitting, letting a globe of saliva drip directly into my wide open hole, and then approaching quickly and devouring me again, as before, the same slowness, the same decisive intensity, the same deep turns of the tongue, tip touches, powerful sucking, which snapped with the echo into that huge room, in concert with my moans and sighs, which made me look like a cow in heat.
"You play with your pussies like that too?"
"No, they don't deserve this, indisputably."
I smiled as I heard him talking in between the tongue-lashes, seeing him so caught up in my backside that I still couldn't understand that greed, that way of kissing my ass so intensely that maybe someone had approached him in the past, but never so much that he could make me howl.
My asshole had swollen, dilated, expanded and softened so much that Giorgio could easily squeeze it delicately between his teeth, suck it sucking it, massage it with his lips, while his big tongue moved so deep inside me that I could feel it push it up to my belly, making me enjoy it so much that my hard dick spun nectar and wet my belly, and my balls were bigger and bigger and swollen.
"What if I let you enjoy it?" she said, looking at me through my swollen scrotum.
"That'd be great," I sighed to him, drunk with pleasure, about to splash for about ten minutes now, and he never could, because he seemed to understand it and slowed every movement.
He smiled at my answer, licking his lips, then with one hand he grabbed my cock, surrounding the base of my scrotum, keeping it straight, and sucked one finger, the middle one, the biggest one, resting its tip on my now disfigured anus, and moving it as if it were an earthworm, he slipped it inside me, furiously rummaging all over, making me laugh and scream at the same time, until he found that magic point he seemed to know all too well, Starting to titillate and rub it, jumping with the look from my eyes to the chapel, until I saw the nectar come out with force, copious, like a flooding river, and smiled even more, licking his lips, and moving that finger even harder, more and more furiously, while the grip around the dick and the pricks overcame its effect, accompanying me to a really memorable explosion.
I screamed, with my hands firmly on my ass, while that finger made me shoot a wave of cum in the air, splash after splash, only with his movements, a dozen or so strokes of cum that ended up on my neck and face, while he wouldn't stop pushing and moving that big finger inside me, snickering and grunting with pleasure to see me enjoy in such a disruptive way.
I breathed, like a wounded animal, barely escaped from its predator, while my asshole had squeezed so tightly around his finger that I could feel it slipping out millimeter by millimeter, with my prostate still begging for mercy, and my face covered with cum.
"Congratulations!" he said, exalted, at the end of my little show, helping me back to a more normal and comfortable position.
"Your fault, where did you learn that little game?"
"A friend taught it to me while she was doing it to her husband."
"Ah, but!" I answered him, and we both laughed, "What about me? No sperm for me?"
He smiled, getting up from his bed, where he was sitting by my side, touching that monstrously swollen, disruptive package, and looking at me with his tongue barely showing between those still swollen lips.
"I thought I'd keep it as a surprise for your first evening at the villa, but honestly I've had my balls about to burst for six hours!" he said, then with both hands he surrounded that swollen flap, swinging that big flesh post, and those balls, that an elephant, if he saw them, would be afraid to run away.
I licked my lips, in front of that vision, then I watched him approach, standing straight with his shoulders, spreading his legs, and first he threw the tie behind his back, then slowly lowered the zipper of his trousers, leaving the flap ajar, then unbuckled the leather belt, He pulled it out of his trousers completely and threw it behind him, and finally pulled the damn button out of his buttonhole, and the two flaps of his trousers widened, letting me glimpse something under his shirt, but he stopped, putting his hands in his pocket.
"Have a seat, you know what to do, don't you?"
Smiles, as I approached, and with my hands I made room, finally releasing what I think was the biggest, longest, biggest dick I had ever seen up to that moment, even bigger than mine, and those huge, monstrous, monstrous assholes, which left me amazed, to say the least.
That huge bat was pointing straight at me, with the big round chapel, covered almost completely by the foreskin that turned slightly upwards, already damp and wet, while the scrotum was firm, lifted against that big dick that I did not leave alone for a long time, but that I immediately put in my mouth, without touching it, just using my lips, my tongue and my powerful suction, striving to swallow it at once completely, and I advanced with my lips, feeding it little by little, savouring the smell, the heat, the consistency, and being able to feel those big veins pulsating on my lips and tongue, while I pressed my nose on his pubis, against the fabric of his shirt, and my chin against his scrotum.
He grunted, looking at me, returning in earnest, and panting loudly when he heard his chapel banging against my throat, and as soon as I began to suck, it was a continuous groan, one sigh after another, deeper and deeper, while that beast that I was trying to keep in my mouth became bigger and bigger and bigger, forcing me to suck a little more than half of it, using my hand on what remained, so as to continue to give him pleasure with the same intensity, and with the other hand I grabbed his balls, clutching his scrotum just above, and pulling them down hard, making him laugh and pant again, excite, panting, so much so that he suddenly took my head in his hands, and used it at his will, fucking my mouth faster and faster, making me spit saliva everywhere, coughing, grunting, and I looked him in the eyes, as if to tell him to continue, but after accelerating badly, he stopped suddenly, pushing me back.
My mouth was empty, saliva dripping everywhere, from the sides of my mouth, from my chin, and I listened to him grunting, sighing heavily, as if he wanted to delay the moment I was longing for with all my heart.
I went towards him, dragging him against my face, and I took him again in my mouth, and I worked him again with the same fury as before, and this time I didn't let him get away from me, continuing to suck and beat him, until he couldn't hold back any longer, and panting like an animal, lifting my head to the ceiling, came into my mouth, shooting me a couple of edgings of cum so potent and abundant that they filled my throat, forcing me to swallow them without taste or texture, thick and pasty.
Thankfully, the other six shots of cum were less powerful, and so I ate them calmly, licking his cock, savoring the taste so pleasantly acidic of that fragrant white juice, that I did not stop swallowing until the last drop came out of that huge chapel, taking it away with a quick blow of my tongue and swallowing it.
"Wow" he whispered, laughing, then he sat down on the bed, and I went and sat by his side, still with its taste on my lips, licking them and looking at him, exhausted, sweaty, with his shirt soaked in sweat, and that floppy thing between his legs that looked like a scarf.
"I'd say, as an aperitif, it was fantastic!"
"Fucking right, it's almost dinnertime! Well, then, I guess we can go upstairs and get ready. We'll dine under the gazebo tonight, okay? Filippo has already prepared your clothes for the evening," he told me, as we were going up the stairs, "and tonight we'll get to know each other a little better, what do you say?"
"I can't wait" I replied, more and more fascinated by that man, as he watched me climb the steps, surely with his eyes fixed on my ass.
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