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Chapter 1 - The meeting
My hands slid down Marco's smooth thighs and I lifted his legs above my shoulders. I put my hand over his asshole and shaved groin to grab the hairless cock rod, gave him a few quick shots. Marco closed his vibrant blue eyes and moaned with pleasure. My other hand placed my cock against his well greased anus and I bent forward to kiss his chest quickly. When I felt his anus relax slightly, I slipped inside him. His eyes opened wide as he grunted in pain.
Damn, I thought. Still too soon. I hated hurting him, I loved him too much. Marco hated pain, especially when we were making love.
"I'm sorry my love"
Marco caressed my cheek and put his hand through my long hair, going down to my chest, to my left nipple. I knew what was going to happen and I stopped while he took my nipple and twisted it abruptly. I waved slowly (you can't make noise when you're in a boarding house room) and raised my hand to rub my tit.
"Did I hurt you a lot?" I whispered.
"Not very much." She whispered to him rubbing my offended nipple, then took my hand to kiss her.
I gently pushed myself a little further into him and felt him stretch and then relax. I saw his eyes close for pleasure as I kept stroking his cock. Marco loved to make love slowly and gently, so I wasn't in a hurry while I slid another two inches into his ass. He seemed relaxed, so I gently took his life and pulled him further over me.
He lowered his legs, wrapped his ankles behind my back and I knew he was ready.
His legs pulled me inside him while I pulled back his waist and suddenly buried my cock up to his balls in his anus. Smoothly and slowly I started pumping.
I was in high school when I found out, almost suddenly, that I was gay.
That's the story of that discovery. But first you have to put the background to the stage.
My father was an Air Force pilot and we were abroad when my mother died and I had just turned 12.
My father suddenly discovered that he was now the mother and father of a teenager and not just a pilot.
As in everything he did, he threw himself dead weight into his responsibilities. We spent a lot of time playing soccer and basketball until I started being insubordinate.
Dad put up with my attitude for about six months and then decided I needed more discipline so he took me to the hairdresser to shave my head. In a minute I went from the shoulder-length hair my mother and I loved to a shaved head. I was so angry that I stopped talking to him.
Things changed between us the day the squadron commander's wife picked me up from school at noon. The bad feeling got worse when we went to his house and met the squadron commander, a chaplain and a nurse.
I didn't hear what they were telling me, that dad's plane had crashed at sea and they were looking for him, all I could think was that I hadn't said a word to him for a month, except a hello that morning.
For three days I was the most miserable creature on the planet. The guilt I felt for not talking to Dad was fighting with grief. On the evening of the third day, the phone buzzed and my heart sank.
The squadron commander's wife answered the phone and I looked at her to see what it was before she spoke.
A huge smile was drawn on her face and it was as if the sun rose.
She picked up the phone and as she ran to the door she told me that a helicopter was taking Daddy to the hospital.
From that moment on dad and I seriously faced father-son problems, I changed my attitude and he too, we didn't quarrel anymore, we argued many times but never quarrelled. He overlooked the small problems, he was present when I pierced my ear, even though I could see that he was grinding his teeth and he never commented that I didn't cut my hair.
He had a ground service assigned to him so that he wouldn't be transferred frequently and I could attend the same high school from beginning to end.
He carefully selected the high school he wanted me to attend, he also had to have a football team and a basketball team.
While my mom was sick I stopped going to school for a while and was forced to repeat the class. This, together with another repeated year, made me consequently taller and more developed than most of my classmates.
I hoped that maturity and size would play to my advantage. My mom had been very tall, my dad tended to be stocky and I was in between.
I had first increased in height, then I was filled with food to try to fill the frame and it worked remarkably well. When classes started, I was a well-planted boy.
We showed up at school in September when the soccer season started so I was able to try out for the team. My height and my dad's football lessons allowed me to easily join the team as a reserve at the plant.
After the first quarter the starter went to another school and I joined the first team, Dad was almost bursting with joy.

The first day of school wasn't bad, I introduced myself, I was introduced as a reserve central of the football team and at lunch I saw Marco for the first time.
I went to get my food and then I looked in the cafeteria, I didn't know a soul so I sat at an almost empty table to work the mountain of food that the ladies on duty had accumulated on my plate. As I ate I had the feeling that I was being watched and sneaked around to see who was doing it.
I was surprised at the eyes of a boy with red hair and bright blue eyes looking at me. He quickly lowered his gaze to the plate. I was used to being watched, in an age of brush hair and shaved heads completely or partially shaved, I was an exception with brown hair reaching two inches below my shoulder blades. I hadn't cut it in years and it always looked pretty shaggy. Dad tolerated it, but I saw it get small every time I picked it up in a ponytail. I only did it, fortunately for him, when I played football or basketball, the rest of the time I'd leave them loose.
I went back to my food but then I quickly went back to watching him. He was staring at me and touching the longest braid I'd ever seen in a male. He had pulled it over his shoulder and was caressing it gently. It was so long that I couldn't see the end of it because the table was hiding it.
The boy blushed when he realized I had surprised him, finished and left with the wavy braid. I quickly returned to my food while strange things were happening below my belt.
I fiddled with the food until everything returned to its normal size and then I went to the next lesson stunned and confused by my reaction.
The next day I looked for him after taking the food, but as soon as he met my eyes, he got up and left.
I didn't see him for two weeks because school and soccer were occupying me.
We comfortably won the first game, at the beginning of the second half we were winning 4 to nothing and I went in and scored. Dad had lost most of the game but it was enough what he saw and I think I've never seen him so proud of me, he didn't even frown when I got in the car after the game with my hair in a wet ponytail and spent half the time on the way home trying to put my earrings on in the dark. All he talked about was football.
At school the consideration for me immediately increased and most of the girls talked to me. I, of course, was available, had some notoriety and looked good, but I was a new guy. No girl in school, especially no one in my class, dared to be seen with anyone who wasn't older. The obvious solution for every woman in school was to ignore my existence. I was surprised to find out that it didn't bother me and I was a little disappointed that even though I looked for the guy with the braid every day at lunchtime, I never saw him.
In the third week of school, we had a mandatory physical education test. It wasn't a problem for me until we got to the pool, we only had to swim four pools to pass the test. Unfortunately I ended up in the deep end, I managed to pull myself out panting and found myself dripping in front of the teacher asking me why I jumped in the pool when I knew I couldn't swim.
He decided that I would finish soccer practice 15 minutes earlier and go to swimming class. They told me that one of the fastest swimmers in the region would be my teacher.
The swimming team was running out when I came in, I was watching a couple of girls diving when a voice behind me said: "Are you Luca?"
I turned and saw a tall boy with deep blue eyes, I knew I'd seen him somewhere before, but I couldn't remember until he took the cap off his head and his bright red hair fell wet to the waist.
"I'm Marco, your swimming teacher. Let's start with the basics." And he gave me a quick smile. My heart seemed to run, but I was able to say something without stuttering.
"Mmm... Ready when you are."
Marco was a fast swimmer, he could have been even faster but all that bent hair under his cap probably slowed him down a bit. He told me that reaching the top meant working and working hard wasn't hurting anyone.
Like me, he was older than our classmates.
When he was four years old, he was in a car accident that almost killed him. The doctors swore he'd never walk again. They didn't know how to explain it to a four-year-old, his parents had started him swimming as part of therapy. He would crawl from his wheelchair to the pool and swim until someone dragged him out hours later. He was eight years old when the doctors allowed him to attend first grade school. His recovery continued and when he started going to school he managed to get through the door. He didn't walk well, but he walked. But swimming had become his life. On land he was clumsy, in water he was too graceful.
My first swimming lesson was the one that gave me the first indication of being gay. He had to support me in the water as he taught me how to stay afloat and the touch of his hands sent shivers down my spine. He held my hands as I learned to move my feet and dragged me around the shallow side of the pool. I had a hard-on for most of the lesson and was so embarrassed that I stayed in the pool even during the intermission. Just before the first day was over, he had me jump in the deep water to see how I was doing. I jumped as close to him as I could and as I sank my hand out to support myself. The hand crawled along his chest and, as I passed his groin, I felt his erection through my thin costume.
He pulled me to the surface and as I was panting and leaning against him, I ran my hand down his groin again (as if it was accidental).
Marco turned me around and dragged me to the edge of the pool where he had me do a few more exercises. Once again he helped me by supporting me and this time his hand crawled against my erection.
He gave me a quick guilty smile, then blushed a bright crimson glow.
"Class dismissed for today." He stammered, "See you tomorrow."
He got out of the tub and headed for the locker room. It took me a while to regain control and follow him.
We didn't have any classes together for that term, so I only saw him during swimming lessons. There were always a lot of people around so I never had many opportunities to get to know him better.
Friday night there was a football match, I didn't play in the first half and I took a look at the stands to see if Marco was there. I saw him and he signalled me with one hand, but the game was coming into full swing and all my attention was needed. Things weren't going very well anyway, so I went into the second half and gave a pretty good performance. After the game, since Dad was out of town, I lost some time before going to the shower, trying to iron my hair, then it took another half hour to dry and comb it. I was alone when I left the locker room. I looked outside, it was pouring rain and I was thinking about the one-kilometre walk under the flood when a car stopped in front of the door.
Marco rolled down the window glass and said, "Need a lift, sailor?"
As I got in the car, he asked me if I wanted to stop for pizza on the way home.
I said I was really tired and I was sore from a blow I'd gotten.
When we arrived in front of the house he told me that it seemed very dark, I told him that dad was out of town for a few days and I was alone: I also told him that my big plans for the weekend were to go from the bed to the living room until Monday praying that the pain would go away.
He looked at me and shyly said in a hoarse voice that his parents were also out of town at a medical convention and that he was also alone, he also said that he had an indoor pool at his house and a hot tub.
I felt it get hard and wondered if he was feeling the same when he said, "I've spent a lot of time in the hospital and I know how good it feels to be in a hot tub when your muscles hurt. I also learned how to massage sore muscles and kick the pain away."
He didn't look at me when he said it, his voice had a touch of anxiety and a hopeful note.
I realized I had reached a crossroads and I had to decide which way to go. I knew that if I took a road there would be no turning back. I wondered if Marco was at the same crossroads.
"Hot tub and massage, sounds great."
He smiled at me and made a U-turn with the car.

He lived about two miles from my house in what was known as the "rich part" of the city. When we passed by to go to the garage I saw that the house was huge.
Marco's room was just outside the garage in a private wing that included his room, a study, a small training room, his bathroom, indoor pool and hot tub.
He took me to the pool and pointed to the hot tub.
"Come in, I'm going to change," he said as he walked to his room.
I quickly took off my clothes and hung them on a hook. I thought I'd keep my panties on, but then I'd have to wear them wet to get home. I took them off and went into the tub. The hot water was great on my tired muscles when I lay down in them. There were a couple of buttons by my side and I pressed them until I started the jet.
The jets of hot water were beginning to lessen the soreness in my back when Marco came in with a bathrobe. He had a bottle of brandy and two glasses in his hand. He filled a glass and gave it to me, put himself on the edge of the tub and dropped the robe.
The brandy almost suffocated me.
The bright red braid and his shaved, reddish, pointed beard were the only hairs on his body. He was shaved from the neck down. I knew he shaved his chest and legs like most swimmers, but his shaved groin and smooth ass brought my erection back to full size.
I ran my hand through the bush covering my dick and through the mass of chest hair. A real contrast I thought to myself as he got into the tub and sat next to me.
He centered his brandy for a few minutes then told me to sit in front of him, I did it and the water jet massaged my back, he grabbed my leg and started massaging my calf muscles.
"Leg muscles always hurt like hell after a workout." He explained while he was shaping my muscles. He massaged my calf and then pulled me close to start with my thighs.
We talked about football and what was going on at school while I tried to avoid thinking about what I was feeling.
He massaged his thigh up to the groin and the swollen member. The closer my hands got, the harder my erection became and my chest contracted.
His hand eventually crawled over my hard penis and he moved it quickly; he blushed and hesitated to see my reaction.
I was confused and scared. I could have got out of the tub and walked in the rain or I could have followed the course of my feelings.
I hesitated, was Marco testing me? If I was right and I hadn't done anything, I probably would have missed a unique opportunity.
With my stomach in turmoil I reached out and touched his thigh, I could have said it was an accident if he had complained.
He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, when he opened them again they were full of hope and fear and I wondered if that's what I thought I saw.
His eyes took on a sudden expression of determination, he gently took my hand off his thigh, moved it to his groin and put it on his erection. He reached out his other hand underwater to slowly touch my cock and this time he stopped.
I breathed deeply, wrapped him with my legs, pulled him towards me and kissed him on the lips.
After a moment of hesitation he opened his mouth and I kissed him deeply as I had never kissed a girl before.
He immediately responded by squeezing his mouth on mine and crawling his groin against my cock.
I made him lie down and always kissing him I took my hand to his groin, rubbed it and it felt like frosted paper. I pulled myself away and laughed.
"What is it? What's the matter?" He stammered embarrassed.
"Nothing, I just noticed your groin looks like a cheek at 5 in the afternoon."
He laughed and then started pushing his lips back into my face.
We rolled in the tub overflowing until he was on top of me with his arms around my body and moving his torso so that our birds rubbed against each other and against our bellies.
He lowered himself to kiss my nipples and I pushed one hand between us to grab our cocks and start stroking them.
The activity became more hectic when I grabbed his ass and pressed his pelvis against mine.
We dried up (so to speak) as we kissed each other's mouths and explored each other with our tongue and hands.
I felt my stomach contract as my body reacted to our libido.
My breath became a rale and the ferocity of my movement against Marco became wild.
He responded by accelerating his movements and slamming his tongue into my throat.
My back bowed as the orgasm took me.
I waved violently as the hot semen rose like a rocket from my cock into the water between us, spasm after spasm.
Marco's longing turned into a lament as my movement against his body caused his release. I held him tight as he pulsed against me. I felt his penis swell and I felt his sperm spurt against my abdomen.
After many more spasms he collapsed against me with a huge sigh. I kept holding him close to me, my mind and body staggered in the strength of the orgasm, I had never had one so strong.
We held each other for another minute without saying or doing anything, just savoring being in each other's arms. Finally Marco pulled himself up and looked at me.
"Wow!" he said and collapsed back into my arms.

Chapter 2 - The Next Day

The phone woke me up at 6 in the morning. When dad was away he always called me at 6. Our agreement was that he wouldn't call me at night because he thought I needed some freedom. So it was 6:00. If I wasn't home, he would know something was wrong. He also wanted to make sure I was awake so I wouldn't be late for school.
That Saturday morning he asked how the game had gone and I told him that I'd had a fight and that it hurt from my head to my toes.
He laughed and told me to go for a run, the pain would go away. Then he asked me what I was going to do that day.
I told him only part of the truth, I said that after the race I would go to Marco's for swimming practice and then "I would walk around".
He told me to stay out of trouble, that he'd come home Monday as planned and hung up.
I was tired, it was after two in the morning when Marco had let me go home. After the passion of my first "gay encounter" in the hot tub had faded, the evils and pains of the game had returned.
He had suggested I spend the night at his place, but at that point I just wanted to go home and try to heal, and I wasn't sure if we were ready for a deeper relationship.
We wiped each other dry (and it was fun) and then he took me home with a stop at the night pizza place for a snack.
When I finally got to bed, I was exhausted.
After dad's phone call, I literally crawled out of bed. I was stiff in every joint. I promised I'd stop by Marco's after the swim practice, like I told Dad. What I hadn't told him was that I hoped to "get to know" Marco better after swimming.
I threw a change in a backpack, put on my racing outfit and limped out for my Saturday 5km run. The first kilometer was a nightmare but then towards the end things improved; I had planned the route so that I could finish in front of Marco's house.
Through the courtyard gate I arrived at his indoor swimming pool. The lights were on and I saw someone in the pool. I knocked and went inside. Marco was swimming, he greeted me with one hand and shouted that he still had 15 minutes left, to come in and get ready. I stopped at the edge of the pool to watch him swim. He was cutting through the water with ease and at a speed that I could never hope to reach. The muscles in his lean structure stood out in the cold light and his bright red hair floated behind him, a brilliant contrast to his pale body. I also noticed that he was naked, so I took off my shorts and entered.
For the next 10 minutes I swam up and down while Marco shouted instructions. After a third stop to catch my breath I decided that too much was too much.
I was breathing heavily and my stiff muscles, which had initially melted with the swimming exercise, now ached from the fatigue.
I was heading for the ladder when something grabbed my ankle. Marco was climbing my body like a tree. Little by little he climbed on my back with his body pressed against mine as much as possible. I felt his hardness move upwards from the back of my thighs, on my buttocks to stop in the crack of my ass. My cock jumped to attention as he turned his head to kiss me on the lips.
"Good morning, mate," he said when he caught his breath.
I turned around, grabbed his ass and pulled him abruptly against me, big friends pressed against each other.
"Good morning to you!" I answered. "What's going on? What do you want!"
"You" he answered. "Let's go wash up and then have breakfast."
We went into his bathroom and saw the biggest shower I'd ever seen. There were two showers at the ends of the box and enough room for three or four people.
"Go have your shower, I want to shave my groin first, it's starting to itch," he said.
"This can be even more fun than showering. I thought and said to him, "Where's your shaving gear? I know you can't go in the back. I'll shave you if you want."
My voice sounded hoarse, he smiled and told me that there was a stool by the pool, we would do it there.
While he was looking for the razor, I locked the yard door and the curtains. I took a small bucket and filled it with hot water from the pool.
Meanwhile, Marco had sat on the stool. I used a towel to soak his skin and then I soaked his face.
"Oh, I thought you were gonna shave me somewhere else," he said in a sad voice.
"Everything at the right time." I said, starting to shave him, "You don't want to keep a long beard and a cheek like sandpaper, do you?"
He had a light beard so I finished quickly.
He touched his chin and I told him he looked much better without that beard. I took a comb and spent a few minutes combing his tangled hair, I was surprised to see it arrive under the tan of his butt. I threw my hair over his shoulder so that it hung in front of him, then I soaked a narrow strip around his ears and down the side of his neck. I shaved carefully around his ear and down the hairline of his neck, cut the hair that had grown on his neck after the last shave. I shaved a straight line through the nape of the neck at the base of the ears and then finished with the other ear. I peered over his shoulder, saw that he was touching his cock and slapped his hand away.
"Not yet. I'll take care of it when I get there."
"Well, hurry up then," he said in a hoarse voice.
I had no intention of hurrying, especially now that I saw I was tormenting him.
It didn't take long to get down to the tan line and arms, they were almost hairless. I got him up off the stool and put him face down on the mat. He went crazy when I rubbed shaving cream on his ass and in the crack.
His hand disappeared underneath his body, so I yanked his hand out and told him to wait.
There wasn't much to shave on his ass but I did a complete job anyway, simply because Marco was enjoying it.
I spread his legs and reached for his balls, covered them with soap, squeezed them and shaved them as gently as I could.
Suddenly his whole body shivered and he shouted, "Oh shit!"
It was an interesting show to see how his body reacted to orgasm, he seemed to not know whether to get up on the mat, caress his cock or both. So he just vibrated a little bit until "the attack" passed.
He rolled over, I saw the semen on his stomach, on his chest and the mat was completely dirty.
I dried it and was about to clean the mat when he grabbed me and kissed me hard.
"Go on and I'll fall in love with you." Promise.
"We keep this up and we'll never go to breakfast."
This time my stomach added a little emphasis to the comment.
He laughed, rolled on his back and I started shaving again. It only took a few minutes to shave his legs and I saw that he was getting hard again. I moved next to him and shaved his armpits and chest down to the tan line.
He started complaining again when I grabbed his groin.
I knelt between his legs and shaved the inside of his thighs. His moans got a little louder. I smeared the foam on his groin and dick giving the cock a few extra strokes to keep him on his toes.
The sight of his congested member had left me breathless. I bent down to take a closer look at what I was doing, I didn't want to leave marks in that area, then I shaved the groin as slowly as possible.
The more I shaved, the more excited I got, until his stiff rod had no more hair.
I thought I was about to fire my load at him.
I'd never given a blowjob in my life, but I knew now I'd give my first one.
I carefully shaved his penis and then took a condom out of my backpack.
He was watching while I unrolled it on his dick.
I hesitated for a moment wondering if I wanted to take that next step in a relationship with him, but the passion got the better of me and pushed my mouth down on his cock to start sucking. At first I suffocated when his erection hit the bottom of my throat. I backed back a little and tried again.
Marco's groans got louder and he started pushing his hips.
I grabbed my throbbing cock and stroked it hard.
I'm sure it wasn't a great blowjob compared to the standard, but it sure worked for him.
I felt his penis swell in my mouth and the head of the condom expand rapidly as Marco shot his load into it.
He was pushing his hips upwards, shoving his cock down the back of my throat.
I started choking again so I spit it out, got up and stroked my flesh harder.
This prepared my penis to discharge and my sperm spurted out of the chapel to cover his groin and balls. I watched in amazement as I pumped more cum over his shaved groin and watched it drip over his balls and mat.
We were both exhausted and collapsed back with deep sighs. I reached out my hand to remove the condom but Marco moved it saying that his cock was too sensitive to be touched at that moment, so I gave him a quick kiss, then I took a hot towel and started to clean us.
"How was it? To give a blowjob, I mean." She asked quietly.
"In your case, it was like sucking a surgical glove on your little finger. It was antiseptic and not very tasty."
"I wonder what it was like before AIDS scared everyone to death, when it was possible to swallow without the worry of drinking death."
"Pretty deep thoughts for a guy who just got his first blowjob. Besides, I did it for you, the taste of latex was a small price to pay to make you happy."
I lay down next to him and kissed his nipple to show him that I still wanted to make him happy.
Suddenly he sat down and pointed to the stool.
"Your turn, on the chair!" He ordered and took the razor.
I didn't sit down since we agreed that I would keep the hair on my body. After all, I was the one who was supposed to shower with the team, show up with shaved legs and a bald groin was the way to get caught and I wasn't ready to come out.
Marco combed my hair and then took my barbershop equipment, I hadn't had my hair cut in at least two years and an impressive amount of it piled up on the mat while he was fixing it around my ears and shaving my neck. He even shortened it by about 4 centimeters. When he was satisfied, he fixed my sideburns that had grown too much and shaved my face leaving the beginning of a beard.
"Adds character to a rather flat face."
Then we tried his shower, I washed his back and then he washed mine.
While I was washing my hair, he knelt down and started washing my dick which quickly grew to his excited size. He took a condom (I don't know where he hid it!) and unrolled it over me and buried my face in my groin without saying a word.
Her soapy hands grabbed my ass and pulled me into her mouth. One hand slid down to caress my balls while the other caressed and probed my anus.
I started pushing into his mouth and almost knocked his head against the wall when he buried a soapy finger in my ass.
"I hope you cut your fingernails." Anxiously.
He couldn't or wanted to answer, he just sucked harder.
There wasn't much I could do while he was down there, so I stroked his face and pulled him once for a quick kiss before I let him sink back on my cock.
My rod didn't fit completely in his mouth, so Marco wrapped some of his hair around my hand and stroked my cock with his hair. That's right. I don't know how he felt I was ready to cum, but the moment I started he buried his finger in my ass again and probed my prostate hard. It felt like I was pissing, shit and cum at the same time. I pushed deep into his mouth and panting noisily as I erupted into the condom. He tried to keep his penis in his mouth but gave up and pulled it out while he kept pumping me.
When I finished I was exhausted, so I leaned against the shower wall and slipped on the floor. Marco looked at me anxiously.
"Wow!" That's all I had the strength to say.

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